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1、老师认为Tom不可能完成作业,但是相反的是他完成了。(contrary)The teacher doesnt think Tom could finish homework, but on the contrary he did.患难见真情。(indeed)A friend in need is a friend indeed.让他先进餐吧。至于账单,忘了它吧。Let him have dinner firstly. As for the bill, forget it.到目前为止,大量的钱已经收到。(amount)So far a large amount of money has been

2、 received.= So far large amounts of money have been received.大量的钱花费在买书上。(amount;spend)Large amounts of money were spent on the books.A large amount of money was spent on the books.他发现一艘船在海上航行。He spotted a ship sailing on the sea.如果你没有通行证,不允许你用这个房间。If you dont have a permit, you wont be permitted to

3、use the room.当他到达时,他发现所有的工作已经完成。(find)When he arrived, he found all the work finished.她发现地上有个钱包。She found a wallet lying on the ground.我们正在湖里游泳,这时暴风雨开始了。(when)We were swimming in the lake when the storm started.他刚要出去这时一位不速之客来了。He was about/going to go out when an unexpected visitor came.我刚写完作业这时妈妈让我

4、弹钢琴。I had just finished homework when my mother asked me to play the piano.他病了,那就是为什么他会上学迟到。He was ill, thats why he was late for school.他上学迟到了,那是因为他病了。He was late for school, thats because he was ill.我确信他会成功的完成这项工程。(doubt; succeed)I dont doubt that he will succeed in finishing the project.你相信那个贼去年在

5、济南市偷了好多自行车吗?Do you believe that the thief stole a lot of bikes in Jinan last year?他是否会拒绝我,不清楚。What he wants to tell us is not clear. 明天他是否会参加那个舞会,没人知道。It is unknown whether he will take part in the ball or not.他来帮助你是确实无疑的。That he will come and help you is certain. 我相信他不会这样做。I dont believe he will do

6、 so. 这就是我们问题所在。This is where our problem lies. 他必须回答他是否同意此事这样一个问题。He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not. 他要跟我们说什么,还不清楚。问题是谁是下一位发言者。The question is who will be the next speaker.他总是在想怎样才能把工作做好。She always thinks ofhow she can work well.他们授予胜出者一等奖。(award两种表达)They awarded the winner

7、the first prize.= They awarded the first prize to the winner.他写了一首诗以纪念那些在地震中去世的人们。(memory)He wrote a poem in memory of those people who died in the earthquake.我的信念是不劳无获。(belief; gain)My belief is that no pains, no gains.= It is my belief that no pains, no gains.他从失败中获取经验。(gain)He gained experience f

8、rom the failures.在过去的10年里我们学校发生了巨大的变化。(take place)Great changes have taken place in the past/ last ten years in our school.我们上当买了一辆破汽车,这使我非常心烦。(trick)We were tricked into buying a poor car, which made me very upset.捉弄那些处在困难中的人是一种不礼貌的方式。(trick; manner)It is an impolite manner to play a trick on those

9、 people who are in trouble.夏天跳进河里游泳是一件多么快乐的事情啊!(What fun!)What fun it is to jump into a river to swim in summer!孩子们期待的暑假就要来到了。(look forward to)The summer vacation that the children are looking forward to is coming.未经许可你们不能再这拍照。(permission)You cant take photos here without permission.我向他道歉没能按时出现在电影院。

10、(apologize; turn up)I apologized to him for not turning up the cinema on time.他为自己来晚了向朋友们道歉。(apologize/apology)He apologized to his friends for his being late.= He apologized to his friends that he was late.=He made/offered an apology to his friends for his being late.遵守诺言是一个好的习惯,因为人们会总是信任你。(word)It

11、 is a good habit of keeping your word, for people will always believe in you.请原谅他的粗鲁无礼。(forgive)Please forgive him for his rudeness.= Please forgive him for his being rude.听到那首歌总使我想起童年。(remind)Hearing that song always reminds me of my childhood.穿上盛装去捉弄别人多么有趣啊!What fun it is to dress up to play trick

12、s on others!我羡慕他的成功。I admire his success.= I admire him for his success.他因为奉献一生在教育事业而获奖。(award)He was awarded for devoting his life to the education.这部电影使我想起了我的童年,这提醒我要努力工作。This film reminds me of my childhood, which reminds me to work hard.我们燃放烟花以庆祝农历新年。(set)We set off the fireworks to celebrate th

13、e Lunar New Year.非你即我负责这家公司。(eitheror)Either you or I am in charge of this company.这个房间是被打算用来搜集信息的。(mean; gather)This room is meant to gather information.所有认识他的人都羡慕他获得了Nobel Prize. All those who know him admire him for winning/being awarded the Nobel Prize.我一直期待的这一天终于到来了。(look)The day I had been loo

14、king forward to came at last.你会发现她是一个总是履行诺言的女孩。(keep)Youll find she is a girl who always keeps her word.Li Ming英语说得很好就像是一个英国人。(as if/though)LiMingspeaksEnglishverywellasthoughhewere anEnglishman.最有经验最有帮助的老师是那些不仅教给知识的人而且还是教你如何获取知识的人。Themostexperiencedandhelpfulteachersaretheoneswhocannotonlyofferuskn

15、owledgebutalsotellwayhowtogainknowledge.他的房间到处覆盖着各种不同的图书,看上去仿佛是个小图书馆。Hisroom,coveredwithallkindsofbooksherethere,looksifitisasmalllibrary.每年诺贝尔奖被授予那些献身于做一些研究的人。(Nobel Prize; award; devote)Nobel Prize is awarded to those who devote their lives to doing some research every year.很明显他同意我们去海南的建议。(obvious

16、; agree)It is obvious that he agrees to the suggestion that we should go to Hainan.你不得不佩服她处理这个问题的手段。(admire)You have to admire the way he deals with the problem.他的朋友佩服他在演讲比赛中获得一等奖。His friends admire him for winning the first prize at the speech contest.Tom因为自己的不告而别向她而道歉。(apologize)Tom apologized to

17、her for leaving without saying goodbye.学生应该总是提醒自己上课不要迟到。A student should always remind himself not to be late for class.大多数父母经常原谅他们孩子在日常生活中犯的错。Most parents often forgive their children for making mistakes in their daily life.我们一直盼望的那一天终于来到了。(look )The day we have been looking forward to has come at

18、last.他躺在草坪上,想着下一步做什么。(用现在分词表伴随)He was lying on the grass, thinking what to do next.每年有大量的树木被砍倒。(cut)A large number of trees are cut down every year.我从来没有看见过更美丽的日出。I have never seen a more beautiful sunrise.他说把笔放置在桌子上了,但是我发现他在和我们撒谎。(lay; lie)He said that he laid the pen on the desk, but I found that

19、he was lying to us.当他在街上骑自行车时,使胳膊受了伤。(have+宾语+宾补)When he was riding a bike in the street, he had his arm hurt.未经允许,没有人可以在办公室吸烟。Nobody is allowed to smoke in the office without permission.那些总是作弊的人绝不会逃避惩罚。(get)Those who always cheat will never get away with it.他躺在椅子上,看着报纸。(伴随)He lay on the chair, read

20、ing the newspaper.这个贼抢劫了银行携带了大量钱逃跑了。(get)The thief robbed the bank and got away with a large amount of money.没有人能解释为什么他会犯如此愚蠢的错误。(account for)No one can account for the reason why he made such stupid mistake.至于吸烟,它确实对身体有害。(harm)As for smoking, it does do harm to health.看起来天好像要下雨了。It looked as if/tho

21、ugh it was going to rain.他把所有的钱都花费在赌马上。(bet)He spends all his money betting on horses.他总是找我的茬。He is always finding fault with me.他在会议上提出了一个好建议。He brought up a good suggestion at the meeting.这所新大桥提前竣工了。(ahead)This new bridge was completed ahead of time.我刚做完试卷下课铃就响了。I had just finished my test paper w

22、hen the bell rang.他正要出去时天下起雨来。He was about to go out when it began to rain.这个小男孩正骑着车子这时候他摔了下来。He was riding the bike when he fell off the bike.无论何时你有问题,你都可以向我求助。(turn)Whenever/No matter when you have problems, you may turn to me for help.开车时绝不应该冒险。(chance)You should never take chances when driving a

23、 car.长时间盯着别人看是不礼貌的。(manner)It is bad manners to stare at others for a long time.自从我们来到高中我们的作业增加了。(multiply)Our homework has multiplied since we came to the high school.为了阻止孩子们在河里游泳,他使他们全天都呆在家里。In order to keep the children from swimming in the river, he kept them staying at home all day.由于生病他被阻止去上学。

24、(prevent)He was prevented from going to school because of his illness.一旦他下定决心,谁也阻止不了他执行这个计划。(carry out)Once he makes up his mind, nobody can prevent him from carrying out the plan.与他的同学不同,他不喜欢打篮球。(unlike; dislike)Unlike his classmate, he dislikes playing basketball.我相信总有一天你会成功的。(in time)I believe yo

25、ull succeed in time.医生及时赶来救了他的命。The doctor came in time to save his life.你认为如果我们早起我们会来得及赶上火车吗?Do you think well be in time to catch the train if we get up early?他发现不可能离开德国去美国。(it作形式宾语)He finds it impossible to leave Germany to the USA.她清楚地认为她会离开公司。She thinks it clear that she would leave the company

26、.我们感到努力学习是我们的责任。We feel it our duty to study hard.他认为解决这个问题很困难。He considers it difficult to solve the problem.我们都认为你没有来参加聚会很遗憾。We all think it a pity that you didnt come to the party.很明显一个均衡的饮食对我们健康至关重要。(fundamental)It is obvious that a balanced diet is fundamental to our health.就我个人而言,先向他道歉没有什么坏处。(

27、harm)As far as Im concerned, there is no harm in apologizing to him first.努力工作对成功来说是至关重要的,这一点并没有立刻显现出来。It is not immediately obvious that working hard is fundamental to success.既然你已经获得这个机会,你最好充分利用它。(now.)Now that youve got the chance, you might as well make full use of it.你能解释他们吵起来的原因吗?(explain;reason;quarrel)Can you explain the reason why they quarreled between them?我试图阻止他不要等她。I try to keep him from waiting for her.我试图使他一直等她。I try to keep him waiting for her.我们的新学校是这个学校的3倍大。(用3种表达)Our new school is three times as big as this o

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