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英语现在完成时易错题汇总 及答案Word格式.docx

1、8Excuse me, which movie are you waiting for?The Fate of the Furious. We _ here for more than two hours.Awaited Bwait Cwere waiting Dhave waited9When did you buy your car? It looks so new.Really? I _ it for three years and I like it very much.Ahave bought Bhave had Cbought Dhad10Lisa _ her homework y

2、et. I am afraid she cant go to the park with you.Adidnt finish Bhasnt finished Cwasnt finishing Dwont finish11Where is your uncle? I havent seen him for a long time.He Shanghai for about half a year. He moved there last October.Ahas gone to Bhas been to Chas arrived in Dhas been in12Jim, turn down t

3、he music. Our baby is sleeping.Dont worry. He_ for half an hour.Awoke up Bhas woken up Cwas awake Dhas been awake13Mary said that she_ to Yangzhou.Ahas never gone Bhad never gone Chas never been Dhad never been14 Sorry, Im late. Theres too much traffic on the road. It doesnt matter. The film has jus

4、t_for five minutes.Abegun Bfinished Cbeen on Dbeen over15 Mum, wheres my packed lunch? In the kitchen. I _ you two sandwiches.Amake Bam making Chave made Dwill make16I think my father knows everything. He is my hero, he_ over 2500 books.Areads Bread Cis reading Dhas read17 Why dont you go to bed, Ji

5、mmy? Mum promised to tell me a bedtime story, but she _ her work.Adoesnt finish Bdidnt finish Chasnt finished Dwont finish18Its reported that Xiangshui explosion(爆炸)_78 persons and the doctors are trying their best to save the wounded.Akills Bhas killed Ckilled Dhad killed19My mother is a teacher. S

6、he _ English in our school since she graduated from university.Ataught Bhas taught Cis teaching Dwill teach20The number of city parks in Lishui _ a lot since it became a district of Nanjing.Aincrease Bwill increase Cincreased Dhas increased21Oh, your spoken English is very good, Linda.Thank you. I _

7、in England for three years.Ahave studied Bstudied Cwas studying Dstudy22Look! The man looks like Mr. Li.It cant be him. Because he with his families_Japan since last Thursday and they havent returned.Ahas gone to Bhas been to Chave been in Dhas been in23The life we were used to_ greatly since the co

8、mputer was invented.Ahas changed Bchanged Cchanging Dchange24Since Tencent released Wechat, it _ one of the most popular apps in the world.Abecame Bhas become Chas been Dwas25Both his parents look sad. Maybe they _ whats happened to him.Awill know Bknow Chave known Dare knowing26OK, what do you want

9、 to know?Im unsure _.Awhich is the way to the Palace Museum Bhow many colors are there in a rainbowCthat the couple has been married for 3 years Dhow long I can borrow the story books27The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, as the worlds longest cross-sea bridge, _ for over one and a half years.Ahas ope

10、ned Bhas been open Chas been opened Dopened28Sorry, Im late. Has the meeting begun?It doesnt matter. The meeting _ for several minutes.Ahas just begun Bhas just been overChas just been on Dhas just ended29Carl, are you coming with us?Id love to, but something unexpected _.Ais coming up Bcomes up Cca

11、me up Dhas come up30Where are the doctors now?In the meeting room. They _ the meeting for 10 minutes.Ahave begun Bhave been on Chave had Dhave been held31So far, China _ the worlds largest highway network, with a total length of 160,000 kilometers.Abuilds Bbuilt Cwill build Dhas built32How long _ yo

12、u _ chemistry so far?For almost one year.Aare; studying Bdo; study Chave; studied Dwill; study33Jim, I havent seen your elder sister for a long time.She _ Hong Kong on business for a few days.Awent to Bhas gone to Chas been to Dhas been in34 Where is the head teacher? She _ to the library to search

13、for some information.Agoes Bwill go Chas been Dhas gone35When will the live womens football match between China and South Korea begin on TV?Oh, it _ for ten minutes, ending in 4:3. China won the game.Ahas finished Bhas been on Chas been over Dhas begun36Where is your uncle? In the USAHe _ there for

14、two months.Ahas gone Bhas gone to Chas been Dhas been to37Where is Simon? We cant find him at the party.Perhaps he _ home.Ahas gone Bis going Cwent Dwas going38The film Hi, Mom, _ for two months. You will have another two months to enjoy it in the cinema.Alasted Bwas lasting Cwill last Dhas lasted39

15、You are a collection of the experiences you _ in your own life, so you should be proud of them even the bad ones.Awill have Bhave had Chad had Dare having40John, you _ the Slender West Lake before, right?Sure, lot of times. Are you thinking of taking a trip there?Ahave gone to Bhave come to Chave be

16、en to Dhave been in41Neither Mark nor his parents _ Sanya before, so they cant wait to start the journey.Ahave gone to Bhave been to Chas gone to Dhas been to42Fou Tsong, whose letters from his father _ a best seller in China for long, died in London, where he had lived for many years. The cause was

17、 the coronavirous.What a pity!Ahas been Bhas become Cwas Dbecomes43My pet, little Puppy, has _ for a week. I miss it very much.Agone missing Bgot lost Cbeen missing Dlost44Please turn up the music, dont worry about the baby because he _ for half an hour.Awoke up Bhas woke up Cwas awake Dhas been awa

18、ke45Wheres your mum, Lucy? She together with her sisters _ the supermarket since two hours ago.Ahas gone to Bhas been to Chas been in Dhave gone to46William Shakespeare _ for 405 years, but his works still have great influence today.Adied Bwas dying Chas died Dhas been dead47Not all the students in

19、my class would like to go to Suzhou Museum next week because about three-fifths of them _ there before.Ahave been Bhave gone Chas been Dhave been to48Look! How dry and clean the road is!Yes. Someone _ up the snow. Theyre so early.Aclean Bcleaned Chas cleaned Dwas cleaning49Why are you in a hurry?I a

20、m late. Can you tell me how long _?Ahas the film been on Bthe film has started Cthe film has lasted Dhas the film ended50Have you ever worked in Nanjing?Yes. I _ in Nanjing since three years ago.Awould work Bworked Cwas working Dhave worked【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除1D【详解】句意:你的儿子Jimmy现在住在哪里?他在中国扬州已经两年了。考查现在

21、完成时用法。has come to已经来了;has been to去过(去了回来了);has gone解析:Dhas gone to刚去(去了未回来);has been in在某地呆了多久,根据所给空后面的for two years可知,应该是现在完成时,并表示在某地呆了多久,用has been in+地点,故选D。2D随着电子商务的广泛应用,我们习惯的购物方式发生了很大的变化。考查动词时态辨析。介词短语With the wide use of e-business表示持续到现在的时间,句子需介词短语With the wide use of e-business表示持续到现在的时间,句子需用现

22、在完成时;根据句意结构,可知选D。3D你认为最新的5G智能手机怎么样?太令人惊叹了。它是我用过最绝妙的手机。考查现在完成时态。used使用过,过去时;will use将使用,将来时;was using正在使was using正在使用,过去进行时;have used使用过,现在完成时。根据语境和句意可知说话者将他过去所使用的手机与最新的5G智能手机作比较,认为5G智能手机最绝妙。所以用现在时完成时表达,对现在产生影响。故选D。4B徐州的苏宁广场什么时间开业的?它已经营业三年多了。考查动词的时态。opened动词的过去式;has been open现在完成时;was opened一般过去时的被动;

23、Bhad been open过去完成时。根据“for over three years”可知此处用现在完成时,动词用be open的现在完成时的形式has been opened。故选B。5D看到了吗?那个陌生人又在我们家里走来走去。我们应该报警吗?哦,不,他是我们的新邻居,前天搬到楼上去了。考查动词时态。walks走,第三人称单数;walked走,过去式;has walked已经走,现在完成时;is walking正在走,现在进行时。根据“See?”可知,这里是说那个陌生人正在我们家周围走来走去,说明这个动作现在正在进行。其结构是be doing的形式。6C尽管汤姆离开美国已经两年多了,但是

24、他还会时不时想念他的朋友和亲戚。was away from离开,一般过去时;left离开,一般过去时;has been awayChas been away from已经离开,现在完成时;has left已经离开,现在完成时。根据for+时间段可知,句中需要用延续性动词,故排除B、D,根据句意可知,离开美国这个动作发生在过去,并持续到了现在,故用现在完成时。故选C。7C现在是下午4:30,Ben和Leon已经完成了他们的工作,所以他们现在正在下棋。finish完成、结束,动词原形;were finishing过去进行时;havehave finished现在完成时;will finish一般将来时。根据they are playing chess now. 他们现在正在下棋,可知他们已

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