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1、第一节 单项选择填空共15 小题,每题1分,总分值15分从A、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。原创或改编21. Thank you very much for helping me when I was in trouble. _. A. Dont mention it B. With pleasure C. Thats right D. You said it22. It is acknowledged that _ shortest distance between persons is _ sincere smile.A. A; the B. The

2、; / C. A ; / D. The ; a23. He hasnt got any hobbies-_ you call watching TV a hobby.A. If B. Unless C. When D. Since24.-Why did you give up the job in Australia? -Because I dont want to stay far away from my family. You know, my family means _ to me.A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something25

3、. - Why was Jackson searching shop after shop for a sweater? -Oh, he was very _ about his clothes. A. particular B. special C curious D. unusual 26. Mr. Smith gave the attendants a wonderful lecture _ the company in the international conference.A. in the place of B. owing to C. on behalf of D. stand

4、ing for讲。27. - Have you told Joan the bad news that her grandfather fell off the bike and hurt seriously? - Yes. I told her _I saw her this afternoon.A. while B. the moment C. untilD. suddenly28. (原创)Your colleagues spoken English is quite good, Amy、 No wonder, as she in the USA for two years、 A、wor

5、ked B. has been working C、had worked D. has worked29. He had a wonderful childhood, _ with his mother to all corners of the world.A. travel B. to travel C. travelled D. travelling30. Bob likes the camera very much because it can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions. A. adapted B. admi

6、tted C. adopted D. adjusted31. - We expected you yesterday、 - Im sorry, I you to say that I couldnt be here until today、(原创) A、must have called B、would be calling C、could have been calling D、should have called32. Clean water and fresh air are essential for our daily life, _ we cant live.A. by which

7、B. without which C. that D. on which33. When the audience heard the alarm, they all hurried to they thought was an emergency exit door、 A、what B、which C、where D、who34. Dont try to persuade your boss;he wont have the of employing mea flesh student、(原创) A、intention B、attention C、sense D、attraction35.-

8、Tom, youve got an A in the final English exam. Congratulations! -Thanks. But I never thought the result came out so fast. The papers _ when I left the teachers office just now.A. had been marked B. were still being marked C. are still marking D. had been marking第二节 完形填空共20小题:每题1.5分,总分值30分 阅读下面的短文,从短

9、文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。完形填空1原创A very special teacher in a high school had a husband who died suddenly of a heart attack. About a week after his death ,she 36_ some of her thoughts with a classroom of students. with a 37_ look on her face, she 38_ and said, 39_class is over,

10、I would like to share with all of you a thought which I feel is very 40_. Each of us is put here on earth to learn ,share, love ,appreciate and give of ourselvesand none of us knows 41_ this fantastic experience will 42_. It can be 43_ at any moment. Perhaps this is a 44_ that we must 45_ the most o

11、ut of every single day.Her eyes beginning to water, she went on So I would like you all to make me a 46_from now on ,on your way to school ,or on your way home, find something 47_to notice. For, although it may sound 48_to some people, these things are the stuff of life. The little things we are put

12、 here on earth to enjoy. The things we often take for granted. We must make it important to49_ them, for at any timeit can all be taken away.The class was completely quiet. We all 50_ our books and filed排成一行行走 out of the room 51_. That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from school than

13、 I had that whole semester.52_, I think of that teacher and remember what an 53_ she made on all us , and I try to54_ all of those things sometimes we all 55_.36. A.speak B.share C.explain D. express37.A gentle B happy C.surprised D. lively38.A.stood B.cried C.laughed D.paused 39.A.after B. when C.b

14、efore D.as40.A. fasinating B. useful C. important D. necessary41.A. why B. when C. where D. while42. A.begin B.change C. appear D.end43. A. made up B. run out C.passed away D. taken away44. A.card B.notice C. sign D. track45. A.make B. take C. leave D.get46. A. surprise B.promise C. noise D. face47.

15、 A.beautiful B.different C.magnificant D.meaningful48. A. nice B.silly C. great D.pessimistic49. A.notice C. care D.appreciate50. A. put up B.picked up C. rose up D. stood up51. A. quickly B.nosily C. happily D.silently52. A.Every once in a while B.More often than not C. At last D.Frequently

16、 53. A.pressure B.inflence C.impression D.mark54. A.forget B. appreciate C.realize D.imagine55. A. overlook B.cherish C.mention 完形填空2原创Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. He constantly advertised for 36._ hands. Most people were reluctant不情愿 to work on 37._ along th

17、e Atlantic. They dreaded the awful 38._that raged across the Atlantic, wreaking havoc浩劫,灾难 on the buildings and crops. As the farmer 39._ applicants for the job, he 40._ a steady stream of refusals.41._, a short, thin man, well past middle age, approached the farmer. “Are you a good farmhand?” the f

18、armer asked him.“Well, I can 42._ when the wind blows,” answered the 43._ man.Although 44._ by this answer, the farmer, desperate不顾一切的 for 45._, hired him. The man worked well around the farm, 46._ from dawn to dusk, and the farmer felt satisfied with the mans work.Then one night the wind howled lou

19、dly in from offshore. 47._ out of bed, the farmer grabbed抓起 a lantern and 48._ next door to the hired hands sleeping quarters. He 49._ the little man and yelled, “Get up! A storm is coming! Tie things down before they blow away!”The little man 50_ in bed and said 51._, “No sir. I told you, I can sle

20、ep when the wind blows.”Enraged by the response, the farmer was tempted to 52._ him on the spot. Instead, he hurried outside to prepare for the storm. To his 53._, he discovered that all of the haystacks干草垛 had been covered with tarpaulins油布. The cows were in the barn, the chickens were in the coops

21、鸡笼, and the doors were barred. The shutters were tightly secured. Everything was tied down. Nothing could blow away.The farmer then understood what his hired hand 54._, so he returned to his bed to also sleep 55._ the wind blew.36.A.hired B.applied C.took D.got37.A.field D.park38.A.w

22、inds B.storms C.huricane D.flood39.A.interviewed B.trained C.saw D.visited 40.A.accepted B.received C.refused D.offered41.A.Surprisingly B.Luckily C.Obviously C.sleep 43.A.strong B.young C.little D.kind44.A.pleased B.satisfied C.surprised B.pleasure

23、 D.work46.A.happy B.sad C.tired D.busy48.A.ranB.rushedC.wentD.moved49.A.beatB.shookC.shoutedD.stroke505.A.putonB.rolledoverC.gotupD.sat 51.A.firmlyB.happilyC.delightlyD.angrily52.A.killB.instructC.fireD.inform53.A.surpriseB.joyC.regretD.sadness54.A.expectedB.preparedC.offeredD.meant55.A.whenB.




27、tothebathroomfirst.Iwasthinkingthat,whenshetooktheshower,theroomwouldgetwarmer,atleast1,2or3NowIcantgivehercomfortablelife,bringhertheluxuryrestaurant,buyexpensivedressesforher,butatleast,Icangiveher1love.()56.Whywasthehusbandalwaystakingthebathfirst?A. Becausehewastiredfromwork.B. Becausehedidntlov

28、eheranymore.C. Becausehewantedtogetthebathroomwarmer.D. Becausehetreatedhiswifenotaswellasusual.()57.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“bankruptcy”inthefirstparagraphprobablymean?A. crashB. movingC. diseasesD. failure()58.Thebesttitleofthepassagemaybe_.A. AtroubleB. 1loveC. HusbandandwifeD. Aromanticlovestor


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