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1、By a series of showcases, forums and events, the CHTF 2009 showed the world the great achievements China have made from the reform and opening up, and the newest scientific and technological achievements from implementing the scientific concept of development, the transformation of economic growth p

2、attern. In terms of internationalization, this year, 16 government ministers from 11 countries attended Minister Forum, shared their innovative ideas on economic development, intercommunication promotion and international economic cooperation, to strengthen the confidence in the fight against intern

3、ational financial crisis. In addition, the forums and super-SUPER event at CHTF 2009 gathered hundreds of senior officials, CEOs from TNCs, experts and scholars, were highly praised by exhibitors and visitors.第一部分 研究方法Section Methodology 一、调查方法定点抽样访问定点抽样是指对所有展商按照一定的规律进行选择抽样,以达到样本的合理性,确保受访单位的固定性和唯一性。

4、Systematic samplingFixed sampling is to select a sample from all exhibitors according to some rules, so as to make a reasonable sample and ensure the fixity and uniqueness of respondents units.现场拦截访问现场拦截访问是在展会的固定场所拦截访问对象,对符合条件的观众进行直接访谈,特别适合在较短时间内完成大量样本采访,并在访问同时对问卷的真实性和答题质量进行现场控制。Intercept interviewI

5、ntercept interview is a survey that interviewers intercept interviewees, and interview the eligible person face to face in a number of chosen places. It is especially suitable for surveys that a large number of samples need to be gathered in a short time, and control the authenticity of the question

6、naires and quality of response immediately.样本类型Sample样本量Size of sample抽样方法Method of sample参展商Exhibitors基础问卷800份Basic questionnaires:800在各个展馆内,按空间方位采取等间隔的系统抽样方法(按右手原则隔2抽1),若受访者不符合条件,则以下一个样本代替。We used systematic sample to choose interviewees in every exhibition hall, if interviewees refused the survey

7、 or were not eligible, we substituted it with the next sample.观众Visitors在各个展馆的出口,对从展馆走出的观众采取等间隔的系统抽样方法(按右手原则隔4抽1),若受访者拒绝或者不符合条件,则以下一个样本代替。At the exit of each exhibition hall, we used systematic sample to intercept interviewees walking out from the hall. If interviewees refused or were not eligible,

8、we substituted it with the next sample.二、分析方法Analysis method加权要素分析法加权要素分析法是一种基于多种标准进行项目选择的系统方法。首先是要识别出企业选择项目的若干重要的指标,对各个指标赋予权重,然后就上述每一个指标对候选项目进行评分。本次调查将满意度的分值最高定为5分,依次是4、3、2、1分。最后通过加权分析,得到参展商和观众对各项目满意度的最终分值。Weighted factor analysis methodologyWeighted factor analysis is a kind of system analysis met

9、hodology based on a variety of criteria for project selection. Firstly, identify a number of important indicators of the companies selected projects, and endow the weight of each indicator, then, give score based on each of said indicators. This survey sets the highest satisfaction score of this sur

10、vey as 5 points, followed by 4,3,2,1 points. Finally, by weighted analysis, achieve the final score given by exhibitors and visitors on the satisfaction of each project. 内容分析法内容分析法是指对于明显的传播内容做客观而有系统的量化并加以描述的一种研究方法。对调查内容作系统化和客观化的分析,以探寻内容背后的真正意图。调查将对参展商和观众所回答的内容进行统计分析,并采用ACCESS软件,进行量化统计。Content analys

11、is methodologyContent analysis methodology refers to a kind of research methods making objective and systematic quantitative analysis and description on the apparent spreading contents. The systematic and objective analysis is made to explore the true intentions involved in the content. The survey w

12、ill make statistics and analysis on the answered problems of exhibitors and visitors, and make quantitative statistics by adopting ACCESS software. 第二部分 参展商研究Section Exhibitors Research 一、 参展商的基本特征 Exhibitors Basic Feature固定参会群体成为参展商的主要组成部分Fixed groups are a major component of exhibitors高交会已经拥有了一定数量

13、的固定参会群体,此部分群体是参加展会的中坚力量,占所有参展商数量的71.5%。Fixed groups are a major component of exhibitors; they are the nucleus of exhibitors, accounting for 71.5% of all exhibitors. 参展商往届经历Exhibitors categories 参与高交会现场的参展商代表多具建议权,对其公司的发展具有较强的信息反馈作用。Most of exhibitors have the right to make recommendations for their

14、companies.调查发现,高交会被访问的参展商代表基本能够对公司的发展具有建议权,占所有群体的42%;高交会现场参展商中的决策层占5.4%,员工层成员占30%。The survey reveals that most exhibitors of CHTF 2009 interviewed have the right to make recommendations for the development of their companies, accounting for 42% of all groups among which decision-making level account

15、 for 5.4%, and staff level account for 30%. 参展商代表职位图Exhibitors posts二、参展商的参展行为Purpose of Exhibitors获取订单、寻找合作伙伴是展商参加本届高交会的主要目的The main purpose of exhibitors at CHTF 2009 is to get orders and search for business partners.高交会作为商业信息和项目交流的平台,对参展商具有重要的吸引力。调查显示,参展商的参会原因占前三位的是获取订单(55.1%)、寻找合作伙伴(50.1%)、寻找项目和

16、商业信息(44.9%)。其中,寻找项目和商业信息的展商数量比往届有显著增多(第九届16.7%,第十届26%)。As a platform for business information and projects exchange, CHTF has an important attraction for exhibitors. The survey reveals that the intention to participate CHTF 2009 is to obtain orders (55.1%), look for business partners (50.1%), lookin

17、g for projects and business information (44.9%). 参展商参展目的Main reasons for participation高交会的影响力、档次和政府的支持与重视是参展商参展的重要因素The influence, level and support from government are important factors that promote exhibitors to choose CHTF.有近7成的参展商认为展会的影响力是参加本届高交会的促成因素;其次是展品的档次和种类,占促成因素的45.4%;政府的支持与重视也非常重要,占促成因素的

18、40.7%。Nearly 70% of the exhibitors told that the influence of CHTF is an important factor to push them to participate, followed by the level and types of exhibits of previous CHTFs, accounting for 45.4%; the Governments support is also very important, accounting for 40.7%. 参展商参会因素Concerns of exhibit

19、ors三、参展商对高交会的认可度Exhibitors Recognition on CHTF 2009参展商对高交会的满意度不断提升The satisfaction of exhibitors on CHTF is rising continuously. 参展商对高交会的较高认可度是保证参展商持续关注、参加高交会的前提,本调查通过分析参展商对专业性、现场组织、配套设施等的满意度来考察参展商对高交会的满意度。A high degree of recognition on CHTF from exhibitors is a prerequisite to ensure exhibitors to

20、 participate CHTF and pay close attention on CHTF continuously. By the analysis of the exhibitors satisfaction on professional level, organization, supporting facilities of CHTF, we can get the results. 参展商满意度Exhibitors satisfaction of services provided by CHTF从专业性的各个维度来看,参展商对展区主题设置比较满意,达到3.8分。第十一届高

21、交会采用了全新的电子票务方式,使参展商对票证服务的总体满意度评价相比以前(第九届3.45,第十届3.13)大为提高,总体满意度为3.7分。On various professional dimensions, the exhibitors are relatively satisfied with the subject setting of in the pavilion, which has reached 3.8 points. CHTF 2009 adopted of a brand new electronic ticketing system, so that the overal

22、l satisfaction comment of exhibitors on the ticket services was greatly improved compared to that of the previous sessions (3.45 in the ninth session, and 3.13 in the tenth session) , and the overall satisfaction was 3.7 points. 参展商基本能够达到参加高交会的预期目的Exhibitors can achieve their expected targets basica

23、lly.九成以上的参展商对高交会取得的效果表示满意,78%的参展商认为本届高交会达到了预期所希望的目的,而12.9%的参展商认为大大超出了原来预计的目的。More than 90% of exhibitors expressed their satisfaction on the results, 78% believe that CHTF 2009 help them achieve their expected targets, and 12.9% think that their original purposes are far exceeded at CHTF 2009. 参展商预期

24、Exhibitors satisfaction on the results参展商参加高交会的“回头率”较高Most exhibitors possibly attend the next CHTF有82.5%的参展商表示会参加下届的高交会,有11.1%的参展商表示仍在观望,还不确定,将根据明年的实际情况而定。82.5% of the exhibitors said they would participate the next CHTF, and 11.1% expressed they were not sure they would come again, they were still

25、 watching, it depended on the actual situation of next year. 参展商是否参加下届Exhibitors intention to attend CHTF2010第三部分 观众研究Section Research on Visitors一、参会观众的基本特征Overall features of visitors参会观众50.6万人次,专业观众达到七成以上506,000 visitors, of which 70% are professional visitors.本届高交会共接待国内外观众50多万人次,专业观众的比例达到72.5%。调

26、查发现,首次参加高交会的观众群体占39.2%,非首次参加的观众占到60.8%,此部分群体为高交会的固定参会群体。More than 50 million visitors at home and abroad visited the main hall, professional visitors reached 72.5%. The survey indicates that 39.2% of the visitors are the first time to participate in CHTF 2009. Non-first-time visitors account for 60.

27、8%, this group is a fixed participant group, played an important role in the development of CHTF. 观众构成Visitor profile高交会观众能够对企业决策具有建议权Visitors have the right to make recommendations on their companys decision-making高交会吸引了众多优秀的专业观众,能够进行决策的占13.7%,参与所在公司决策的观众占31.3%;具有建议权的观众所占数量最多,占38.0%;不参与决策的观众数量较少,仅占

28、17%。CHTF 2009 has attracted a large number of professional visitors, among which 13.7% visitors can make decision, 31.3% visitors can participate in the decision-making in their company, the visitors with suggestion rights is the majority, accounting for 38.0%; and the visitors without involving in decision-making are few, only accounting for 17%. 观众在公司所处职位图The role of the visitor

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