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Call for call in call at等短语的用法区别Word格式文档下载.docx

1、13.He seems to call me this morning but I was out.早上他好象给我打过电话,但我出去了。14.Call me (up) this evening, if its convenient to you.如果方便的话,今天晚上打个电话给我。15.Please call me up this evening.请今晚给我打电话。16.The office called to find out where you were this afternoon.办公室的人下午打电话来找过你。17.Ill call you back soon.我会很快给你回电话的。1

2、8.Call me (up) this afternoon.今天下午给我打个电话。三、Call 的习惯搭配用法举例(常与at, in, on连用)拜访,作短暂访问(或停留)1.Call in, or ring us up. Its up to you.你可以亲自来访,也可以打电话来,由你定。2.Lets call in on the old granny for some minutes.我们花几分钟去看看老奶奶吧。3.Do you think we should call at Franks when we go to New York?我们去纽约的时候,你看要不要去看看弗兰克?4.The

3、teacher has called to know if the students who were absent for the week have any difficulties.教师来过,问起上周缺课的同学有没有困难。5.This long-distance coach calls at every stop along its journey.这趟长途汽车沿线每站都要停靠。6.An old friend called on me the day before yesterday.前天一位老朋友来找过我。7.The retired director called on at your

4、 office yesterday.已经退休了的董事昨天到你办公室来看过你。8.We can call on our former teacher tomorrow.我们明天可以去拜访过去的老师。9.Do you think we should call at Frank10.In the letter he was asked to call at the station.信中说要他到警察局去一下。11.I was out when he called.他来访时,我正好不在。1、到某地取(某物);邀约The police were called in.警察被召来了。Youd better c

5、all the doctor in.你们最好请医生来。Lets go to the night school together, and Ill call for you.咱们一起去夜校吧,到时候我来叫你。In the letter he was asked to call at the station.信中说要他到警察局去一下。He asked me to call for him at four oclock in the afternoon.他要我下午四点钟来接他。Many experts have been called in for advice.许多专家被请来商量对策。The pr

6、esident called on the citizens to work hard for national unity.总统号召公民们为了国家的统一而努力工作。He will call for his book tomorrow.他明天来取他的书。2、邀请;召集,召唤His youngest son was called up in 1914.他最小的儿子在一九一四年应召入伍。You dont have to call a doctor.你不必去叫医生来。to call a doctor请医生 The government caledl out the army to suppress

7、the workers strike.政府出动了军队镇压工人罢工。3、取名,起名They called the baby Helen after their beloved teacher.他们以他们敬爱的老师的名字海伦为他们的婴孩命名。Well call the baby David.我们给这婴儿取名大卫。ll call the baby James.我们将给这婴儿取名詹姆斯。4、叫醒;唤醒Call him if the manager doesnt wake up in time.你们经理到时醒不来,就叫醒他。Call me (up) at six tomorrow morning.明早六

8、点叫我起床。5、认为;估计为I dont call that a good song.我说那算不上是首好歌。They call that an honor to their collective.他们认为那是他们集体的光荣。5、想;以为;视为It is called a piano.它叫钢琴。The taxi is a small Swiss aeroplane called a tank.这辆出租汽车是一架小型瑞士飞机,叫坦克。Everyone called him a coward.大家都称他是胆小鬼。Mark Twin was called a writer who understood

9、 boys.马克.吐温被称为了解男孩子们的作家。Nothing can be called unknowable.没有什么事物可以认为是不可知的。He called himself an architect.他把他自己叫做建筑师。s call it a day.今天就做到这里,收工吧。We call it an honour to our collective that Mather got the first prize in the composition contest.我们认为玛莎在作文比赛中荣获一等奖是我们集体的光荣。Frank did not call himself an art

10、ist.弗朗克不把他自己看成是一个艺术家。四、Call 作名词的习惯用法:1、邀请;召唤He answered the call to arms.他应征入伍。All the neighbours heard a call for help.邻居们都听到呼救声。2、打电话,通话to make a long-distance call打长途电话 Theres a call for you, Mr. Kevin.凯文先生,有你的电话。3、短暂拜访The ministers waited for a call to the palace.部长们等候着进宫召见。a call from the docto

11、r医生的来访 a call on a person拜访某人 4、需求;理由Sorry, theres no call for office workers now.很抱歉,现在不需要增添办公人员。There is no call to be anxious.没有焦急的必要。no call to be afraid没理由害怕 5、停靠;需要There is no call for us to adjust the price.我们无需调整价格。give (someone) a call给某人打电话 I gave the headmaster a call but he was out.我给校长打

12、了个电话,但他出去了。6、on call 随时待命的;待用的;准备妥当的 The nurse is on call tonight.今夜护士随时待命 give sb. a call给某人打电话 make a formal call进行一次正式访问 have no call for more money不需要更多的钱 五、Call 作动词的习惯用法 for需要;要求;值得 call for bid招标 3.The occasion calls for a cool head.这种场合需要冷静的头脑。 forth唤起;引起;振作起 off取消 6.

13、The meeting has been called off.会议取消了。 on拜访;号召;呼吁;邀请 8.Ill call on him tomorrow.明天我去拜访他。 up召集;动员;使人想起 (= call upon) the roll点名 a doctor请医生 a meeting召集会议 13.Please call me at 6 tomorrow morning.请在明晨六点叫醒我。14.Shall we call it five dollars?我们就算它是五块钱好吗?15.My brother ca

14、lled me from Shanghai last night.我的兄弟昨晚从上海打电话给我。16.I call that a shame.我认为那是一种耻辱。17.She called to her father for help.她向她父亲喊叫求救。18.I called at Mr. Greens house.我曾到格林先生家中拜访。19.As the call, so the echo . 六、Call组成的惯用语at call即期交付; 随叫随到 on call即期交付;be called at sb.s back完全听命于某人 be called away死去 be called

15、 for(邮件)存局待领 be called on被迫而.; 义不容辞. get the call当选; 被雇用 receive a call接见, 接待 return a call回拜; 答访 there is no call for(或to)不需要.; 没有.的必要 the call for duty责任感 the call of nature大小便 call after依.名字而命名; 追呼其后 call at访问; 拜访; 停泊 call back召回; 收回; 取消; 撤销; 回想, 回忆; 回电话 call by口顺便到.去一下; 顺路访问 call down俗斥责; 导致; 求降 call for取; 接; 需求; 要求 call forth唤起; 振起; 引起; 招致 call in收集; 收回(货币)不再流通; 邀请 call off取消; 叫走; 使转移 call on拜访; 要求, 请求, 招致; 指名 call upon拜访;call out大声喊叫; 召集; 命令(工人)罢工; 使跃出; 向.挑战; 要求和.决斗 call out at对某人高声叫喊 call round拜访 call up提醒; 使忆起; 传人到法庭; 应征入伍; 打电话; 使起立发言; 要求股东出资

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