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1、2017届浙江省高考英语常用重点词组1. in ones absence=in the absence of 在某人不在时,缺少时 in ones presence某人在场/当某人的面2. have/gain/obtain access to有/得到机会/途径/权利进入/使用3. by accident/chance=accidentally无意/偶然 on purpose = by intention /design =deliberately故意地4. takeinto account把考虑之内take account of考虑到;顾及/体谅 give an account of叙述, 记

2、录 on account of因为 5. make great achievements6. have a good knowledge of了解/通晓7. in addition=additionally=besides并且 in addition to除以外(还有)10. make adjustment to对作出调整11. in advance=ahead of time预先,提前 make advances (in)取得进步12. take advantage of=make use ofhave an advantage over胜过,优于 at a(n)advantage/disa

3、dvantage处于有利/不利地位13. ask for ones advice (on) follow/take/accept ones advice14. have an affection for.深爱 15. (high)on the agenda在议事日程上(居首) 17. reach an agreement/a consensus达成一致 in agreement/disagreement with(不)同意 18. with the aid/help/assistance of come to ones aid/help/assistance19. achieve / reac

4、h ones aim with the aim/purpose/intention of take aim at=aim at瞄准,以为目的20. set the alarm ringing敲响警钟 alarm clock闹钟 scream in alarm惊恐地21. have no alternative/choice/option but to do sth别无选择只能21. on the air在广播/播送 in the air悬而未决;在空中;22. a large amount of=large amounts of (接不可数名词) a large quantity of=lar

5、ge quantities of (接可数/不可数皆可) a large number of (接可数名词) a good/great deal of(接不可数)in large numbers/quantities大量地23. in analysis of在对的分析中24. make an announcement26. in answer/reply to作为.的答复 make/give no answer (to)不回答27. make an apology to sb=apologize to sb(for) owe sb an apology应向某人道歉29. the apple o

6、f ones eyes掌上明珠30. make an appointment预约,约定32. in appreciation of感谢/欣赏33. have an appetite for喜爱34. the approach to sth/doing sth35. make arrangements for36. upon/on arrival一到达37. an article of clothing/clothes一件38. be burnt to ashes 烧成灰烬39. in all aspects/respects在各方面41. make assumptions (about)假/臆

7、想42. make an attempt to do / at (doing) sth44. pay attention to (doing) sth focus / fix/concentrate attention on attract / draw ones attention to45. hold a(n) attitude towards/to46. under the authority of在权威/管控下;在授权下47. on (the/an) average48. keep / lose the balance on balance 总的说来 (be) in the balan

8、ce未定,不明朗49. It is a real bargain真划算/真便宜52. on the basis of根据;基于 on a regular basis =regularly53. have a bath/ =bathe洗澡 Have a shower冲澡/淋浴54. at the beginning/end of in/at the beginning /end开始/最后55. be of benefit to=be beneficial to for the benefit/good/interest of =for ones benefit/good /interest为的利

9、益/好处56. do/try ones best (to do sth) at ones best /worst在某人最佳/糟状态57. 比较:pay the bill cover the cost/expense58. at birth出生时 give birth to生/养.59. (be ) in the black赢利(be) in the red赤字,亏本61. take the blame (for )承担()责作 put / lay the blame on sb=blame sb63. on board在船(火车、飞机)上64. a boom in在繁荣 a(n)rise/in

10、crease/decrease/fall/drop in.65. take/have a break/rest66. make a breakthrough67. take a deep breath=breathe deeply hold ones breath屏住呼吸 catch ones breath恢复正常呼吸be out of breath气喘吁吁 take ones breath away使某人惊叹 a breath of spring迹象/气息68. in brief=briefly69. bear the burden of.70. a burst of anger/laugh

11、ers爆发一阵71. on business出差 It is none of your business不关你的事 Mind your own business少管闲事72. launch/start a campaign74. take care of=look after75. in case of fire万一发生情况 in that case在那种情况下,那样的话76. 比较:pay in cash用现金支付pay by credit card用信用卡支付77. take caution=take care=be careful80. in celebration of81. a ch

12、ain of一连串的 chain stores连锁店84. for certainty=for sure=certainly/surely85. be a challenge to sb86. take/seize/grasp the chance Chances are that从句 : 很可能=There is a chance that从句87. for a change换换口味; 改变一下88. in chaos混乱;纷乱89. take charge (of) be in charge of be in the charge of free of charge90. have a c

13、hat with sb=chat with sb91. make a claim提出索赔/要求/声称97.upper class上流社会议 economy class(飞机的)经济舱位98.feet of clay泥足/潜在的致命弱点98. around the clock日夜不停地99. off the coast/shore在海面上/邻近海岸99. a collection of大量的;.收藏集101.go to college/university102. a combination of的结合103 . live in comfort=live comfortablybring com

14、fort to sb104. have a good command of精通/掌握 at ones command由某人控制105. make comments on=comment on106. make a commitment to承诺107. have sth/nothing in common有/无共同之处 in common with与相同/一样108. have communication withsb =communicate with sb109. keep sb company=accompany sb in company with sb和某人在一起110. make comparisons作比较in comparison with=compared with111. make compensation for =compensate for=make up for112. have a speech competition113. make a complaint about/against =complain about/against114. make/reach a compromise达成妥协115. raise ones concern about

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