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1、 hospitals have proliferated a superabundance of high-technology equipment; and structural ostentation and luxury were the order of the day (order of the day: 议程,流行的事物,风尚). In any given day, one-fourth of all community beds are vacant; expensive equipment is underused or, worse, used unnecessarily.

2、Capital investment brings rapidly rising operating costs (operating costs: 生产费用,营业成本).Yet, in part, this pessimism derives from expecting too much of health care. It must be realized that care is, for most people, a painful experience, often accompanied by fear and unwelcome results. Although there

3、is vast room for improvement, health care will always retain some unpleasantness and frustration. Moreover, the capacities of medical science are limited. Humpty Dumpty (一经损坏无法修复的东西) cannot always be put back together again. Too many physicians are reluctant to admit their limitations to patients; t

4、oo many patients and families are unwilling to accept such realities. Nor is it true that everything has been tried and nothing works, as shown by the prepaid group practice plans of the Kaiser Foundation and at Puget Sound. In the main (in the main: adv.大体上), however, such undertakings have been dr

5、owned by a veritable flood of public and private moneys which have supported and encouraged the continuation of conventional practices and subsidized their shortcomings on a massive, almost unrestricted scale. Except for the most idealistic and dedicated, there were no incentives to seek change or t

6、o practice self-restraint or frugality. In this atmosphere, it is not fair to condemn as failures all attempted experiments; it may be more accurate to say many never had a fair trial.1. The author implies that the Kaiser Foundation and Puget Sound plans (lines 47-48) differed from other plans by(A)

7、 encouraging capital investment(B) requiring physicians to treat the poor(C) providing incentives for cost control(D) employing only dedicated and idealistic doctors(C)(E) relying primarily on public funding2. The author mentions all of the following as consequences of full-cost reimbursement EXCEPT

8、(A) rising operating costs(B) underused hospital facilities(C) overcapitalization(D) overreliance on expensive equipment(E)(E) lack of services for minorities3. The tone of the passage can best be described as(A) light-hearted and amused(B) objective but concerned(C) detached and unconcerned(D) caut

9、ious but sincere(B)(E) enthusiastic and enlightened4. According to the author, the “pessimism” mentioned at line 35 is partly attributable to the fact that(A) there has been little real improvement in health-care services(B) expectations about health-care services are sometimes unrealistic(C) large

10、segments of the population find it impossible to get access to health-care services(D) advances in technology have made health care service unaffordable(B)(E) doctors are now less concerned with patient care5. The author cites the prepaid plans in lines 46-48 as(A) counterexamples to the claim that

11、nothing has worked(B) examples of health-care plans that were over-funded(C) evidence that health-care services are fragmented(D) proof of the theory that no plan has been successful(A)(E) experiments that yielded disappointing results6. It can be inferred that the sentence “Humpty Dumpty cannot alw

12、ays be put back together again” means that(A) the cost of health-care services will not decline(B) some people should not become doctors(C) medical care is not really essential to good health(D) illness is often unpleasant and even painful(E)(E) medical science cannot cure every ill7. With which of

13、the following descriptions of the system for the delivery of health-care services would the author most likely agree?(A) It is biased in favor of doctors and against patients.(B) It is highly fragmented and completely ineffective(C) It has not embraced new technology rapidly enough(D) It is generall

14、y effective but can be improved(D)(E) It discourages people from seeking medical care8. Which of the following best describes the logical structure of the selection?(A) The third paragraph is intended as a refutation of the first and second paragraphs.(B) The second and third paragraphs explain and

15、put into perspective the points made in the first paragraph.(C) The second and third paragraphs explain and put into perspective the points made in the first paragraph.(D) The first paragraph describes a problem, and the second and third paragraphs present two horns of a dilemma.(C)(E) The first par

16、agraph describes a problem, the second its causes, and the third a possible solution.9. The authors primary concern is to(A) criticize physicians and health-care administrators for investing in technologically advanced equipment(B) examine some problems affecting delivery of health-care services and

17、 assess their severity(C) defend the medical community from charges that health-care has not improved since World War II(D) analyze the reasons for the health-care industrys inability to provide quality care to all segments of the population(B)(E) describe the peculiar economic features of the healt

18、h-care industry that are the causes of spiraling medical costs1. C2. E3. B4. B5. A6. E7. D8. C9. B10. Behavior is one of two general responses available to endothermic (endothermic: adj.吸热(性)的,动温血的) (warm-blooded) species for the regulation of body temperature, the other being innate (reflexive) mec

19、hanisms of heat production and heat loss. Human beings rely primarily on the first to provide a hospitable thermal microclimate (microclimate: n.气小气候(指森林、城市、洞穴等局部地区的气候) for themselves, in which the transfer of heat between the body and the environment is accomplished with minimal involvement of inna

20、te mechanisms of heat production and loss. Thermoregulatory (thermoregulatory: adj.体温调节的,保持(一定)体温的) behavior anticipates hyperthermia, and the organism adjusts its behavior to avoid becoming hyperthermic: it removes layers of clothing, it goes for a cool swim, etc. The organism can also respond to c

21、hanges in the temperature of the body core, as is the case during exercise; but such responses result from the direct stimulation of thermoreceptors distributed widely within the central nervous system (central nervous system: n. 中枢神经系统), and the ability of these mechanisms to help the organism adju

22、st to gross changes in its environment is limited.Until recently it was assumed that organisms respond to microwave radiation in the same way that they respond to temperature changes caused by other forms of radiation. After all, the argument runs, microwaves are radiation and heat body tissues. Thi

23、s theory ignores the fact that the stimulus to a behavioral response is normally a temperature change that occurs at the surface of the organism. The thermoreceptors that prompt behavioral changes are located within the first millimeter of the skins surface, but the energy of a microwave field (micr

24、owave field: 超高频场, 微波场) may be selectively deposited in deep tissues, effectively bypassing these thermoreceptors, particularly if the field is at near-resonant frequencies. The resulting temperature profile (temperature profile: 温度曲线图, 温度轮廓) may well be a kind of reverse thermal gradient in which t

25、he deep tissues are warmed more than those of the surface. Since the heat is not conducted outward to the surface to stimulate the appropriate receptors, the organism does not “appreciate” this stimulation in the same way that it “appreciates” heating and cooling of the skin. In theory (in theory: 理

26、论上), the internal organs of a human being or an animal could be quite literally cooked well-done (well-done: adj.做得好的, 完全煮熟的) before the animal even realizes that the balance of its thermomicroclimate has been disturbed.Until a few years ago, microwave irradiations at equivalent plane-wave power den

27、sities of about 100 mW/cm2 were considered unequivocally to produce “thermal” effects; irradiations within the range of 10 to 100 mW/cm2 might or might not produce “thermal” effects; while effects observed at power densities below 10 mW/cm2 were assumed to be “nonthermal” in nature. Experiments have shown this to be an oversimplification, and a recent report suggests that fields as weak as 1 mW/cm2 can be thermogeni

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