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1、21)a coherent article条理清楚的文章22)a coherent system完整的体系23)a proficient interpreter 有水平的口译24)an irresistible trend 不可抗拒的趋势25)rotten apples烂苹果26)literally inspired根据事实写就的27)a nodding acquaintance点头之交P-17-1-(2)1) 低头 to sink ones hand2) 使船沉没 to sink the ship3) 思考生命的意义to contemplate the meaning of life4) 让

2、阳光一下照着to catch the light5) 毁了一个人的身体 to ruin ones health6) 毁了国家 to ruin the country7) 猛敲桌子 to bang the desk8) 扮演一个重要的角色 to play a prominent role9) 占有重要的位置 to hold a prominent position10) 一个虔诚的佛教徒 a pious Buddhist11) 获得一种名声 to gain a reputation12) 满足一个人的虚荣心 to satisfy ones ego13) 疲劳讯问;严讯逼供 to give sb

3、the third degree14) 发明一种教学法 to devise a teaching method15) 在某人手中悄悄塞一支枪 to slide a gun into sbs handP-18-3翻译1) 我知道,不管发生什么,我都可以指望我的兄弟会支持我。I know that my brother will stand by me no matter what happens.2) 一般情况下,年轻人总是对现在和将来更感兴趣。Young people, as a rule ,tend to show more interest in the present and the f

4、uture.3) 如果他们双方都不妥协,就都会遭损。Both parties will stand to lose if they do not compromise.4) 我们希望使我们的全科课程和教材成为一个统一的整体。We hope to integrate all the courses and the teaching materials.5.中国的书面文字一直是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation.6.在中国的传统艺术中,竹子往往代表

5、道德上的正直,刚正不阿。In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo often stands for moral integrity and uprightness.7.绝大多数人都赞成深化改革。The great majority of the people stand for further reform.8.伊丽莎白一世女王统治英国45年。在她统治期间,国家十分繁荣昌盛。Queen Elizabeth First ruled England for 45 years, and the country prospered under her rule.9.

6、真理一开始总是掌握在极少数人手里。这是一般的规律。The truth is always in the hands of small minority at first. Thats the rule.10.民主意味着由多数人来治理,但少数人反对的权利仍然得到尊重。这两条基本规则同等重要。Democracy meads that the majority rules, but the minoritys right to disagree is also respected. These two basic rules are of equal importance.11.一个国家不可能强大,

7、除非她不但地理上是一个整体,而且经济上,政治上和文化上都是一个很好的整体。A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically.12.那次晚会很乏味,所以她悄悄溜出房间回家了。The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home.13.路很泥泞,他一滑就掉进了河里。The road was muddy. He slipped a

8、nd fell into the river.14.有一天,我因为破产正在一家饭馆里借酒浇愁,他突然过来把一叠钞票悄悄塞进我手里。One day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broken when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand.15.福罗里达州的法院裁决,票数需要重新统计。The court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes.16认为太阳绕着地球转的观点统治了

9、古代学术界达一千多年。The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled ancient scholars for more than a thousand years.17)这些胡同是构成老北京的完整的一部分。 These hutongs are an integral part of old Beijing.18)日子一天天的过去,可是我仍然没有多少进步。 Days slipped by and I still had not made much progress.19)他怕犯错,每个字都仔细推敲。 He weighed every word

10、 carefully lest he should make a mistake.20)她的身体糟糕到了冬天都不敢见太阳,免得中暑。Her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she get sun-stroke.P-22-7 Some qualities of a critical thinkerTruth-seeking. Critical thinkers want to know truth. In (1) their (a, the, his, their) quest, t

11、hey are willing to consider and (2) even (also, even, still, yet) accept ideas that undermine their assumption or self-interest. These thinkers follow (3) reason (argument, emotion, logic, reason) and evidence.Open-minded. A skilled critical thinker not only recognizes that people (4) disagree (argu

12、e, debate, disagree, quarrel) He values this fact. He respects the right of others (5) to express (expresses, expressing, expressed, to express) different views. He listens with an open mind and does the hard and useful work of (6) thinking (thinker, thinking, thought, thoughts). Beyond seeking out

13、a variety of viewpoints, critical thinkers check their speaking and thinking (7) for (at, in, on, for) signs of bias. This skill is crucial for (8) dealing with (creating, setting, dealing with, wiping out) the diversity of people at school and on the job. Systematic. (9) Staying (Seeking, Sitting,

14、Standing, Staying) organized and focused are two more qualities of a critical thinker. Hes willing to patiently gather evidence, test ideas and stay with a tough or complex question. Inquisitive. The critical thinker wants to know. He/She is (10) hungry (anxious, eager, hungry, starving) for facts a

15、nd concepts. He/She is willing to explore the universe of ideas even before he/she knows how to apply the insights he/she (11) gains (gains, gives, learns, shows). Mature. As a mature person, the critical thinker possesses a wisdom (12) born of (born of, grown out of, lain in, resulted from) experie

16、nce. he understands that a problem (13) can (can, must, should, ought to, ) have several solutions-even solutions that seem to contradict each other. He resists the desire to reach quick, (14) superficial (face, facial, surface, superficial) answers, and he is willing to suspend judgment (15) when (

17、after, lest, though, when) evidence is incomplete. At the same time, he recognizes that human beings are often called to act before all the facts are in.第三单元 P-80-1-(1)英译汉(1)专业历史工作者professional historians(2)基于常识的反应a common-sense reaction(3)事物的这种状况this state of affairs(4)意见不一的历史学家contending historian

18、s(5)已经准备好的现成的东西a cut-and-dried matter(6)一个个人喜好不同的东西a matter of personal preference(7)截然不同的观点diametrically opposed points(8)民间故事folk tales(9)书面文件written documents(10)过去的遗留物the remains of the past(11)人的动机和行为 human motivations and behavior(12)复杂和精细sophistication and subtlety(13)商船merchant ships (14)一旦发

19、生潜艇战in the event of a submarine warfare(15)一个粗糙的理论a crude theory(16)战争行为belligerent acts(17)宣传机器a propaganda machine (18)德国外交部长 the German foreign secretary(19)实力平衡the balance of power (20)因果the cause and effect(21)岸防炮兵the shore batteries(22)最终原因 the ultimate concern(23)近因 the proximate cause (24)人们

20、常说的一句话a well-used phrase(25)不出错的解释a foolproof explanation(26)绝对有效的模式a model of unquestioned validity(27)永不停息的探索a never-ending quest(28) 难以达到又十分诱人的目标an elusive yet intriguing goalP-80-1-(2) 汉译英(1) 获得新的深刻认识 (to)gain new insights(2)修改一个人的观点revise ones idea (3)追查起因trace the cause(4)从这个前提出发begin from thi

21、s premise (5)朝目标开火open fire at the target(6)给以同等重视 give equal weight to(7)支持某一观点support a certain view(8)对政府施加影响influence the govt.(9)破坏实力平衡destroy the balance of power(10)组成同盟form an alliance (11)偿还贷款repay the loans (12)考虑战争的问题contemplate (没the) war(13)填补空缺fill in the gaps(14)结束探索conclude the quest

22、(15)从某一角度看问题view something from a certain perspective(16)从比较中获益benefit from the comparison(17)消灭差别eliminate difference(18)深入研究问题dig into the problem(19)淹没在大海之中be immersed in a vast sea(20)从不同的观点出发stem from a different point of view(21)命中注定要做某事be destined to do(22)无视这个事实ignore the fact(23)做出假设make an

23、 assumption(24)打败敌人defeat the enemy(25)夺回失土win back ones lost territory(26)沉船(把船弄沉) to sink a boat(27)截获机密intercept the secret message(28)将证据凑在一起piece together (无the)evidence(29)接近真理 approximate the truth(30)掌握新技术master new techniques 这少了一部分句子翻译P-88-4(1) 英雄是具有非凡品质的人们。Heroes and heroines are people w

24、ith unusual qualities.(2) 名流是因媒体炒作而出名的人们。Celebrities are people who become famous because of publicity through the media.(3) 在中国大陆“爱人”指的是一个人的丈夫或妻子。In Chinas mainland, “sweetheart” often refers to a persons husband or wife.(4) 一个不能共患难的朋友是你在困境时立即抛弃你的人、A fair-weather friend is one who will desert you a

25、s soon as you are in trouble.(5) 从广义上说,货币是指一般可以接受用来交换其他商品的或者服务的任何一种物品。Broadly speaking, money refers to anything generally accepted in exchange for other goods and services.(6) 一个坐在扶手椅里面的革命者是一个只高汤革命而不付诸实践的人。An armchair revolutionary is one who talks about revolution, but who doesnt put what he says

26、into practice.(7) 鲁教授说一个好教师应努力是自己成为学生不需要的人。Professor Lu says that a good teacher is one who does all he/she can to make himself/herself unnecessary for the students.(8) 经济学定义为研究商品和服务的生产、分配和消费的社会科学。Economics is defined as the social science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption

27、 of goods and services.(9) DVD是上面能储藏大量在计算机上使用的信息特别是图片和录像的圆盘DVD is a disk on which large amount of information, especially photographs and video can be stored for use on a computer(10) 牛津高级学生词典能把“工作狂”定义为一个大部分时间工作并难以停下来做别的事情的人。The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines “workaholic” as “a person w

28、ho works most of the time and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things”第八单元TranslateP-246-1-(1) Into Chinese(1) a powerful vehicle 有力的工具(2) a trendy word 时髦字眼(3) capital flows 资金流(4) bond financing 债务融资(5) equity investment 股票投资/股本投资(6) cross-border mergers and acquisitions 跨境兼并与收购(7)

29、current-account deficit 经常项目赤字(8) (favorable) balance of payments 国际收支(盈余)(9) crony capitalism 一切靠关系的资本主义(10) economies of scales 规模经济(11) component manufacturing 零部件的制造(12) a scary prospect 可怕的前景(13) a plausible presumption 一个言之成理的假设(14) a powerful popular backlash 民众的强烈反应(15) genetically modified food 转基因食品(16) to lack a common agenda 缺少共同的议事日程/纲领(17) to erode the local culture 腐蚀本地(本国)文化(18) to seek membership 申请加入(19) to maximize their presence 极力扩大势力(20) to spread technology 推广技术P-246-1-(2) Into English(1)双刃剑 a double-edged sword(2)国家主权 nation

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