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1、All orders must be accompanied with cash.所有的订货单必须随附现金。arguevt./vi.争辩,争论,辩论作不及物动词用时,后边可以接with,about或over,for(赞成)或against(反对)。She is always ready to argue over the smallest issues.她总喜欢为极小的问题进行争论。He often argues philosophy with James.他常和詹姆斯讨论哲学。He argued for immediate action.他主张立即行动。They argued against

2、 such a policy.他们反对这种政策。vt.1、说服;2、用辩论说服argue into(out of)doing sth. 说服某人做(不做)某事。I argued him out of going on such a dangerous journey.我说服他不做这样危险的旅行。He argued that man was descended from apes.他论证人类的祖先是猿。definevt.1、解释,给。下定义;2、限定,规定。Work is defined as the product of a force and the distance through whi

3、ch its point of application moves in the direction of the force.功的定义是力和力的着力点沿力的方向移动的距离的乘积。He has defined his position on the issues.他已表明自己在这些问题上的立场。2、 常考句型1、决策是在现有的可选做法中所做的选择。P1A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available.2、管理者经常必须对未来的情况下做出最佳的猜测,尽量不存侥幸。P2Of

4、ten managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance. 3、如果没有选择,就无决策可言。P3If there is no choice, there is no decision to be made.4、对于管理者而言,每次决策都受到政策、程序、法律、惯例等待因素的制约。For managers, every decision has constraints based on policies, procedures, la

5、ws, precedents, and the like.5、例如,管理者有时以非此即彼的方式来处理问题。P4For example, managers sometimes treat problems in an either/or fashion.6、决策者们必须有办法决定数个可选项中的哪一个是最好的-哪一个对组织目标的实现起作用最大。P6Decision makers must have some way of determining which of several alternatives is bestthat is, which contributes the most to t

6、he achievement of organizational goals.7、就更大的系统来说,增加研究经费以便改进产品,对该组织更有益。In the larger scheme of things, however, increased funding for research to improve the products might be more beneficial to the organization.8、有些目标比另一些目标更重要,但其排序和重要性则因人和部门而异。P7Some of these objectives are more important than othe

7、rs, but the order and degree of importance often vary form person to person and from department to department .3、 习题1.单词英译汉goal, objective, accomplish, predict, accompany, implement, tendency, achievement, argue, budget, define, entity, 2.词组英译汉in the way, in part, point of view, contribute to, to ap

8、ply for, in hand, to turn down 3.句子英译汉与常考句型相同。4.Text A 汉译英决策者应该能够对将来作出最好的推测。Decision makers should be able to make a best guess at what the future will be.有人认为经理们所作的一切均与决策有关。Some people believe almost everything a manager does involves decision.没有正确的选择就没有正确的决定。 If there is no proper choice, there is

9、 no proper decision.不同的人对同样的问题有不同的看法,所以解决的办法也不同。Different people have different ideas about the same problem; their solutions to the problem are, therefore, also different.决策者往往是公司业务发展的关键。Decision makers often play the key role in the development of the business of a company. Decision makers are usu

10、ally key people who determine the companys business development.4、历年试题1. Almost everything a manager does _ (involve) decisions, indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making . (99.4)。答案是involves . 考点: involve 为谓语动词,应该用一般现在时。2.If there is no choice, there is no decision _(make)

11、. (99.4) 答案是to be made 。考点:to be made 是动词不定式作定语修饰decision. 3. If you are now_your thirties, you can expect to live nearly one third of the rest of your life after the age of 60. (99.4) A. in B. at C. between D. among 答案是A. 4. Almost everything a manager does_decisions; indeed, some suggest that the

12、management process is decision making. (00.4) A. imposes B. improvise C. involves D. indicates 答案为C . 5. When_(present) with a common case, sales managers tend to see sales problems and production managers see production problems. 答案为presented . 考点: present 是过去分词作状语。6. An organization is a group of

13、people, and a decision_(make) today may have consequences far into the future. 答案是made . 考点:make 是过去分词作定语, 修饰decision . 7. 汉译英:通常管理者必须对未来的情况作出最佳的预测。答案:Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be. 1. 决策的目的是为了实现组织的目标。答:The purpose of making a decision is to achieve organizational

14、goals. 2. 决策过程对经营管理至关重要。 The decision-making process is fundamental to business management. 3. 经理所做的任何事情几乎都与决策有关。Almost everything a manager does involves decision-making. 4. 虽然我们不能预见未来,但应当尽量减少偶然性发生。 Although we cannot predict the future, we must try t leave as little as possible to chance. 5. 不同的管理

15、者对同一问题的解释不同。 Different manager define the same problem in different terms.UNIT 21、word studyexert,collapse,lauch,operateexertvt.尽(力);发挥(威力等);施加(压力等);产生(影响等);行使(职权等)He has exerted all his strength to attain his goal.他已尽了全力以达到自己的目标。He has been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my mind.他一直在施加种

16、种压力要我改变主意。These principles exerted great influence upon the course of the revolution.这些原则对革命进程产生了很大的影响。collapsen.1、倒塌,崩溃,瓦解;2、(健康等)垮掉,(因精疲力竭等原因)倒下The storm caused the collapse of the wooden shelter.暴风雨使这个避风雨的木棚倒塌了。He suffered from a nervous collapse.他的精神崩溃了。The collapse of the government left the co

17、untry in confusion.政府的倒台使全国陷入混乱之中。vi.倒塌,崩溃The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow.屋顶被雪压塌了。The negotiations collapsed after several meetings.会谈了几次之后,谈判破裂了。In the last weeks of the war she collapsed from long imprisonment.在战争的最后几个星期里她的身体因长期监禁而垮掉了。lauchvt 1、发射,投射;2、使(船)下水The satellite was launc

18、hed in a rocket.这颗卫星是由火箭发射的。The hunter launched a spear at the wolf.猎人把矛向狼掷去。A new ship has been successfully launched.一条新船已成功地下水。vt ./vi.发动,发起(运动等)launch out into 开始,着手进行Our army launched an attack on the enemy.我们的军队向敌人发起猛攻。The police launched an investigation into the case.警察对此案开展了调查。The research

19、group launched out into a series of new experiment.研究小组着手进行了一系列新的实验。operatevi. 1、运转,起作用;2、动手术(on,upon)The elevator operates smoothly.电梯运行顺利。The medicine gradually operated.药物逐渐奏效了。The doctor operated on the neck of the patient.医生给病人的颈部动手术。vt.1、操作,操纵,经营;2、对。动手术This airline operates five main lines an

20、d dozens of branch lines.这家航空公司经营五条主干线和十几条支线。Do you know how to operate the machine?你知道怎么开这台机器吗?The doctor operated the patient on the neck.He was operated on for lung cancer.他因肺癌动了手术。2、常考句型1、天文学家和科学家认为黑洞是一种空间区,物质可以掉进黑洞但任何物质不能逃脱。Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space

21、 into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape.2、理论上是这样的:当某些星体的密度增大到某一特定点时便发生爆炸。The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point.3、有人认为圣诞星可能是一颗超新星。Some people think that the Start of Bethlehem could have been a supernova.4、假定一个人掉进黑洞,他会认为很快就能到达

22、黑洞中心。If a man fell into a black hole, he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly.5、只是在近几年天文学家才开始具体研究黑洞。It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. 6、另一方面,科学家们也在设想,由于有非常先进的技术,人们也许能在将来利用黑洞为人类服务。P5On the other hand, scientists have suggested tha

23、t every advanced technology could one day make use of the energy of black holes for mankind.3、习题Unit 2 练习:1.词汇英译汉:escape, explode, collapse, shrink, gravity, measurement, basis, launch, convincing, companion, speculation, swallow, operate, to make use of, a great many, above all 2.句子英译汉:1) 6) 与常考句型相

24、同。7) There might be a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate.8) They show us a world which operates in a totally different way from our own and they question our most basic experience of space and time.3 句子汉译英黑洞是什么,天文学家还没有完全解决这个问题。Astronomers have not

25、 yet fully solved the problem of what a black hole is.据说黑洞可以将其周围的一切物体,如星星吞食掉。It is said that black holes are able to swallow up all the objects around them, such as stars .对黑洞的研究刚刚开始,各种各样的假说层出不穷。The research of black holes is just beginning and speculation about them are endless.科学家仍不能说出黑洞内发生了什么。Sci

26、entists still can not tell what happens inside a black hole.It is still impossible for scientists to tell what happens inside a black hole.如果我们认识了黑洞,黑洞就不那么可怕了。If we understood black holes, they would not be so fearful .Black holes will not be so fearful if we get to know them.单元课后练习.Word Spelling1.密

27、度 n. density _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.(使)倒塌,(使)崩溃 v. collapse _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.边界线,边界 n. boundary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.永恒的,经久不变的 a.c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5.基础,根据 n.b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6.发射,发动 v.l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.双胞胎之一 a.t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _8.同伴,同事 n.c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9.人类 n.m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _10.推测,猜测 n.s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _11.吞

28、 v.s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _12.不充分的 a.i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _13.物质 n.m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _14.情况,环境 a.c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _15.发生,出现 v.o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _16.强烈的 a.i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _17.证据 n.e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _18.看不见的 a.i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _19.宇航员 n.a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _20.热带的 a.t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Word Form1.Supernovae_(report) by astronomers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.2.Imagine the earth reduced to the size of a marble, but still_(have) the same mass, and you have some idea of the force of a black hole.3.If one_(make) a journey over the Continents one would find every kind of surface including mountain ranges, pla

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