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1、d better hurry up; well be late._? Do you really want to listen to the boring lecture?AWhat for BOr whatCWhat next DSo whatDSo what“那又如何?”,符合题意。What for“为了什么?”;Or what“还是别的什么?What next“还有呢?”。2Germany _ war on France on 1 August 1914, which started the World War I.Adeclared BannouncedCbroadcast Dadve

2、rtisedAdeclare“宣布”;decare war on“对宣战”,为固定搭配。3Someone has to keep protesting _ human rights violations.Athat BwithCagainst DofCprotest against“抗议/反对”,为固定搭配。4We won the contract but only through a lot of _ negotiating.Aeasy BtoughCsatisfying DroughBtough“棘手的;困难的”;easy“容易的”;satisfying“令人满意的”;rough“(人)粗

3、野的;(东西)粗糙的”。5Joan _ when she saw the visitors came in.Aset on foot Bset foot onCrose to his feet Dstruggled to feetCset on foot“开始,着手”;set foot on“登上,踏上”;rise to ones feet“站起身来”;D项应改为struggle to ones feet“挣扎着站起来”,故选C项。6It is our _ destination to build a wonderful country, a strong, rich, and harmoni

4、ous country.Acomplete BultimateCcorrect DremoteB句意是:建立一个美好的国家,一个富强、和谐的国家是我们的最终目标。complete“完整的”;unltimate“最终的;根本的”;correct“正确的”;remote“遥远的”;不合题意。7All the leading media in China _ Premier Wen Jiabaos official visit to South Korea and Japan.Areported BprintedCannounced DdeclaredA句意是:中国所有主要的大众传播媒体都报道了温家

5、宝总理对韩国和日本的正式访问。report“报道”;print“印刷”;annouce“宣布”;declare“宣称”。8Recently CCTV station has taken great _ to make a program that reviews the important _ of the past 30 years.Asteps; affairs Befforts; mattersCpains; events Defforts; incidentsC句意是:最近CCTV煞费苦心做了一个节目,这个节目回顾了过去三十年来的重大事件。take steps to do sth.“采

6、取措施做某事”;make efforts to do sth.“努力做某事”;take pains to do sth.“尽力做某事”;affair“指个人事务或国家事务”;matter “指要处理的问题”;event“指我们周围发生的重大事件”;incident“指日常事件”。9_ do you write to your parents?Mostly once a month, but this month I havent done that, because Ill go back this weekend.AHow long BHow farCHow often DHow soonC

7、how long指“多久”;how far指“多远”;how often指“多久一次”;how soon指“多久以后”。10Though its a challenging job, he did it _ it took me.Aonethird a time Bonethird timeCthe onethird time Donethird the timeD这是倍数的一种表达方式。onethird “三分之一”,后接the time, it took me是定语从句修饰the time。句意是:虽然这是一项很艰难的工作,但他做这项工作用的时间是我做这项工作所用时间的三分之一。.完形填空

8、Ebron James isnt the first high school basketball player to go straight into the NBA, but hes probable the best. He has the body, skills and the basketball brain of an AllStar (全明星球员)This _1_ was on _2_ as he scored 41 points to take Cleveland Cavaliers (克里夫兰骑士队) to a 107104 win over the New Jersey

9、Nets (新泽西网队) on March 28. Aged of 19 years and 87 days, James became the _3_ players to score 40 or more in the NBA.“It was by far James best _4_,” said Cleveland coach Paul Silas.Known to his friends _5_ “the king”, this was the day James earned his crown (王冠). But he was _6_ from being a king duri

10、ng a childhood spendt in the back streets of Akron, Ohio. _7_ many other AfricanAmerican basketball players, James eaerly years were a _8_. His mother Gloria was just 16 when she gave birth to him; he knows nothing about his father. Mother and son battled for everything from food to a place to live.

11、 _9_ help from his grandmother and neighbors, James would _10_ have died when he was young.This spirit of survival has served him well on court, forcing him to take any _11_ he finds. “_12_ losing, I dont like losing,” said James of his 41point display. “I _13_ the opportunity for us to win and _14_

12、 to capture (获胜) it.” At 2.03 meters, he is no Yao Ming but this didnt _15_ him being first choice in 2003 NBA draft. This was _16_ to his strength and skill, much of which he learned from high school American football.Although he has a _17_ brain, James has never had to concentrate on _18_. Some pe

13、ople think this is a mistake and say he should have gone to college to _19_ his mind. But James is one of the lucky few who has found fame and fortune _20_ a diploma. On the court, he is king.本文介绍了美国篮球“小皇帝”詹姆士勒布朗的成长历程。1A.action BperformanceCactivity DtalentD联系上文“He has the body, skills and the baske

14、tball brain of an AllStar”可知,他是篮球天才。 BexhibitionCshow DdutyC他带领克里夫兰骑士队以107:104击败新泽西网队时,一人独得41分,这种能力就显示了出来。on sale“出售”;on exhibition “展出”;on show“展示”;on duty“值班”。3A.oldest BstrongestCtallest DyoungestD根据上文“Aged of 19 years”判断James很年轻。4A.performance BlessonCaction DappearanceA联系上文“he scored 41

15、points”判断,一场比赛个人得分达41分是一种好的表现。5A.for BasCby DwithBbe known for“因出名”;be known as “作为是有名的”,此处指他作为球王而出名。6A.well BfarCdeep DlateB联系下文詹姆士勒布朗不幸的童年生活推断,那时他还远不是一个球王。7A.As BLikeCLikely DAlikeB分析句子此处需介词,排除选项C和D选项。A和B当介词时,as表“以实际身份或地位”,like表“与相似”。从语境可知B正确。8A.fight BstruggleCbattle DwarB由下文所介绍的童年所经历的不幸生活可知James

16、的童年生活是一种挣扎。9A.Except for BExceptCBesides DWithoutD介词考查。A项“除了(之外)”;B项“除了之外(没有)”;C项“除了之外(还有)”;D项“没有”。联系句子可知without符合语境,相当于一个虚拟条件句。10A.certainly BimpossibleChardly DprobablyD句意是:没有祖母和邻居的帮助,James也许很小的时候就死了,故用probably。11A.goal BgameCmatch Dchance他利用他能找到的一切机会,故take any chance“利用任何机会”符合题意。12A.hate BrefuseC

17、object DrejectA由下文“I dont like losing” 暗示该空应填hate。13A.grasped BseizedCcaught DheldB根据语境,他说要抓住一切获胜的机会,故用seize the opportunity。14A.afraid BunluckyCable DcertainC此处表示勒布朗有能力获胜,故用be able to表示。15A.keep BforbidCprotect DstopD“阻止某人做某事”可以用stop sb. (from) doing sth.和keep sb. from doing sth.来表示。16A.according B

18、referringCthanks DstickingC分析语境可知“多亏了”他的力量和技巧,故C项正确。 BquickChigh DtopB句子意思强调他反应敏捷,故用quick。fast指本身速度、动作快,侧重动着的人或物;quick形容行为敏捷。18A.studying BrestingCsleeping DeatingA联系下文“he should have gone to college”可知,studying符合题意。19A.advance BmarchCincrease DdevelopD从语境可知,有人认为他应该上大学去开发智力,因此该空填develop。20A.

19、apart from BbutCexcept DwithoutD联系整段内容判断James成了没有文凭而成名的幸运者。.阅读理解Full Name: Cristiano Ronaldo Santos Averir, a worldfamous football player.Age:25. Born in 1985. Nationality: Portugal. Position: Winger (边锋)Shirt number: 7. Former club: Sporting Lisbon. Special move: firstrate stepover trick (交叉跨步动作).

20、Now he is being interviewed by a journalist from the sports column of BBC. The following are part of their interview.Q:Are you the best winger in the world now, Cristiano?A:Ill try to be the best, but its not really for me to say! To be honest with you, I dont really compare myself to other wingers

21、in football. I want to improve all the time, give 100 percent and play to the best of improve all the time, give 100 percent and play to the best of my ability. I will carry on doing that until the end of my career.Who is the most skillful player in the world?There are a lot of fantastic players who

22、 are extremely talented, but different players have different strengths! Some are expert at dribbling (带球) with ball, while others pass the ball very well instead. The players have different techniques. So its difficult to pick just one out.Do you make sure your own tricks up, or do you copy other s

23、tars like Ronaldinho?They are not inspired by other playersthey just come from me! Theyre something that Ive worked on in training sessions and in games for many years now. I try to work on them by myself and then they just come naturally to me in games!Whos more skillful, you or Wayne Rooney?I thin

24、k were just different players! There is no doubt that Wayne Rooney is a great player and very talented. Hes got his own individual style and Ive got mine. We are trying to be ourselves.So how often do you practice your tricks and skills?To be honest, theyre just something Ive done since I was very y

25、oung. All the tricks I do during games are things that I have developed throughout my career. Im improving year after year. I just want to carry on getting better and better and learning more and more tricks.本文是记者对一位足球明星的采访。这位明星不仅聪明,有天赋,而且还很用功,取得了成就不骄傲,这些素质使他成为了世界一流的边锋。1According to the interview ,w

26、hich of the following is not true?ACristiao devotes himself to his football career.BCristiano thinks a great player should have their own strengths.CCristiano denies that he is the best football player in the world modestly.DCristiano refuses to admit there are outstanding football players in the world.D正误判断题。根据Cristiano对第二个问题的回答“There are a lot of fantastic players who are extre

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