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1、忘掉;刚才忘记Forget love:忘记爱;不要忘记爱;忘了爱;忘不掉的挚爱Forget work:忘了工作;不要忘记工作;忘记下班;忘记工作Cant Forget:忘不了;无法遗忘;金钟国例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.V-T If you forget something or forget how to do something, you cannot think of it or think how to do it,

2、although you knew it or knew how to do it in the past. 忘了 (某事物、如何做某事)例:She forgot where she left the car and it took us two days to find it.她忘了把车停在了哪里,我们花了两天时间才找到它。2.V-T/V-I If you forget something or forget to do it, you fail to think about it or fail to remember to do it, for example, because you

3、are thinking about other things. 忘记 (某事物、做某事)She never forgets her daddys birthday.她从不忘记她爸爸的生日。3.V-T If you forget something that you had intended to bring with you, you do not bring it because you did not think about it at the right time. 忘记带 (某物)Once when we were going to Paris, I forgot my passpo

4、rt.有一次我们去巴黎时,我忘了带护照。4.V-T/V-I If you forget something or someone, you deliberately put them out of your mind and do not think about them any more. 忘掉 (某事物、某人)I hope you will forget the bad experience you had today.我希望你会忘掉你今天的这次不愉快经历。5.CONVENTION You say Forget it in reply to someone as a way of tell

5、ing them not to worry or bother about something, or as an emphatic way of saying no to a suggestion. 没关系; 休想 口语Sorry, Liz. I think I was a bit rude to you.Forget it, but dont do it again!“对不起,莉兹。我想我刚才对你有点粗鲁。” “没关系,不过以后别再这样做了!”6.PHRASE You say not forgetting a particular thing or person when you want

6、 to include them in something that you have already talked about. 别忘了 (某物或人)Leave a message, not forgetting your name and address.留张条,别忘了留下你的姓名和地址。camera英 km()r 美 kmr附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 复数 cameras n. 照相机;摄影机n. (Camera)人名;(

7、英、意、西)卡梅拉video camera:摄像机;摄影机;电视摄像机;录像机box camera:箱式照相机;盒式相机;Camera Map:盒式照相机;方盒照相机folding camera:相机贴图编辑器;环境相机贴图编辑器;摄影机贴图;情况照相机贴图编纂器candid camera:风箱式照相机;折合式照像机;折叠式摄影机;折叠式照相机Camera Blur:偷拍;抓拍镜头;有照为凭;袖珍照相机on camera:照相机模糊;镜头模糊;摄像机模糊;柔光镜CAMERA OPERATOR:出镜头;出现在电视上;镜内表演process camera:摄影师;摄影助理;摄影机操作员;取景师1.

8、N-COUNT A camera is a piece of equipment that is used for taking photographs, making films, or producing television pictures. 照相机; 摄影机Her grandmother lent her a camera for a school trip to Venice and Egypt.她的祖母借给她一部相机,让她在学校组织的到威尼斯和埃及的旅行中使用。2.PHRASE If someone or something is on camera , they are bei

9、ng filmed. 在拍摄中; 上镜头Fay was so impressive on camera that a special part was written in for her.镜头中的费伊太令人印象深刻了,因此有一个专门写给她的角色。3.PHRASE If you do something or if something happens off camera , you do it or it happens when not being filmed. 不在拍摄中They were anything but friendly off camera, refusing even

10、to take the same lift.不拍摄时他们根本称不上友好,甚至拒绝乘同一部电梯。4.PHRASE If a trial is held in camera , the public and the press are not allowed to attend. 不对外公开的 正式This mornings appeal was held in camera.今天上午的上诉是不对外公开的。road英 rd 美 rodn. 公路,马路;道路;手段vt. (狗)沿臭迹追逐(猎物)adj. (美)巡回的n. (Road)人名;(英)罗德Nathan Road:尖沙咀弥敦道;旺角弥敦道;

11、内森路Revolutionary Road:革命之路;真爱旅程;浮生路;革命路Road Trip:自驾游;哈拉上路;四仔旅行团;公路之旅Amber Road:琥珀之路;安珀路Glory Road:光荣之路;荣耀之路;勇闯禁区;庆幸之路Marsh Road:马师道Kennedy Road:坚尼地道cross road:十字路口;交路口;超越十年精选集Granville Road:加连威老道1.N-COUNT A road is a long piece of hard ground that is built between two places so that people can drive

12、 or ride easily from one place to the other. 公路There was very little traffic on the roads.那时这些公路上车辆很少。2.N-COUNT The road to a particular result is the means of achieving it or the process of achieving it. 途径; 过程We are bound to see some ups and downs along the road to recovery.在复苏的道路上我们一定会经历一些波折起伏。3.

13、PHRASE If you say that someone is on the road to something, you mean that they are likely to achieve it. 在 (取得成功的) 的道路上The government took another step on the road to political reform.政府又在政治改革的道路上迈进了一步。4.the end of the road see endtomorrow英 tmr 美 tmroadv. 在明天,在明日;在未来n. 明天,明日; 未来,来日(尤指不久的将来)After Tom

14、orrow:明天以后;阳光普照;明天过后;明日之后Sunshine Tomorrow:明日阳光Jump Tomorrow:飞越明天;由霍普金斯;详细翻译Lightening Tomorrow:点亮未来;照亮明天Hello Tomorrow:明天你好;你好;明天更美好;问好明天Tomorrow Today:科技博览;明日话今天;唱片名Beautiful Tomorrow:明天会更美;美好的明天;美丽的明天;Better Tomorrow:明天会更好;无敌者;明天美好;自己的声音Beyond Tomorrow:超越明天1.ADV You use tomorrow to refer to the d

15、ay after today. 明天 ADV with clBye, see you tomorrow.再见,明天见。2.N-UNCOUNT Tomorrow is also a noun. 明天Whats on your agenda for tomorrow?你明天日程有什么安排?3.ADV You can refer to the future, especially the near future, as tomorrow . 在 (尤指不久的) 将来 ADV with clWhat is education going to look like tomorrow?教育将来会是什么样子

16、呢?4.N-UNCOUNT Tomorrow is also a noun. 未来 also N in pl.tomorrows computer industry.未来的计算机业。deer英 d 美 dr 复数 deer或deers n. 鹿n. (Deer)人名;(英)迪尔fallow deer:黇鹿;小鹿;扁角鹿;黄鹿sika deer:梅花鹿water deer:獐;水鼷鹿Red Deer:红鹿市;马鹿;红鹿;雷德迪尔pampas deer:草原鹿;草原鹿属;南美草原鹿Calamian Deer:喀拉米豚鹿Bawean Deer:巴岛花鹿marsh deer:沼泽鹿;南美泽鹿Sichu

17、an deer:白臀鹿1.N-COUNT A deer is a large wild animal that eats grass and leaves. A male deer usually has large, branching horns. 鹿weekday英 wikde 美 wikden. 平日,普通日;工作日each weekday:每周日Weekday meetings:周日上下班交通;周日会议Weekday Lunch:工作日午餐weekday Learn:平日Weekday Evenings:平日晚上feria weekday:Weekday Effect:周日效应;周内

18、效应;星期效应分析weekday minutes:平日分钟;周一至周五分钟weekday preferred:兼职女服务生1.N-COUNT A weekday is any of the days of the week except Saturday and Sunday. 工作日 (指星期一至星期五的任何一天)If you want to avoid the crowds, its best to come on a weekday.如果你想避开人流,最好在工作日来。underground英 ndgrand 美 ndrandadv. 在地下;秘密地adj. 地下的;秘密的;先锋派的n.

19、地下;地铁;地道;地下组织;秘密活动;先锋派团体London Underground:伦敦地铁;伦敦地铁公司;伦敦地下铁;音画英国伦敦地铁Tokyo Underground:东京地下城;东京公然城underground building:地下建筑;地下建筑物Underground restaurant:私房菜Pop Underground:地下流行Underground Parking:地下停车场;地下停;地下停车;地下停场UNDERGROUND CINEMA:地下电影;公开电影underground space:地下空间;地下空间开发利用;地下喉管;蒙特利尔市by underground:乘

20、地铁;乘坐地铁;坐地铁;地铁1.ADV Something that is underground is below the surface of the ground. 在地下 ADV after vSolid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.低放射性固体废物将被弃置在地下深处。2.ADJ Underground is also an adjective. 地下的 ADJ underground parking garage for 2,100 vehicles.一座能停放2100辆车的地下停车库。3.N-S

21、ING The underground in a city is the railway system in which electric trains travel below the ground in tunnels. 地铁 英国英语 the N, also by N I dont travel on the underground late at night.我深夜不坐地铁。4.ADJ Underground groups and activities are secret because their purpose is to oppose the government and they are illegal. 秘密的; 地下的 ADJ n.the underground Kashmir Liberation Front.秘密的克什米尔解放阵线。5.ADV If you go underground , you hide from the authorities o

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