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1、8 A. I go to summer camp. B. I went to New York. C. I had a nice vacation.9 A. The weekend was fun. B. They went shopping. C. They are studetns.10 A. Good idea. B. Thank you. C. Youre great.11 A. Thanks you. B. The same to you. C. Thats right.12 A. Yes, he did. B. He visted his uncle. C. No, he didn

2、t.第三节:对话理解。(每小题2分,共8分)根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。13 A. Play computer games. B. Listen to music. C. Go out.14 A. She is tall. B. She is thin. C. She is of medium build.15 A. To the beach. B. To the park. C. To the museum.16 A. Rice and beef. B. Potatoes and mutton. C. Rice and m

3、utton.第四节:短文理解。(每小题2分,共10分)听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。17 Mr Smith is _.A. Chinese B. English C. American18 Mr Smith has _ daughter(s).A. one B. two C. three19 Last Sunday, Mr Smith and his family went to _.A. England B. the mountains C. the beach20 Ruth and Annie helped _ fi

4、nd his parents.A. Brad B. new friend C. a lost boy21 They went to a restaurant for _.A. breakfast B. lunch C. supperII单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。22 Would you like _ tea? Yes, and _ salad, please.A. much; any B. some; any C. any; some D. some; some23 _ you at home

5、 this morning? No, I _.A. Was; wasnt B. Were; werent C. Were; wasnt D. Was; werent24 What made her _ so happy? Her parents decided _ her a new computer.A. to feel; buy B. to feel; to buy C. feel; to buy D. feel; buy25 We had great fun _ dumplings.A. eat B. eats C. eating D. ate26 What do you think o

6、f the clothes in that store? Theyre _. I want to buy more for myself.A. awful B. ugly C. fantastic D. expensive27 Stop _ loudly. Lets _ our class.A. talk; begin B. talking; to begin C. to talk; to begin D. talking; begin28 I think the soap opera is interesting. I dont _ you. I think it is kind of bo

7、ring.A. agree with B. think of C. look for D. wait for29 What does your uncle do? _.A. Hes fine B. Hes at school C. Hes a doctor D. Hes doing shopping30 _ late. Its your first day to school.A. Not be B. Dont be C. No D. Be31 _ was your vacation? It was great.A. Where B. What C. How D. Which32 Does h

8、e _ glasses? Yes, hes a tall man _ glasses.A. has; with B. wears; wears C. with; wears D. wear; with33 Come and work _ us _ a waiter.A. for; for B. as; for C. for; is D. for; as34 I know Mrs Green, _ woman.A. is 8oyearsold B. is 80 year old C. an 80yearold D. a 80 years old35 How is the weather? Its

9、 sunny today, but yesterday was a _ day.A. sunny B. rainy C. cloud D. raining36 What kind of noodles would you like?A. Id like a large bowl B. OK C. Sure, beef D. Beef noodlesIII完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。Mr Brown 37 a small shop in the middle of our ci

10、ty, and he 38 pictures in it. Theyre not expensive, but some of 39 are very nice. One day, a woman came 40 the shop and looked at a lot of pictures. Then she 41 Mr. Brown: “ 42 is this picture?” It was a picture 43 dogs. “Twenty dollars.” Mr. Brown answered. “Its 44 expensive. I can only 45 you two

11、dollars for it.” said the woman. “Two dollars? But you 46 buy the canvas (油布) with two dollars.” “Oh, but it isnt clean now.” the woman said.37 A. has B. have C. there is D. there are 38 A.looks B. buys C. sells D. sees39 A. they B. them C. their D. it40 A. on B. in C. to D. after41 A. ask B. asks C

12、. asked D. asking42 A.How much B. What C. How D. When43 A. on B. with C. from D. of44 A. no B. not C. too D. very45 A. give B. let C. take D. want46 A. can B. cant C. are D. arentIV阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。(A)Mr Hand began his trip in France last Saturday. Three

13、 days later when he was traveling (旅行) in the country by car, he saw a dog behind a thin man. As the car came near them, the dog suddenly began to cross the street and it was hit (撞) by the car and died (死).Mr Hand stopped his car and walked to the thin man. “Im very sorry to hit your dog,” he said.

14、 “How much should I pay? Will ten dollars be enough (足够的)?”“Oh, yes,” said the thin man. Mr Hand put his hand into his pocket, but he only found five dollars in the pocket. “Sorry, sir, I have only five dollars,” said Mr Hand.“Thats all right. Five dollars is also OK,” the man answered. “Thanks a lo

15、t. Its very kind of you,” Mr Hand thanked the man and drove away. After the car went away, the man looked down at the dog and said, “Whose dog is it?47 Mr Hand took a trip in _.A. Singapore B. Japan C. France D. the USA48 Mr Hand traveled in the country _.A. by car B. by bike C. by train D. by taxi4

16、9 At first, Mr Hand wanted to pay _ dollars for the dog.A. five B. seven C. ten D. fifteen50 Mr Hand gave the thin man five dollars at last because _.A. they were old friends B. he only had five dollarsC. he thought five dollars was enough D. he needed money to buy other things51 Which of the follow

17、ing is TRUE?A. Mr Hand didnt thank the thin man. B. Mr Hand had a fight with the thin man.C. The thin man walked behind the dog. D. The thin man wasnt the dogs owner (主人)(B)KFCTel: 62550011Address; 28 Bridge StreetOpen: 9:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m.Food: fried chicken, French fries, hamburgers, porridgeDrink

18、: coke, coffee, milk, juiceDessert: ice creamSoup: vegetable soupBig Pizza (比萨饼) 88819056 102 Ting Street30 a.m. 12: beef pizza, mutton pizza, fruit pizza, vegetable pizza coffee, milk, fruit juice Italy (意大利) soup52 If youd like hamburgers, you can _.A. go to Big Pizza B. call 62550011 C. call 8881

19、9056 D. go to 102 Ting Street53 What cant you have in Big Pizza?A. French fries B. Milk C. Juice D. Soup54 What can you have at 11:30 p.m.?A. French fries B. Mutton C. Pizza D. Fruit55 Where can you eat ice cream?A. In KFC B. In Big Pizza C. Italy D. A & B56 How many kinds of Pizza are there in the

20、second ad.A. one B. two C. three D. four(C)Last year I went traveling with my parents to Inuvik, Canada. We went there for the Sunrise Festival (日出节). It is a big festival every year in Inuvik. There is always the long Darkness (黑暗) of mid-winter there. When the sun comes back, people are very excit

21、ed.This year, they had a festival to welcome the sun to join them.We ran around the fire. We ate lots of hot-dogs and drank hot chocolate in the tents. We ran around and played games in the snow. It was really fun.根据文章内容,判断下面的句子。正确的写(A),错误的写(B)。57 People are very excited to see the sun come back.58

22、The Sunrise Festival just began this year.59 The writer enjoyed the festival very much.60 The children cant eat too much during the festival.61 It is cold in Inuvik.第二卷 (共35分)V用所给单词的正确形式填空。(5分)62 I often help my mother _ (clean) the room.63 What about _ (swim)?64 There _ (be) some fish in the bowl j

23、ust now.65 Listen! Someone _ (cry).66 Id like some _ (tomato) noodles.VI句型转换。(10分)根据所给提示,完成句型转换,每空一词,含缩略词。67 Ruth has to do her homework every night.(一般疑问句)_ Ruth _ to do her homework every night?68 Lucys vacation was pretty good.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Lucys vacation?69 Davy often goes to summer camp during s

24、ummer holiday.(用last month改写句子)Davy _ _ summer camp last month.70 You can play volleyball outside the classroom.(改为祈使句)_ _ outside the classroom.71 欢迎来到动物园。_ _ the zoo.A. What else did you do there?B. Do you know where koalas are from?C. What animals did you see there?D. It was boring.E. Who did you

25、 go there with?F. What did you do?G. Where did you go?VII口语应用。阅读下面对话,从方框内选出恰当的句子完成此对话。A:Did you go to the zoo yesterday, David?B:Yes, I did. 72 I went with my friends Jim and Frank. 73 We saw tigers, lions, elephants and koalas. 74 Yes, they are from Australia. 75 We took some photos with Jims camer

26、a. And we enjoyed an animal show.How was the show? 76 I cant stand it.Did you stay there for a long time?No. We were there for about an hour. Then we went home.72. _ 73. _ 74. _ 75. _ 76. _VIII短文填空。 根据下列短文内容,在短文的空白处填上一个恰当的词(一空一词),使短文完整、通顺。Old Henry lived on a clean street in Green City. Every weeken

27、d, Alan and his friends 77 soccer in the street. 78 children were too noisy (吵闹的) for the old man to have a good rest.One 79 , Old Henry told the children that he would give them ten dollars each weekend to watch them play soccer in the street. He said, “I am so glad when seeing 80 play soccer happi

28、ly.” Alan and his friends were surprised to hear (听见) Old Henrys 81 .The first weekend after that, the boys went to play soccer near the old mans house, and went away happily 82 ten dollars. The 83 weekend they also got ten dollars. The third weekend, Old Henry said he spent his 84 on his grandsons school things. So he only gave the children four 85 . The next weekend, Old Henry sai

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