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最新高中英语优秀教案1《Unit 1 Art》Word文件下载.docx

1、 教学难点:在说和写的过程中如何运用相关词汇和表达方式来正确、准确、有效的介绍各个艺术馆的特点. 教学过程 (一)展示学习目标与小组评价规则 (二)“导入” 展示曼哈顿的相关图片,展示课文中出现的5个艺术馆的图片及名字. (三) Fast reading 快速扫读课文 (四)Detailed Reading: 详细阅读 (五)Challenge your speaking(口语能力提升) 提供参考词汇: Welcome to This museum is located in It displays(展出) art works in centuries of countries, includ

2、ing will appeal to You shouldnt miss (六)Challenge your writing (英语写作能力提升) Watch the videos and then write an advertisement to introduce one of the museums in Weifang. within80 words 写作参考词汇:潍坊世界风筝博物馆(Weifang World Kite Museum) 杨家埠民间艺术大观园(Yangjiabu Folk Art Museum) kite 风筝 wood-print new year pictures

3、木板年画 be located in 位于 is famous/well-known for 因而出名 it displays/shows展出 Here you can enjoy 在这里你可以欣赏到 artist 艺术家 appeal to 吸引 tourist 游客 its well worth a visit 很值得参观 (七)成果展示 个别学生优秀作文展示 (黑板展示) 展示作文评分细则 教师点评 课后习题 测评练习 测评一: 从文中找出相对应的短语和句子.(预习测评) 1.宁愿做 2.对偏爱 3.值得一去 4.吸引 5.在于 6.不仅仅是 7.向引进(介绍) 8.生活方式 9.贮存于

4、 10. 入场费(门票) 11. 一个的收藏 12.每两年 13.健在的艺术家 14.亨利.克莱.弗利克是纽约的一位富豪,于1919年去世,把他的房子、家具和艺术收藏品全部留给了美国人民. 15. 这家博物馆展示的不只是看得见的艺术之美,它还向你介绍了古代的生活方式. 16. 馆内没有永久展出,展品都是随时更换的. 测评二 Writing (写作测评) Write an advertisement to introduce one of the museums in Weifang. within80 words 高中英语教案2: 2 Working the land (1)知识目标:让学生通

5、过阅读课文更多地了解我国的农业科学家袁隆平的科研成果及其影响. (2)能力目标:让学生进一步使用恰当地阅读方式与技能,如略读(skimming),快速阅读(fast reading),细读(close reading)等 (3)情感目标:让学生不但学习袁隆平的科研精神,更要学习他不计较名利,踏踏实实的生活态度. 1.阅读课文更多地了解我国的农业科学家袁隆平的科研成果及其影响. 话题的引导.(Pre-reading) 1).开头通过设计了一首熟悉的诗歌,让学生知道话题-farming. 2).涉及到提高产量从而解决世界饥荒问题,从而引出本节课的中心话题-伟大人物袁隆平. 跟读与阅读 完成导学案练

6、习 贯彻目的与困难策略,指导学生根据不同的阅读目的,在阅读的不同阶段,灵活使用各种阅读策略,捕捉文章主要信息,理解作者的写作意图,突破本文的教学重点与难点.采用整体语言教学法和任务型语言教学法. 1)、通过阅读训练,引导学生如何利用略读(skimming)的方法把握文章的大意,侧重培养快速阅读理解能力和文章中心把握能力. 2)、精读各个段落语段,侧重培养快速捕捉文章重要细节的能力和猜测生词的能力,学会欣赏文章中的优美句子. 3: 阅读过程-浅层次阅读.(Reading I) 1). 其中关于人物的基本信息中,通过设计了一个信息表格的浅层次阅读练习,对文中人物有了初步了解. 2). 关于他的梦想

7、,书本上描写得非常生动,我让班里有艺术特长的学生画了一幅漫画,利用画面反映课文第四段所描述的内容,同时用第一人称配了声音效果. 4. 阅读过程-深层次阅读.(Reading II) 在处理了一些简单信息之后,阅读人物最重要的是要读出人物不同于其他人的成就以及值得学生学习的一些可贵品质.就这两方面的内容,设计了一棵树的形象,引导学生去寻找袁隆平作出的成就以及他身上拥有的可贵品质. 5.知识点的处理:由句子的分析带出语言点,记住句子,记住了单词用法 一、单词拼写 _ vt. vi. 斗争; n.努力 _ adj. 感到满意的 _ n.自由; 自主 _ vt. vi. 配备; 装备 5. _ n.

8、产量, 输出量 6. _vt. 输出 n.出口 7. _vt. 搞乱, 使糊涂 8. _ n. 补给; vt.提供 9. _ adj. 适当的, 相配的 _vt. 使膨胀 vi. 发展 二、单词运用 1.We had a _(努力) to stop the criminal. The document will be _ (传阅) to all members. Ill type your report if youll baby-sit in e_. Our farm _ the market with fruits and vegetables. We should s_ the resu

9、lts of the exam briefly and report to the headmaster. Sydneys population _ rapidly in the 1960s. He has a _ (晒黑的) face and bright eyes. The plane _ speed as it was approaching the airport. The workers there worked _ crazy, with only thirty minutes break at noon. He _ (耕作) the farm with great success

10、. Comprehending:Paraphrase these sentences. At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside 2.Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before. Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger. 4.He wo

11、uld much rahter keep time for his hobbies. Consolidation Exercise; 1._ your generous help, or I will not overcome the difficulty. A.Thanks to B. Because C. Thanks for D. Thank to It is so_ that he is always making noises. A. disturbed B. disturbing disturb D. disturbs He missed the bus, for _ he cam

12、e late for work. whom B. that C.where D. which 4.你必须戒除掉自己吸烟的坏毛病. 满意于学生的成绩,他如释重负的笑了. 他宁愿在家里看电视也不愿意打篮球. 高中英语教案3: 3 A taste of English humour Teaching Objectives Students are able to learn more about nonverbal humour as well as Charlie Chaplin through network-based. Students are able to get the gen era

13、l idea and detailed information of the passage by skimming, scanning as well as interpreta tion and appreciation. Students will learn to face difficulties in life with optimism and humour as well as learn to cooperate with others in groups. difficult points How to guide students to search for and so

14、rt out related information according to the assigned task through the Internet. How to cu ltivate students learning ability through teamwork based on network. important points Help students to get the general idea and detailed information of the text effectively by skimming and scanning. Help studen

15、ts to analyze the reasons for Charlie Chaplins success by interpreting the key sentences and get them inspired. Step Lead-in(3 mins) 1.Students Activities: 2.The Purpose of Activities Students are to appreciate a video clip performed by Mr. Bean. will be guided to acquire the form of nonverbal humou

16、r in a vivid way, thus eage r to learn about the main character of the text with interest. Network-based Interactive Learning(25 mins) Activities (1).Students are divided into five groups to search for and sorted out the related information according to the assigned task online (2)A representative o

17、f each group is to share the information with the others. 2.the will develop their ability to effectively sort out information on the Internet throug h group cooperation as well as feel a sense of achievement by their oral presentation. Step3 Text-based Reading(17 mins) Students Activities 1. Studen

18、ts are to read the text quickly, and then answer the questions according to the text. 2. Read Paragraph 3 carefully, and then answer the question -Why did “the little tramp”become Charlie Chaplin famous character ?3. Read Paragraph 4 and fill in the blanks .4. Find out the sentences that can account

19、 for Charlie Chaplins success from the text. (1)Students will get the general idea as well as the structu re of the text by skimming. (2)Students will get the detailed information and have a deeper understanding of the (3) Students will get inspired while analyzing the secret to Charlie Chaplins success by interpre ting and appreciating some key sentences in the text. 5 Homework Students are to read the text carefully again and underline the phrases and sentences difficult to understand after class. Write a summary (about 130 words).

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