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1、CYes, please DGo ahead【答案】A考查情景交际。A. With pleasure愿意效劳;B. My pleasure不用谢;C. Yes, please好的,请; D. Go ahead干吧。请把窗户关上,好么?愿意效劳。With pleasure是对could/would you的回答,结合句意,故A项正确。【点睛】很多同学分不清With pleasure和My pleasure的区别,注意:With pleasure表示“愿意效劳”,是对could/would you的回答,My pleasure表示“不用谢”,是对than you的回答。4 The final ex

2、amination is around the corner. I couldnt go out and play football with you. Come on. . All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.ABe all ears BIts a piece of cakeCDont be a wet blanket DDont pull my leg-期末考试临近了。我不能出去和你踢足球。-来吧,别扫兴了。只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。Be all ears全神贯注地听着,专心倾听;a piece of cake小菜一碟; 非常容易的事

3、;Dont be a wet blanke别扫兴了;Dont pull my leg别拉我的腿。根据句意可知,此处只有C符合题意,故选C。5-Have you seen this film? It shows friendship, love and help.-_I was deeply moved.AIm the top dog BIts my cup of teaCI have green fingers DIts a piece of cake-你看过这部电影吗?它显示了友谊、爱和帮助。-这是我喜欢的一类,我深深地感动了。A. Im the top dog我是大人物;B. Its my

4、 cup of tea这是我喜欢的,符合我的胃口;C. I have green fingers我是园艺能手;D. Its a piece of cake小菜一碟,轻松的事 。分析句子可知,本题后一句“我被打动了”,可知我喜欢,故选B。6It really annoys me when a persons cell phone goes off during a movie?Yeah, me too It really _Acosts me an arm and a leg Bgets on my nervesCbeats my brains out Dpulls my legs试题分析:考查

5、交际用语和谚语。谚语:It really costs me an arm and a leg。它真是太贵了。 It really gets on my nerves它让我心神不宁。beats my brains out绞尽脑汁;pulls my legs开玩笑,愚弄我;看电影时,有人手机响起来,真让我生气。是的,我也一样。它让我心神不宁。根据句意可知B项正确。考点:考查交际用语和谚语7The man we seized is ; he hasnt said a thing since we began the question.Aa double-edged sword Ba needle i

6、n a haystackCa hard nut to crack Da man of the world我们抓住的这个人是一个难以对付的人-从我们开始审问都没有说一句话。A. a double-edged sword双刃剑;B. a needle in a haystack大海捞针;C. a hard nut to crack棘手的问题,难以对付的人;D. a man of the world通世故的人。由“从我们开始审问都没有说一句话”可知,这是一个难以对付的人。故选C。8-Do you mind if I record your lecture? - _. Go ahead.ANever

7、mind BNo way CNot at all DNo, youd better not-你介意我把你的讲座录下来吗?-不介意,录吧。A 没关系(用于安慰别人);B 没门,不可能;C 一点也不,根本不;D 不,你最好别这样。从go ahead 判断对方不介意,所以C 选项正确。9You think I shouldnt say how I feel?_. Do what you like.ASame to you BThats for sure CI hope so DI dont care【答案】D你以为我不该说我的感受吗?我不在乎,做你喜欢做的。A. Same to you你也一样;B.

8、 Thats for sure当然;C. I hope so我希望如此;D. I dont care我不在意。根据Do what you like.可知,D项符合题意。故项D项。10The Youth League Committee is looking for volunteers for the promotion of rubbish-sorting. Would you like to join in?_. Everyone should do his bit.AYou asked for it BYou betCYou have my word DYouve got me ther

9、eA. You asked for it你自找的;B. You bet当然了。 C. You have my word我向你保证。D. Youve got me there你难住我了。青年人联盟委员会正在寻找垃圾分类的志愿者,你愿意参加吗?当然了,每个人都应该做出自己的贡献。故B项正确。情景交际用语的考查关键在于理解上下文语境,同时要注意辨析选项的意思。平时熟记各种情景下的不同的交际用语,尤其是一些与汉语相差较大的表达。做这类试题,要求同学们按照所给的情景,选择最佳问句或答句,完成题目。要想做好这类题目,关键是平时要养成讲英语的良好习惯,努力提高口语水平,熟练掌握日常会话项目中常用的问答语。1

10、1How long have you been learning English?Four months._. Your English is so good.AYou cant be seriousBWith pleasureCOf course notDIts very kind of you-你学习英语多长时间了?-四个月。-你一定开玩笑的吧。你英语这么好。A. You cant be serious.你开玩笑的吧;B. With pleasure非常乐意;.C. Of course not当然不;.D. Its very kind of you.你真善良。分析句意可知,此人虽然只学习了

11、四个月的英语但英语却很优秀。而这并不常见,故应表示惊讶。故选A。12 The movie starts at 8:30, and we can have a quick bite before we go._. See you at 8:10.ASo long BSounds greatCGood luck DHave a good time考查交际用语。电影8:30开始,在我们去之前我们可以快速地吃点东西。听上去是个好主意。八点十分见。A. So long再见;B. Sounds great听起来好极了;C. Good luck好运;D. Have a good time过得愉快,玩的很开心

12、。根据情境,第一个说话者提出了建议,第二个说话者很认同,认为那是个好主意。故选B。13How do you find the traditional food in Tianjin Ancient Culture Street? _. AIts up to you BCant be better CIt was easy to find DYou got it你觉得天津古文化街的传统食物怎么样? 再好不过了。A. Its up to you这取决于你;B. Cant be better再好不过了;C. It was easy to find很容易找到;D. You got it你理解了。How

13、 do you find sth./sb.?询问某人对某物/人的看法,译作“你认为怎么样?”,B项“再好不过了”是评价。14- It is too difficult for me to learn to eat with chopsticks.- .With more practice, you will succeeds up to you BNever mindCDont lose heart DIts hard to says up to you取决于你;B. Never mind不要紧;C. Dont lose heart别灰心; D. Its hard to say很难说。用筷子吃

14、饭对我来说太难学了。别灰心,多多练习,你就会成功。根据“With more practice, you will succeed”判断此处是第二人鼓励第一人,故C项正确。15Jane, which color do you prefer, red or blue? _. I prefer to buy a green one.AEither will be OK BBoth will be OKCTo be honest, neither DGenerally, Im not sure考查交际用语和不定代词。Jane,你更喜欢什么颜色,红色还是蓝色?老实说,都不喜欢,我宁愿买一个绿色的。bot

15、h表示两者都,either表示两个中任一个,根据句意说明他两个都不喜欢,使用neither表示两者都不的全部否定。To be honest是一个口语中常见的固定搭配。故C正确。16What about watching a ballet show this evening?Thanks for inviting me, but ballet isnt really _.Athe apple of my eye Bmy feet of clayCmy cup of tea Dthe salt of the earth考查固定用法。A. the apple of my eyes我的掌上明珠; B.

16、 my feet of clay我致命的弱点; C. my cup of tea不是我喜欢的; D. the salt of the earth社会中坚。今晚去看芭蕾舞表演怎么样?谢谢你邀请我,但我不太喜欢跳芭蕾舞。结合句意可知答案为C。17Jack has admitted letting out the secret again.No surprise. However, admitting his problem but never making a change is just like _.Alanding on his feetBbursting on the sceneCscra

17、tching the surfaceDmaking the headlines考查固定短语。杰克承认又泄露了秘密。不意外。然而,承认自己的问题却从不改变,这只是表面现象。A. landing on his feet逢凶化吉;B. bursting on the scene突然出现;C. scratching the surface只触及问题的表面;D. making the headlines成为头条新闻。根据句意及各选项意思,仅是承认自己的问题却不改变,只是表面现象。18 Betty, could I use your laptop?Sorry. My laptop is_.It keeps

18、 breaking down.Aover the moon Bin the black Con paper Don its last legs考查短语辨析。Betty我可以使用你的笔记本电脑吗?不好意思。我的笔记本电脑快不能用了,它老是死机。A. over the moon非常高兴;B. in the back盈余;C. on paper理论上;D. on its last legs奄奄一息、快不能用了。根据后文It keeps breaking down.可知,笔记本是快不能用了,故选D项。19 Do you feel disappointed about getting a small r

19、ole in the school drama?_. Its better than nothing.ANot really BAbsolutelyCDont mention it DOf course在学校戏剧表演中只当一个小角色,你会感到失落吗?并不完全如此,有总比没有好。A. Not really并不完全是;B. Absolutely绝对地,完全地;C. Dont mention it不用客气(礼貌用语);D. Of course当然了。根据回答后半句“Its better than nothing”可知回答着并不失落到了极点,而是有些失落但又处于自我宽慰的状态,只有Not really

20、符合题意,故选A。20 We d better invite Tom to the Friday meeting. Yes, _? Ill call him at once.Awhy not Bwhat for Cwhy Dwhat我们最好邀请汤姆参加星期五的会议。是的,为什么不呢?我马上给他打电话。A. why not为什么不;B. what for为何目的;C. why为什么;D. what什么。此对话上句是在征求建议,根据回答,why not符合题意。21I made it at last. I am on top of the world! ADont fall down! BOh,

21、really? CSo far, so good. DCongratulations.昨晚我做到了!我在世界之巅了!祝贺你!A. Dont fall down!别跌倒了。B. Oh, really?真的吗?C. So far, so good. 目前为止,一切顺利。D. Congratulations.祝贺你。听到对方说做成了某事,应该为对方感到高兴,要祝贺对方,故选D。情景对话题主要考查英语的日常用语、习惯用语以及各种场合的交际性语言,并从实际出发,考查交际语言的运用能力。做题时仔细阅读上下文,找出上下文之间的联系。22Im afraid I cant find the key to the

22、 car._ Ill wait for you. We have enough time.AHurry up. BAll right.CIt is up to you. DHold your horses.我担心找不到汽车锁匙了。沉住气。我会等你的。我们时间足够。A. Hurry up.快点。B. All right.好的。C. It is up to you.这取决于你。D. Hold your horses.沉住气,别冒火。在情景对话中,前一句是担心,所以回答的应该是有关安慰的话,选项D切题。故选D。23-Thank you for your explanation. Now I unde

23、rstand what our teacher said.-_.A Youre very clever. B. My pleasure C No, thanks D Dont say【解析】情景对话题。多谢你的解释现在我明白老师所说的内容了,不客气。A. Youre very clever. 你太聪明了 B. My pleasure不客气 C. No, thanks 不,谢谢 D. Dont say 别说 根据句意选B。24- Ive got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice?- _. Tell me al

24、l about it and Ill do what I can.ADont mention it BNo wonderCNo problem DMy pleasure“我心事重重。你能给我一些建议吗?”“没问题。告诉我,我将尽力做。”A. Dont mention it别客气;B. No wonder难怪;C. No problem没问题;D. My pleasure我很荣幸;别客气。故C选项正确。25- I prefer a computer made in your company, but I may need some more information about the produ

25、ct.- _.AThank you BIts a pleasureCYou are welcome DAt your service我更喜欢贵公司的电脑,但是我仍需要更多的信息。-,随时为您效劳。B. Its a pleasure 很荣幸;C. You are welcome不客气;D. At your service随时为您效劳。分享句子可知,该对话发生在客户与服务人员,故选 D。26 I wonder what chance there is of me passing by the old places without thinking of you. _. Time cures all

26、 wounds.AMy pleasure BDont mention it CI cant agree more DNever mind-我想知道我有没有可能在再次经过这些老地方的时候能不想起你们。-没事的,时间治愈所有创伤。A. My pleasure我的荣幸;B. Dont mention it不客气;C. I cant agree more 完全同意; D. Never mind别在意,没关系。由语境可知,Never mind“别在意,没关系”符合语境。故D选项正确。27Sir, Im late because my car broke down on the way._. Ive had enough of your excuses.ACut it out BSuit yourself CYou cant be serious DIt makes senseA. Cut

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