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1、十五中英语学业水平考试必考短语竞赛时量:45分钟 命题人:范文敏班级_ 姓名_ 分数_1Lucys mother often _ _ (等待)her after school.2_ _ _ _(在老师的帮助下) the teacher, I have made great progress in my English。3We have _ _ (用完,耗尽)our energy, so we have to have some rest.4If you are lost on the way to the museum, you can _ _(求助于)the police for help.

2、5Lily is too difficult and selfish ,and it is hard to _ _ _ _(与。相处得好)her.6 _ _(多亏)the satellite, we can receive the live TV program.7.After his father died, he _ _ (接管)his fathers company.8If you want to lose weight, you have to _ _ _ _(节食).9.Once you know the plan, you should _ _(采取行动)as soon as po

3、ssible.10Many planes _ _ (起飞)in Huanghua airport in Changsha every day11. The car is driving _ _ _(全速) on Furong Road which is dangerous.12 _ _(根据) the news, Li Shuangjiangs son has been arrested,who set a very bad example to teenagers.13. Our class teacher _ _ _(负责)the whole class.14Do not worry ab

4、out this baby; I will _ _ _(照看) her when you are not at home.15In order to finish the homework on time, some students have to _ _ (熬夜).16China has _ _ (加紧)its pace of modernization.17we can not _ _ (依靠)our parents all our life; we have grown up and should be independent.18When I joined Lilys party l

5、ast night, a man immediately _ me _(认出.是)his classmate.19His laziness _ _(导致) his failure in the English test.20I have _ _ _(用完) my pocket money so I will ask my parents for it.21Our school _ us _(提供) a good environment for study.22A small percentage of students do not know how to _ _ _ _(充分利用)time

6、properly.23In our school, there are still some students who do not _ _ _(尊重) their teachers.24._ _ _ _, we should listen to the teacher carefully in class;on the other hand, we should learn to think by ourselves. 25Miss Fan is a little bit angry, because no one knows who is _ _ (值日)today.26In talkin

7、g to the teachers or the old people , we must _ _ _(注意) our tone and words.27When I asked him how to get to No.15 School, he _ _(指向)the north.28Never _ _(推迟) your work at the last minute.29I am very happy to _ my stories _ (分享)all of you.30This village is _ _ (不再)what it used to be.31If you do not g

8、et a decent job , it is very difficult to _ _ _(谋生) in Changsha.32A few students spent most of time having fun with friends and never _ _(思考,考虑) their future。33Although the teacher has tried his or her best, it is still hard to _ every students _(满足.的需求)。34.It is not good to _ _ _(做鬼脸)when the teach

9、er turns their backs.35The best way to _ _(减肥) is to work out regularly.36It is _ _ (直到。才)August that we can have some rest .37_ _(既然)it is raining outside, lets stay at home watching TV.38You can not say anything about it before you _ _ (调查)this matter.39We should learn to live _ _ _ (与。和谐)nature.4

10、0 He copied his best friends homework _ _ (而不是)asking him for help.41Once your classmates make mistakes, it is bad to _ _(嘲笑) them because everyone makes mistakes。42The loud noise made me hard to _ _(入睡).43Never _ _ (放弃)in study, because Rome is not built in a day.44When you arrive at school, the fi

11、rst thing to do is to _ _ (上交)your homework.45_ _ _(一句话,总之), never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day.46The sun _ _ (发出)sunlight every day.47Our English teacher sometimes _ _ (颁发)some awards to good students.48In spring, it is easy to _ _ _(感冒).49I was on business then, so this matter _ _

12、 _ _ _(与.无关)me.50The big problem for some slow students is that they can not _ _(集中于) their study for a long time.51_ _ (多少)hours do you spend every day reading English? 52_ _(多少)time did you waste chatting on QQ?53Go over the new words _ _(以防) you forget them.54 To love someone in secret is like a

13、seed in bottle waiting for_ _(成长,长大).55The teacher likes students who _ _ _( 提出)some questions.56He took her desk mates book _ _(错误的).57Once you make a good study plan, you should try to _ it _(实施,执行).58.Wang lihong is _ _(作为。而出名)a singer.59My parents are _ _ (担心)my safety on my way home.60I have _ _

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