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中考复习冲刺 广东省中考英语题型冲关卷二 完形填空有答案Word格式.docx

1、t stop 13 who the giver might be.Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming(幻想) about the sender.My mother encouraged these daydreams.Shed ask me if I had been especially 14 to someone.Perhaps it was one of my classmates, 15 the old man who I once helped.As a girl,I had more 16 imagining tha

2、t it might be a boy that I had 17 .A month before my high school graduation,my father died.I was so sad that I became 18 uninterested in my coming graduation dance,and I didnt care whether I had a new dress or not.My mother,in her own 19 , would not let me miss any of those things.She wanted her chi

3、ldren to 20 loved,to be much like the gardenia:lovely,strong and perfect.My mother died ten years after I was married.That was the year the gardenia stopped coming.()11.A.wonderful Bbeautiful Ccareful Dhelpful() out Blook out Cfind out Dtake out()13.A.seeing Bimagining Claughing Dlistening(

4、)14.A.kind Bshy Crude Dopposite()15.A.but Bor Cand Dso()16.A.difficulties Bproblems Cfun Dtroubles()17.A.go over Bcome over Cgo across Dcome across()18.A.completely Bmostly Cmainly Dhardly()19.A.surprise Bsadness Canger Dhappiness()20.A.sound Blook Cfeel Dsmell第2篇I was in line waiting for my turn.A

5、little boy in the front was 11 some flowers.I noticed that the little boy was paying mostly with change.It seemed that he had broken his piggy bank to do this 12 .But the cashier(收银员) told him he was four dollars short after 13 his money.The boy was about to cry.The lady in front of me 14 ,“Well,I c

6、ould pay half of that.” I told the boy that I could pay the rest.We dug into our handbags. 15 ,both of us only had tendollar bills.Other shoppers began to look for some change in their pockets.It was amazing and 16 as all these strangers seemed to react(反应) with the same mind.All wanted to offer som

7、e 17 .Within minutes the cashier said,“I have too much money.” She didnt need our tendollar bills.The lady in front of me said,“Wait! I didnt even get a 18 to give anything!”I smiled at her and said,“You did your share,because it was your 19 and you started all this.” The little boy smiled and thank

8、ed us.I was left with a good feeling.I saw the love and goodness of others all around me.The woman in front of me smiled and said,“It surely feels good to 20 ,doesnt it?” I smiled back and said,“Yes!()11.A.selling out Bchecking up Ccutting down Dpaying for()12.A.gardening Bwashing Cshopping Dwaiting

9、()13.A.changing Bcounting Closing Dthrowing()14.A.broke in Bbroke out Cwent on Dwent away()15.A.Then BAlso CSo DHowever()16.A.boring Bsurprising Cscaring DTouching() Btrouble Cwealth Ddirection()18.A.flower Bchance Cdollar Djob() Bchance Cidea Dfeeling()20.A.take Bgive Crush Daccep

10、t第3篇At a restaurant,a cockroach(蟑螂) suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady.The lady jumped and started shouting out of 11 .She then waved both of her hands,trying to shake it off.Her reaction(反应) was so big that everyone around her also got 12 .The lady finally managed to push the cockroach

11、away but it 13 on another lady nearby.Then,it was the 14 of the other lady to jump and shout.The chaos(混乱) continued.After a while,the cockroach fell upon the waiter who rushed over to help.He stood still, 15 the cockroach with two fingers and threw it out of the restaurant right away.I was drinking

12、 coffee there when this chaos 16 .I started wondering whether the cockroach 17 this terrible mess in the restaurant.If so,then why was the waiter not disturbed? He dealt with it 18 ,avoiding more trouble.However,the ladies were so afraid of the cockroach that they made matters even 19 .When you get

13、into trouble,shouting and crying wont 20 .Most of the time,it is not the problem your meet with but your reaction to the problem that creates the mess in your life.If you understand this,youll be better problemsolvers in the future.() Bfear Canger Dkindness()12.A.excited Binterested Csurpris

14、ed Dscared()13.A.hid Bspread Clanded Dtravelled()14.A.turn Bduty Chabit Dchance()15.A.beat Bcaught Cprevented Dpunished()16.A.died out Bwent out Cbroke out Dworked out()17.A.led to Bgave out Cdepended on Dbrought up()18.A.terribly Bcrazily Cexcitedly Dperfectly()19.A.more Bbetter Cworse Dsimpler()20

15、.A.pass Bhelp Csolve Dchange第4篇Ewan Drum has always liked superheroes.He admires how they help people.At the age of seven,he told his parents,“I want to 11 like a superhero and help the homeless.” A few months later,Ewans family planned a day of 12 .Wearing his red superhero costume,Ewan 13 helped p

16、ass out 70 bag lunches to the hungry people in a park in Detroit,Michigan.Thats how Super Ewan was born.World spread about Ewans good deeds(事迹)People donated(捐赠) money and something else,and Ewan handed them out to those in need.When 14 donated bottles of water,Ewan and his family held a drive to ge

17、t even more.They 15 the water to Flint,Michigan,a city that had unsafe drinking water.Another time,a business donated six turkeys for Thanksgiving.With his parents 16 ,Ewan used social media(媒体)to 17 more turkeys,plus side dishes.In the end,he says,“We handed out 64 turkey dinners to 18 all around D

18、etroit.”Ewan has a motto:Everyone can be a superhero to someone.At an event called the Hero Round Table,Ewan told the listeners,“Its not 19 to help people.You can keep some socks and snacks in your car to help people in need.Every 20 thing helps and can make someone feel happy.”()11.A.get up Bdress

19、up Clook up Dput up() Bplaying Cshowing Dseeing()13.A.safely Bseriously Chappily Dslowly()14.A.someone Beveryone Cno one Danyone()15.A.sold Btook Clent Dborrowed()16.A.thanks Beffort Chelp Dknowledge()17.A.put off Bcome across Cset out Dask for ()18.A.heroes Bfriends Cfamilies Dschools()1

20、9.A.dangerous Bpossible Cnecessary Ddifficult ()20.A.private Blittle Cinteresting Dbig第5篇Ian Kierman was born in Sydney,Australia,and 11 near the sea.For more than 40 years,he raced in international sailing competitions.In 1987,Kierman was competing in an aroundtheworld race when he began to 12 the

21、huge amount of rubbish in the worlds oceans. 13 he returned to Australia,he decided to do something about it.He organized a community company called “Clean Up Sydney Harbour”On Sunday,January 8,1989,more than 40,000 volunteers came out to 14 away rubbish.The next year,Kierman made the cleanup a nati

22、onal event.It was a huge 15 .Across Australia,about 300,000 people spent the day improving their local 16 .Since then,“Clean Up Australia” has got 17 every year.In 2002,for example,800,000 people cleaned up almost 15,000 tons of rubbish from Australias beaches,parks and streets.Kierman was 18 with t

23、he success of his project.In 2003,he started an even bigger program.With the help of the United Nations Environment Program,he introduced “Clean Up the World”,an international program that supports communities around the world in 19 and protecting the environment.“Clean Up the World” has grown 20 an

24、d his wonderful idea has now spread from one city to the whole world.()11.A.came up Bset up Cgrew up Dlooked up() Bcollect Cnotice Dproduce()13.A.Because BWhen CUnless DThough()14.A.clear Bsend Cturn Dgive()15.A.problem Bsuccess Csurprise Dfailure()16.A.culture Bproject Cgovernment Denviron

25、ment()17.A.older Bsmaller Cbigger Dfaster()18.A.happy Bangry Cdisappointed Dconcerned()19.A.making up Bcleaning up Cthrowing away Dgiving away()20.A.loudly Bgently Crapidly Dbusily第6篇My parents always told me that I couldnt dance,because it was a girls sport.But I never 1 my dream of becoming a danc

26、ing star.I practiced 2 ,learning from books,movies and shows.However,without my parents 3 ,that dream seemed impossible to achieve.One summer,my little sister Mary was going to dance lessons.I immediately offered to take her to the lessons.What a good 4 to learn dancing!One day Mary asked me to dance with her in the school dancing competition,because 5 of the boys in her class would like to do that.They thought she was slow.“You can be a good dancer!” I 6 her.“Lets show those people that they are wrong!” In the following months,we practiced every evening,still hiding fr

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