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本文(江苏高考英语专题一语法知识第8讲并列句与状语从句含答案文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、if假设是,引导条件状语从句;because因为,引导缘故状语从句。4If you dont understand something,you may research,study,and talk to other people _ you figure it out.(2017北京,28)Abecause BthoughCuntil Dsince假设是不了解某个事物,你能够研究、学习、与他人探讨,直到(until)弄清楚。until直到为止,引导时刻状语从句,符合语境。because因为,引导缘故状语从句;though尽管,引导妥协状语从句;since自以来,由于,引导时刻状语从句或缘故状

2、语从句。5_ some people are motivated by a need for success,others are motivated by a fear of failure.(2016江苏,26)ABecause BIfCUnless DWhile尽管有些人受到成功需求的鼓舞,而另外一些人却被失败的恐惧所激发。依照句意可知,这两句话之间为转折对照关系,故用while。6My grandfather still plays tennis now and then,_ hes in his nineties.(2016北京,27)Aas long as Bas if Ceven

3、 though Din case尽管我的祖父已经九十多岁了,但他仍不时打网球。由句意可知,本句的前后两部份之间为妥协关系,应选C。7I really enjoy listening to music _ it helps me relax and takes my mind away from other cares of the day.(2016北京,33)Abecause BbeforeCunless Duntil答案A解析句意为:我真的很喜爱听音乐,因为它有助于我放松身心,让我忘记一天中的其他苦恼。依照句意可知,句子前后为因果关系,应选A项。8I am not afraid of to

4、morrow,_ I have seen yesterday and I love today.(2016北京,35)Aso BandCfor Dbut我并非可怕明天,因为我已经历了昨天并钟爱今天。依照句意可知,句子前后为因果关系,应选C项。9_ the average age of the population increases,there are more and more old people to care for.(2016天津,7)AUnless BUntilCAs DWhile随着人口平均寿命的延长,愈来愈多的老人需要照顾。as在此处引导状语从句,表示“随着”。10It is

5、so cold that you cant go outside _ fully covered in thick clothes.(2021Aif Bunless Conce Dwhen答案B天太冷,你不能去外面,除非你全裹在厚衣服里。unless相当于if.not(假设是不,除非),符合句意。11_ a single word can change the meaning of a sentence,a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.(2021浙江,9)AJust as BEven thoughCUntil DU

6、nless正如一个单词能够改变一个句子的意思一样,一个句子也能够改变一个段落的意思。just as正如,正像,符合语境。even though尽管;until直到;unless除非,假设是不。12He is a shy man,_ he is not afraid of anything or anyone.(2021Aso BbutCor Das他是一个很害羞的人,可是他不可怕任何事和任何人。 由句意可知前后两句之间为转折关系,故用but,选B。13You wont find paper cutting difficult _ you keep practicing it.(2021Aeve

7、n though Bas long asCas if Dever since只要你坚持练习,就可不能感觉剪纸难了。 even though 即便;as long as只要;as if 恍如,恍如;ever since 自以来。结合句意可知选B。14_ the damage is done,it will take many years for the farmland to recover.(2021北京,32)AUntil BUnlessCOnce DAlthough耕地一旦被破坏,就要花费好连年才能恢复。unless除非;once一旦;although尽管。由句意可知选C。15If you

8、 miss this chance,it may be years _ you get another one.(2021重庆,4)Aas BbeforeCsince Dafter假设是你错过这次机缘,可能得过好连年才能再有一次机缘。该句考查“It will/may be一段时刻before.”句式,表示“过量久才”。16_ scientists have learned a lot about the universe,there is much we still dont know.(2021安徽,23)AOnce BSinceCThough DUnless尽管科学家们对宇宙已经了解甚多,

9、但仍有许多咱们还不明白的东西。since自从以来;though尽管;unless除非。该题要紧考查妥协状语从句,应选C;A项常引导时刻状语从句;D项常引导条件状语从句;B项常引导时刻或缘故状语从句。17_ he once felt like giving up,he now has the determination to push further and keep on going.(2021安徽,34)AWhere BAsCIn case DNow that在他曾经想舍弃的地址,他此刻有决心前行并继续走下去。where在那个地址是连词,意思是“(在)的地址”。as当,因为;in case以

10、防;now that既然。18_ the students came from different countries,they got along quite well in the summer camp.(2021福建,31)AWhile BUnlessCSince DUntil尽管那些学生来自不同的国家,可是他们在夏令营相处得专门好。此处用while引导妥协状语从句,表示“尽管,尽管”。19_ the job takes a significant amount of time,most students agree that the experience is worth it.(2

11、021湖南,33)AIf only BAfterCAlthough DIn case尽管这份工作要花大量的时刻,但大多数学生都一致以为这次经历是值得的。句中的a significant amount of time与worth it之间组成对照,故用although引导妥协状语从句。20Some animals carry seeds from one place to another,_ plants can spread to new places.(2021北京,21)Aso Bor一些动物把种子从一个地址带到另外一个地址,因此植物就能够够传播到新的地址。so表示因果关系,意为“因此”,

12、符合句意,应选A。一、并列句易错点梳理1从属连词because不能与并列连词so连用;although和though不能与but连用,但能够与yet连用。Though he is young,he knows a lot.尽管他很小,但明白很多。2not only 位于句首时,其后的分句要部份倒装,但but also后的分句仍用正常语序。有时 also能够省略。Not only did the dog bark at him,but it bit him.这只狗不但对他吠叫,而且咬了他。3for分句只能位于句尾,且其前面需用逗号隔开。它所连接的分句只是对前面的分句加以说明,补充说明理由或推断缘

13、故。The day breaks,for the birds are singing.天亮了,因为鸟在叫。4在“祈使句and/then陈述句”结构中,祈使句的意义相当于if引导的条件状语从句的确信式;而在“祈使句or陈述句”结构中,祈使句的意义相当于if引导的条件状语从句的否定式。Hurry up,or well not catch the early bus.快点,不然咱们就赶不上早班车了。5注意when (此刻;这时)和while (而;却)这两个并列连词。I was just getting into the bath when the telephone rang.我正要洗澡这时响了。

14、I like drinking black coffee while he prefers it with cream.我爱喝清咖啡而他却喜爱喝加奶油的。二、状语从句难点梳理1引导时刻状语从句的特殊连词引导时刻状语从句的连词除when,while,as,before,after等之外,名词短语every time,each time,any time,next time,the first time,all the time,the morning,the afternoon,the evening,the day,the month,the year,the moment,the insta

15、nt,the second,the minute和副词immediately,instantly,directly等都可用作连词,引导时刻状语从句。Next time you come,do remember to bring your son here.下次你来的时候,必然记着把你儿子带来。Please let him phone me immediately he comes back.请让他一回来就给我打。2as引导妥协状语从句时,从句必需要部份倒装Old as he is,he is still energetic.尽管他上了年纪却仍是精力充沛。Much as you suspecte

16、d him,you couldnt provide powerful evidence.尽管你超级疑心他,可是你却无法提供有力的证据。3so that引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句的区别so that引导目的状语从句,表示某种可能性,是主观意念,从句中往往含有may,can,might或could等情态动词;so that引导的结果状语从句,表示客观事实,从句里没有表目的的情态动词,一样要用逗号与主句隔开,从句只能放在主句后。He spoke at the top of his voice so that the students at the back could hear him.他说话的

17、声音很高,以便让后面的同窗能听见。(目的)He spoke at the top of his voice,so that the students at the back heard him.他说话的声音很高,结果后面的同窗都听见了。(结果)4providing/provided/supposing/given (that)等引导的条件状语从句Supposing (that) I dont have a day off,what shall we do?假设我没有一天假期,那咱们该如何办?1_ you recognise _ an idiom is being used,you can ea

18、sily misunderstand the meaning of a sentence.(2017盐城景山中学调研,34)AIf;that BWhen;whereCUnless;when DUntil;why除非你意识到何时利用习语,不然你很容易误解一个句子的意思。unless“除非”,表示条件,相当于if.not;第二个空所填词引导宾语从句,依照句意,从句中缺少时刻状语,故用when引导。应选C项。2Jack appreciated his teachers help _ he couldnt find ways to express his gratitude.(2017盐城亭湖中学段考

19、,25)Aas if Beven thoughCso that Dnow that杰克感激他教师的帮忙,尽管他找不到方式来表达他的感激之情。even though即便,尽管,尽管,符合句意。as if恍如,恍如;so that以便,因此;now that既然,由于。3Someone wants you on the phone._ nobody knows I am here.(2017丹阳高级中学期中,25)AAlthough BAndCSo DBut有人给你打。可是没有人明白我在这儿。依照句子意思可知,前后两句明显为转折关系,因此选D项。4For successful people in

20、the world,they always find brightness in the bad others see a closed door,they see an open window.(2017溧水高级中学二模,34)AWhat BHowCWhere DWhen 关于世界上的成功人士来讲,他们总能在窘境中找到光明。在他人看见关着门的地址,他们会看到一扇开着的窗。where引导地址状语从句,符合句意。5Many homeless people,_ not mentally ill,simply lack the everyday survival skills needed to t

21、urn their lives around.(2017南京学情调研,23)Awhen BifCas Dwhile许多无家可归的人尽管精神正常,但缺乏让自己的日常生活完全改变的生存技术。分析句子成份可知,此题为妥协状语从句。结合句意可知while符合。6You can use this room for your club activities tomorrow _ you keep it tidy and clean.南通、扬州、泰州、淮安三模,28)Afor fear that Bso thatCon condition that Deven if你明天能够用那个房间举行俱乐部活动,条件是

22、你得维持房间的整洁干净。for fear that忧虑,可怕,引导目的状语从句;so that为的是,因此,引导目的或结果状语从句;even if尽管,尽管,引导妥协状语从句。on condition that假设是,在的条件下,引导条件状语从句,符合语境。7While working in Kunming,he checked the weather each morning for months _ he realized it would be the same every day.(2017南京三模,33)Awhen BafterCbefore Dsince在昆明工作的时候,他持续几个

23、月天天早上查看天气预报后才意识到天天的天气都差不多。before做事后才。8_ the arguments,its necessary to consider the contributions Hong Kong Disneyland has made in lifting the number of tourists.(2017扬州期末,23)AWhatever BWhicheverCHowever DWhenever不管争辩是什么,考虑到香港迪士尼乐园在提升游客人数方面已经做出的奉献是必要的。妥协状语从句Whatever the arguments相当于Whatever the argu

24、ments are。因此答案为A。9One has reason to believe that Chinas anticorruption over the past few years,_,has achieved inspiring progress.(2017苏锡常镇四市一模,30)Atough as it is Bas tough as it isCso tough it is Das it is tough人们有理由相信中国的反腐败在过去的几年里尽管进行得很艰巨,但已经取得了鼓舞人心的进展。as引导妥协状语从句时,用部份倒装结构,即名词(单数时零冠词)/形容词/副词as主语谓语(动

25、词)。应选A项。10How come every kid today is meant to be a champion for something _ we know every kid cant be a star?苏北六市联考,23)Ain case Bas ifCwhen Dunless既然咱们明白不是每一个小孩都能成为明星,那为何此刻的每一个小孩都必需是某个方面的优胜者呢?in case假设是,引导条件状语从句;as if恍如,引导表语从句或方式状语从句;unless除非,引导条件状语从句。when在此处表示“既然”,符合句意。11_ you think that your pare

26、nts are mean-spirited at times,loving your parents is a normal and satisfying part of life.(2017南通一模,26)AEven if BNow thatCAs though DIn case尽管有的时候你以为父母很刻薄,可是敬爱父母是生活中很正常而且令人有知足感的情形。even if尽管;now that既然;as though恍如,恍如;in case以防,万一。12The number of stay-at-home fathers reached a record high last year,new figures show,_ families saw a rise in female breadwinners.(2017南京、盐城二模,24)Aif BasCbecause Dthough新的数听说明,随着家庭中挣钱养家的女性数量的上升,全职父亲的数量也在去年创出了新高。if引导条件状语从句;because引导缘故状语从句;

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