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1、 6_? She is watching TV. AWhat does she like doing BWhats she doing CWho is she Dwhere is she 7Lets go out to play basketball. _ Basketball is my favourite. AI am sorry. BNo, thanks. CThat sounds great. DYou are welcome. 8You can _ a basketball under the table. Asee Blook Cread Dwatch 9Jack_ his mot

2、her clean the floor every day. Ahelping Bis helping Chelp Dhelps 10_is the weather in Nanjing? Its very hot and humid. AWhat BHow CWhere DWhen 11Its very hot. Im surprised Tom can play soccer_this heat. Ain Bat Cunder Don 12Look at these children. _ are cleaning the floor; _ are cleaning the desks.

3、ASome; other BSome; other CSome: the other DOne; the others 13It is rainy and windy all day. Oh, that is _. Agood Bwell Cterrible Dbadly 14When do you want to go to play basketball? _. ALets play it at 4 pm BIt is eight oclock CI dont have a watch DThey often play it at eight o 15What does Toms moth

4、er _? Shes tall. Alook Blike Clook like Dlook at 16My brother is short and _heavy. Abit Ba bit little Ca little bit Dlittle bit 17Do you like to eat carrot? _, l dont like eating vegetables. But my parents _. AYes, do BYes, does CNo, do DNo, does 18_is Mrs. Smith going to stay in Beijing? About two

5、weeks. AHow long BHow often CHow soon DHow much 19Lucy isnt at home. _shes at school. AMay BMay be CCan DMaybe 20He never eats too_vegetables or too_meat. Amany, many Bmuch, much Cmuch, many Dmany, much 21Miss Li is ill, _ she still goes to work. AAlthough, but BBut, although CAlthough, and DAlthoug

6、h, / 22_? I have a sore throat. AWhats matter with you BWhats the wrong with you CWhats the matter with you DWhats wrong to you 23He works very hard. He doesnt go to bed_eleven oclock every night. Aafter Buntil Con Din 24She _carefully but she could _nothing. Alistened, heard Bheard, listened Cliste

7、ned, hear Dheard, listen 25Going for a walk after supper is good _your health. Afor Bin Cto Dwith三完形填空10分 Today a lot of people work in offices. They 26 most of their time indoors. In the evenings they usually watch TV or 27 newspapers. In order to keep 28 good health, they know they have to exercis

8、e. Exercising is important. Doctors 29 it is good for us. It makes us strong. Children who often exercise are more alert机警.This means they do better in tests and school work than those who 30 exercise. There are many ways to exercise. Make sure you exercise in the 31 ways; you have to like what your

9、e doing. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Exercise enough, but not 32 .Its best to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three 33 that you feel right for you. You can exercise at gyms. There are a lot

10、of equipment设备there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and 34 parts of your body. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it is expensive. Exercising may be 35 .But friends can exercise together at a gym, or they can play sports together. How do you exercise? 26Aspend Btake Cge

11、t Dmake 27Ato read Breading Cread Dreads 28Aon Bfor Cin Dto 29Aspeak Btell Ctalk Dsay 30Adont Bcant Carent Ddoesnt 31Agoing Bfollowing Casking Dbringing 32Atoo many Bmuch too Ctoo much Dmany too 33Asubjects Bjobs Cplaces Dsports 34Aother Belse Calso Devery 35Atired Bboring Clazy Dheavy四、阅读明白得20分 A A

12、n old man visited a new doctor. The doctor was very young. I dont feel well, doctor. he said, Please find out whats wrong with me. Take off your clothes and lie down躺下on the bed, the young doctor said, Ill examine you The old man took off his clothes and lay down on the bed, and the young doctor exa

13、mined him. He listened to his heart. He looked into his throat. He examined every part of him. At last he told the old man, Im sorry, but I cant find anything wrong with you. Youre as healthy as I am. That is very strange惊奇的,The old man said, Because I feel really bad. Come back tomorrow and see me

14、again if you dont feel better. the doctor said. All right, doctor, the old man said. Slowly, he stoop up and put on his clothes. Then he walked out of the hospital. A few seconds later, the doctors nurse ran in Doctor! Doctor! she cried, That man you said was healthy has just died死outside the door 3

15、6The doctor was very_. Afamous Bclever Cyoung Dhealthy 37The old man was seriously_. Aill Bstrong Chealthy Dgood 38The doctor_. Atook the old man to the hospital. Bthought the old mar was healthy. Cfound something wrong with the old man. Dgave the old man some medicine. 39The doctor told the old man

16、 _. Anot to come again Bto see him again if he did not feel better Cto turn his body round Dto stay in the hospital for a few days 40Which of the following is TRUE? AThe doctor was loved by people. BSomething was wrong with the old mans throat. CThe old man was not healthy. DThe doctor cried哭when he

17、 saw the man dead死的. B Most twins双胞胎look like each other彼此very much and its usually difficult to tell who is who. But if you meet the twins from Australia. you 11 find the difference between them very easily. They are two girls. They wear the same clothes. But they look very different. One is a blac

18、k baby and the other is white. The black baby, the elder年长的sister, looks like her mother. She has brown eyes with curly black hair, but the younger sister is more like her father. Her eyes are blue and she has blonde hair. Many people are very surprised when they look at the photos of the twins Thei

19、r parents say, They are very healthy, like most twins. And they are both very cute and beautiful even though尽管they are so different. 41Usually its difficult to distinguish辨不most twins, because_. Athey are the same Bthey are both white Cthey are both black DThey look like each other 42The twins menti

20、oned被提到in the passage are _. AAmerican BAustralian CChinese DEnglish 43What does the black one look like? AShe has black eyes and black hair. BShe has blue eyes and blonde hair. CShe has green eyes with curly hair. DShe has brown eyes with curly black hair. 44The_ of the twins are different. a. hair

21、 b. color of skin皮肤 c. clothes d. languages e. eyes Aa,b and e Bb,c and d Ca,b and e Dc,d and e 45How do people feel when they look at the photos of the twins? AHappy BSurprised CUnhappy DSad 任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,依照要求答题,请将答案写到第二卷答题卷上。 C Mrs. Morgan is an old woman. She is seventy - four years old. Although

22、she is old, she is very healthy. She also looks young. Why? Because she has a healthy lifestyle. Mrs. Morgan often exercises. She likes going shopping. She goes shopping three times a week on foot. She thinks walking is good for health. Mrs. Morgan has a dog. Every morning she takes her dog for a wa

23、lk for half an hour. Sometimes she works on the farm. She often washes clothes and cleans her house. She says, l dont want my daughter to wash my clothes, because she is busy working. Mrs. Morgan has a good eating habit. She eats vegetables every day. She eats meat once a week. She drinks milk and e

24、ats an egg for breakfast. She eats an apple every day. She often says, Eating an apple every day is good for health. Sometimes Mrs. Morgan watches TV after dinner. Her favorite is Beijing Opera. She doesnt like soap operas. She often goes to bed at nine-thirty. She sleeps for eight hours every night

25、.依照短文内容,判定下面句子的正T误F。 46Mrs. Morgan is too old to go shopping. 47Mrs. Morgan goes out for a walk with her dog in the morning. 48Mrs. Morgans daughter always helps her mother wash clothes. 49Mrs. Morgan hardly ever eats vegetables. 50Mrs. Morgan often gets up at five-thirty in the morning. D Im Tony.

26、My best friends are Frank and Cindy. We often do many things together. Franklives next to my home and we are in the same class. He is thirteen years old. He is tall and ofmedium build. He has curly hair and blue eyes. Hes good -looking and very clever. Hes good at math and often helps me with my hom

27、ework. He likes wearing black pants and yellow T- shirts, Cindys eleven years old. She is thin and of medium height. She has curly blonde hair and her eyes are brown. She is good -looking, too, but a bit shy. She is good at playing the guitar. Her favorite subject at school is music. She often teaches Frank and me to play the guitar after class. The three of us have great fun together, and we help each other and sometimes playcomputer games at my house.依照短文内容,回答以下咨询题。51What do the three children do together?52Where do they play computer games?53将文中划线句子译成汉语。

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