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1、 2. Jack has _ friends that sometimes he feels lonely. A. such few B. so a few C. very few D. so few 3. Is it six years _ you began to study English? A. that B. when C. since D. before 4. The clothes youve just bought _ you. A. is more fit for B. are more fit C. doesnt fit D. do not fit 5. Was it a

2、few minutes ago _ you _ your homework? A. that; had finished B. that; finished doing C. when; finished doing D. that; finished to do 6. Now our capital city is quite different from _ it _ in the 80s. A. what; used to be B. that; used to be C. x; was D. that; was 7. Is this calculator _ you borrowed

3、from Jane? A. one B. which C. what D. the one 8. He had promised to come to see us, and _. A. so did he B. so he did C. he keeps his promise D. he did 9. Only when he had explained to me _ why he was so anxious. A. did I realize B. I realized C. I did realize D. I could realize 10. While watching TV

4、 _. A. the telephone rang B. the telephone was ringing C. the phone was heard ringing D. I heard the phone ringing 11. They have produced _ cotton this year as they did 10 years ago. A. as twice many B. twice as much C. as twice much D. twice more 12. When you buy your fast food, you should _ your t

5、urn. A. keep B. wait C. find D make 13. You may write to me or telephone me, _ way will do. A. all B. both C. either D. one 14. He has made another wonderful discovery, _ great importance to science. A. which I think is of B. which I think it is of C. which I think is D. I think which is of 15. Toda

6、y Miss Li wears a miniskirt, _is unusual. A. it B. that C. as D. what.完形填空(共25小题,计分25) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-35各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 The cowboys who lived in the United States of America before there were good 16 or big modern cities used to live on the huge open spaces of 17 called ranges(放牧区),because

7、that was where the 18 that they looked after could find plenty of grass and 19 . But when the time came to 20 the cows, there were no buyers out on the 21 . They had to be taken into markets. In the early days it was a hard 22 getting the cows to the markets where they were killed. It was no good ki

8、lling them on the ranges because there were no 23 or railways to carry the 24 . The cattle(牛)had to be 25 along in a large herd(群)to the 26 where they were needed. The places 27 lots of people living there who needed 28 were often tens of thousands of miles away from the ranges. The 29 were rounded

9、up, and those to be 30 were kept 31 . On the track the 32 was the track boss, who told the men 33 to do. He decided where they should 34 at night. Hundreds or maybe thousands of cattle were taken on the track. The herd was not made to move too 35 . If they rushed along, they would get thin and not b

10、e worth much at market. Some cow-boys rode beside them, some in front and others at the back. 16. A. roads B. clothes C. streets D. conditions 17. A. island B. sands C. grassland D. farmland 18. A. sheep B. deer C. horses D. cows 19. A. water B. food C. grain D. vegetables 20. A. buy B. sell C. kill

11、 D. raise 21. A. farm B. way C. ranges D. spaces 22. A. job B. work C. practice D. game 23. A. buses B. people C. trucks D. workers 24. A. cows B. bodies C. bones D. meat 25. A. driven B. carried C. led D. sent 26. A. ranges B. towns C. grassland D. country 27. A. for B. over C. with D. about 28. A.

12、 cows B. cattle C. cowboys D. meat 29. A. animals B. cattle C. cowboys D. people 30. A. bought B. taken C. sent away D. killed 31. A. free B. dead C. hungry D. together 32. A. leader B. helper C. seller D. buyer 33. A. why B. what C. when D. where 34. A. stop B. walk C. camp D. work 35. A. quietly B

13、. busily C. slowly D. quickly. 阅读理解(共20小题,计分40) 阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目。从四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共20小题,计分40) A Calvin Coolidge, thirtieth president of the United States, was a person who hated gossiping(闲聊);he had no time for small talk. The following two incidents clearly show how Coolidge enjoyed sil

14、ence. When he was vice-president, Coolidge had plenty of opportunities to take part in Washingtons social life, especially the many dinner parties. Because of his knowing nothing about the art of conversation, he did not exactly endear( 使受喜欢)himself to his hostesses(女主人). One lady felt she could sol

15、ve this problem. She placed him next to Alice Roosevelt Longworth, daughter of former President Theodor Roosevelt. Mrs Longworth, an excellent conversationalist, began to chat in her usual charming(媚人的)manner, but all attempts to arouse(引起)interest on the part of the vice president were fruitless. F

16、inally, she said, Im sure that going to as many dinners as you do, you must get terribly bored. Without lifting his eyes from his plate, Coolidge answered in a low voice, Well, a man has to eat somewhere. Later, when he was president and again at a dinner party, Coolidge was seated next to a most cl

17、ever society woman, one of those busybodies, who seem to take delight in trying to change the lives of everyone they meet. Oh Mr President, she said, you are always so quiet. I made a bet(打赌)today that I could get more than two words out of you. The president became angry and then said, You lose. 36

18、. Calvin Coolidge was _. A. president of the U.S. B. vice-president of the U.S. C. a man of few words D. all of the above 37. His hostesses found him _ guest. A. an agreeable B. an easy-going C. a difficult D. a boring 38. At one dinner, the hostess placed Calvin Coolidge next to the daughter of for

19、mer President Roosevelt _. A. by mistake B. jokingly C. angrily D. all of the above 39. From the story we can see Calvin Coolidges _. A. dislike for small talk B. sense of humor C. unskillful at conversation D. all of the above 40. The underlined word busybodies in the last paragraph means _. A. peo

20、ple who take too much interest in the affairs of others B. people who enjoy silence C. people who just mind their own business D. people who make others angry B In recent years advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past. New medicines and machines

21、 are being developed every day to extend(延长)life. However, some people, including some doctors, are not in favour of these life extending measures, and they argue that people should have the right to die when they want. They say that the quality of life is as important as life itself, and that peopl

22、e should not be forced to go on living when conditions of life have become unbearable(不能忍受的).They say that people should be allowed to die with dignity (尊严)and to decide when they want to die. Others argue that life under any conditions is better than death and that the duty of doctors is always to

23、extend life as long as possible. And so the battle goes on and on without a definite (明确的)answer. 41. The best title for this passage is _. A. The Right to Live B. The Right to Die C. The Doctors Duty D. Life Is Better Than Death 42. In recent years, people can live longer than in the past. Its beca

24、use of _. A. the development of medical technology B. big hospitals C. good doctors D. both B and C 43. According to some people whether a dying patient has the right to die or not is up to _. A. the doctors B. the surroundings(环境) C. his or her family D. the patient himself or herself 44. In the wr

25、iters opinion _. A. death is better than life B. life is better than death C. neither death nor life is good D. none of the above 45. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Most of the medical workers join in the argument. B. The argument has ended in favour of the pa

26、tient. C. The argument hasnt ended yet. D. The quality of life is not as important as life itself, so it is generally thought that people should not be allowed to die under any conditions. C The humorous story may be told to great length, and may wander around as much as it pleases, and arrive nowhe

27、re in particular; but the comic(滑稽)story and the witty(诙谐的)story must be brief and end with a point. The humorous story continues gently along, the other two burst. The humorous story is strictly a work of art-high and delicate(精美的)art- and only an artist can tell it; but no art is necessary in tell

28、ing the comic and witty stories; anybody can do it. The art of telling a humorous story-I mean by word of mouth, not print-was created in America, and has remained at home. The humorous story is told seriously; the teller does his best to hide the fact that he himself even suspects(怀疑)that there is

29、anything funny about it; but the teller of the comic story tells you before hand that it is one of the funniest things he has ever heard, then tells it with eager delight, and is the first person to laugh when he gets through. And sometimes, if he has good success, he is so glad and happy that he wi

30、ll repeat the point of it and glance around from face to face, collecting applause(喝彩),and then repeat it again. 46. Which story takes the longest to tell? A. The humorous story. B. The witty story. C. The comic story. D. All three take the same amount of time. 47. Which story has no particular point? A. The humorous story. B. The witty story. C. The comic story. D. All three. 48. Which of the following statements is true? A. The humorous story was created abroad. B. The humorous story is basically American. C. The humor

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