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1、Step3 Practice1. Conversion task: students are required to converse the following simple present tense simple past tense to better understand the new structure:I usually eat an egg for breakfast.I _ an egg for breakfast yesterday morning.People often live in houses.John _ in the small village for ab

2、out two years.Do you come to your grandmas twice a week?He _ to see his grandma last week.There are three people in my family.There _ many butterflies here 5 years ago.2. Translation task: students are expected to translate the following Chinese the corresponding English.我妹妹早餐吃了一个橙子和一片面包。约翰之前和他妈妈去逛了

3、百货商场。我上周买了一个新的文具盒。Step4 Production1. Group discussion: divide the whole class groups of 6 and require them to describe the growth of a tree, at the same time, draw it strip pictures. Three groups will be asked to have a presentation.Filling blanks: students try to fill in the blanks below independen

4、tly:It _ a small seed. Then it _ a sapling after two weeks. Finally it _ tall and _ a large tree. There _ so many big trees.Step5 Summary and homeworkSummary: invite two students to retell the growth of a butterfly with the help of strip pictures.Homework: ask students to select pictures of their ch

5、ildhood and make a comparison between the present selves and the old selves.板书设计答辩题目解析1.请谈谈什么是语法教学中的归纳法?【参考答案】先让外语学习者接触包含语法规则的真实上下文,通过学习大量例句,使学生形成一定程度的感性认识,进而对材料进行加工,最后再总结归纳出语法规则。2.请谈谈你这节课的教学重点是什么?我本堂课的教学重点是一般过去时的用法。通过本堂课的学习,学生能够使用一般过去时谈论过去某个时间发生的动作,并能够熟知规则动词和不规则动词的过去式。小学英语What time is it?主要教学过程及板书设

6、计Step 1: Warming up(1)Greeting with the students.(2)Do the warming up with students and review the numbers:One finger one finger turn turn turn, turn to a toothbrush, shua shua shua Two fingers two fingers turn turn turn,turn to a rabbit, jump jump jump Three fingers Three fingers turn turn turn, tu

7、rn to a cat, miao miao miaoStep 2: Presentation:(1) Show the picture of a clock, then ask the students the question what time is it? Help the students answer the question with the sentence “Itsoclock”. In this time, the teacher will only point on the hour.(2) Show some pictures of the daily life and

8、 there is a clock in every picture and ask the students to describe the time in with their deskmates.(3) The students may have doubt with the last picture, the time in the last picture is 10:17and the teacher will ask the students to give the question “what time is it” to the teacher. The teacher wi

9、ll answer the question and guide the students learn the time expression.Step 3: PracticeThe teacher will play the game Touch and Say with the students. The teacher will hold two different clock on his/her hand and invite the students to ask ”what time is it”. When the teacher answers the question th

10、e students should touch the right picture.Step 4: Production(1) Ask students make a clock by themselves and ask their partner what time is it by changing the time.(2) The teacher will ask four students in a group and have a competition. The representatives from every group write down the time they h

11、ear. Who get more right answers, who will be the winner.Step 5: Summary and homework.(1) Ask two or three students to give a summary of the class.(2) Ask students to describe the time when they go to school, when they have lunch and when they go to bed.1.你现在做什么工作?大学毕业后,我在一家课外辅导机构做一名英语老师,虽然工作时间不长,但是我


13、帮助学生将所学句式应用到实践过程中。但是本节课也存在不足之处,游戏环节偏多,可能会导致预设环节不能按时完成,在实际教学过程中,我会根据实际情况调节我的环节和进度。小学英语What would you like to eat?What would you like to eat?Step 1 Warming up and lead in:Greeting with the students, have a free talk with the students, ask about the foods.T: Whats your favorite food?S: I like cake best

14、. Why do you like cake best? Because the cake is very sweet, I like sweet. Who can list some other food which is sweet? Are they the Chinese food? No, the Chinese food is not always sweet. Can you list some other Chinese food? Rice, dumplings, and noodles. We are going to learn some western food. Pl

15、ease look at the PPT.Step 2 PresentationCreate the situation that the teacher is going to have a birthday party, and invites students to her party, ask about their favorite foods and then chose the restaurant. Today is my birthday. Id like to invite you to a restaurant to celebrate my birthday. What

16、 would you like to eat? (Write the sentence on the blackboard: What would you like to eat?)Lead the students to answer: Id like to eat., and then ask them: What would you like to drink? Lead the students to answer: Id like to drink.Teacher list the foods students mentioned about just now, write ice

17、cream on the blackboard, and then ask them what kind of ice cream they like to eat best? Ok, now look at here, the first is ice cream. What kind of ice cream do you like best? I like strawberry best.Write sandwich and hamburger on the blackboard, and then show them pictures of them to the class and

18、say something about them. You must be familiar with these two words, one is hamburger (Write hamburger on the blackboard), the other is sandwich (Write sandwich on the blackboard) .Where do we usually buy hamburger? In KFC or Macdonald. When we are hungry we usually have a hamburger. But some of us

19、want to keep healthy, so they prefer to have some salad.Show the picture of salad to the students and then write the word on the blackboard. Tell them we have many kinds of salads, and show them the vegetable salad, the fruit salad, the egg salad and some other salads.Step 3 PracticePrepare some car

20、ds with the words and give the cards to the first students in a row, after telling the words in a loud voice, pass it quickly to the next one, and then change the cards until all of them read all the cards.Prepare some cards of food, and then use some words to describe it and ask students to guess t

21、he food, and find it in the cards and then paste it on the blackboard. After pasting it on the blackboard, teacher shows them the right answer on the blackboard. The first one is a Chinese food, we often eat it with the vegetables and meat, whats this? You, please. Ok, he chooses the rice card, plea

22、se paste it on the blackboard. Everybody look at the PPT, the answer is rice! You are right.After pasting all the cards on the blackboard, ask students to listen carefully, and then teacher reads the words at random, and after saying it for the first time, ask some of them to the blackboard to show

23、the right order to the students. Listen to me carefully, hamburger, sandwich, tea, rice, cake. Ok, who can come to the blackboard and show me the right order? Ok, you please. Right, lets have a check, the order is: hamburger, sandwich, tea, rice, cake.Step 4 ProductionWrite the foods and drinks on a

24、 paper, and use it as a menu, teacher acts as the waiter, students act as the guest, make dialogue with students.S1: Id like a sandwich. Id like a cup of tea.Change another one to ask.S2: Id like a hamburger. Id like coca-cola.After making the dialogue with the students, ask them to practice the sen

25、tences with their partner, and then ask some of them to show it to the class.Step 5 Summary and homework Ask one of them to have a summary of what we learned today, some students say the words, the others say the Chinese meaning. Ask them to make a table after class, write Chinese food in one line,

26、the western food in another line. Try to recall all the foods we learned in this table, and add more other food in this table.1.小学阶段的语法教学需要注意什么?其实语法教学是比较枯燥的,但是作为教师,要具备化腐朽为神奇的技能,在语法课的教学当中时刻注重抓住学生的注意力,将所学知识进行适当的变式,让学生在一种轻松愉快的环境当中快乐的学习语法知识。这节课主要学习了三个介词,在导入环节先设置一个比较吸引学生的猜谜游戏,呈现出本节课需要利用的教具盒子和铅笔,但是在铅笔的呈现方


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