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1、A. A dish. B. A fish. C. A restaurant.4. What happened to the mans bike?A. Its stolen. B. Its broken. C. Its lent to John.5. Why is the man unwilling to go home for New Years?A. He has other plans. B. He cant get the tickets.C. He cant afford the airfare.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后

2、有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. Why did the man go to Paris?A. To visit his wife. B. To see the doctor. C. To go on business.7. How will the woman contact the mans wife?A. By fax. B. By phone. C. By e-mail.8. What i

3、s the probable relationship between the woman and Connie?A. Sisters. B. Workmates. C. Doctor and patient.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What will Sophie do tonight?A. Look after her brother. B. Buy some videos. C. Go out with her parents.10. What does the woman say about Sophie?A. She is selfish. B. She is not

4、to blame.C. She should call the man early.11. Why was the man annoyed with Sophie?A. She didnt make a sincere apology.B. She didnt come to his house on time.C. She didnt say sorry to him.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。 12. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Host and guest. B. Husband and wife. C. Gu

5、ide and tourist.13. How long is the speakers trip?A. Two days. B. Five days. C. Seven days.14. What will the speakers visit tomorrow?A. A museum. B. A church. C. A tower.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. Where is the woman?A. At a hotel. B. At home. C. At a jewellery shop.16. What does the woman think of the man

6、s suggestions?A. Useless. B. Interesting. C. Acceptable.17. What will the woman do next?A. Go to a party. B. Borrow a necklace. C. Tell Lisa the facts.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What did the speakers wife think of the performance of Hamlet.?A. Successful. B. Unique. C. Boring.19. What happened when the s

7、peaker and his wife first met in his wifes view?A. He gave a hand to her. B. He broke her glasses.C. He knocked her over.20. What was Sophie when the speaker first met her backstage?A. An actress. B. A reporter. C. An editress.第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIf you

8、are trying to achieve big goals in your life and work, the chances are that, from time to time, you hit rock bottom. Nothing works, nothing goes right, and nothing succeeds. At times like these, you may feel like throwing in the towel. But before you do, read the following story. It might just chang

9、e your mind. One day, a small business owner decided hed had enough. Enough of the endless work, enough of the lack of response, enough of the disturbing loneliness. He went into the woods to have one last talk to the wise man. Mr. wise man, he said. Can you give me one good reason why I shouldnt gi

10、ve up?The answer took him by surprise. Look around you, the wise man said. Do you see the fern (蕨类植物)and the bamboo?“Yes.” the man replied. “When I planted the fern and the bamboo, I took very good care of them. I gave them both equal amounts of food and water. I gave them sunlight in spring and pro

11、tected them from the storms in autumn. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not give up on the bamboo. In the second year, the fern grew even better than before but nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not give up on the bamboo. In year three

12、 there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not give up. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. Still I would not give up.Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout(芽)came out from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small. But day by day the sprout grew.

13、Within six months, the sprout had risen to a height of 100 feet. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave itwhat it needed to survive. Did you know, young man, that all this time you have been struggling,you have been growing? Grow the roots that you need to pro

14、duce your fruit.Dont compare yourself to others. All things have different purposes, and different journeys. The bamboo has a different purpose from the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful. Yourtime will come. You will rise high.The small business owner left the forest. And never went back

15、. If nothing seems like it is happening in your life, despite all the work youre putting in, remember that youre probably growing roots not fruit. Stick with it. One day not far from now,therell be a great harvest. 21.The underlined phrase throwing in the towel in Paragraph l probably means .A.cryin

16、g out B.showing off up D.running away22.After the wise man planted the fern and the bamboo, .he cared for the fern only B.they didnt receive any care from himhe gave up the bamboo in the fifth year D.the bamboo seed never stopped growing23.From the passage we can conclude that the small bus

17、iness owner will_.not turn to the wise man for help again not give up in face of difficultiesgive up his business later grow some bamboo later24.Which of the following best describes the story in the passage?Never give up hope. Practice makes perfect.Time and tide wait for nobody. One should try and

18、 achieve bigger goals in life.BOne of the most important things in the world is friendship. In order to have friends, you have to be a friend. But how can you be a good friend at school?Listen Listen when they are talking. Dont say anything unless they ask you a question. Sometimes its not necessary

19、 for you to have anything to say; they just need someone to talk to about their feelings.Help them If your friend is ever in need of something, be there to help them. You should try to put them first, but make sure you dont do everything they want you to do. Try to take an extra pencil or pen with y

20、ou to classes in case they forget one. Have a little extra money in your pocket in case they forget something they need.Be there for them Try to make something for your friend to help make them feel better in hard times. Making cards and encouraging them are among the nicest things you can do for a

21、friend. Marilyn Monroe, a famous U.S. actor, once said, “I often make mistakes. Sometimes I am out of control. But if you cant stay with me at my worst, you are sure not to deserve to be with me at my best.” Always remember this! If you dont want to stay with your friends when theyre in hard times,

22、then you dont deserve to be with them when theyre having a good time!Make plans Try to make plans with your friends. Go shopping, go for ice cream, have a party, go to a movie and so on. Take time to know each other even better by doing something you both enjoy. By planning things together, you both

23、 can have a good time. And youll remember these things when youre all old!25.While your friend is talking to you about his or her feelings, you should _.just listen unless asked B. give him or her some advicecalm him or her down share your feelings as well26.When we provide help for our friends, we

24、should .try to do everything for them put them before ourselveschange their bad habits first ignore their faults27.What can we learn from Marilyn Monroes words?Life without a friend is death. A friend is easier lost than found.A friend in need is a friend indeed. A man is known by his friends.CWalki

25、ng tall, and safely Some women simply refuse to give up high heels, despite slush ( 雪泥) , ice and snow. Now theres Winter Trax for them, designed to fit over high-heel boots and make their walk on the wild side a little more safe. Metal coils (圈 ) wrap around rubber at the front end of the shoe, wit

26、h the heel end open. Snow skirt steps up into fashion Down with snow pants. Up with snow skirts! Montreals Fantasy World Heroes has created these skirts to layer over minis and jeans as the snow season sets in. In a range of colors and available in wool, lends and quiltings, they come in four sizes

27、and adjustable. _Doc Martens, those army-inspired leather boots, are back. They were last popular when Kurt Cobain was all the rage(风靡一时 ). So far, just a few teens and fashion people have been spotted wearing the slight fat boots, but they have already appeared on stylish models like Irina Lazarean

28、u and Agyness Deyn. Neon stores sold Doc Martens 15 years ago and its owner Irving Tajfel wasnt sure at first if he was ready to relive the trend. I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw Doc Martens at a fashion fair in Barcelona last year. Then I saw all the cool fashion kids wearing them in Paris. Th

29、at got me thinking that it was about time Doc Martens came back in style here. Tajfel said. 28.We can know from the passage that WinterTrax makes women like Doc Martens more protects the back end of high-heel bootsprotects women from being robbed makes women enjoy high-heel boots in winter29.When in Barcelona last year, Irving Tajfel probably wore a pair of Doc Martens B.found Doc Marten

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