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1、语法填空1:阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Mary will never forget the first time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in the class one day, 61 (wear) sun glasses. He walked in as if he 62 (buy) the school. And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City. For some reason he sat beside Mary

2、. Mary felt 63 (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. But she quickly realized that it wasnt her, it was probably the fact that she sat in 64 last row. _65 he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong. It might have made it a little 66 (hard) for ever

3、ybody because it meant they had to turn around, but that didnt stop the kids in the class. Of course whenever they turned to look at him, they had to look at Mary, 67 made her feel like a star.“Do you need those glasses for medical reasons?” the teacher asked. The new boy_68 (shake) his head. “Then

4、Id appreciate 69 if you didnt wear them in the class. I like to look your eyes when Im speaking to you.” The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds and all the other students wondered 70 the boy would do. Then he took them off, gave a big smile and said, “That is cool.”语法填空1答案: 61. wearing

5、62. had bought 63. pleased 64. the 65. If 66. harder 67. which 68. shook 69. it 70. what语法填空2:(15分)One Saturday morning in September I 61 (go) to a local music festival. I left it early 62_ I had an appointment later that day. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with _63 (I) until the bu

6、s arrived. I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man 64_ (sit) at the front. He pretended that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice. He must be _ 65_ (mental) disabled.Behind him 66 (be) other people to whom he was trying to talk, but after some _ 67 (minute) he

7、 walked away and sat near me, looking annoyed. I didnt want _68 _ (laugh) at for talking to him but I didnt like leaving him on his own either. After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus. I sat next _69_ the man and introduced myself. We had _70 amazing conversation. He got

8、 off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home.Im glad I made the choice. It made both of us feel good.语法填空2答案:61went 62because 63me 64sitting 65mentally 66were 67minutes 68to be laughed 69to 70an语法填空2:One day at the end of the class, a wise teacher told each of her students t

9、o bring a plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school.The next day she told her students: “From today on, for every person you dont like in your lives, you can choose a potato, 0n _1_ you write the persons name ,then put it in the plastic bag.” Day _2_ day, some of the students bags were veryheavy.

10、Then they _3_ (tell) to carry their bags with them everywhere they went. They would put it in bed at night, by their side when _4_ (seat)on a bus , and next to their desks at school. _ 5_ (carry) the bag around with them made the students get to know _6_ a weight they were carrying in their minds. _

11、7_ time passed by, the potatoes went bad and gave off _ 8_ terrible smell. They were all eager to get rid of the potatoes.Too often we think of forgiveness as a gift toother people, and _9_ (clear) it is for ourselves! If we choose to keep our 10 (sad) and dislikes in ourhearts, we will have tocarry

12、 them around all our lives.语法填空2答案:1. which 2. by 3. were told 4. seated 5. Carrying6. what 7.As 8. a 9. clearly 10. sadness语法填空3: My neighbors eight-year-old daughter used to stay in the countryside . She was 1 (bring) to town to live with her parents last November. Wild and uneducated ,she often u

13、sed dirty words and hit others, 2 .made her parents rather embarrassed . sometimes she went so far as to roll on the ground in the 3 (present) of many other people. Her parents tried to teach her 4 she should behave by shouting and beating, only 5 (make) things even worse.Finally they became complet

14、ely disappointed with her.One day their next-next-door neighbor, 6 retired woman teacher , gave the girl a very beautiful snow -white dress. It caught the girls eyes at once and made her shine 7 (bright). The girl put on the dress and became quite another person. she no longer said any dirty words or hit others, even 8 (little) rolled on the floor. She knew she couldnt run wild in such a beautiful dress. Since then the girl has been gentle ,neat, and lovely. Everyone has a beautiful dress 9 (hidden) somewhere in his or her hea

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