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1、(请同学们将以下范文抄写或者打印出来粘贴在笔记本上,以便需要时查阅。)目前中学生中,家长陪读之风盛行,有的家长甚至不惜辞职或者请长假。请你就此事发表你的观点,内容包括以下几点:益处给孩子们做可口的饭菜,洗衣服,从而让孩子们有更多的时间学习和休息。 不利影响增加经济负担;给学生造成许多精神压力;孩子的独立生活能力得不到培养。 你的观点学好知识的同时,培养自己独立生活的能力。 范文1 The other day we had a heated discussion about whether it is necessary for parents to accompany students stu

2、dying at schools. As for the question, there are two different opinions. Some students are for the idea that parents should accompany students studying. Because parents can do such housework as making delicious dinner and washing clothes for students, which in turn allow students to have more time t

3、o study and have a good rest. On the contrary, some students go against the former viewpoint. In their opinion, parents quitting the job to accompany students will add economic pressure to family. Besides, students will be under mental stress. In addition, there is no chance to develop their indepen

4、dence. As far as I am concerned, I am for the latter viewpoint. In the long run, not only should students study well but also learn the ability to live independently. Only by living alone do students have the chance to grow up. 范文2 Nowadays some parents quit their jobs or ask for leave in order to t

5、ake care of children at schools. As for the question, we had a heated discussion and there are two different opinions. Some students agree with the idea that parents should study with parents together. Parents can not only make delicious dinner but also wash clothes for students. Only in this way ca

6、n children have more time to study and have a good rest. However, some students disagree with the first idea. Because first of all this will add money pressure to family. Besides, students will be under mental stress. In addition, there is no chance for students to develop their independence. As far

7、 as I am concerned, I support the second point. As a student, not only should we study well but also learn to live by ourselves. Only by living alone can we have the chance to grow up. 在最近一次主体为中学生课余时间上网的班会上,同学们对上网的利弊争论不休,意见不能统一。作为班长,请你根据下列信息,作总结性发言。 大多数同学 少数同学 时间是自己的,提倡多上网 上网可以,但必须限时 网络使我们的交流方便,可获得国

8、内外新知识及最新信息 多数人上网是玩游戏,聊天而不是真正学习或查阅资料 网络同时也丰富了学生的业余生活 个别学生甚至沉迷网络游戏而逃学 要求:1.覆盖以上内容,可作适当发挥; 2. 发言的开头和结尾已经给出。 3. 120 words.Attention, please! Im going to give you a summary of todays discussion about whether we should go on line in our spare time. Most students hold the idea that we should go on line. Th

9、e first reason is that spare time belongs to us so we can deal with it freely . Besides, the internet not only makes it convenient for us to communicate with each other but also get the latest information both home and abroad. In addition, the internet enriches students after-class activities. Howev

10、er, a few students are against going on line with three reasons. First of all, time on line should be limited. Moreover, most students devote time to playing or chatting on line rather than studying or looking for help. The worst is that few students even cut classes in order to play computer games. As far as I am concerned, I support the latter point. As a student, we should focus more on study instead of the internet. Besides, in our spare time, we should help parents with housework or play sports, which is better than going on line.

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