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1、高考熟词生意英语考试说明附录中部分熟词生义词学习一览表单 词熟 义生 义学 习 要 点1across横过; 越过1、到、在对面(adv/prep)He lives across the street.他住在街对面。the house across the street 街道对面的房子2、宽(adv)The river is 50 metres across. 河宽50米。The tree measures 50 cm across.2add增加,加起来接着说, 补充说I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result.我还

2、要补充说一下,我们对测试结果表示满意。3address地址,住址(n.)1、对.讲演或发表演说(vt)address a meeting向大会发表演说address the whole nation 向全国发表演说addressed me in low tones.低声与我交谈2、写姓名地址(vt)address the letter /envelope 在信上写地址The envelope is addressed to Jack Johnson, Esq. 信封上写着杰克约翰逊先生收。4afford担负得起费用抽得出(时间)He cant afford an hour for lunch.

3、他抽不出一小时吃午饭I cant afford three weeks away from work.我无法丢下工作三星期。5against反对, 逆着, 倚靠着,1、 与成对照against a dark background 与黑色背景成对照; The picture looks better against the light wall. 这幅画挂在浅色的墙上显得更美。2、防备;防御against the cold 防冷against a rainy day 防备雨天We are all taking medicine against the flu.我们都在服药预防流感。be prep

4、ared against war and natural disasters备战备荒6air空气,天空1、 发表(意见等)air ones views发表意见使通风, 使通气She aired the room by opening the window. 她打开窗子使房间通风。7allow允许,准许给予;使得到allowed him 1000 for expenses 给他每年1000 英镑的开销容许(of)allow of no excuse不容辩解The situations allow of no excuse.形势不容许拖延; 形势刻不容缓。体谅; 考虑到;顾及(for)We mus

5、t allow for his youth.我们应当体谅他年轻。酌留;预计allow 10% for inflation 允许10%的通货膨胀allow 15 minutes for delay 预留15分钟以防耽搁8approachn. 方法;途径;接近vi. 靠近vt. 接近;着手处理Before trying to solve the puzzle, let us consider the best way to approach it. 在解决难题之前,我们得想出最好的解决办法。9attend出席,参加侍侯,照应,与on/ upon 连用)attend the very sick pa

6、tients 照应重病人attend on / upon a very sick man 处理、料理(与to 连用)attend to the problem 10badly坏迫切Each student badly wants to read online English every day. 每个学生都非常想每天在网上读英语时文。11build建造, 建筑体格;体型Were of the same build.我们体型相同a man of strong build体格健壮的人12capital首都, 首都的1、 资本;资金;资方; The Smith Company has a capit

7、al of 30.000.史密斯公司有3万美元的资本。2、大写字母大写的(字母)capital letters 大写字母Write your name in capitals. 用大写字母写你的名字。13collect.收集1、收(租, 税, 帐等); 募(捐)collect the electricity fee收取电费。collect taxes.收税collect (raise) money 募集资金2、领取(信件等);接走(人、物)Today it is his turn to collect the children from school in the community.今天该轮

8、到他把孩子们从社区学校接回去。3、使镇静;集中(思想等)The old lady tried to collect her thoughts but she was too excited.老太太力图镇定下来,但是太激动了。Before you begin to make a speech, you should collect your thoughts and ideas.在你开始讲话之前,你应当集中你的思想和意念。collect ones emotions.镇定情绪collect oneself心平气和, 平心静气, 镇定一下14company公司,1、 陪伴、伴侣He kept me

9、company. 他陪伴我。in the company of在.陪同下I had no company on the journey. 我在旅行中没有同伴。15contentn.内容, 容量, 目录, 满足adj.满足的, 满意的, 愿意1、 使满意或满足vt.Nothing contents her, she is always complaining. 没有什么能使她满意,她总是抱怨。contented himself with one piece of cake.(他)吃了一块蛋糕非常地满足(to ones hearts content心满意足2、含量the content of si

10、lver in a ton of ore 一吨矿砂中银的含量16corner角落, (街道)拐角处,把难住;使走投无路The dog cornered the rat. 狗把老鼠逼到一个角落。17count数数, 计算(count down倒计时)1、依靠,依赖(on)You can count on my help.你可以依赖我的帮助2、 认为;视为;看作count it an honor (to do sth.) (把做某事)引以为荣3、有价值;重要;有用Every second counts. 每一秒钟都很重要。You really count with me.对我来说你确实很重要18c

11、over盖子, 封面覆盖 1、 占(时间或空间)The town covers 5 square miles. 小镇占地5平方英里。 2、 走完(一段路程)I want to cover 100 miles by dark. 我想在天黑之前走完100英里3、 进行新闻采访cover a fire for a newspaper 为报纸采访失火的新闻4、 够付(费用)足以抵补补偿These expenses are covered by the state. 这些费用都由国家负担。cover the loss弥补损失5、包括;包含;论及The review covered everything

12、we learned last term. 这次复习包括上学期我们所学的全部课程。6、看完(多少页书)cover fifty pages in 15 minutes19crazy疯狂的;精神错乱的;蠢的着迷的;狂热的Shes crazy about dancing. 她热衷于跳舞。be crazy about over热衷于, 醉心于 ;爱上, 迷恋着补充:like crazy mad 口发疯似地; 拼命地; 猛烈地They were running around like crazy.他们拚命地跑着20develop发展, 形成,研制,开发冲洗(胶片、相片等)develop films /p

13、hotos冲洗胶卷21draw画图吸引;拉;抽;平局(vi. vt. & n)draw a curtain across a window 把窗帘拉上draw a sword拔出刀draw water from the well从井中把水抽出来draw a lesson吸取教训draw 20dollars from the bank从银行提取20美元draw a conclusion引出、得出结论draw ones attention(to )引起某人注意The street accident drew a big crowd.马路上的事故吸引了一大群人。The game was drawn.

14、比赛打成了平局。The teams draw. 两队不分胜负。The game ended in a draw. 比赛不分胜负 (平局;不分胜负)22due与to 连用due to 因为;由引起;由于1、预定到达Their plane is due in 15 minutes. 他们的飞机预定在15分钟后到达预期的Your report is due tomorrow. 你的报告应于明天交。2、(票据等)到期的,应付给的a bill due today 今天应付款的帐单When is the rent due? 房租应于何时支付。3、应有的,应得的,正当的give due consideration to 给于应有的考虑A great deal of money is due to you.这一大笔款是你应得的。23employ雇用1、 使采、利用employ force 使用武力Why didnt you employ the new method?你们为什么不采用那个新方法呢?She employs her time wisely.她善于利用时间。(employ. as把.用作)24enter进入; 加入;登录,计回车使进加入enter (oneselfsb.) for(替.)报名参加 sign up for.报名参加.写下或输入

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