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1、(设计意图:这个环节的设置既复习了一些动词性词组,又引出了今天课文中提到的地点体育馆和商店。)2.利用单词卡片Whats your favourite clothes? My favourite clothes is _.也可以直接提问学生:Today is warm/cool,what are you wearing?Whats your favourite clothes?这个环节的设置用来复习服装的词汇,同时复习Whats your favourite _?这个句式,用这些词汇和句式引出新的服装词汇和新句式。) New Concepts利用复习二中的句式引出Whats your favo

2、urite sport?学习单词sport,出示单词卡片,联系朗读,拼读。并让学生模仿回答My favourite sport is ping-pong/badminton.学生熟悉句式后,再利用实物和单词卡片学习单词 basketball,soccer.带入句式进行练习。可以是连接式练习,也可以小组练习。4告诉学生回答这个问题还可以使用一个更简单的句式I like _ best.5两人一组做问答练习。 6让学生根据已有知识说出踢足球,打篮球都用play.利用已有知识引出新知识,减小教学的难度,同时可以放手让学生自己说出新句式,教师加以指导就可以了,通过练习巩固新知。7If you want

3、to play basketball, what do you wear?学习服装词汇I wear shorts,T-shirt.并引出runners,出示单词卡片,拼读单词,并让学生练习用这些词说一个句子。8两人一组练习这组句式。9听录音两遍,注意any和some,either 和too的读音和用法。10.完成课后习题并两人一组自编对话。11.利用实物汇报演出。学习第二部分内容时,要把either 和too的用法提一下, any和some的用法留到第二课去解决。编对话的内容可根据完成习题的内容进行,并利用实物表演出来,运用于实际生活中。Class ClossingActivity bookH

4、omeworkDraw your favourite sport and write your favourite sport.板书设计:Whats your favourite sport?My favoutite sport is _.I like _ best.What do you wear?I wear _ ,_ and_ to play _.课后习题:一填单词并连线:b_dm_nt_n 篮球 T-sh_ _t 运动鞋p_ng-p_ng 羽毛球 sh_ _ts T恤衫s_cc_ _ 乒乓球 r_nn_ _s 短裤b_sk_tb_ll 足球二填空:1Whats your favouri

5、te sport?2What do you wear?课后反思:1、本单元是讲运动,是学生们感兴趣的话题,要以此激发学生的学习热情,老师讲课也要充满动感。 2、Whats your favourite sport? 讲这一句型时,让学生把学过的颜色、食物、动物、水果、服装等都复习一下, 3、把运动项归类:skip run jump swim walk Lesson2. At the Sports Store1.知识目标:能四会单词need,any,or;理解any,some的用法;能灵活使用句子We need some ping-pong balls. Do you have any ball

6、s? Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt? I like this one. Do you like these runners or those runners? I want these runners.2.能力目标:能利用所学的词汇和句子到商店买东西,提高综合语言运用能力,解决实际生活中的问题。3.情感目标:让学生学会独立买东西,学会看价钱和计算价格。单词卡片,运动服装,乒乓球,纸币,课后习题卡(每人一张)。分给学生不同的球,让学生自己说出I like to play _. My favourite sport is _./ I like _

7、 best.T: Whats this/that?S: Its a T-shirt? I like this one. What are these/those? They are runners. Do you like these runners or those runners? I like/want these runners.利用已有知识引出新知识,减小教学的难度,or在以前的教学中已多次用到,学生都已掌握,不必再多费时间,加深学生对this,that, these,those用法的印象为下面的学习做铺垫。If I want to play ping-pong,we need so

8、me ping-pong balls.Say “need”,please.让学生利用 need 造句。Do you have any balls? Say “any”,please.讲清some和any的用法,都跟可数名词的复数或不可数名词,如:some/any shorts;some/any soup;some用在肯定句中,any用在否定和问句中,举例说明。3.完成课后习题。4.听录音两至三遍。同时讲解美元和元的区别。如:one dollar,two dollars;one yuan,two yuan.练习一下如何问多少钱How much is it? How much are they?5

9、.布置商店的环境,让学生根据课文编短剧,三、四人一组。6.汇报演出。本课是对话形式的课文教学,主要是环境的设置,要让学生在实际的生活环境中学习本文,首先要解决课文中的重难点,也就是新单词和一些主要句式,理清脉络。突破了重难点,理清了脉络,学生在表演对话时就没有很大的困难了。亲自到体育用品商店买一次东西并运用所学语言。We need some ping-pong balls.改错:these book this runners some ballthose pencil that T-shirts any soups选词填空:Do you like _T-shirt or _T-shirt?Do

10、 you like _shorts or _shorts?We need _ ping-pong balls. Do you have _ balls?(any, some, these, those, this, that)1、复习单复数。 2、区别some /any too/either 3、How much are they? Theyre dollars. 和 How much is it? Its dollars.学生还是容易闹混淆,多练习,学生连得多了自然也敢开口说了。Lesson 3. At the Gym1知识目标:能四会单词light,heavy,throw,catch,hi

11、t;能灵活使用句子The basketball is heavy. The ping-pong ball is light. Im throwing/catching the basketball. Im hitting the ping-pong ball.2能力目标:能利用所学的词汇和句子表演本课对话并运用于打篮球和乒乓球的活动中。3. 情感目标:培养学生对两种球类运动的喜爱之情。单词卡片,石头,羽毛等轻重对比的物体,篮球,篮筐,乒乓球,乒乓球拍,球网,有条件可带学生去操场上这节课,课后习题卡(每人一张)。Hello, class! Whats your favourite sport?M

12、y favourite sport is _.I want to learn basketball/ping-pong ball. Can you teach me?Yes.开头直接提出老师想学打篮球和乒乓球,让学生做小老师教,激发了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学生的自信心。教师右手拿篮球并说The basketball is heavy.左手拿乒乓球并说The ping-pong ball is light.让学生模仿练习。利用准备的实物练习heavy 和light.教师告诉学生篮筐是net,拿着篮球投篮,边投边说Im throwing the basketball. Say “throw,thr

13、owing”,please.学生模仿练习。教师没投中就说This is too hard. The basketball is too heavy. 学生模仿练习。教师拿着乒乓球投篮,一下就投中了就说This is too easy. The ping-pong ball is light. 学生模仿练习。然后把篮球传给别的学生并说Im throwing the basketball. Hes catching the basketball. Say “catch,catching”,please. 学生模仿练习。教师又拿起乒乓球拍并告诉学生This is a paddle. Im hitti

14、ng the ping-pong ball. Say “paddle,hit,hitting”,please. 学生模仿练习。听录音两至三遍,完成课后习题。学生分组编对话。10.汇报演出。这节课的教学可在教室布置环境也可以到操场去上,让学生真正体会篮球和乒乓球运动,激发学习兴趣。在句子中学习单词,做到词不离句,最后过度到对话练习,形成篇章,对学生的综合语言运用能力有了很大的提升。课下打篮球和乒乓球并把所学语言运用进去。The basketball is heavy. The ping-pong ball is light.Im throwing/catching the basketball.

15、Im hitting the ping-pong ball.根据要求写单词:写出现在分词形式 写出反义词hit- heavy-throw- hard-catch- this-learn- these-teach-1I want to _ basketball. Can you _ me?2. The basketball is _. The ping-pong ball is _. Im _ing the basketball. Hes _ing the basketball. Im _ting the ping-pong ball.1、throw、catch、hit 是表示动作的词,上课时用

16、实物演示,很吸引学生的注意力。 2、在教授单词时让学生造句,学生的实际运用能力得以提高。 3、让学生翻译时,由于紧张他没说出来就让他坐下了,下来一想有点不妥,应该给他以提示,这样就可以克服它的畏难情绪。Lesson4 Where did you go?1.bought, taught and thought2.the story3.a song1. past tense2.where did you do?3.What did you do? 情感目标:When you play things, you must get good corporation with your players.教

17、学重点、难点:1.I am throwing the basketball.2.hitting and throwing教具、学具:some balls and story a tape and pictures一.Class opening and review Review “ past tense” and “ future tense” verbs with a game. Write three columns of words on the blackboard and ask for volunteers to match them correctly. As each stud

18、ent makes a match, he or she says “Yesterday I_de. Today I_. Tomorrow I am going to_.IntroduceAdd “buy” “teach” and “think” to your “today” column. Ask the students to give you the future tense for each verb and write them under your “tomorrow” column. Then write “taught” “thought” “bought” in a dif

19、ferent order than the other two columns, and ask the students to guess how they match with the present-tense verbs. Point out the similarities in spelling “bought” “taught” “thought”Use the student bookPause after Number 1 in the student book. Review the story so far. Today Jenny and Li Ming went to

20、 the store buy some clothes for Li Ming to the pictures in the student book. Who are they talking to?Note the word “player” in the lesson. A “players” plays something, such as a sport.PracticePlay “Whats wrong?” to practice the new past tense verbs, and other tenses and verbs.Play “spelling Bee” to

21、practice spelling any vocabulary in this unit.Tech “Oh, what did you do?” in Number 3 of the student book.Use the activity bookNumber 2 in the activity book is a listening exercise. The students listen to each sentence on the audiotape and change it into the pasttense. Heres how the audiotape goes:板

22、书:bought taught thoughtWhere did you do?What did you do?习题:写出buy teach think 的过去式。l用Where did you do?练习说话。用Whatl did you do?1、这是三个时态的比较,过去、现在和将来,因此我们把前面学过得不规则动词又加以巩固,并把三种时态加以比较,效果不错。 2、引导学生用新词造句。Lesson5 A basketball game1. player and team, game2win and lost1. Demonstrate “win” and “lose” after the g

23、ame is a game of “spelling Bee”When you get lose, you dont lose your heart. Try it again and again. You will win at last.1. words about the and loseA big picture of this lesson and a tapePlay “Charades” to review occupations the students mastered in Levels 1, 2 and 7: teacher, c

24、lerk, cashier, waitress and bus driver. After the students have guessed these occupations, add “doctor” and “police officer”. The students mastered these words orally in Level 1, but they havent seen them for a long time. Whisper the translation for these occupations to the students acting them out, and help the class guess the occupations with lots of prompts and encouragement. You can, for example, draw blanks on the blackboard and slowly write in the letters as you soundout more and more of each occupation.Introduce Demonstrat

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