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1、15. I enjoy _(read) English books and listening to English songs.16. She really wants _(go) swimming with her sister.17. Why dont you _(take) a train to go to Shanghai?18. Do you find it easy _(talk) with foreigners?19. Our teacher told me _(check) our vocabulary book every day.20. He stopped _(talk

2、) to me because there was a telephone call.二、汉译英1你为什么不每天晚饭后外出散步呢?2每天早晨大声朗读英语是个好主意。3. 每天用英语听收音机和看报纸怎么样?4. 我的笔友通过邮件把信息发送给了我。5. 别忘记按时完成那项工作。6. 理解英语节目对我们来说很难。7. 为什么不把正确的单词写下来呢?8王老师建议我们每天听英文歌曲。9我记得要为他寄信。10. 读一本书经常花费很长一段时间。Exercises 21. I _never _(speak) to a foreigner.2. Do you dream of _(visit) Beijing?

3、3. I _always _(want) to travel around the world.4. - _ you ever _(see) this film?- Yes, I _ (see) it last Friday.5. _ your sister ever _ (be) to Europe before?6. My mother _ never _ (visit) the USA. 7. Mr Smith _ (enjoy) his life in Beijing last month. 8. _ you _ (talk) about it with your father, To

4、m? Yes, I have. But he didnt agree(同意). 9. Are you sure this team wont get a prize? Yes. They _ (not enter) any matches yet. 10. Dont you hear someone _(cry) in the next room?11. He _(fall) down from the tree and hurt his leg.12. The film _already _(begin) 13. They told me _(not worry) about this.14

5、. Its not easy _(catch) fish with your hands only.15. Most women enjoy _(shop).16. - Have you _(do) your homework yet? - Not yet. I _(do) it now.17. One of the boys _(be) born in 1990.18. Lingling wants _(go) to the USA.19. My brother _(not visit) the Great Wall last year.20. Tom _(not go) to the zo

6、o, will you?1. 我打算邀请我的朋友参加我的生日聚会。2我还没有去过长城。3. 他喜欢和他的朋友们开玩笑。4. 他一直想环游全世界。5. 玛丽梦想将来成为一名著名歌唱家。6. 我要在我女儿14岁生日时送她一台电脑。7. 为什么不听一听收音机呢?8. 每天锻炼一小时很重要。9. Tom 没在教室里,他去了图书馆。10. 感谢你使英语变得有意思。 Exercises 31. He didnt finish _ (write) his homework.2. Youd better _ (buy) a new dictionary.3. My granny _ (go) to the s

7、upermarket just now.4. The bus _ (go). It left half an hour ago.5. My mother _ (go) to Beijing to see my aunt next week.6. I have lots of work to do. What about _(go) there tomorrow?7. I saw the boy _ (swim) in the river. He was so happy then!8. Im hungry now, so I want something _(eat).9. I _(not e

8、at) anything as good as that cake for a long time.10. What do you think Li Ping _(do) right now?11. Mr. White _(come) to China two years ago.12. -Where is my sister? _ you_(see) her? -Yes, I _(see) her ten minutes ago. But she _(go) to the post office. I think she_(be) back soon.13. We _(live) on a

9、farm in 1990.14. _(not draw) on the wall, children.15. Tom likes taking photos and he _(take) 1,000 photos.16. Its easier _(learn) a foreign language when you visit there.17. How long did it take you _ (finish) the task last night?18. Most of us spent a long time _(check) the mistakes.19. He used _(

10、drive) a taxi to earn life but now he is an officer.20. Do you practice _(speak) English every day?1每天读一个小时的英语很重要。2你认为这部电影怎么样?3. 请记得给我回信。4. 一些美国科学家已经到过月球上几次了。5. 他还没收到汤姆的来信。6. 她来广州7年了7. 宇航员还未在火星上发现生命迹象。8很难弄清楚宇宙有多大。9来自星星上的光花了很长时间才到我们这儿来。10. 我们刚刚听到这个消息。Exercises 41. Lingling _ (speak) English for nearl

11、y eight years.2. Some people decide _ (not eat) meat from some animals.3. Charlie _ (know) Project Hope for over three years.4. Its important _ (learn) foreign languages.5. The man _ (drive) fast so that the accident happened.6. Mr. Smith _ (visit) China twice since 1998.7. Its a long time since we

12、_ (meet) last time.8. Remember _ (ring) me up before you leave Tianjin.9. He stopped _ (go) to school a few years ago because of his poor family.10. He was very tired so he stopped _ (have) a rest for a moment.11. The girl left the classroom without _ (say) anything.12. My skirt is very _ (differenc

13、e) from yours.13. I really want her _ (go) to Normal University.14. That sounds _ (interest).15. She had to _ (drop) out of school last year.16. Tom _ (not pay) for the book yet.17. We were not rich, but people in Africa are even _ (poor) than us.18. All of us know how _ (play) computer games.19. Be

14、cause of Project Hope, _ (million) of children can go to school.20. To be _ (health), please eat some good food.1. 你曾听说过长江三峡工程吗(the Changjiang Gorges Project)?2似乎他与杰克相处得不太好。3. 你认识他多长时间了?4. 她的父母想让她退学。5. 在过去的两年里, 她一直照顾我的弟弟。6. 因为希望工程,数千名孩子有了更好的生活。7. 在邻居的帮助下, 他已经返回了学校。8. 在过去的5年里, 她投资并支付了很多农村学生的教育费用。9. 开

15、学以来,他参加了三项比赛。10. 努力去猜这个词的意思。Exercises 5 Class_ Name _ Number _一、词转1. Hed better _(study) hard, or he _(fail) the exam.2. You have got his email, _(not) you?3. I want to learn _(play) the piano.4. Mozart _(die) in 1791 when he _(be) only 35.5. What about _(go) _(shop) after school?6. I _(read) this b

16、ook twice before.7. The two _(German)wrote hundreds of beautiful pieces of music.8. He _(go) to the zoo, hasnt he?9. My father _(not like) _(skate) when he _(be) 5.10. What are you _(do) now ? Lets _(go) _(play) outside.11. - Where is Miss Zhang?- She _(go) to the office. I _(meet) her just now.12.

17、This book is _(I) , but _(he) is not here.13. I _(lose) my key? What should I _(do)?14. The bosses _(have) a meeting tomorrow morning.15. The two girls _(know) each other for a long time.16. He asked me _(draw) a picture for him.17. Do you hear anyone _(shout) on the playground? Its noisy.18. We sho

18、uld spend more time _(learn) English, its useful.19. -What do you think Ben _(do)? I think he _(swim).20. The train _(leave). It _(leave) ten minutes ago.二、造句1. 他甚至比他爸爸更成功,而且更受欢迎。2. 在他6岁之前,他不仅弹奏钢琴,还拉小提琴和弹管风琴。3. 他的家人带他环游欧洲,他在许多城市举办音乐会。4. 除了歌剧以外,他还写了什么?5 他不仅是我们的老师也是我们的朋友。6.老板总是一直迫使工人们工作很长时间。7.-你听说过这首音

19、乐,是吗?-是的。8. Sally是一位古典音乐人,她最喜爱的音乐是古典音乐和歌剧。9. -那个男孩从未去过国外,是吗?-不,他去过。10. 人们都说他是世界上最棒的作曲家之一。 Exercises 6 Class_ Name _ Number _1. I first _(meet) Dick six months ago. He _(work) in a factory at that time.2. While I _(walk) by the river, I saw a strange man.3. It was 7 oclock. Mum _(wash) clothes.4. -Wh

20、at_you_(do) at this time yesterday? We _(sleep)5. They_(run) now, but at this time last Friday they _(practise) _(swim).6. Did you see them _(walk) in the field just now?7. I have nothing _(say) now.8. Alice is thinking of _(make) a daisy chain.9. When I left home, it _(rain).10. I_(call) you last n

21、ight ,but nobody answered.11. Thank you for _(invite) me _(join) in your party.12. The cell phone belongs to _(I).13. Im tired, I want _(stop) _(have) a rest.14. Read it _(slow) next time ,OK?15. Alice _(not read) when the rabbit _(run) by her.16. I _(hear) her _(sing) at 9 yesterday.17. We all want

22、 to make him _(happy).18. My mum is good at _(write).19. _(not talk), its time for _(we) _(study).20. He _(teach) maths since he _(be) 22.二造句 1. 我正在散步时突然遇见了他。2. 我们正在吃晚饭时灯熄灭了。3 一天,她坐在河边,拿着一本书,但没有看。4 皇后在公园里玩,国王坐在草地上。5 她看了一两眼姐姐的书,但书上既没有插图也没有对话。6 这是一本关于一个叫爱丽丝的女孩的书。7 -你要去哪?-我想去购物。你愿意和我一起去吗?8 当老师进来的时候,他停止了聊天。9 -上周日上午你在干什么?-我在帮我妈妈做家务。10 我经常上学很准时,但昨天早上我上学迟到了,因为我睡晚了。Exercises 71. The fish soup is so_(salt) that we cant eat it.2. The air in the morning is very fresh. Youd better _(go) for a walk. 3. Toms bike is broken, he looks _(worry).4. Dont talk with _(strange) on your way home to school.5. I

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