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1、C、 swimming【解析】:【分析】句套:Betty害怕在每里跟在介伺of后面动词用ing形式.A选项是:动词原形,B选顼是:动词不定式,C选项 是:ing形武。故答案为:C.点评这是考查动词适当形式的题巨。要掌握固定搭配.第5题【单选题】 说明:LetHs some orange juice.OK.A、 makeB、 makingC、 makesA【分析】句意:一让我们一些桔汁吧.一好的. 曜是短语lets d。sth “让我们做什么,用动词原形,A选项是动词原 形,B选项是现在分词,C选项是单三形式。故答案为:A.要掌握短闾etsth 让我门做什么。A第6题【单选题】I can tak

2、e the water and the paper the window the sunlight.A、 in; toB、 near; intoC、 on; under【分忻】句意:我门可以将水和纸拿到宦户.f阳光. in ,在.里,on 在.上,near “.时近”,根据句意这里是在 窗户附近,第二空是在阳光下,用into.枳据所给选项B选项合适。B.点评这是考查介词用法的题目。要掌握常用介词用法和意思的不鼠A第7题【单选题】找出下列各组中在意义上属于不同类的单词A、 firstB、 oneC、 secondA第一 ,Bl, C第二;AC都是云伺,与词,不同,瞄B.【点评】本题考查了同类词.

3、关键在于孰悉每个单词的意思,将单词分入不同类S!L第8题【单选题】A、 coughB、 feverC、 roughC分忻】A咳瞰,B发烧,0且范的;AB都是动谊,与C项是形容词,不同,故选C.【点评】考查了同美词,分析每个单词词性是否一致,然忌选出不同类的苴词。第9题【单选题】What do we need for making some tea? 说明:A、 Hot waterB、 Cold waterC、 Warm water分忻】句意:TBf沏茶需要什么?根括常识,沏条需要热水,A热水,B冷水,C温水,故选A.【点评】本题髦常识,股车睥词汉语意虱第10题【单选题】Can I have w

4、ater?A、 someB、 anyC、 many我可以唱一.水吗?点表示请求的句子,用some 些即可,法是习隅用法r不用any f many修饰可数名 词,在区里不合适。【点评】这是考查形容词用法的题目。要掌握习惯表达方式.第11题【单选题】rm making some tea. First, I the water.A、 pourB、drink 说明:C、boil我在喝茶。首先,我把水开。泡茶首先煮开水,A倒次喝,C煮,故选C.【点评】本题考查了航涵,股牢记赫用法。第12题【完形填空】阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案。The Wangs are talking Itheir holiday.

5、They want to visit Hainan Island. It is in the 2of China. There are 3interesting places on Hainan Island. They can see the blue 4. They can play on the 5, too. They are 6by plane. It is 7but fast to go by plane. It is their first time to 8a plane. They are so 9. They are sure to have lOgood time.A、

6、withB、 toC、 aboutA、 northB、 southC、 westA、 anyB、 manyC、 someA、firstB、sea 说明:C、 pondA、seaBn pathC、 beachA、 going thereB、 go thereC、 go to thereA、 dearB、 cheapC、 niceA、 byB、 haveC、 takeA、 sadB、 worryC、 excitedA、 aB、 anc、/(1)C; (2)B; (3)B; (4)8; (5)C; (6)A; (7)A; (8)C; (9)C; (10)A;【分析】(1)句意:王民一家人正在诙论他门

7、的俱期。talk with sb和某人谈话r talk to sb对某入说,谈论某季talk about sth r根据holidaym事情,故答案为C.(2 )句意:他们想参观海南岛。它在中国的部。海南号在中国的南部south ,故答奏为B.(3 )句意:海南岛上有有趣的地方。许多many r故答妄为B.(4 )句意:他们可以看到蓝色的the冠谊r修饰名词,大海sea ,故答窕为B.(5 )句意:他们也可以在上玩海滩beach ,故答紊为C.(6 )句意:他们将乘飞机本句是现在遂行时,构成be doing , going there去那里,故答案为A.(7 )旬意:坐飞机很倡速度很快.相据堂

8、识,交通工具中乘飞机最害,dear告,故答室为A.(8 )句忘:这是他们第一次飞机。it is first time to do sth第一时间做杲争f t。后面接动词原形r lake乘r是动词,by 乘,是介词,故答案为C.(9 )句怠:他们太.了。猿据前面的句意,乘飞机是件兴奋的事情f excited兴奋的f故答案为C.(10 )句意:他们会玩得很开心。have a good time玩得很开心,固定搭秘,故答安为A.【虑评】不题考登了完形填空f注怠先意详短文,然后很熊艾内容,透出恰当的送项填空。第13题【阅读理解】阅读短文,选择最佳答案During the holidays, Amy a

9、nd Tim want to do some cooking at home. Theylove chocolate cake very much.Amy: Letfls make a chocolate cake!Tim: Good idea. Then what do we need? We need a lot of chocolate, some milk, and flour, and. Well, well, lets start! Can I heat the oven (烤箱)first? Yes, please. Do we need a big bowl? Of cours

10、e. Here you are. I want to put three eggs, some sugar, some chocolate, much flour andcream into the bowL Can I mix them? OK. But donflt play with the flour. I know. Now I want to put the batter (面糊)into a pan (平底锅).Is theoven hot? Oh, very hot. Well, letHs put the pan into the oven, and bake it. OK.

11、A.Amy and Tim want to during the holidays.A、 do some washingB、 make a cakeC、 make some chocolateThey dont need for making a chocolate cake.A、 eggsB、 flourC、 flowersWhat do they do first?A、 Mix the foodB、 Take a bowlDo they put the salt into the bowl?A、 No, they dont.B、 They put some sugar.C、 Yes, th

12、ey do.What canHt Tim do?A、 Put the pan into the oven.B、 Play with the flour.C、 Bake it.朝咨、:对话描述了在濒艾柄怎样做巧克力率。(1)句意:艾米和提始想在假期 根据During the holidays, Amy and Tim want to do some cooking at home. Theylove chocolate cake very much.可知假期里艾米和堤姆想做巧克力蛋糕,故答案为B.(2 )句意:他们不需要花来做巧克力蚩糕。根据We need a lot of chocolate,

13、 some milk, and flour; and.可知他们需要巧 克力、牛奶和面粉做蛋糕,但是不需要花做鼠,故答紊为C.他们先做什么?根据Cen I heat the oven firstTYes, please.可知先加热烤箱r故笞案为C.(4 )句彦:他们把盐放进碗里了吗?根据 1 want to put three eggs, seme sugar; some chocolate, much flour and cream into the bowI.Rj知在碗里放三个鸡蚩f 一啄r 一些巧克力,很多面粉和奶油,没有放盐,是否定回答,故答案为A.(5 句意:提姆不能flS什么?根帛W

14、ell, let*s put the pan into the oven, and bake it.可MlfE锅放到烤箱里烤一下f不能玩 面粉,故答安为B.点评】本题考宣了阅读理解,首先通魏义,理辫大息;具次阅读题干,根就干f吉息找出相关句进行选择。第14题【阅读理解】阅读并按照顺序给下列句子排序 LetHs make a chocolate cake!cream into the bowl. OK. But dont play with the flour. I know. Now I want to put the batter (面糊)into a pan (平底锅). Is theMi

15、x the eggs, sugar, chocolate, flour and cream.Put three egg, some sugar, some chocolate much flour and cream into the bowl.Put the batter into a pan.First, heat the oven.Take a big bowl.Put the pan into the oven, and bake it.【第1空】4【第2空】3【第3空】5【第4空】1【第5空】2【第6空6【分析”睦所给的句子避译为:Mix the eggs, sugar; choco

16、late, flour and cream.JB 糖、巧克力、面耕和奶油混合在一。Put three egg, some sugar, some chocolate much flour and cream into the bowl把三个鸡笛 r 些槌,一些5克力,面 蜥奶油里.Put the batter into a pan把面福放到平底银里。First, heat the oven.首先 r 加热烤箱。Take a big bowl.拿一个大麻。Put the pan into the oven, and bake it.J3锅放到烤箱里烤一下。根据旬意可以排成短文:1.苜先加热烤箱。

17、2.拳f大减3.把三个鸡蚩r % , 些巧克力,面痢:奶油放进魂里.4.把鸡蛋、痣巧克力、面粉和奶油混合在一起。5.把面瑚放到平底锅里。6.把锅瞄烤箱下。 故答塞为435,126.【点评本题考查了排序题f先痢译句子,然后根暗对活应答的J质序迁行排序,主话符合逻辑。第15题【句型转换】We can see some crocodiles on the right.(根据划线部分提问)What can you see on the right?我们可以左右边看到一些鳄鱼。句子划线部分是李物,用疑问词what 什么案提问,句子剩余部分奕成f言二人称.故答案为:What疑问句跟在旨面,句子中有情态动词

18、can, 殷疑问句提到句首,主语是第一人称,疑问句变can you see on the right?【忘评】这是考登句型转顿E勺题目。要注意待殊疑问句的句子结桎。第16题【句型转换】I want to go up to the sky.(根据划线部分提问)What do you want to do?我秽登上天空.相据划线部分是宦语用疑问词what什么引导,后面接f 疑问句,主语策一人弥整二人称 you你,助动词用do ,句意为你想做什么?故答凳为Whal do you want to do?点评本题考查了句型转换,注意变一般疑问句,第一人称委第二人称。第17题【句型转换】You shoul

19、d brush your teeth twice a day.(根据划线部分提问)What should I do twice a day?你应该一天刷牙两次。句子的划线部分是谓落动词,用What. do (做什么)来提问,句子剩余部分变成一般 疑问句艰在WhaUS面,句子中有清态动词should,殷疑问句将should提前,句子主语是第二人称,变成疑问句第一人称。故 答: What should I do twice a day?点评这是考查句型转换的题瓦要注意主语的变化.第18题【句型转换】I want the blue dress.(根据划线部分提问)Which dress do you

20、 want?分析句意:我想荽蓝色的裙子。句子划线部分是裙孑的特征,用疑问词which dress .哪一个裙子来提问,句子唳埃部分 变成f 疑问句眼砖面,这是实义动词作谓语的题目,句子主语是第一人称,是同句变成第二人称,变f 疑问句用助动词 do,故答秦为:【点评】这是考登句型转换的匙目。要掌握常见疑问句的用法。第19题【句型转换】I brush my teeth twice every day.(根据划线部分提问)How many times do you brush your teeth event day?我每天S11两次牙.相据划线部分是次数,用how many tim性笏少次引导,后

21、面接f 疑问句,主语是第二人 称r助动词用do r my变成your,句意为你一天刷几次牙?故答案为How many times do you brush your teeth event day?【点评】本题考查了句型转换注意牢记f 现在时的待殊疑问句的结构句式。A第20题【选词填空(词汇运用)】The Yangtze River is very, very First, it high in the mountains in the ofChina.【第1空】long【第2空】starts【第3遂】west 说明:Next, Yangtze River runs the mountains

22、 and the beautiful Three Gorges.【第1空】dov/n【第2空】throughThen, it many other and rivers.【第1空】meets【第2空】lakes, it into the sea.【第1空】Finally【第2空】runs扬子江m咪非常.首先,它在中国.部的山区很高。very后面修饨形容记原级long长,start开 始,后句主滔是第三人称单数,谓语用动运单三形式starts,根据制胴子江在中国西部west西部,故答套为long . starts r west.下一步,扬子江下山 美丽的三唉。河流从上住下流,down向下,thr

23、ough穿过,故答室为down , through.(3)句意:然后,它.许多箜他的和河流。meetly r本句是一股现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓厝用动问单三形式 meets , lakes湖泊,故答富为meets f lakes.(4) 句意:r它.AX海。Finally , run Imo流入r本句是时r主君是第三人称单数,谓语用动词单三形式 runs ,效答亲为Finally r runs.【虑评】本题考查了选词填空,先痢译句子r然后很暗句意,选出恰当的单词填空。第21题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】Alice/ ?jul? / cooks with her mother.【第1空】usually由于部分题中存在特殊符号,可能造成少量的字符乱码,如果你下载后才发现且对此 十分在意,可通过站内信息联系

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