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1、dressings , seasonings or spices 调味品、调料和香料thyme 百里香salt 盐pepper 胡椒粉balance of flavour 味觉的平衡flavourful 味浓的,有香味的,可口的,美味的flavour 滋味make or break 要么成功要么毁灭tasteless 没味道的sprinkle 撒(某物)于(某物之表面), 洒, 喷撒garlic 大蒜filling 能吃饱的red chili powder 红辣椒粉sauce 沙司, 酱油, 调味料saucepan 长柄而有盖子的深锅, 炖锅stir 搅拌simmer 内部混乱状态soy sa

2、uce 酱oil and vinegar 水火不相容的东西sesame seeds 芝麻eat sauce 无礼grate 磨碎Riley: Hows the soup coming along?Jackson: I dont think its ready yet. It needs to thicken a bit more.R: What seasonings did you put in it?J: I put some basil, rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper, and a few bay leaves. So its not going to be

3、spicy, then, right? No, it will be flavourful though. Whats your favourite flavour? I have quite a sweet tooth, but I like to have a balance of flavours at every meal. When it comes to cooking, using the right seasonings is more important than the way you cook. Thats true. Spices can make or break a

4、 meal. What do you think about most English food? Personally, I dont think the English really know how to use seasonings or spices. Everything seems a bit tasteless. When it comes to traditional English food, I think youre right. It tends to be quite bland, with just salt and pepper to give it flavo

5、ur. Im finished cutting the vegetables for the salad. Which dressing do you prefer: oil and vinegar, Italian dressing, or French dressing? Why dont you just mix some oil and vinegar together with some garlic and a little sugar, and sprinkle it with some salt and pepper? OK. Tonights dinner will be n

6、ice and healthy, but filling at the same time. Would you like a cup of mint tea? That would be nice, thanks. Could I have a lemon in it as well? Sure. Do you need any help in the kitchen? I could use a little help with the sauce. Do you mind? Not at all. What do you need me to do?M: Well, after you

7、wash your hands, you could add the mustard to the milk in the saucepan. Do I need to stir it? Yes, milk should always be stirred when its being heated. If its not, it could burn or congeal. How long should I stir the milk and the mustard? Just bring it to a simmer. Do I need to add any other seasoni

8、ng to it? You can sprinkle it with some pepper and salt if you want. What should I do when it starts simmering? You can add some soy sauce, vinegar, red chili powder, and some sesame seeds. What are we going to eat this sauce with? Its going to go over some noodles. Ill just grate a bit of cheese on

9、 it, too. If you think itll taste good, go ahead42. Chinese FoodCantonese cuisine 广东菜chafing dish= hot pot 火锅porridge 粥boiled 煮熟的preserved bean curd 腐乳birds nest 燕窝roast sucking pig 烤乳猪pigs knuckle/feet 猪脚barbecued pork 叉烧set meal 客饭crispy rice 锅巴noodles with sweet bean sauce 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面cass

10、erole 砂锅bun 包子bean curd 豆腐fermented black bean 豆豉preserved egg 皮蛋salted dick egg 咸鸭蛋dressing with starchy sauce 勾芡Won Ton soup 上汤云吞Sweet & Sour Pork 酸甜咕噜肉seaweed soup 紫菜汤chopsticks 筷子proficiently 精通地leftover 剩菜doggie bag 打包带走go to the dump 倒掉/进(垃圾桶)generation 一代人Chloe: Are you good at cooking? No, b

11、ut Im pretty good eating!C: Do you prefer Chinese food or Western food? Well, to be honest with you, Chinese food is really different from western food. Are you used to the food here? Im not really used to it yet. Whats your favourite Chinese dish? Like most foreigners, I really like Sweet and Sour

12、Pork and Kung Pao Chicken. I eat them almost every day. Have you tried traditional Chinese dumplings yet? I tried once, but they are quite difficult to eat with chopsticks. You know, foreigners are not expected to use chopsticks proficiently. If you do youll give your Chinese friends quite an impres

13、sion. Thats good to know. Id like to try more Chinese food, but since I cant read any of the menus in the restaurants near my home, its difficult to try new food. If you want, I can introduce you to some typical Chinese dishes. That would be great. I really only want to taste real Chinese food, not

14、just the food that foreigners like to eat! If you havent tried Beijing duck yet, Id like to treat you to a meal at famous duck restaurant near Qianmen. It would be a pity if you left without tasting it! C, can I ask you a question? Sure, what is it? I was just wondering if many Chinese people take t

15、heir leftover food home from a restaurant. In most cities in China, doggie bags are quite uncommon. What happens to all the leftover food? It usually goes to the dump. That seems like an awful waste! Why dont people order fewer dishes so that they dont have to throw so much away at the end of the me

16、al? Ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition in China. You know, in the past, people could not afford to eat out like they can today. I guess that make sense. I just think it would make more sense to take the leftovers home. Well, if you want, you can take the leftover home. No, tha

17、ts ok. You know what they say: When in Rome. I was impressed that you tried the pigs feet. I heard that many foreigners dont like to eat them. Many people in my generation dont eat pigs feet, but my parents grew up eating them, so I think theyre OK. Did you like them? You could take the last one hom

18、e with you. Thats OK. Ill try anything once, but sometimes, once is enough!43. Drinksalcohol 含酒精barley 大麦champagne 香槟cider 苹果酒fizzy 带泡沫的sparking 带气的flat 无泡沫的hangover 宿醉lemonade 柠檬汁malt 麦芽pour 倾倒house wine 餐厅供酒gin 杜松子酒pint 品脱cocktail 鸡尾酒caffeine 咖啡因remove tiredness 消除疲劳inspire the spirit 提神brew coffe

19、e 冲咖啡ground coffee 研磨咖啡extraction 萃取物jasmine tea 茉莉香茶stick with 坚持mochaccino 摩卡奇诺cappuccino 卡布奇诺latte 拿铁diet Sprite 无糖雪碧lecture 讲座bitter 苦的Long Island Iced Tea 长岛冰茶Irish 爱尔兰的vodka 伏特加酒go straight to sbs head (酒劲)上头drunk 喝醉了的sensible 明智的(有节制的)a big hangover 宿醉难消aspirin 阿斯匹林(解热镇痛药)call a cab 打的Lily: I

20、m so tired! I dont know how Im going to make it through this lecture.Dylan: The professor is a bit boring today. You need something to perk yourself up. How about a coffee?L: I dont really like coffee, to be honest. Its too bitter for me.D: Well, you need something to wake you up. How about a soda?

21、Most soft drinks have too much sugar in them. The diet sodas dont have any sugar in them. Which one would you like? I like diet Sprite. Does that have any caffeine in it? Unfortunately, it doesnt. How about some diet coke? I dont care for coke. I heard that coke was first used as a medicine and I do

22、nt like medicine. What else has caffeine? Maybe you should try a cappuccino or a latte; they taste much better than plain brewed coffee. Maybe. How about a mochaccino? Are they any good? Youll love that. Its just a shot of espresso beans mixes with steam milk and some chocolate syrup. Thats prefect!

23、 Would you like one, too? My treat. Thanks, but Ill stick with some jasmine tea. Im trying to watch my diet. Come on, have a drink with us! Well, ok. I guess it is happy hour. What are you guys drinking? Im having a whisky coke, Gavin is having a Long Island Iced Tea, and Olivia is having an Irish c

24、offee. Thats quite a mix. Can I see the wine list? Dont you like to drink cocktails? I cant drink vodka because it goes straight to my head. How about whiskey? Whiskey doesnt sit with me too well, either. Trust me, red wine is the best choice for me. How many glasses of red wine do you need to drink

25、 to get drunk? I dont know. I havent been drunk in a long time. Youre such a sensible drinker. How many cocktails does it take to get you drunk? I dont know. Im so drunk already that Ive forgotten how many Ive had! Youre going to have a big hangover tomorrow, arent you? Probably. But I know how to c

26、ure a hangover, so its OK. How do you do that? I just need to take an aspirin with a glass of water tonight, go to sleep, wake up, have a few cups of coffee, and then Im sorted. Ill call a cab. I never drink alcohol if I have to drive. Thats the most sensible thing youve said so far! Maybe were a lo

27、t more like each other than Id thought!44. Local Snacks 风味小吃Gado Gado 马来饭团moussaka 慕纱卡茄子派tiramisu 提拉米苏fried bread stick 油条steak and kidney pie 牛排腰子排curry 咖喱spaghetti 意大利面burrito 墨西哥玉米煎饼borscht 罗宋汤fondue 芝士火锅kimchi 泡菜kebab 土耳其烤肉seafood Paella 西班牙海鲜烩饭tart 水果馅饼nachos 墨西哥薯片fajita 墨西哥卷饼sidewalk snack boo

28、th/Food stall 大排档snake bar 小吃店Malaysia 马来西亚dessert 餐后甜点tempura 天麸罗fork 叉子stall 货摊adventure 冒险、惊喜traditional Greek yogurt 希腊传统酸奶locally produced honey 当地产的蜂蜜crunchy 嘎嘣脆的local delicacy 地方小吃Kyle: Im hungry. Lets go to the snake bar.Ella: Ok, what unusual food do you want to try?K: Im going to try Gado

29、Gado.E: Whats that? Its a kind of rice ball that is made in Malaysia. What about you? I dont know. I dont know what most of this food is! Do you want noodles, vegetables, rice, meat, seafood, beans, or dessert? Id like to have some vegetables first. Have you ever tried tempura? No, what is it? Its deep fried vegetables, which is commonly eaten in Japan. What do you u

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