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1、ASA autoland status annunciator 自动落地状况通告器ASP audio selector panel 音频选择面板ASYM asymmetrical 非对称的ATC air traffic control 空中交通管制ATC/DABS air traffic control/discrete address beacon systemATT attitude 姿态ATTND attendant 服务员AUTO automatic 自动装置的AUX auxiliary 辅助的AVM airborne vibration monitor 空中震动监视器BB/CRS b

2、ack course 回程BARO barometric 气压计的BAT battery 电池;蓄电池BFO beat扑动frequency oscillator 频率振汤器BITE built-in test equipment 装备自我测试BK brake 煞住(车)BKGRD background (干扰录音或无线电广播的)杂音BPCU bus power control unit 汇流排电力控制单元BRKR breaker 断电器BRT bright 发亮的BTB bus tie束缚breaker 汇流排联系断电器BTL bottle 瓶子CC/B circuit breaker 【电

3、】断路器,断路开关C center 中央CADC central air data computer 中央大气资料电脑CAPT captain (飞机的)机长CB circuit breaker 【电】断路器,断路开关CCA central control actuator 中央控制致动器CCW counterclockwise 逆时针方向的CDU control display unit 控制显示器CH channel 频道CHAN channel 频道CHG change 改变CHR chronograph 记时器CHRGR charger 充电器CK check 检查CKT circui

4、t 【电】电路;回路CL close 关闭;盖上;合上CLB climb 倾斜向上CLR clear 变乾净;变清楚CLSD closed 关闭的;封闭的;闭合的CMD command 命令CMPTR computer 电脑CNX cancelled 取消,废除;中止COL column 圆柱 (报纸的)栏,段COMM communication 通讯COMP compressor 压缩机COMPT compartment 隔间CON continuous 连续的,不断的COND condition 状态CONFG configuration 结构;表面配置CONFIG configurati

5、on 结构CONN connection 连接CONT control 控制CP control panel 控制面板CPCS cabin pressure control system 舱压控制系统CPS cycles per second 每秒循环CRS course 方向CRT cathode阴极ray射线 tube 阴极射线管CRZ cruise 巡航CSEU control system electronics unit 控制系统电子元件CT current电流transer变压器CTN caution 注意CTR center 中央CU control unit 控制元件CUST

6、customer 顾客;买主CW clockwise 顺时针方向的CWS control wheel steering掌舵DDA drift漂移angleDADC digital air data computer 数位化大气资料电脑DC direct直系的,指挥currentDEC decrease减少, decrement减少率DECEL decelerate 降低速度DECR decrease 减少DEG degree 度数DEPR depressurize 洩压; 压下DEPT departure 离开;出发DEST destination 目标, 目的地DET detector 探测

7、器 DETNT detent (机械上的)止动装置;棘爪DEV deviation 误差;偏航DFDR digital flight data recorderDG directional方向的gyro回转仪罗盘DH decision决定height高度,海拔DIFF differential 依差别而定的;鉴别性的DIR direct 指挥DISC disconnect 使分离,分开,断开DISCH discharge 释放,排出(液体,气体等)DISCONT discontinued 停止,中断DISENG disengage 解开,解除;使脱离DISP dispatch 派遣DIST d

8、istance 距离;路程DK deck (船的) 舱面,甲板DME distance measuring equipment 测距仪DMU data management unit 资料管理单元DN down 向下DPCT differential protection current transer【电】变压器DR door 门DSCRT IO discrete分离I/O errorDSPLY display 显示DSPY display 显示EEADI electronic attitude director indicator 数位化姿态指示器ECON economy 节约, 经济EC

9、S environmental control system 环控系统EDP engine driven pump, engine hydraulic pump 引擎液压泵EEC electronic engine control 引擎电控EFDARS expanded flight data acquisition and reporting systemEFI electronic flight instruments 电子化飞行仪表EFIS electronic flight instrument systemEGT exhaust gas temperature 排气尾温EHSI el

10、ectronic horizontal situation indicator 水平状况方位指示器EICAS engine indicating and crew alerting system引擎状况警告指示ELEC electrical 与电有关的,电气科学的ELEV elevation 高度;海拔EMER emergency 紧急情况ENG engage啮合,接合, engineENT entrance入口,门口, entryENTMT entertainment 娱乐EPC external power contactor 外电源接触器EPR engine pressure ratio

11、 推力比EPRL engine pressure ratio limit 推力比范围EQUIP equipment 装备ERR error 错误ESS essential 必需品EVAC evacuation 撤空;排泄物EVBC engine vane and bleed control 引擎放气控制EXH exhaust 排出;排气EXT external 外部的EXTIN extinguish, extinguished 灭火器EXTING extinguishing 熄灭FF/D flight director 飞行引向器F/F fuel flow 燃油流量F/O first offi

12、cerFAA Federal美国联邦 Aviation Administration行政机构FCC flight control computer 飞行控制电脑FCEU flight controls electronic unit 飞控电子单元FCU fuel control unit 燃油控制器FDR feeder 餵食器FIM Fault Isolation Manual 故障隔离手册FL flow 流量FL/CH flight level changeFLD field(飞机)场,;(广阔的一大片)地(知识)领域;专业;(活动)范畴FLT flight (飞机的)班次FLUOR flu

13、orescent 发亮的FMC flight management computer 飞行管理电脑FMS flight management system 飞行管理系统FREQ frequency 频率FRM Fault Reporting Manual 错误报告手册FSEU flap/slat electronic unit 副翼电控单元FT feet复, foot单 英尺FWD forward 前面的GG/S glide slope, ground slope 下滑坡度GA go-around 重飞GB generator breaker 发电机断电器GCB generator circu

14、it breaker 发电机断路器GCR generator control relay 发电机控制继电器GCU generator control unit 发电机控制组件GEN generator 发电机GHR ground handling relay 地面操作继电器GND ground 地面GP group 团体GPWS ground proximity warning system 地面接近警告GR gear 齿轮;传动装置; (飞机的)起落架GRD ground 地面GS ground speed 地速GSSR ground service select relay 地面勤务选择继

15、电器GSTR ground service transfer relay 地面勤务转换继电器GW gross总量weight 总重HH/L high/low 高/低HDG heading 【航】航向HF high frequency 高频HORIZ horizontal 水平HP high pressure 高压HSI horizontal situation indicator 水平状况方位指示器HTR heater 加热器HYD hydraulic 液压的IIAS indicated airspeed 指示空速IDENT identification 识别;鉴定IDG integrated

16、 drive generatorIGN ignition 点火,发火;点火开关ILLUM illuminate, illuminated 被照明的;发光的ILS instrument landing system 仪降IMP imperial (度量衡)英制的IN in, input 输入INBD inboard 内侧的INC incorporated结合的, increase增大, increment增加INCR increase 增加IND indicator 指示器INFC interface 分界面INFLT inflight 飞行过程中的INHIB inhibit 抑制 禁止INIT

17、 initiation 入门;开始实施INOP inoperative 不活动的INPH interphone 对讲机INST instrument 仪器;仪表INT interphone 对讲机INTLK interlock 连结INTPH interphone 对讲机INTMT intermittent 时断时续的;周期性的IP intermediate pressure 中间的压力IRS inertial reference system 惯性参考系统IRU inertial惯性的reference unit 惯性参考组件ISLN isolation 隔离ISOL isolation 隔

18、离IVSI instantaneous瞬时的vertical speed indicator 垂直速度指示器MMCDP maintenance control display panel 修护控制显示面板MCP mode control panel 模式控制面板MCU modular模件concept观念 unitMDA minimum decision altitude 最小判断高度MIC microphone 扩音器;麦克风MIN minimum 最小量,最小数;最低限度MM Maintenance Manual 修护手册MOD module 组件;单元MON monitor 监视器;监控

19、器MOT motion (机械的)装置,运转MPU magnetic pickup 检波器MSG message 信息MSTR master 主要的;总的MSU mode selector unit 模式选择组件MTG miles to go 英里MU management unit 管理组件MUX multiplexer 多路传输NN/A not applicable 可应用的NAC nacelle 引擎舱;气球吊篮NAV navigation 导航NCD no computed data 无法计算资料NEG negative 否定的; 反面的【电】负的,阴极的【数】负的NEUT neutr

20、al 中立的NLG nose landing gear 鼻轮起落架NO. number 数,数字NORM normal 正常的,正规的,标准的NRM normal 正常的,正规的,标准的NVMEM RD non-volatile memory read error 故障读错误排除才能消除NVMEM WR non-volatile memory write error 故障写错误排除才能消除O02 oxygen 氧气 OBS observer 观察员OK okay 对,很好地OPR operate 运转OPT option 选择权OPRN operation 操作OUT output 输出OUT

21、BD outboard 外部的OVHD overhead 头顶(船舱)顶板OVHT overheat 过热OVRD override 权力高於;优先於; 越过OXY oxygen 氧气PP/RST press to reset 压下清除故障P/S pitot皮托管(流速计);皮托静压管/static 静态的PA passenger address 客舱广播PASS passenger 旅客PCA power control actuator 电控致动器PCT percentage 百分比PDI pictorial deviation indicator 偏航图表示PES passenger e

22、ntertainment娱乐systemPLA power level anglePLT pilot (飞机等的)驾驶员,飞行员PMG permananet magnet generator 永磁发电机PNEU pneumatic 气动PNL panel 【电】配电盘;控电板POR point of regulation调节POS position, positive (电池的)阳极【数】正的PPOS present当前的 出席的 positionPRESS pressure 压力PRG FLOW program flow error 流量程序错误PRIM primary 首要的,主要的PRO

23、C procedure 程序;手续;步骤PROG MEM ROM memory error 唯读记忆体错误PROJ projector 投射器PROT protection 保护,防护;PS pitot static 皮托管(流速计);皮托静压管PSI pounds per square inch 每平方寸上的压力磅数PSS passenger service system 客服系统PSU passenger service unit 客服组件PTT push to talk 发话PTU power transfer unit 动力传送组件PWR power 动力QQAD quick-atta

24、ch-detach 快拆卸;使分离QTS quarts 一夸脱的容器QTY quantity 数量RR/T rate of turn 回转速率R/W MEM RAM memory error 随机存取记忆体错误R right 右边的RA radio altimeter, radio altitude 雷达高度RAT ram air turbine 冲压驱动RCVR reciever 接受RDMI radio distance magnetic indicator 磁场距离指示REC recorder 记录器RECIRC recirculate 再循环REF reference 参考REFRIG

25、 refrigeration 冷冻REG regulator 调节器REL release 释放,解放REP representative 代表性的,典型的REQ required 必须的RES reserve 储备RESSTART power interrupt restart error 动力中断重新起动错误REV reverse 倒退,使倒转RF right front 右前RH right hand 右手RLSE release 释放,解放RLY relay 【电】继电器RLY/SW relay/switchRMI radio magnetic indicator 磁场方位指示RMT

26、OUT high-speed ARINC output error 汇流排输出错误RN right noseROT rotation 旋转RPM revolutions循环,(一)周期回转,旋转per minuteRPTG reporting 报导RR right rear 後方RST reset 重新设定RTO rejected丢弃takeoff起飞RUD rudder (飞机的)方向舵RW right wing 右翼RWY runway (机场的)跑道SSAM stabilizer trim/elevator asymmetry limit module尾舵飞操组件SAT static air temperature 静压空气温度SEC second 第二次SEI standby engine indicator 紧急直接引擎指示SEL select 选择SELCAL selective calling 飞航呼叫SERV service 服务SG signal generator 信号产生器SLCTD selected 选择SLCTR selector 选择器SOV shut off valve 关断阀SP speed 速度SPD speed 速度SPD BK speed brake 速煞SQL squelch 压扁SSB single side band STA stat

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