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1、5. Although traveling can be exhausting, I always feel exhilarated (兴奋的)when I arrive in a new country.6. After spending several days hiking across the mountains with little food and water, Chens speech was slurred and he did not appear lucid.(明白的)7. Every New Years Eve, James loves to get decked ou

2、t (装扮)in his party hat and clothes.8. There are many amazing places to see in Egypt, but the Temple of Karnac, in Luxor, is certainly one of the most awe-inspiring (恐惧的)sights I have ever seen.9. We planned to have a barbecue last night, but the temperature plummeted (垂直下落)in the afternoon so we end

3、ed up eating indoors with the heater turned on.10. Ive found that in most countries the local people are quite gracious. They want visitors to leave with wonderful impressions of their country.Unti 2 Green plants elaborate(详尽说明) organic(有机体) compounds from inorganic by means of photosynthesis(光合作用).

4、 Many court cases in the past 15 years havs shown that a competent physician who carries out euthanasia(安乐死) will suffer no prosecution ,prsikju:n (起诉). Euthanasia has been a very controversial(有争议的) issur in Europe since at least 1936. The facts he had collected through on-the-spot(当场) observation

5、provided him with ammunition(辩论中可攻击对方的信息,事实) for his argument. We will never take compassion(怜悯) on snake-like scoundrels(恶棍). 76% of those who participated in the poll gave almost the same response. Johns arthritis(关节炎) is getting so unbearable these days that he has to be hospitalized(住院). Hatred

6、against those spreading rumors about him surged up within him. Despite some exceptions, compassionate killings are dealt with very moderately in British courts.10. The advocates of euthanasia have been working with such great zeal that they are regarded as quite radical in some European countries.Un

7、it 3 Very many of the things we bend over backwards(拼命) to do involve taking some risk. Joe said that the first time he was at the conference he was just like a babe in the woods. Sometimes, even a chance(随意的) remark may result in tragedy. The odds(机会) are usually in favor of those who are brave eno

8、ugh. Mind you: she always smites with her tongue(血口喷人). Dick is not the kind of person who likes to splash his money about(挥霍). You can rest assured(确信无疑) that the sum is not always shinning on him. I asked him to beat a hasty retreat(悬崖勒马) but my words were like water off a ducks back.Unit 4 I dont

9、 want to get involved with that sort of event. Humorous writers often touch our hearts with their writings. If you litter, you will spoil the natural beauty of the surroundings. Consumers help boost more jobs and help boom the economy. Sandra doesnt seen to get on nicely with her new boss. Employees

10、 usually take care not to get cross with their bosses. A friction(爱挑剔的) manager is also fond of flinging mud at(恶言) other people. She didnt seem to understand you, so you should have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Dont be disappointed. Theres still a profusion(丰富) of chances for you to mend fence w

11、ith her. Sandra bite her tongue off whenever she thought of her rudeness at the party.Unit 5 This high tech is more of a bane(灭亡) than a boon(福音) for mankind. He listened to these small-town anecdotes(轶事) with contempt. George resented returning to this kind of mundane(世俗的) routine. Light is a stimu

12、lus to growth in plants. To me thats what is really intriguing(好奇) about him. All the schools in the city were closed during the epidemic(流行病) of scarlet fever. Mother was in the midst of a bout(一阵子) of house cleaning. His hatred of her was almost pathological(病态的).Unit 6 1.A bite of wisdom and expe

13、rience go a long way(大有帮助). How?By being older, wiser and asking embarrassing quentions. They also give parents and prospective students the opportunity to ask searching questions By going to open days, parents and their children can gauge(评价) the culture of the institution While not disputing(质疑) t

14、he importance of any of these, I had a different agenda: Many universities did their utmost to separate students from their parents So, masquerading(伪装) as a mature student, I often sneaked(潜行) in to the back of the student sessions. and the chap at University of London seemed a bit out of touch(孤陋寡

15、闻). And, of course, they deserve almost all the credit(荣耀) when they get in.Unit 7 All men recognize the right of revolution; that is , the right to refuse allegiance(效忠于) to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny(暴政) or its inefficiency are great and unendurable. In an international confe

16、rence UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says that the freshly minted plans for Iraq will dissolve as soon as they begin to take shape. Vistors soon began to flock(涌入) in from county houses, villages and lonely uplands to see the reception, or if not to see it, at any rate to be near it. It seems to me

17、 if I were young and in love I should never deem(认为) a man of ordinary caliber(能力) worthy of my devotion. And Mr. Brooke looked so contented and cheerful that Meg was ashamed to lament(悲伤) her hard lot. I handled this amazing antiquity(古物) with the greatest possible tenderness(温柔), lest it should fr

18、agment in my hands. When it comes to trade in the underdeveloped parts of the world, most Western countries want to have a finger in every pie. Whilst(同时) the film does become somewhat over-indulgent(放纵的) in parts, its nostalgic(怀旧) feel is excellently used to make all of us want to hark back to(回想起

19、) the care-free days of childhood. Research projects should be relevant to the requirements of the county and should help in improving the quality of life of the people. Legal advice needs to be tailored to specific circumstances, and you should therefore consult with an attorney for advice regardin

20、g your particular situation.11. Because nomadic(游牧) life style is often unstable and hostile, nomades are always fighting their way through harsh elements and foreign territories in the effort to carve out niches(赢得一席之地) for themselves.12. We expect the group consisting of Poland, Hungary, the Czech

21、 Republic and Slovakia still to notch up(达到) growth of almost 2% this year.Unit 8 “And, madam,” continued she, “she has had the audacity(鲁莽,大胆) to affront(冒犯) your ladyship and to call you uglyYes, madam, she called you ugly old cat to my face.” The “get-rich-quick” efforts in attemptint to achieve

22、and sustain a opulent(富裕的) life style will invatiably involve corruption, aggression in humans. It was well worth ones while, even if he had no idea of buying or selling, to loiter(徘徊) through the bazaars and observe the various sorts of traffic that were going forward. I can state in all sincerity

23、that I wish nothing but freedom, justice and equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people. Elegant Venetian buildings and palaces peer(比得上) over the ancient maze of narrow streets and labyrinth(错综复杂的) canals(管道、运河) that contrive(巧妙地策划) to make this a unique city. No wonder tha

24、t those who conducted such an infraction(违法) of the rights of humanity should have sought to veil(掩饰) the enormity(弥天大罪) from the eyes of the world. It was the soft, amiable(亲切的) Negro voice, like those I remembered from early childhood, with the note of docile(温顺的) subservience(服从) in it. Great com

25、manders do not condescend(屈尊) to fight in person but conduct the field operations by orders delivered through aideds-de-camp. It was true that her profile was beautiful; it was extraordinary how a girl had such a perfection of outline which took your breath away. The painter was sitting before the o

26、pen window, an easel(画架) in front of him, a palette(调色板) in his left hand, painting with deft(灵巧的), swift touches.Unit 9 The root cause of the grave(严重的) historical error that is undermining(逐渐削弱) American image and interest is the outcome of its misguided foreign policy which is designed to favor s

27、pecific individuals and political groups at the expense of the will and aspirations(强烈愿望) of the general public. Afghanistans future as a democratic nation hinges on(取决于) the governments ability to emancipate(解放) Afghan women in all spheres of society. Father Claude taught the boy to respect the rig

28、hts of others, to espouse(支持) the cause of the poor and weak and to revere(敬畏) God. Some of these lizards(蜥蜴) inhabit the high and damp parts of the islands, but they are much more numerous in the lower and sterile(贫瘠) districts near the coast. It is an interesting paradox that while Johnsons reputation as the chief English man of letters of his age seems secure for all time, his works, for the most part, have long ceased to be read. Our village life would have stagnated(停滞) if it had not been for the unexplored forests and meadows(牧场)

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