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1、 A. An examination. B. An interview. C. A football match4. What does the man want to do? A. Borrow some money. B. Buy the MP4 player. C. Have his MP4 player repaired.5. Where can you most probably hear this talk? A. At the airport. B. In the post office. C. In the railway station.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满

2、分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6、7题。6. Whats the man doing? A. Sending a letter. B. Weighing a letter. C. Writing a letter.7. How much will the man pay? A. $2.12. B. $2.02. C. $2.2.听下面一段对话,回答第8

3、、9题。8. Why was the man very angry? A. He was badly treated. B. He lost his car. C. His car wasnt checked at all.9. What does the woman advise him to do? A. Return the car to the garage. B. Get the money back. C. Write to the manager.听下面一段对话,回答第10至12题10. What are the speakers talking about?A. The sea

4、rch for a new apartment. B. Problems with living in an apartment.C. The cost of rent near universities.11. Why does the woman want to move? A. The rent is too high. B. The apartment is too dirty and noisy.C. The apartment is far from the school.12. How is the man going to help the woman? A. By calli

5、ng his friends for help. B. By visiting an apartment building near his place. C. By checking the newspapers for some information.听下面一段对话,回答第13至16题13. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Boss and secretary.14. Where will the man go fishing? A. In a

6、 lake. B. In a river. C. In a pool.15. What time will the two speakers leave for the outing? A. At 7:30 am on Saturday. B. At 7:15 am on Saturday. C. At 7:30 am on Sunday.16. Why does the man want to tell the whole class about the outing? A. To ask them for more advice. B. To get more students to jo

7、in them.C. To collect more money.听下面一段对话,回答第17至20题. 17. What was the speaker when he went to Paris years ago? A. A traveler. B. A student. C. A guide. 18. When did he go to Paris? A. On a Wednesday. B. On a Friday. C. On a weekend. 19. What did the speaker do on the second day? A. He visited the Arc

8、 of Triumph. B. He visited a world famous museum.C. He went to see the Eiffel Tower. 20. How did he return to his hotel after the trip? A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By subway.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ATips for a Great Hotel Stay Few things can ruin a

9、trip more than a bad lodging(寄宿)experience. Luckily, with a little planning, you can ensure that your choice of hotel is the best one for you and that you remain happy throughout your stay.CHOOSING THE BEST HOTEL Determine your needs. Think about the accommodations you prefer. How much are you plann

10、ing to spend per night? Do you need a hotel with a pool for your kids, or a fitness centre for you? Are you hoping breakfast is included? Once youve decided, you can begin your search.Search online, but book directly with the hotel. Use , as well as hotel websites to find the best place to stay. The

11、n book your room directly with the hotel. Youll often get a better rate. When booking online, be sure to read each item before hitting the “book now” button.ONCE YOUVE BOOKED Follow up on special requests.If you ask for a quiet room on the top floor when you book, call the hotels front desknot the 8

12、00 numberto ensure your request before arriving.Take a good look at the room.Examine the room carefully as soon as you check in to make sure its clean and that everything is working. Also note the rooms location: Is it right above the hotels nightclub? Is loud construction taking place right outside

13、? Dose the room offer the ocean view it promised? If you are not satisfied, ask to be moved right away.21.Before beginning your search for a proper hotel, first you should_.A.determine how long you are going to stay B.decide which floor you are going to the Internet and ask about extra fe

14、es in the hotelD.consider what type of accommodations you prefer22.You can find a proper hotel by _.A. searching the websites involved B. making phone callsC. going there in person D. looking through the newspapers23. Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?A. A room just

15、 right above the hotels nightclub is the best one.B. Whether to book a hotel with a pool is one of your concerns.C. Search hotels on line and then book the hotel, and you may get a better rate.D. If you want to book a quiet room in a hotel, better call the front desk of the hotel. BRecently,I came a

16、cross an interesting article on the differences between British English and American English. I had a lot of fun reading it and thinking of as many differences as I could as an American.Their cars have “bonnets(发动机罩)”, while ourselves have “hoods”. They park their cars in a “car park” while we leave

17、 ours in a “parking lot”. Our “cookies” are their “biscuits”, while their “rubbers” are our “erasers”.Then there are the food words. Would you want to eat something called “Toad in the Hole” or “Bangers and Mash” or “Spotted Dick”? Im here to report they are all very tasty. There are American equiva

18、lents(相等物),of course. Weve got “Shoofly Pie”, “Chicken Fried Steak” and “Mississippi Mud Pie”. What they call “crisps” is what we call “potato chips” and when we ask for “chips” in England we will get what we know at home in America as “French fries”.They find it hysterical that we call the “toilet”

19、 the “bathroom” and they really double over(弯腰) with laughter when we ask for the “restroom”. American ladies in England who ask for the “little girls room” or the “powder room” will be met with blank stares. A “fag” is a “cigarette” in the UK, which can lead to endless confusion for British visitor

20、s looking for a cigarette in America. Americans on the other hand are endlessly confused by English signs put up over doorways saying “Way Out”. We Americans walk on the sidewalk not the pavement. “Pavement” in America is the actual cement(水泥) the sidewalk is made of. 24. What do British people call

21、 French Fries?A. Chips. B. Crisps. C. Shoofly. D. Mississippi Mud Pie.25. The examples given at the end of the passage mainly show that _.A. Americans dont like dealing with the British B. English signs are very hard for people to understandC. American English is very different from British English.

22、D. Americans and the British may find it hard to understand each other26. What does the understand word “hysterical” in paragraph 4 probably mean?A. difficult B. Funny C. Perfect D. Normal27. It would be difficult for British people to look for a cigarette in America because _.A. American people don

23、t like giving others cigaretteB. it is not allowed to smoke in public in AmericaC. Americans dont know a “fag” means a “cigarette?D. American people dont smoke often28. What is the passage mainly about?A. Some similar habits between Americans and the British.B. Different communicating ways between A

24、mericans and the British.C. Different body languages between Americans and the British.D. Some differences between American English and British English.CThe chain of events began on May 6 when his owner, Tonia Mosteller, let Riley out in the backyard. But the pet had bigger plans than to relax and e

25、njoy the warm spring afternoon. Earlier that day, Riley had run into his pals(朋友)who were spending the day at the Happy Dog Cafe & Boutique, and wanted to be with them. Therefore, as soon as he was alone, the dog lifted the gale latch (插销)and began the mile-long walk to the doggy daycare.When Tonia

26、returned a short time later, she found the backyard empty and the gate wide open. Fortunately, before she had time to fear, her husband called to let her know that Riley was safe and having the time of his life at his favorite daycare.According to Teresa McCarter, owner of the centre, a customer had

27、 found Riley patiently sitting outside, just waiting to be let in. No sooner had Teresa opened the door than the golden retriever ran in to greet 26 of his best friends, who all seemed as thrilled to see him.Tonia was not surprised that Riley knew exactly how to get to the daycare, given that he has

28、 been going there since he was a puppy. She was, however, amazed that he loved it enough to escape from the house. Though the Mostellers offered to pick Riley up, Teresa decided that if Riley had made the effort to get to the daycare on his own, the least she could do was allow him to enjoy a nice d

29、ay with his pals.29. What was Rileys bigger plan?A. To play with his friends at the centre.B. To relax himself in the backyard.C. To spend the warm afternoon alone.D. To walk himself in the warm afternoon.30. From the passage we can infer that .A. Riley was badly treated at homeB. Riley was a very s

30、mart dogC. other dogs often came to visit RileyD. Rileys owner left the gate open31. Where was Riley when a customer found him?A. He was outside his backyard.B. He was on the way to the centre.C. He was waiting outside the daycare.D. He was playing with the other dogs.32. What made Tonia surprised was that .A. Riley knew the way to the doggy daycareB. Riley was so thrilled lo see the other dogsC. Riley has been going there since he was a pup

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