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1、完形填空设定的间隔通常是在810个单词范围内。一般情况下,文章的首尾两句不设空,从而保证给学生提供足够的背景信息。 3. 题型设定以考查语言意义为主,对实词(名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词等)考查的比重较大。 4. 考点设计淡化对语法形式和句子结构的考查。一般而言,正确选项和干扰项在外在形式上一致,着重体现在一定语境中的词语辨析和习惯搭配、灵活运用和推理判断。因此,在做完形填空题时通读全文、明了大意、理清观点、分清层次是十分重要的。考生解题时必须自始至终依托语境,注意上下文之间、词与词之间、从语法到意义的合理搭配。尤其要注意短文中承上启下的过渡词等,如so,but,however, then,

2、 therefore, also等。三、做题的步骤 1. 通读短文,了解大意。只有弄清文章的大意和结构,把握短文的背景、主题,才能为后面的阅读扫清障碍。 2. 理解句子结构,选定答案。弄清文章大意之后,再考虑所填空格内容与句子之间的关系。一般来说出题者的命题思路决定了答案的选择。出题者通常要考查考生对词义与词形的辨析、上下文的逻辑关系的判断、固定搭配的识记、时态的掌握等方面的能力。做题时注意到了这些方面,答案也就不难选定了。 3. 细心检查,核实答案。题目填完后(除个别难度较大的题目外),要利用一到两分钟将答案带入原文通读,目的是通过“语感”来核实答案。如果有的难题一时做不出来,应立刻跳过此题

3、,继续往下做。不要在某一题上花费大量时间。只要坚持往下做,随着空格的减少,对文章的理解也越来越轻松,有时就能从下文的线索和暗示中找到答案。四、解题的技巧 1. 细读首句,把握开篇,推测作者要写一个什么样的故事。 2. 跳读全文,把握篇章中心思想和作者写作意图。即使有空格、生词或不明白的地方,仍要快速读下去。力求弄清楚短文是在讲什么样的故事,或在介绍什么事物,还是在说明什么观点。如果是讲一个故事或描述一件事情,就应该按描述性的理解思路去理解作者所描述的发生在特定时间和空间的一系列事件,努力了解事物发展的进程或人物的命运。如果是说明文体的短文,应该注意按说明文体结构严谨、层次分明、逻辑性强的特点去

4、发现各段的主题句或要说明的具体内容。 3. 再读短文,着手选择,确定答案。五、推测手段的使用 1. 利用上下文语境来推测 在完形填空中,有些空格设计要求考生根据上下文内容选择。一般情况下,此类试题特征是上下文有呼应,考生需要从上下文的提示中寻找答案。也就是说,上文空格中需要填空的词,下文会直接或通过暗示出现。反之,下文的空格所要填的词,在上文已直接或通过暗示出现。更要注意的是,有些在文章开头挖的空,可能要到文章结束才能获得信息提示,也有的在文章末尾挖的空,可能在文章开头就已经点明了。因此,快速浏览全文,领悟文章主旨,通过上下文的语境来选择答案是解决这类题的关键。考生在做题时,应注意上下文呼应,

5、前后联系,善于抓住文章的每一个细节,也就是做到瞻前顾后,往往会有茅塞顿开的喜悦。 2. 利用文化背景知识和生活常识未推测 完形填空的知识容量大、涉及范围广。从政治、经济、文化、科技到天文、历史、地理知识;从风俗人情到民族习惯等,可谓包罗万象。其中有些命题角度正落脚在生活常识、背景知识方面。通常该类题以学生熟悉的生活常识为主,要求考生不仅要熟练掌握语言知识,还要求考生具有比较丰富的阅历、背景知识和生活常识的积累以及个人体验。一般来说,个人阅历越多,背景知识和生活常识积累越多,完成此类题目的难度越小。 3. 利用语篇标志来推测 所谓语篇标志,简而言之,就是指行文中用来表示逻辑关系(如so,thus

6、,therefore,for; however, but, while; also, as well; besides, whats more, further等)、结构层次(firstly,secondly,thirdly等)以及插入语等标明句群、段落、篇章的内在联系的词或词组,抓住语篇标志有利于理清文章的脉络及上下文的联系。因此在学习过程中要善于总结积累,注意分类学习。 4. 利用语法知识来推测 近几年来的完形填空在命题设计上出现了重大突破,一改过去对语法、句式关系及固定句型的考查,而侧重于考查学生的逻辑思维能力和对具体语境的把握,尤其足对整体语意的理解能力,单纯语法知识的考查日趋减少,但

7、也不是完全没有。从语法角度命题主要体现在两个方面:一是句子结构,二是上下文逻辑关系。解题时要重视设置题目的长难句的分析和上下文的逻辑关系。 5. 利用词义的细微差别来推测 动词、名词是考查的重点,特别是对意义上较接近的词应仔细区别,并结合上下文提供的线索,精斟细酌、辨析意义,选出最佳选项。完形填空中的词与词的搭配和词义的辨析中,主要考查动词和介词的搭配、动宾的搭配。还有考查特定的语境与情景的语意辨析。解答此题时,首先要通读全文,掌握大意,在解答时,尽量使用语言知识、故事情节和语言环境。 总之,在复习的过程中,一定要时刻牢记:完形填空以突出语篇为原则,即试题设置以情景意义选择为主,充分突出词汇语

8、境化的特点,要求学生在充分理解文章内容的同时,把握文章上下文中比较、转折、递进等内在的逻辑关系。解题时一定要抓主题句、关键词来了解文章背景和大意,将词类、句法结构、语法功能和逻辑推理等各种因素加以综合考虑,以提高语言运用能力。 【例题】 I sat with my friend in a well-known coffee shop. As we enjoyed our coffee, a man entered and sat down beside us. He called the waiter and ordered, Two cups of coffee, 1 of them the

9、re on the wall. We heard this with great 2 and saw that he was served with one cup of coffee but he paid for two. As soon as he left, the waiter 3 put a piece of paper on the wall saying A Cup of Coffee. While we were still there, two other men had two cups of coffee but paid for three. 4 , the wait

10、er did the same thing. It seemed that this was usual at this place. However, it was something strange for us. Since we had nothing to do with the 5 , we finished our coffee, paid and left. After a few days, we again had a 6 to go to this coffee shop. While we were enjoying our coffee, a man entered.

11、 The way this man was dressed did not match the 7 of this coffee shop. As he seated himself, he looked at the wall and said, One cup of coffee from the wall. The waiter served coffee to this man with the same 8 . The man had his coffee and left without paying. The waiter took off a piece of paper fr

12、om the 9 and threw it in the dust bin. Now there was no 10 for us. The great kindness for the people in need shown by the people of this town filled up our eyes with tears.1. A. both B. neither C. one D. none2. B. interest C. effort D. fear3. A. quickly B. suddenly C. wisely D. properly4. A. I

13、nstead B. Again C. Indeed D. Anyway5. A. shop B. waiter C. matter D. men6. A. hurry B. time C. wish D. chance7. A. style B. standard C. furniture D. colour8. A. respect B. courage C. result D. custom9. A. board B. table C. bill D. wall10. A. choice B. clue C. doubt D. hope 【解析】【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者

14、在一家知名的咖啡店看到了令他感到奇怪的事情:他看到有人喝咖啡时,结帐会多付一杯的钱。该店服务员则把多付的那杯写在纸上贴到墙上。数天后,在此遇到同样的事,让作者终于明白该咖啡店感人的助人之举。 1. C考查代词辨析。both“两者都”;neither“两者都不”;one“指同类事物中的一个”;none“(三者或三者以上)都不”。根据语境可知,这里说的是把其中的一杯记在墙上。故选C。 2. B 考查名词辨析。joy“开心”;interest“兴趣”;effort“努力”;fear“害怕”。根据作者对进入咖啡店的这三个人的详细地描述可知,作者只有对他们的行为感兴趣,才会去观察他们。故选B。 3. A

15、 考查副词辨析。quickly“快速地”;suddenly“突然地”;wisely“明智地”;properly“正确地”。根据语境理解句意:他一离开,这位服务员很快就将写有“一杯咖啡”的纸贴在墙上。故选A。 4. B 考查副词辨析。instead“相反地”;again “再次”;indeed“实际上”;anyway“无论如何”。根据上文“服务员将写有一杯咖啡的纸贴在墙上”可推知,这次这位服务员再次做了同样的事。 5. C考查名词辨析。shop“商店”;waiter“服务员”;matter“事情”;men“男人”。句意:既然这不关我们什么事,我们喝完咖啡,付钱离开了。 6. D 考查名词辨析。h

16、urry“匆忙”;time“时间”;wish“愿望”;chance“机会”。横线前面有冠词a. 排除B。几天以后,我们又有了一次机会去这家咖啡店。故选D。 7. B考查名词辨析。style“风格”;standard“标准”;furniture“家具”;colour“颜色”。根据下文可知“这个人是需要帮助的人”。由此推知,这个人的穿着和这家咖啡店的档次不配。 8. A考查名词辨析。respect“尊敬”;courage“勇气”;result“结果”;custom“风俗”。由下文语境可知,既然是善意的行为,那么服务员对于这样贫穷的顾客的态度应该也是一样的尊敬。 9. D考查名词辨析。board“板

17、”;table“桌子”;bill“账单”;wall“墙”。由上文可知,服务员将纸条贴在了墙上,因此也应该是从墙上把纸条撕下来扔到垃圾桶里。 10.C考查名词辨析。choice“选择”;clue“线索”;doubt“怀疑”;hope“希望”。根据下句可知,“我”明白了多付一杯咖啡的钱并将此记录在墙上的行为是为了帮助需要帮助的人。因此“我”现在没有疑问了。真题测试测试时间:60分钟 满分:75分 Passage l I still remember my kindergarten(幼儿园)teacher, Mrs, White. She looked just like Snow White, 1

18、 she had the same bright eyes and short dark hair. We used to 2 a lot . And I would show what I wrote to Mrs. White for correction(批改). She would look at my writing and see many mistakes in it. But she 3 made any red correction and she always gave a star. I was feeling 4 of my writing each time I go

19、t a star. But it _5 my mother. So one day, when she met Mrs. White at a parent-teacher meeting. Mum asked her why she never corrected my 6 and why she never said no to her child.Mrs. White said, “The children are just beginning to get 7 about using words. Spelling and grammar can wait. We cant 8 tha

20、t interest with a red pen.”As it was a long time ago, my mother could only remember the main idea of 9 Mrs. White said about my writing. However, I grew up learning to use words with loving care and 10 like that. If Mrs. White had used her red pen more often, I 11 wouldnt be telling you about this n

21、ow, Whenever I look back on those encouraging 12 from Mrs.White, I feel they just look 13 real ones in the night sky-bright, shiny, and guiding me on my way somewhere. I do believe she was such a 14 teacher, who tried to use a red pen less to keep the joy, wonder and excitement in a childs 15 .Thank

22、s to Mrs. White, I have no fear about writing. Also, Im not afraid of any mistake in my life!1 .A . because B. though C. if D. but 2. A .run B. cry C. write D. speak 3. A .always B. never C. often D. sometimes 4. A .lonely B. tired C. helpless D. proud 5. A .protected B. worried C. pleased D. attrac

23、ted 6. A .spirits B. designs C. mistakes D. messages7 .A .nervous B. excited C. afraid D. bored 8. A .stop B. keep C. save D. show 9. A . that B. when C. which D. what 10. A .sadness B. fear C. confidence D. pains 11. A .probably B. gently C. hardly D. luckily 12. A . dreams B. stars C. gifts D. pen

24、s 13. A . at B. through C. for D. like 14. A . careless B. strict C. wonderful D. common 15. A . mind B. hand C. arms D. eyes Passage 2 When we think of Christmas, we probably think of 1 , Christmas trees and Santa Claus. But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas: the importance

25、 of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. The story in A Christmas Carol is perhaps the best example of this. A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel written by British writer Charles Dickens (1812-1870). It is about an old man 2 Scrooge who never laughs or smiles. He only thinks ab

26、out himself and is 3 to share things with others. He doesnt treat others nicely. He just cares about whether he can 4 and he hates Christmas. One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his dead business partner. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was 5 after he died. He warns

27、 Scrooge to change his ways if he doesnt want to end up like him. He also tells Scrooge to expect 6 ghosts to visit him.That 7 , the ghosts visit Scrooge. First, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds him 8 his happy days as a child. Then the second ghost, the Ghost

28、of Christmas Present, takes him to see 9 others are spending Christmas this year. Everyone is happy, even poor people. The last one, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, takes him to the 10 . Scrooge sees that he is dead, but nobody cares. He is so 11 that he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is o

29、nly the next morning Christmas Day!Scrooge decides to change his life and 12 to be a kind person. He 13 celebrates Christmas with his relatives. He also gives gifts to people in need. He now treats 14 with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes. And that is the true 15 of Christmas!1A. prizes B. gifts C. fireworks D. tricks2A. names B. naming C. named D. to name3A. unwilling B. glad C. ready D. impatient4A. make trouble B. make

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