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1、判断相关场景。要学会通过捕捉听力题目和听力录音中出现的关键词来判断相关场景。四级听力常考的场景有:学习场景、工作场景、天气场景、医院场景、租房场景、娱乐场景、餐馆场景、选课场景等。判断出相关的场景有利于考生在解题时有据可依,提高解题正确率。由于英语是一种模式化的语言,在固定的场景中,其词汇和表达也相对比较固定,所以考生应在平时注意多积累一些场景中的高频词汇和习惯表达,以提高听力理解能力。第四步:把握交际策略。第二人会采用直接回答(肯定或否定),反问回答,委婉回答,重复前句等策略。注意语气词的使用。如2010.12 第11、12、13和18题11. M: Oh my god! The heat

2、is simply unbearable here. I wish weve gone to the beach instead.W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washington Ill be happy here no matter what the temperature.Q:What does the woman mean?犹豫、思考。对第一说话者的委婉反驳12. M: Hows the new job going? Well, Im learning a lot of new things, but I wish the d

3、irector would give me some feedback.What does the woman want to know?矛盾心态。这份工作的双重感受。13. W: Can you help me work out a physical training program John?M: Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks worth of weight-lifting in three days and I hurt myself.Q: What doe

4、s the man suggest the woman do?直截了当。接下来句But不具有话题转折意味。注意识别last time开始句为冗余信息,敢于舍弃,减轻负担。18. W: My hand still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something. Im no doctor, but its not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days. what do we learn abo

5、ut the woman from the conversation?委婉建议,对方易于接受。该题题目设计意外。没有针对建议提问。针对第一句基本事实提问。短对话部分解题策略视听反向原则(看似明显被读到的选项反而更容易是错的,即听到的单词和短语要慎选) 例题:2009年12月四级考试第9题A) She must have paid a lot for the gym. B) She is known to have a terrific figure.C) Her gym exercise has yielded good results.D) Her effort to keep fit is

6、 really praiseworthy.Woman: Ive been working out the gym since January. I was a bit out of shape.Man: You look terrific! It seems that your effort has paid off.Question: What does the man imply about the woman?解析:可以明显看出,本题的答案为C(她的健身房联系获得了好的结果)。yielded good results和原文中的your effort has paid off产生了替换作用

7、。其中,类似gym和terrific、efforts等这样明显的词汇是特别需要慎选的,因为这些词汇都在原文中被明显播读过。另外本题目中还包括很多有用的说法:例如terrific figure (魔鬼身材)paid off(发生效果),以及重复考过的out of shape (身材走样) 等等。第二句话易为考点,如09.12第14题14. W: I need to talk to someone who knows Baltimore well. Im told you lived there. Oh, but I was really young at the time What does t

8、he man mean?选B) He can provide little useful information.但应注意第一句同样不可忽视,如2010.12 第14、17和18题14. M: I have an elderly mother and Im worried about her going on a plane. Is there any risk? Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, Id recommend against it. What does the man want to know

9、 about his mother?该题就第一句涉及疑问内容提问。17.M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now, I have enough money to buy that piece of land Ive had my eye on and build a house on it. Congratulations!Does that mean youll be moving soon? What do we learn about the man from the conversation?该题

10、就第一句涉及基本事实提问。该题就第一句涉及基本事实提问同义替换原则,特别是词汇短语题(即准确答案经常是原文的同义词语的替换)2010.12 第16题16.M: Im no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesnt sound right. Maybe you should have it fixed. Youre right. And I suppose Ive put it off long enough. What will the woman probably do?2009.6第14题 My washing machine i

11、s more than fifteen years old and it has worked just fine until last night. Youll never be able to get parts for it, even from Japan. So it might be time to invest a more recent model. What does the woman suggest the man do?选 B)Buy a new washing machine1. 选项分析技巧-作题的第一入手点1)根据选项预测谈话内容,并对可能提到的问题进行判断。2)

12、判断试题的类型, 以确定摄取答案的形式。3)排除较明显的干扰, 缩小正确选项的范围。原则:1)意思相反的选项中往往有一个正确答案。2)与其他三个选项无关的一般不是答案。2. 平时注意多积累一些常用句型或常用搭配。如: I cant agree with you more, you said it; I thought(在一般现在时的语境当中), anything but, rather than, turn down, far from 以做到在考试时能够即时反应。场景题型、 肯定与否定题型、BUT题型、虚拟语气题型、建议与请求题型、重复反问题型、言外之意题型比较与选择题型共8类。下面分别予以

13、分析说明。一场景类题型解题技巧1、地点与方向类试题常用的表示地点与方向的特定场景用语(1)University or other school (2)Hotelreception (接待处), receptionist (接待员), reservation (预订), single/double room, bathroom, suite (套房)(发音同sweet), room key, book a room, room number, luggage, tip (小费), full, check in (登记住宿), check out (结帐)(3)Airportfly, airpor

14、t, take off, land, boarding card (登机牌), flight, gate, hostess, airways, flight number, aircraft, by air, airlines(航线;航空公司), airsick (晕机的), arrival/departure time(到达/出发时间), booking office (售票处), ticket agent (售票代理人), destination (目的地,终点) (4)Restaurantrestaurant, waiter, waitress, table, reserve a tab

15、le, order, bill (帐单), food, menu, dish, bread, soup, beef, dessert (甜点心;甜食), salad, soft drink (软性饮料;汽水) (5)Bankbank, cash(现金), check(支票), travelers check (旅行支票), account (户头), savings (存款), fixed deposit (定期存款), current account (活期存款帐户), to open an account (开户)(6)Bookstorebookstore, book, order (订书

16、), stack (书架), shelf, page, edition (版本), copy, out of print (绝版), available, cover (封皮)(7)Post officepost office, post, postage (邮资), letter, mail, ordinary mail (普通邮件), registered mail (挂号邮件), overseas mail, stamp, envelope, deliver, send, telegram, parcel, packet, stick(粘)(8)Libraryborrow, return

17、, due (到期), overdue (过期), renew (续借), fine (罚款), on time, reference book (参考书), shelves, check out (办理外借手续), lend, latest issue(最新一期的), bookshelf, stack(书架), catalogue(目录) (9)Hospitalhospital, doctor, surgeon (外科医生), physician (内科医生), dentist (牙医), X-ray, pain, headache, stomachache, fever, temperat

18、ure, heart attack, medicine, pill (药丸), tablet (药片), syrup (糖浆), flu (流感), operation (手术), physical examination (体检), be in surgery (正在手术), a sore throat (咽部不适), feel terrible, feel quite not myself(感觉很不舒服), injection (注射), doctors waiting room (候诊室)(10)Storestore, department store(百货商店), shop, mens

19、 department (男装部), womens department (女装部), counter (柜台), price, on sale (大减价), out of stock (无货), size, style, color, cheap, expensive, costly, cost, fashion, brand (品牌), sale (11)Courtcourt, judge, lawyer, clerk (书记员), jury (陪审团), witness (证人), defendant (被告), case (案件), appeal (上诉), sentence (判刑)

20、, guilty (有罪的), innocent (无辜的), crime(12)Some proper namesAlaska (阿拉斯加), Australia, Austria, Boston, Brazil(巴西), California, Canada, Chicago, Denmark (丹麦), Detroit(底特律), Egypt, France, Geneva (日内瓦), Great Britain, Greece (希腊), Hawaii(夏威夷), India, Ireland(爱尔兰), Italy, Japan, Korea, London, Los Angele

21、s (洛杉矶), Madrid (马德里), Malaysia (马来西亚),Mexico, Miami (迈阿密), Mississippi (密西西比), Moscow, New York, New Zealand (新西兰),Paris, Philadelphia (费城, Poland (波兰), Rome, San Francisco,Seattle (西雅图),Singapore (新加坡), Spain, Sweden (瑞典), Sydney (悉尼), Thailand (泰国), Tokyo, Venice (威尼斯), Washington2、数字与计算类试题例(2001

22、年6月真题)You will read:A 5:10 B 5:00 C 4:30 D 5:15You will hear: I wonder if Sue will be here by five oclock. Her husband said she left home at four thirty. She should be here at five ten or five fifteen at the latest. What time did Sue leave home? Heres a 10-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonigh

23、ts show please. Sure. Two tickets and here is 1.40 change. How much does one ticket cost?3、人物关系与职业判断类试题提问方式一般有两种:1. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?2.询问第三者的身份、职业或其他相关情况. 例如:Who is the man (woman) ? / Whats the mans (womans) job? / Whats the man (woman) ? 等。考试时, 首先要通过预览书面选择项迅


25、常见的提问形式是:What does the man/ woman mean? 1.否定 1)含否定语义的副词和形容词,如:hardly, barely, scarcely, rarely, little, seldom, few 等。(2)含否定语义的代词和连词, 如:nobody, nothing, neither, nor 等。(3)含否定语义的动词、动词词组及介词词组,如:fail to, miss, avoid, deny, hate, stop, refuse, doubt,instead of, rather than 等。 5)含 的结构。 6)强调否定句,句首的否

26、定词多数是never, little, rarely, 并且句子必须倒装,如:Never before have I., Little did they., Rarely do we.等。 (6) 注意缩写形式的否定读音,如:cant arent, dont, hasnt, werent, wasnt等。2. 肯定:You said it. You can say that again. You are telling me. You may/might well say so. Ill say. I couldnt agree more. (a)、形肯定意否定的句型 1、Id like to

27、I d love to/ I wish I could, but表否定,重点在but后面。 2. Im sorry 这种句型是委婉的否定,其后一般接原因。 3. Im afraid 一般表示委婉拒绝或与希望相反的事。 4、使用虚拟语气的句子。 这些句子形式上是肯定的,但往往表达一种“本应该,本可以”的情绪,在一定的语言环境中表否定。 如: could have, should have5.由一些特殊短语构成的句型。1)由形容词last构成的特殊句型。2)anything but句型。 3)类似的还有far from out of the question等等. 如: -Can you poss

28、ibly lend me 10? Its out of the question(不可能) (b)、形否定意肯定的句型 1、Why dont youWhy not? 意思是“为什么不呢?”,但它真正表达的是一个肯定概念,即“建议做某事”。 2、Do you mind? 问句的回答用No, of course not或者Not at all 表示肯定答复. 3、notuntil句型。 此句型一般都应理解为“直到才”,因此是肯定的。4、notmorebetter 构成的特殊句型。 -How is your business,Bob? Sales have never been better (意思是说生意相当不错)5、Without a doubt;Dont mention it; 意思是“没问题”.如:Do you think we have to review the chapter of Industrial Revolution?Without a doubt,it will be on the exam 三、BUT题型解题技巧题型特征是第一说话人的内容无关紧要,第二说话人回答时,先用一个简单的短句,然后是一个较长的句子,中间用but连接,But之后的部分多是补充说明或对理由的陈述, 故应该仔细听

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