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1、必修一重点单词词性变化练习题Unit1 重点词词形变换 1. All of us are _ about the earthquake-hit area. As far as I am _, lack of enough food, water and clothes _ the health of the people there. (concern)2. I can forgive your _but I wont forgive your rudeness. You can _me, but you mustnt ignore the rules.He is just _. He isn

2、t stupid. (ignore)3. My teacher gave me some useful _, which _ me on how to learn English effectively. (advice)4. After the president came to _, all the polls said he was a _ leader, but now he felt so _ that he couldnt control the rioting. (powerful)5. My father _ from high blood pressure .There is

3、 so much _ that he is a _ at home. (suffer)6. In the 17th century, the British crowded into America and many _ were set up for the_ to _down. (settle)7. The door wont close. The screws(螺钉)are _. (loose)The farmers _ the soil before sowing the seeds.8. He is so fond of _ activities that he sometimes

4、even sleep _. (outdoors)9. The _village was under the water. The crops were _destroyed. (entire)10. _ the big block of store, he _a very big snake, which terrified him. It took quite a while for him to _from the terror. (recover)Unit2 重点词词形变换 1.I enjoy the films A Story of Lalas Promotion _by Xu Jin

5、glei. She is a talented_. (direction)2.The _cost was much higher than we had expected. (actual)She appears to be angry. _, she is pleased.3.It is _for children to cut in when their seniors are talking. _ will bridge over many difficulties. (polite)4.She has studied the_ of oriental (东方的) countries,

6、which are the _ legacies (遗产) of the history. (culture)5.She has dual (双重的) _, so she often reads _ and local news. (nation)6.You must not be _ by the opinions of others. You should be your own _. (government)7. The young American impressed us with his _ Chinese. Hecan even recite many Tang poems ve

7、ry _. (fluent)8. Recently this disease _strikes the area and the _scares the local people andmeanwhile draws a wide attention. (frequent)9. At the moment we cant _the criminal because we have found three different _ cards on him. (identify)10. I cant _how I love this place because its beauty is real

8、ly beyond _. (expression)Unit3 重点词词形变换 1. I admire her so much, because she is a very _ woman and is famous for her _. (determine)2. He _ went into the burning house to rescue the baby and he got a medal for his _. (brave)3. He switched off the _ and _ everything that happened on his travel.(record)

9、4. She _ refused to cooperate, so her colleagues often got annoyed by her _ . (stubborn)5. He is a very stubborn guy. Although all of us tried to _ him, our _became useless. (persuade)6. He is going to _ a non-profit_ to help students go to school in poor areas. (organize)7. My father is a _person.

10、Once he _ to do something, he will stick to his plan. (determine)8. _, I got the ticket of the World Cup. Unfortunately, my favorite team lost their _chance to win the game. (final)9. Now, with the advent and popularity of the home computer, its _and _ have been a subject of discussion. (advantage)1

11、0. He is a _person. You can _ on him. (rely)Unit4 重点词词形变换 1. It was the most _ tsunami in 100 years whose _could have serious ecological consequences. (destroy)2. He considers it a great _ to be invited to dinner in the Great Hall of the People, because it is _ to have dinner there. (honor)3. _ by h

12、is accent, he must be from the South. In my _,you are quite right. (judge)4. She was _ for anything to happen, as she has done a lot of _. (prepare)5. The _ , who are engaged in the _ of an exhibition, are the top experts in the world. (organize)6. It will cause pollution and the _ of our seas and o

13、ceans. (destroy)The _ force of the storm is huge.An atom bomb would _a city. 7. Smoking will _ your health. (injure)Ambulances rushed the _to hospital.If you try and lift that suitcase youll do yourself an _.8. We _ him on his birthday. (congratulate)Please give me my _when you see him.9. The accide

14、nt did a lot of _ to the car. (damage)One tenth of the goods were _. 10. If we can _ the machine, it will be very _ to improve our production, but if we cant use it, it will become a _ pile of steel. (use)Unit5重点词词形变换 1. Everyone is born _, so they all hope to be treated _ because _ is the basic demand. (equa

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