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1、Where the criminal suspect is found to have committed no crime, or to be under one of the circumstances provided in Article 15 of this law, the peoples prosecutors office should decide not to prosecute.第三款修改为:“人民检察院决定不起诉的案件,应当同时对侦查中查封、扣押、冻结的财物解除查封、扣押、冻结。对被不起诉人需要给予行政处罚、行政处分或者需要没收其违法所得的,人民检察院应当提出检察意见,

2、移送有关主管机关处理。有关主管机关应当将处理结果及时通知人民检察院。Paragraph 3 is amended to read:Where a peoples prosecutors office decides not to prosecute a case, it should, at the same time, rescind the sealing, seizure or freezing of the assets sealed, seized, and frozen during investigation. If the person not to be prosecuted

3、 needs to be given an administrative penalty or administrative sanction or his illegal gains need to be confiscated, the peoples prosecutors office should make suggestions to such an effect and transfer the case to the competent authority for disposition. The competent authority should promptly noti

4、fy the peoples prosecutors office of the result of disposition.六十七、将第一百五十条改为第一百八十一条,修改为:“人民法院对提起公诉的案件进行审查后,对于起诉书中有明确的指控犯罪事实的,应当决定开庭审判。67. “Article 150 is changed to Article 181 and amended to read: “After the peoples court has reviewed a case for which public prosecution has been initiated, where th

5、e indictment shows clear facts for a charged crime, it should decide to hold a trial.”六十八、将第一百五十一条改为第一百八十二条,修改为:“人民法院决定开庭审判后,应当确定合议庭的组成人员,将人民检察院的起诉书副本至迟在开庭十日以前送达被告人及其辩护人。68. Article 151 is changed to Article 182 and amended to read: “After the peoples court has decided to hold a trial, it should det

6、ermine the members of the judicial panel and deliver a copy of the indictment by the peoples prosecutors office to the defendant no later than ten days prior to the hearing.“在开庭以前,审判人员可以召集公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人,对回避、出庭证人名单、非法证据排除等与审判相关的问题,了解情况,听取意见。“Prior to the hearing, the adjudicators may convene the p

7、ublic prosecutor, the parties and the defender, and the agent ad litem, to find out about issues related to the trial, such as recusal, witness lists and exclusion of illegally obtained evidence, and to hear their opinions.“人民法院确定开庭日期后,应当将开庭的时间、地点通知人民检察院,传唤当事人,通知辩护人、诉讼代理人、证人、鉴定人和翻译人员,传票和通知书至迟在开庭三日以前

8、送达。公开审判的案件,应当在开庭三日以前先期公布案由、被告人姓名、开庭时间和地点。“After the peoples court has set the court date, it should notify the peoples prosecutors office of the date and venue of hearing, summons the party, notify the defender, the agents ad litem, the witnesses, the forensic examiners, and the interpreters. The su

9、mmons and notification should be served at least three days prior to the court date. In respect to open trial cases, the peoples court should announce a summary of the case, the name of the defendant, the court time and the venue three days prior to the hearing.“上述活动情形应当写入笔录,由审判人员和书记员签名。“The above a

10、ctivities should be documented, and the documentation signed by the adjudicators and court clerk.”六十九、将第一百五十二条改为第一百八十三条,修改为:“人民法院审判第一审案件应当公开进行。但是有关国家秘密或者个人隐私的案件,不公开审理;涉及商业秘密的案件,当事人申请不公开审理的,可以不公开审理。69. Article 152 is changed to Article 183 and amended to read:Cases of first instance in a peoples cour

11、t should be heard in public. However, cases involving state secrets or privacy are not to be heard in public. Where the party applies for closed hearing in a case involving trade secrets, a closed hearing may be conducted.“不公开审理的案件,应当当庭宣布不公开审理的理由。“The reason for not hearing a case in public should b

12、e announced in court.七十、将第一百五十三条改为第一百八十四条,修改为:“人民法院审判公诉案件,人民检察院应当派员出席法庭支持公诉。70. Article 153 is changed to Article 184 and amended to read: “When a peoples court tries a public prosecution case, a peoples prosecutors office should send a member to be present before the court to support the prosecutio

13、n.”七十一、增加二条,作为第一百八十七条、第一百八十八条:71. Two new articles are inserted as Articles 187 and 188:“第一百八十七条公诉人、当事人或者辩护人、诉讼代理人对证人证言有异议,且该证人证言对案件定罪量刑有重大影响,人民法院认为证人有必要出庭作证的,证人应当出庭作证。“Article 187 Where a written testimony by a witness has material influence on the determination of conviction or a sentence and wher

14、e the public prosecutor, the party or the defender, or the agent ad litem objects to such testimony, and the peoples court believes it to be necessary for a witness to appear before court to testify, the witness should do so.“人民警察就其执行职务时目击的犯罪情况作为证人出庭作证,适用前款规定。“Where a member of the peoples police ap

15、pears before court to give a testimony about a crime that he was an eye-witness to while on duty, the provisions of the above paragraph are to be applied.“公诉人、当事人或者辩护人、诉讼代理人对鉴定意见有异议,人民法院认为鉴定人有必要出庭的,鉴定人应当出庭作证。经人民法院通知,鉴定人拒不出庭作证的,鉴定意见不得作为定案的根据。“Where the public prosecutor, the party or the defender, or

16、 the agent ad litem objects to the opinion of a forensic examiner, and the peoples court believes it to be necessary for a forensic examiner to appear before court, the forensic examiner should appear to give testimony. Where a forensic examiner has been notified by the peoples court but has not app

17、eared for the testimony, the opinion of such forensic examiner may not be used as a basis for a decision.“第一百八十八条经人民法院通知,证人没有正当理由不出庭作证的,人民法院可以强制其到庭,但是被告人的配偶、父母、子女除外。“Article 188 Where a peoples court notifies a witness to appear before court for testimony, and the witness has not appeared before cou

18、rt for no good reason, the peoples court may compel the witness to appear, unless the witness is a spouse, parent or child of the defendant.“证人没有正当理由拒绝出庭或者出庭后拒绝作证的,予以训诫,情节严重的,经院长批准,处以十日以下的拘留。被处罚人对拘留决定不服的,可以向上一级人民法院申请复议。复议期间不停止执行。“Where the witness refuses to appear before court without good reason o

19、r refuses to testify during his appearance, the witness is to be admonished; if the circumstances are grave, the witness is be committed to detention of not more than ten days upon approval by the president of the court. Where a witness committed to detention is not satisfied with the detention deci

20、sion, he may appeal to the next higher peoples court for reconsideration. During the review, the detention is not to be suspended.”七十二、将第一百五十九条改为第一百九十二条,增加一款,作为第二款:“公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人可以申请法庭通知有专门知识的人出庭,就鉴定人作出的鉴定意见提出意见。72. Article 159 is changed to Article 192 and a new paragraph is inserted as Paragra

21、ph 2 to read: “The prosecutor, the defendant and the defender, and the agent ad litem may apply to the court for persons with specific expertise to appear before court to present their opinion on the opinion provided by a forensic examiner.”增加一款,作为第四款:“第二款规定的有专门知识的人出庭,适用鉴定人的有关规定。A new paragraph is i

22、nserted as Paragraph 4:Where persons with specific expertise appear before court as provided under Paragraph 2, the provisions on forensic examiners apply.七十三、将第一百六十条改为第一百九十三条,修改为:“法庭审理过程中,对与定罪、量刑有关的事实、证据都应当进行调查、辩论。73. Article 160 is changed to Article 193 and amended to read:During the court hearin

23、g, all facts relevant to conviction and sentencing should be examined and debated.“经审判长许可,公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人可以对证据和案件情况发表意见并且可以互相辩论。“Upon the presiding judges permission, the public prosecutor, the defendant and the defender, and the agent ad litem may state and argue about their opinions on the evide

24、nce and the circumstances of the case.“审判长在宣布辩论终结后,被告人有最后陈述的权利。“After the presiding judge has declared the debates to be over, the defendant has the right to present a final statement.”七十四、将第一百六十三条改为第一百九十六条,第二款修改为:“当庭宣告判决的,应当在五日以内将判决书送达当事人和提起公诉的人民检察院;定期宣告判决的,应当在宣告后立即将判决书送达当事人和提起公诉的人民检察院。判决书应当同时送达辩护人

25、、诉讼代理人。74. Article 163 is changed to Article 196 and Paragraph 2 is amended to read:If the judgment on a case is pronounced in court immediately following the trial, the written judgment should be served on the party and the peoples prosecutors office initiating the public prosecution within five da

26、ys. If the judgment is to be pronounced later on a designated date, the written judgment should be served on the party and the peoples prosecutors office initiating the case immediately after the pronouncement. The written judgment should be simultaneously served on the defender and the agent ad lit

27、em.”七十五、将第一百六十四条改为第一百九十七条,修改为:“判决书应当由审判人员和书记员署名,并且写明上诉的期限和上诉的法院。75. Article 164 is changed to Article 197 and amended to read:The written judgment should be signed by members of the judicial panel and by the court clerk, and clearly indicate the deadline for appeal and the name of the appellate cour

28、t.”七十六、将第一百六十五条改为第一百九十八条,第三项修改为:“由于申请回避而不能进行审判的。76. Article 165 is changed to Article 198, and Paragraph 3 thereof is amended to read:If the trial cannot proceed because recusal is applied for.”七十七、增加一条,作为第二百条:“在审判过程中,有下列情形之一,致使案件在较长时间内无法继续审理的,可以中止审理:77. A new Article is inserted as Article 200:Duri

29、ng a trial, a hearing may be suspended if a case cannot be heard further for a relatively long period of time due to any of the following circumstances:“(一)被告人患有严重疾病,无法出庭的;“(1) The defendant falls seriously ill and are unable to attend court;“(二)被告人脱逃的;“(2) The defendant escapes;“(三)自诉人患有严重疾病,无法出庭,未

30、委托诉讼代理人出庭的;“(3) The private prosecutor falls seriously ill and is unable to attend court, and an agent ad litem is not appointed; or“(四)由于不能抗拒的原因。“(4) A force majeure event occurs.“中止审理的原因消失后,应当恢复审理。中止审理的期间不计入审理期限。“The hearing should be resumed after the reason for the suspension has lapsed. The dur

31、ation of suspension is not to be included in the trial period.”七十八、将第一百六十八条改为第二百零二条,第一款修改为:“人民法院审理公诉案件,应当在受理后二个月以内宣判,至迟不得超过三个月。对于可能判处死刑的案件或者附带民事诉讼的案件,以及有本法第一百五十六条规定情形之一的,经上一级人民法院批准,可以延长三个月;因特殊情况还需要延长的,报请最高人民法院批准。78. Article 168 is changed to Article 202 and Paragraph 1 thereof is amended to read: “When a peoples court hears a public prosecution case,

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