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英语中级听力课程Lesson 33.docx

1、英语中级听力课程Lesson 33Lesson 33Angela: Would you like . to tell me about it? Denise: Yes, I think . its rather a unique experience, actually. I was in New York, er, er, a few years ago and I wanted to read a particular poem, so I went along to the public library. (I see) Now, the public library is differ

2、ent from any, er, library that Id ever seen, because you never see a book on a shelf, and, er, I went into the building and I was directed to Room 101, where I had to fill in a form with the author and the title of the book that I wanted. I was handed a disc and directed to another room which looked

3、 like a cinema. I sat down in this room and waited for the number on my disc to flash on the screen. I waited and waited and waited and noticed that people who came in after me, er, were leaving (Mhm) and so I went back to the original room to find out what had happened and I was told that, erm, the

4、y couldnt read the writing on my form, (oh dear) so I filled in another form and was on my way to, er, th, the cinema-like room when, erm, I saw, er, a woman standing in the . in the corridor. Now she was obviously trying to attract somebodys attention. She was dressed very poorly and she had what l

5、ooked like, er, a sor., some kind of fur hat, a rather mangy fur hat, and on this hat was fixed a ra, a crook-like feather, a very, very long crook-like feather. And, er, this, this attracted, er, my attention I think more than anything, so I stopped and asked her if I could help her and she told me

6、 what I thought then was a rather a, an appalling story. Shed come in from the outskirts of New York, erm, to see a sick friend, and just as, as she had been coming out of the underground train, the doors had closed and her handbag had been snatched and her umbrella, er, was caught in the closing do

7、or. She managed to wrench the umbrella out and a little bit was chipped off. She showed me where it had been chipped off. (M) She said that she had no money to return home and also shed had nothing to eat all day. So I forgot about the poetry and we went over the road to a little tea-shop. And I mus

8、t say it was when we got to the tea-shop and I was getting the tea and had left my bag on the chair that I began just to be a tiny little bit suspicious and I looked back at her but she was sitting quite innocently at the table. (M) Anyway, we had a little conversationshe was quite an interesting wo

9、manand then I sa., I realized that it was about time I was making my way home. So I said to her, Well, erm, Ive got two dollars and ten dollars. Er, how much will you need? And she said, Well, the ten dollars will do me fine. I thought that was little bit much at the time so I said, No, Ill give you

10、 the two dollars, which I did. And then we, we, we bade each other good-bye and I was just . going off when she called me back and said, May I, er, take your address, so that I can return the two dollars? which, er, I gave her and then I went off. I had sundry other things to do. I think I went to a

11、 book-shop, and I went to buy a scarf or pair of gloves and, er, er, all these things on my way home and when I got home I was still thinking about the two dollars and I opened my purse to, to count my money and I found that I had about fourteen or fifteen dollars when Id, when I had only had the tw

12、elve when I set off originally. (Mm) (Nasty) So somebody along the way had given me the wrong change. I did think about retracing my steps, but it seemed too much trouble, so I didnt. I waited about a week, half expecting my two dollars back but, of course, it didnt come back, so I realized that, er

13、, Id been conned, I think the word is. (Yes) Well, a month later, I was walking aroundit was the end of JanuaryI was walking around, er, in New York and it really was freezing. I couldnt feel my hands or my feet. So I went into the Barbazon Plaza Hotel to warm myself, because all the buildings in Ne

14、w York are centrally heated, and as soon as Id got into the hotel, I noticed that the foyer was covered with mirrors and, in one corner of the foyer, I saw this old woman. Now the reason why I recognized her was that she was dressed in a Persian lamb coat this timevery, very expensive Persian lamb c

15、oatand she had a Persian lamb hat on her head. But affixed to this Persian lamb hat was the same long crook-like feather! Angela: How funny! Denise: So I thought to myself, Well, its amazing. I, I, I wonder if I will get the same story if I go over there. So I went over to the mirror and took out my

16、 comb and compact and pretended to set about, er, righting my face, when the lady came up to me and without any ado at all poured out the same story. So I turned to her and looked her straight in the face and I said, You and I met a month ago in the public library. And then I walked off. In this country, today was a day of waiting by voters to learn if their candidate won or lost. That provides more suspense than is typical in ele

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