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1、m fast-forwarding to the part where we come in! aghast But you cant go out of order! Au contraire, my porcine pal. Ive got the remote! But everyones gonna get confused! He grabs a second, bigger remote We gotta go back to the beginning of the story. He begins rewinding the movie Were not in the begi

2、nning of the story! He pauses the movie on Rafiki holding up Simba, with a monkey screech; the movie begins fast-forwarding again Yes, we werethe whole time! rewinds; the film reverses on a shot of Timon looking in bewilderment at Simba and Nalas reunion, with a squawk of confusion But they dont kno

3、w that! indicates the audience; switches the movie direction again, on Nala pinning Simba, with a lion-roar sound Then why dont we tell them our story? pauses the movie on a snarling close-up of the three hyenas; Timon and Pumbaa both shriek and dive under their seats slowly re-emerging Hey, I got a

4、n idea. Why don OhI like the sound of that. A little backstage tour. Take em behind the scenes for a revealing and intimate look at the story within the story! Cause what they dont know is how we really were there even though they didnt know we were there, yknow? Couldnt have said it better myself!

5、rewinds the movie again So does this mean were going back to the beginning? melodramatically Oh, no, Pumbaa. No. Were going way back. to before the beginning. The sunrise plays backwards, looking like a sunset; the screen goes black along with African drumbeats; the title The Lion King crashes onto

6、the screen, followed by a 2, then a 1, then another 1, followed by a diagonal line which forms the crooked 1 1/2 logo. (In non-U.S. versions, the title is The Lion King 3.) Cracks appear across the screen image, and the black screen shatters and falls from the field of view in fragments, leaving a v

7、iew of Pride Rock in daylight. Digga Tunnah reverently Pride Rock. So majestic. So powerful. So. bizarrely named. pauses the movie; the silhouettes and the seatbacks appear again Pumbaa, how can a rock be proud? Its a rock! Well, I think its because a pride is what they call a group of lions. Oh, su

8、re, the lions get Pride Rock. And what about us meerkats? Where I come from we didnt have nothin to be proud of. Why: clears throat; singing When I was a young meerkat. singing When he was a young meerkat.! blows Timon off his seatback peevishly Very nice. Thanks! But maybe itd be safer if I just sh

9、ow em where I came from. Oh, boy! Do we get to see where you grew up? Yeah, Pumbaa, but it aint pretty. clicks the remote; the view of Pride Rock switches to a full-screen shot Please remain seated while the camera is in motion. The camera does a super-high-speed truck-out from Pride Rock, past zebr

10、as, grasslands, the Elephant Graveyard, the Gorge, marshlands, the desert, and finally stopping at a dry plain of low mounds of dirt, with a tumbleweed blowing across Here we are: from Pride Rock to the pit of shame. Were so low on the food chain were underground! But you dont have to take my word f

11、or it. Ill just let my fellow meerkats do the talking. music begins. Background Chant: Semon pute Meerkats: chanting, nervously What was that?!What was what? Shh!What was that?Where? What? Where?Quick, before the hyena come!Guard: CLEAR!Scenes of the colony of meerkats all busily digging a network o

12、f tunnels, singing as they work. singing Digga tunnah,Dig, digga tunnahWhen youre done ya dig a bigga tunnahDigga tunnah,Dig, dig a tunnahDIG!Background chant: Digga tunnah,You can dig and never get dunnah Digga tunnah, (Dig a little faster) silence as they look from side to side, listeningDigga tun

13、nah is what we doLifes a tunnah were diggin throughDigga tunnah is what we singDigga tunnah is everything!Mud and clay is a meerkats friendAlways more around every bendAnd when you get to your tunnahs endHallelujah! Lets dig again!Dig, digga tunnah (Digga tunnah)re done ya dig a bigga tunnah.Digga t

14、unnah, (Dig a little faster)dig dig a tunnah. pause to listenMa: Timon! Excuse me. Have you seen my son? Has he been through here?Uncle Max: Digga tunnah, dig, digga tunnah. digga tunnah, dig, digAaaah! Ma pokes him, scaring him out of his chant Uncle Max? spooked Aaahh! Uncle Max, relax. Have you s

15、een Timon? pleased with himself No, I haventand what a day its been! No fractures, no lacerations, no concussions, contusions or injuries of any sort. As a matter of fact, theres no sign of Timons handiwork anywhere!the ceiling cracks and then comes crashing down around them, light streaming in all

16、around; finally theres nothing left of the tunnel but a ring of dirt held up on a narrow protrusion, with Timon standing under it. fuming That would be. TIMOOON! embarrassed Heh heh heh. Hey, everybody!Meerkat1: Ha ha. Nice work, Timon. Meerkat2: Way to go, tunnel klutz. Meerkat3: Who else could bre

17、ak a hole?Meerkat4: Four in a weeka new record! quietly despairing Not again. defiantly Its called a skylight!The skylight crumbles to nothing. trying to salvage the situation Ho ho. Wow! Isnt that creative. A skylight! Oh, ha ha. seeking discretion as the better part of valor Ill just have a word w

18、ith him. Ma leads Timon away from the scene of the collapse. I. I was just trying to shed a little light on our pathetic existence. Timon, this cant go on. Just this month, youve pulled down four walls and collapsed two tunnel exits. She combs Timons hair We have to look after each other. Our surviv

19、al depends on it. Whats the point? All we do is dig so we can hide, and hide so we can dig. Ma finishes combing his hair, which poofs up into a bunch of spikes I wanna be where we dont have to dig tunnels and live with our heads stuck in the sand. pushes some grass apart and gazes out over the horiz

20、on Whats so bad about dreaming of a better home? joins him at the gap in the grass I wanna show you something. Look, Timon. Go on, look. Camera pulls back to a panoramic view of the Pride Lands in all their golden-lit majesty, as the This Land theme plays Look out to the horizon, past the trees, ove

21、r the grasslands. Everything the light touches. sharply belongs to someone else!A record needle scratches; the grasses snap back together and block the view. Funny. I thought you were going a whole different direction with this. What can I say?s natures design. appears out of the grass suddenly Shes

22、 right!re food for other animalsa moveable feast. Feared by no one and eaten by all! But when they die, they become the grass. And we eat the grass. right? Not exactly; we cant digest grass. Were grass intolerant. snatches Timon away Ok, Max. Thank you. Youve been a big help. To Timon Honey, I appea

23、ring out of another stand of grass Meerkat. its whats for dinner! increasingly sarcastic; pointing meaningfully off into the distance Thank you, Uncle Max. groans at the camera Uhh. disappears I think Uncle Max dislodged one too many rocks with his skull. But hes right, Timon. She tries to comb his

24、hair again; a bug flies by, and she snatches it and squishes it into hair gel Oh, I just know theres a way for you to fit in here. Timon glowers from under his plastered-down hair; a single hair springs back up, and he sighs. off-screen, to other meerkats All right, whos on sentry duty? perks up wit

25、h inspiration; gasps Thats it! Thats itMy son on sentry duty! Timon the sentry!cut to Uncle Max being told of this idea in horrified shock Timon the sentry? Why dont you save the hyenas the trouble and kill me now? Just kill me now! He has a point. All you have to do is watch for hyenas and yell if you see one. Look at Iron Joe. Iron Joe: in the middle of a nervous breakdown Dont close your eyes! Dont look away! Somebodys gotta guard us!s gotta protect us! Breaks up in sobs as a couple of meerkat orderlies carry him away, raving, from his post

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