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1、walk on the grass在草地上走make noise发出喧闹的声音know a lot about public signs知道许多有关公共标志的知识the sign on the birds cage在鸟笼上的标志climb the tree爬树stay away from the building远离那座建筑物at home在家give me ten yuan给我十元take a walk散步take photos拍照see something on the grass看见草地上有些东西a ten yuan note一张十元纸币look around看看四周walk to th

2、e note走向纸币pick it up拣起它pick up your pencil拣起你的铅笔come up to him来到他面前a park keeper一个公园管理员point to a sign on the grass指着草地上的一个标志the boy in the green sweater穿着绿色毛衣的男孩shake ones head摇头on the Internet在网上二句子1. What does this sign mean? It means No smoking. It means you shouldnt smoke.这个标志什么意思?它意味着“禁止吸烟”。它意

3、味着你不应该吸烟。2What does it mean? It means Kee off the grass. It means you shouldnt walk on the grass.它的意思是什么?它意味着“请勿践踏草坪”。它意味着你不应该在草地上行走。3.What does it mean ? It means Be quiet. It means you shouldnt make noise here .它意味着“保持安静”。它意味着你不能在此处发出喧闹的声音。4. Can I watch TV ? No, you cant. You should go to bed now

4、.我可以看电视吗?不,你不能。你现在应该睡觉了。5Can I go in ? No , you cant . You must stay away from the building .我可以进去吗?你必须远离那座建筑物。6. Now I know a lot about public signs . They mean different things .现在我了解很多关于公共标志的知识。它们表示不同的意思。三、部分语言点解析1.动词如果在No后表示禁止做某事,动词要用ing形式,如:No swimming;如果前面是dont或者do not后面跟动词原形,如:Do not touch.2.

5、must, would, should(shouldnt), can,may的区别must表示必须一定做到的事情;would表示想要做的事情,would like to do sth.should(shouldnt)表示应该或不应该;can表示能够,会做某事;may表示可以或允许做某事。must,should shouldnt, can, may都是情态动词,后面都跟动词原形3always总是 usually通常 often经常 sometimes有时,常用于一般现在时。Unit 2in March在三月the ninth of June六月九日the thirty-first of Octo

6、ber十月三十一日on the second of April在四月二日on the third of May在五月三日on Tuesday在星期二the fifth day第五天in Bens class在Ben的班里live near Ben住在Ben附近visit Jim拜访Jimgo home together after school放学后一起回家talk about Bens birthday谈论Ben的生日come to my birthday party来参加我的生日聚会have a birthday party举行一场生日聚会as a birthday present作为生日

7、礼物wait and see等着瞧/等等再看a VCD of Japanese cartoon一张日本卡通片光碟等着瞧a cake with lots of grapes一个缀满许多葡萄的蛋糕on the phone在电话中a big birthday cake一个大生日蛋糕take off his costume脱下他的戏装put on your coat穿上你的外套blow out the candle(s)吹灭蜡烛Happy birthday to you !祝你生日快乐!take a piece of paper取出一张纸fold it in half把它对折write a messa

8、ge inside the card在卡里写下信息early this morning今天早上早些时候in the bay在海湾1What day is it today ? Its Monday .今天星期几?今天星期一。2.What date is it today ? Its the twelfth of March .今天什么日期?三月十二日。3Whens your birthday ? My birthday is on the twentieth of August .你的生日在什么时候?在八月二十日。4. What would you like as a birthday pre

9、sent ? Id like some flowers .你想要什么作为生日礼物?我想要一些花。5Do you usually have a birthday party ? Yes , I do.你通常举行生日晚会吗?是的。6Would you like a VCD of Japanese carto ? Yes , please ./ Yes , Id like to .你想要日本卡通片的光碟吗?三部分语言点解析Id like=I would like我想要某物 =I wantId like to = I would like to我想要做某事= I want to 例1Id like s

10、ome ballo.Would you like some ballo?I want some ballo .Do you want some ballo ? 2Id like to watch TV .Would you like to watch TV?=I want to watch TV .Do you want to watch TV?Unit3一单词was (am,is的过去式)wasnt=was notwere (were的过去式)werent=were notexcited激动的exciting令人激动的moment片刻ago以前glasses眼镜film胶卷ground地面c

11、amera照相机earphone(s)耳机diary日记簿CD Walkman光盘随身听二词组片刻之前a moment ago刚才just now一部手机a mobile phone一副眼镜a pair of glasses一卷胶卷a roll of film捡起它们pick them up在地上on the ground在日记本下面under the diary在耳机附近near the earphones在光盘随身听后面behind the CD Walkman想要拍些照片want to take some photos寻找她的照相机look for her camera帮助她help h

12、er让我看看。Let me see.体育运动日Sports Day观看赛跑watch a running race一场激动人心的比赛an exciting race三句型1.Wheres your mobile phone ? Its beside the diary.It isnt there now . It was there a moment ago .你的手机在哪?在日记本旁边。它现在不在那了。片刻之前它还在。2.Where are her glasses ? Theyre behind the picture .They arent there now . They were th

13、ere just now .她的眼镜在哪里?在图画后面。它们现在不在那了。它们刚才还在那的。3. Where were you just now ? I was in the playground.你刚才在哪里?我在操场上。4. Were your films in the bag a moment ago? Yes , they were .你的胶卷刚才在包里吗?一般过去式含有be动词的句子结构肯定句:主语was / were +其它否定句:主语wasnt / werent +一般疑问句:Was / Were +主语其它特殊疑问句:疑问词以was/were开头的一般疑问句Unit5did(d

14、o的过去式)didnt = did notholiday假日meet遇见last最近刚过去的,最后的early早的,早地before在以前taste品尝pull up拉出,把向上拔farm农场fun有趣的事wonderful精彩的收集鸡蛋collect eggs挤牛奶milk cows采桔子pick oranges品尝苹果taste apples拔胡萝卜pull up carrots浇花water flowers烹调食物cook food在农场on the farm参观农场visit a farm上周last week上周末last weekend上星期天last Saturday假期过后af

15、ter the holiday上课之前before class早早去学校go to school early在操场上遇见他们meet them in the playground看电影watch / see a film一部有趣的动画片a funny cartoon非常喜欢它like it very much和我的家人一起with my family在周一和周二on Monday and Tuesday玩许多游戏play a lot of games住在一个小镇上live in a small town玩得愉快have a good time一些果树some fruit trees在营地上at

16、 the camp去野营go camping在上里行走walk in the mountainsWhat did you do last Sunday ? I collected eggs .上个星期天你做了什么?我收集了鸡蛋。What else did you do ? I picked oranges .你还做了什么?我采了桔子。What did you do last weekend ? I visited a farm with my family .上个周末你做了什么?我和家人一起参观了农场。3.Did you watch a film last night ? No, I didnt .昨天晚上你看电影了吗?没有。4.Were there any pear trees on the farm?Yes, there were .(以前)农场里有梨树吗?5I didnt water trees last week .上星期我没有浇树。一般过去式含有行为动词的句子结构主语动词的过去式+主语didnt +动词原形Did +主语动词原形其它疑问词以did开头的一般疑问句Unit6

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