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1、 Besides different types ofn加油 gas, we can also use electricity(电) to n加油run our cars, but firn加油st we must make electricity! Some cn加油ountries have coal and they make electn加油ricity with that, but we n加油might not always have n加油coal, either. Other countries haven加油 big, strong rivers, and n加油they c

2、an use the power on加油f water to turn turbines(涡轮机n加油) and make electricity easily and chn加油eaply. We are also abln加油e to get power from the ocen加油an tides(海潮). We put turbines inn加油to the mouth of the river. When the tn加油ide comes in, the water tn加油urns the turbines and when it goes out,n加油 it turns

3、 them again.n加油来源:ZXXK 51. Is there enough n加油oil in the world now? n加油 52. When might people have to go bn加油ack to use horses andn加油 carriages?53. Besides differen加油nt types of gas, what can we an加油 use to run our cars, 54. Dn加油oes oil become more or less? 55. When加油re are you also able to get powe

4、rn加油?Linda loves her dog Dan加油vy. They went to New York City ln加油ast Saturday. While Lindan加油 was buying a newspaper at thn加油e train station, the dog got oun加油t of his box and ran away. The stationn加油 was crowded and Linda con加油uldnt see Davy anywheren加油. When Linda shouted his namen加油, some people

5、looked at her butn加油 Davy didnt come. Then she callen加油d the police. While shen加油 was talking on the telen加油phone, Davy met another dog n加油outside the station. While the policn加油e were coming, Linda walked aron加油und the station and called Davy s nan加油me. She didnt think about lookinn加油g outside the

6、station. Finally, a littlen加油 boy said to her, Din加油d you look outside? I saw a bn加油ig black dog when I camn加油e in. When Linda finally saw Davn加油y, he was jumping and runninn加油g with another dog. There was a poln加油ice officer next to them.n加油 The police officer saidn加油 to Linda, I think my dn加油og fo

7、und your dog.46. n加油What was Linda doing whenn加油 Davy ran away?47. How n加油was the station?48. Whan加油t did Linda do when she couldnt fin加油nd her dog?49. Who gave Linn加油da the tip (提示) to find Davy?50. Who n加油found Davy finally?When yn加油ou are in Hong Kong, you must be vn加油ery careful in the streets,

8、because the n加油traffic drives on the left. It n加油is different from thn加油at in other areas of Chn加油ina. If this is the firstn加油 time you have come to Hong Kong, youn加油 must look to the right side and tn加油hen the left before you cross n加油the street. If the traffic lin加油ghts are red, the trafficn加油 mus

9、t stop. People on foot can n加油cross the road carefn加油ully. But if the trafficn加油 lights are green, the traffic n加油can go. People on footn加油 mustnt cross. When people go to on加油r come back from work in the mornin加油ng or evening, the streets are very n加油busy. Traffic is the most dangern加油ous, especial

10、ly for then加油 children. When you go by bn加油us in Hong Kong, you have to be carn加油eful, too. You must alwaysn加油 remember the traffic moves on thn加油e left. Have a look first, on加油r you will go the wrongn加油 way.In Hong Kong, theren加油 are many big buses with tn加油wo floors. You can sit on then加油 second f

11、loor. From thn加油ere you can have a good view.n加油 Its very interestingn加油46. why must be very careful in the sn加油treets when you are in Hong Kong?n加油47.what can people on foot do when tn加油he red light on?48.does the tran加油ffic driver on the left in otn加油her areas of China?49.there are many bin加油g bus

12、 with two floors in HongKong, an加油rent they?50.what should you do when加油n you cross the street?(2019n加油)When I was new in junior high school, n加油I knew no one. Most sn加油tudents talked only to people they n加油knew, so I felt lonely. I had ton加油 come home crying. Mothn加油er asked me what the won加油rst ti

13、me was and I said it was an加油t lunch time.She said, n加油“You are not the only lonely pen加油rson. There are others that are alonn加油e. Tomorrow I want you to look aroun加油nd the lunchroom to see if other peoplen加油 are eating by themselves. I wann加油t you to go to one of them and asn加油k if you can join him

14、 or hern加油.”The next day, I did look arounn加油d and asked the person who was alreadyn加油 sitting alone. The young girl was vern加油y happy. I shared my stn加油ory with the girl and the next n加油day we met for lunch an加油nd found some other people who wern加油e alone. This began a vn加油ery interesting approacn加

15、油h(接近) to life.The lessons that I ln加油earned from that experien加油nce have stayed with n加油me all my life. I have few problems apn加油proaching new people. I learnedn加油 that I am not alone. n加油Most people are just like you andn加油 me. We all want to be notin加油ced, and to have someone to n加油be interested

16、in listening to us.46 Wn加油hen was the writers worst tin加油me in junior high school?47 Did mothn加油er think the writer was the only lon加油nely person?48 What did n加油the writer do after tn加油alking with the young girl?49 The writer has few problen加油ms approaching new people in her lifn加油e, does she?50 Wha

17、ts your opin加油nion about friends?无阅读表达题型n加油(2019)(Xinhua News)What kindn加油 of vehicle will you choose when tn加油raveling between provincn加油es? Many people may like traveling byn加油 train because its safer an加油nd cheaper. Now the high-speed railwan加油ys have connected eastern and westen加油rn China as wel

18、l as then加油 south and the north.A new high-n加油speed railway opened on Sept. 10th, 20n加油19. It connects Zhengzhou in Henan Prn加油ovince with Xuzhou in Jiangn加油su Province. With this railwn加油ay, Chinas high-speed railwayn加油s are over 20,000 kilometers lonn加油g. It is the worlds longest and makes un加油p 6

19、0 percent of the worlds total high-n加油speed railway lines.Besidn加油es length, China also does n加油better in speed. China is the only con加油untry with trains running at 350 kilometn加油ers an hour, such as the Bn加油eijing-Tianjin and Bn加油eijing-Shanghai high-speed railways.n加油With these surprising numbers,

20、 it n加油is easy to forget that China wn加油asnt the first in the n加油high-speed rail game. Jan加油pan started 50 years n加油ago, while Germany didn加油 20 years ago. Chinan加油 only began to build its high-speen加油d railways 14 years ago.Chinasn加油 high-speed railways are develn加油oping fast now. Behind it, there

21、n加油is the countrys growing need forn加油 transportation. According to Xinhua Nn加油ews, Chinas high-speed trains gan加油ve 961 million trips to people last yen加油ar.“The high-speed rn加油ailways not only bridn加油ge the distance, but connect people, inn加油formation and goods.” sn加油aid Huang Xin, an official fn加

22、油rom the China Railway Corp.Yetn加油, Chinas building of high-speed rn加油ailways is still going on. Chinn加油a plans to have 38,000 kilometers of hn加油igh-speed railway by 2025.36. n加油Why may many people lin加油ke traveling between provinces by train加油n according to the passage?37. How ln加油ong have Chinas h

23、igh-speed railwn加油ays been since Sept. 10tn加油h, 2019?38. Which country isn加油 the first one to build the high speedn加油 railways?39. Chinas building of highn加油-speed railways isnt stin加油ll going on, is it?40. If you n加油want to go to Beijing n加油for the coming summer holidaysn加油, what kind of vehicle wi

24、ll you n加油choose?Mr. Guo is a teacher fn加油rom Xian. He asked n加油his students to hand in theirn加油 homework through a QR code(二维码). n加油“We spent an hour or two in class len加油arning how to generate(使产生) the codesn加油, and in the end everythinn加油g gets easier.” Said Guo, “When stn加油udents finish the home

25、work, they kn加油eep it on WeChat. Then, each stun加油dent makes his own QR code andn加油 gives it to me. So I can check theirn加油 work anywhere using my computer or n加油telephone.” The QR coden加油s can be sent to Mr. Gun加油o by email, QQ and WeChan加油t. When Guo scans(扫描) his studentsn加油 QR codes, their homew

26、ork appears on hn加油is phone. He finds that their homework n加油becomes more creativen加油, with many pictures,n加油 music and even videos. Guos stn加油udents like the new way n加油and think it is inten加油resting. “We are livinn加油g in the information age. Many studenn加油ts like to work with computen加油rs, which m

27、akes learning mon加油re fun.” Said Tingting, a student of n加油Guos. “The paper is nn加油ot easy to keep, but the code is easy n加油to keep and share.” Guo said, “It isn加油 worth trying to usen加油 new technology in education. Educationn加油 itself is a kind of creation. I donn加油t want my students to fall behind

28、 tn加油he times.” However, some pn加油arents are worried. They are afraid thn加油at their children will spend too mun加油ch time on computers and less tin加油me communicating with teachen加油rs. But in fact, its unnecessary. Stun加油dents still need to ln加油ook up information in books and write n加油it down when the

29、y do their homework. Then加油y only use the codes when thn加油ey hand in their work, which don加油esnt take them too much timn加油e. Also for teachers, it an加油llows them to check the studenn加油ts work at any time. And itsn加油 also an easy way to sn加油hare homework with other studen加油nts.31.According to the pas

30、sagen加油, Guos students can keep thn加油eir homework on WeChatn加油, cant they?32.How can then加油 QR codes be sent to Mr. Guo? 33.Whatn加油 is one of the advantages of the new n加油way of handing in homework?34.What do sn加油ome parents worry about?n加油35.What do you think of the new way of n加油handing in homework?模拟预测题(一n加油)Most of us use alarm clocks to waken加油 up at the right time for schoon加油l or work. We look at our watches tn加油o know the right timen加油 for the bus or train. However, tn加油h

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