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1、4There are different kinds of _zippers_ (zipper) in the shop.5Jim was seen _to_enter_ (enter) the room.单项选择。 ( A )1.Welcome to our clothing store. We have many _ of skirts.Astyles BsizesCcolors Dbills( D )2.Whats your _ work?Answering phone calls and solving problems.Apatient BfriendlyCproud Ddaily(

2、 B )3.(2017六安联考)Did you go to Jacks birthday party?No. I _Aam not invitedBwasnt invited Chavent invitedDdidnt invite ( C )4.Could you help me carry the bicycle upstairs?_【高频考点】ANot at all BIts my pleasureCWith pleasureDNo, I couldnt( D )5.(2017合肥38中月考)The sofa is used _ a bed sometimes.【高频考点】Afor Bo

3、fCto Das.根据汉语意思完成下面的句子。1我承认你有理。I admire that you _have_ _a_ _point_ 2.这台机器被用来做什么?What is the machine _used_ _for_? 3.你能帮我想一项发明吗?Can you help me think of _an_ _invention_?4你知道汽车是谁发明的吗?Do you know who the car was _invented_ _by_?5带有特殊后跟的鞋子是用来改变鞋子的款式的。The shoes _with_ special heels are _used_ for _chan

4、ging_ the style of the shoes.第2课时Section A (3a4c).根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1To avoid the food going bad, youd better put it into the _fridge_2He thinks he is _somebody_, but we think he is nobody.3I dont know English. Can you _translate_ the article into Chinese? 4.When you leave home, dont forget to _lock_ th

5、e door.5The price of the apple is very _low_. Lets buy some.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1Although hes _nearly_ (near) fifty, he can still play tennis with the best.2October 1st is the _National_ (nation) Day of China.3King is the _ruler_ (rule) of a country.4Can you play the _musical_ (music) instrument? 5.I thi

6、nk _boiled_ (boil) water is the best drink.从方框中选择恰当的单词完成下面的句子。smell, earthquake, doubt, biscuit, instrument 1Mum, Im a little hungry. Can I have some _biscuits_?2His nose can tell different _smells_3Language is an _instrument_ for communication.4There is no _doubt_ that we will be successful.5Many p

7、eople lost their lives in the terrible _earthquake_( D )1.(2016广东中考)According to a recent survey, _ three fifths of working mothers in China dont want to have a second child.Amostly BespeciallyCpartly Dnearly( C )2.It is _ that a boy _ Bob won the competition.【高频考点】Asaying; namedBsaid; is namedCsaid

8、; namedDsaying; was named( A )3.(2017安庆四中月考)It _ discovered _ the 17th century.Awasnt; until Bdidnt; untilCdidnt; before Ddoesnt; till( A )4.There used to be many pandas, but only a few of them _ today.Aremain BstayCstop Dleave( C )5.(2016广东中考改编)Great changes _ in our city in the past ten years. Eve

9、rything that comes into sight is so new to me.Atake placeBtook placeChave taken placeDhave been taken place1小女孩不小心碰落了玻璃杯。The little girl knocked the glass off _by_ _accident_2他确实是我所教过的学生中最聪明的。He is _without_ _doubt_ the cleverest student Ive ever taught.3那男孩忽然哭了起来。The boy began crying _all_ _of_ _a_

10、 _sudden_4那仪器是低价买的。The _instrument_ was bought _at_ a _low_ price.5人们相信我们队会赢得这场比赛的胜利。 _It_ _is_ _believed_ that our team will win the match.完形填空。The bicycle is one of the most useful inventions in the world. What is the most surprising is that it was not _1_ earlier, although the great inventor Leon

11、ardo da Vinci had drawn pictures for bicycles and also for flying machines and some other things. Those things were not produced _2_ long after he died.A person riding a bicycle uses _3_ energy to make the bicycle move, and it causes no _4_ at all. Even so, in some developed countries, most people d

12、ont go to work by bicycle. It isnt because the bicycles are expensive or people will feel _5_ if they ride bicycles to work. Its because the number of cars on the roads _6_ larger and larger. It certainly makes riding a bicycle on the roads _7_. As a result, more people put their bicycles away and g

13、o to work _8_ their cars. The traffic becomes heavier and heavier and the air becomes much worse.Perhaps the best way to make riding a bicycle safer and more popular is to create _9_ only for bicycles, and to make it so difficult and expensive for drivers to drive their cars into the city that they

14、will go back to _10_ their bicycles.( C )1.A.found BfoundedCinvented Ddiscovered( D )2.A.before BafterCsince Duntil( B )3.A.much BnoClittle Dmany( B )4.A.development BpollutionCharm Ddanger( D )5.A.lucky BgladCsorry Dtired( A )6.A.becomes BturnsCgoes Dremains( B )7.A.safer Bmore dangerousCcleaner Df

15、unnier( B ) BinCfor Dat( C )9.A.advertisements Btraffic lightsCpaths Dparking lots( A )10.A.using BbuyingCborrowing Dtaking.阅读理解。Green tea is the best choice for office workers.People who always work in places with air conditioning may face skin problems such as easily dry skin. Among all the

16、drinks, green tea is the best choice. Because there are important things in green tea. Moreover, drinking more green tea can prevent computer radiation(辐射)Winter is the season to drink black tea.Chinese medicine believes that different people should drink different tea based on the different charact

17、eristics and tastes of each kind of tea. Black tea can warm the stomach and quicken digestion (消化). Therefore, drinking warm black tea in the cold winter is a most suitable choice.Do not drink strong tea.Strong tea may make the body far too excited and can badly affect the cardiovascular (心血管的) syst

18、em (神经系统) as well as the nervous system. For a person who has problem with these parts, to drink overly (过度地) strong tea may cause heart and blood pressure illness, or even make the old illnesses much worse.Do not drink too much tea when you are eating.Drinking too much tea or strong thick tea may n

19、ot be good for taking in many constant elements and trace elements (常量元素和微量元素). Also, people should not drink tea with milk or other milky food.( B )1.If you always work with the computer, what kind of tea should you drink?ABlack tea. BGreen tea.CStrong tea. DHot tea.( B )2.Drinking too much strong

20、tea may cause _Aheadaches Bheart diseaseCskin problems Dstomach ache( D )3.Which of the following is NOT true?AIf you have stomach ache, you should drink black tea.BWhen we choose tea, we should know the characteristics and tastes of each kind of tea.CStrong tea may take the body far too excited.DAt

21、 table, we should drink tea as much as possible because its good for our health.( D )4.Which is the best title for the article?AGreen TeaBAll Kinds of TeaCTea and SeasonsDHow to Drink Tea Correctly.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1The bridge over the river _was_finished_ (finish) three years ago.2A present _was_giv

22、en_ (give) to me by my friend on my birthday.3He _was_seen_ (see) to swim in Chaohu Lake yesterday.4Annie _was_invited_ (invite) to the party. She had a wonderful time with us.5The book _was_translated_ (translate) into many other languages last year.6You are late. All the tickets _were_sold_ (sell)

23、 out an hour ago.7My shoes _were_washed_ (wash) by my mother yesterday.8. _Were_ a lot of useful things _invented_ (invent) by Edison?9The window _was_cleaned_ (clean) ten minutes ago, and the room looks bright now.10In England, nobody under the age of 18 _is_allowed_ (allow) to drink in bars.单项选择。(

24、 A )1.Do you know when the first train _ in China?Awas produced Bis producedCproduced Dwas producing( B )2.(2017淮南模拟)Have you heard about that car accident near the school?Yes, luckily no one _Ahurt Bwas hurtChas hurt Dwere hurt( A )3.The Chinese writer has got lots of fans in France. His new book _

25、 into French as soon as it came out.Awas translated BtranslatedCis translated Dtranslates( B )4.(2016安徽中考)When the baby dog _, it was very hungry. So we gave it some food.Ais foundBwas foundChas been foundDwill be found( D )5.Do you know Earth Day?Sure. It _ in 1970 to tell us to protect our planet.

26、Asets up Bset upCis set up Dwas set up.句型转换。1My father bought the car in 2016.(改为被动语态)The car _was_ _bought_ by my father in 2016.2Penicillin (青霉素) was discovered by Alexander Fleming.(改为一般疑问句) _Was_ Penicillin _discovered_ by Alexander Fleming?3The books were written by Mr. Li many years ago.(改为否定句

27、)The books _werent_ _written_ by Mr. Li many years ago.4Their homework was handed in yesterday(对画线部分提问) _When_ _was_ their homework _handed_ in?5Was the song sung by the children?(改为主动语态) _Did_ the children _sing_ the song?.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1在我生日那天,我叔叔送了我一份礼物。A gift _was_ _given_ _to_ me by my uncle on my birthday.2刚才我听见她弹钢琴了。

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