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1、Nietzsche(尼采) 的句子。不要自造名言.此外,写名人名言少用said,多用believed.(因为said容易露馅,而采用名人believed的形式,即名人认为怎么样的时候,谁也判断不清名人到底是不是真的是这么认为的,尤其是尼采、康德等人的文章,一般人很少看他们的文章,所以老师一般会给以正确处理,同时一定得把尼才的英文名写正确,这个写正确的话就是一个亮点,哪怕believed后面是错误的。)他们都很穷,他们都很饿。直译: they are poor,they arehungery.此种译法虽然没有错误,但句式过于简单,得不到高分。此时,只需要把中文变换一种说法,改为:他们都和穷困做斗

2、争,他们都在忍受饥饿的煎熬。同时,还可以想一下穷和饿的其他英语表达方式,因此,就可以发现poor可以变换为poverty,hungery可以变换为starving。重译:they fight/struggle with/against the poverty, they endure/suffer from the starvation.简化:they fight with the poverty, they suffer from the starvation. 若想再修饰上句则应套入句式:1.非谓语句式:to do(一般不用)条件:主相同用非谓:doingbe done方法:第一步去连词.

3、 去从主,即删去从句中的主语. 从句中的动词根据语态变非谓。例句:仍用上面的例句进行改写为:suffering from the starvation ,they fight with the poverty.老人蜷缩在哪儿,老人穿着很破旧的衣服.翻译:the eldly wears wornclothes,the eldly crouches there. =Crouching there,the eldly wears worn.2.倒装句式:(并不是所有句式都可用倒装,只有以下几种形式可用.)标识:never,not only, not untill+时间词, under no circ

4、umstances, so+adj, thatAre you? be动词提前.一般句式:Do you like? 实意动词提前.dodoes/didcan you speak? can提前.例:无论什么情况下我们都不应忽视我们的父母.under no circumstances should we ignore our parents.3.强调句式:It beAthatB be.根据原词时态变化A.-强调部分.B-原封不动我们有责任赡养我们的父母. 责任:responsibility/duty 赡养:take care of 父母:parentswe have responsibility t

5、ake care of our parents.强调句式:It is our responsibility that we have take care of parents.注:但凡一个单词带有able或ability,在后面都会跟to do.偶像崇拜其实就是一个精神依托. 偶像崇拜:idol worship 精神:spiritual 依托:dependence/relianceIdol worship is actually a spiritual dependence.It is a spiritual dependence that idol worship is actually.

6、例:过多的捕鱼导致了鱼数量骤减.Over fishing cause the decline of the number of fish. 强调句式:It is over fishing that cause the decline of the number of fish.过多的干什么: 应用over+v 如:over consume过多的消费.over charge过多的收费.over spend过多的花费.强调+状语从句:从句主句.如:正式因为你的迟到我才没赶上火车.It is because you late that we cant catch the train.4.主语从句:W

7、hat/Who 主谓 be 宾whatwe have responsibility take care ofisour parents.I am writing this letter ( ) to tell you (is)sth.小作文的一个模式:I loveare3 thing in the world,the sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you forever.5.虚拟:Wish that might do . (wish:希望=hope; wish:但愿hope.)suggest that (should)do ;prop

8、ose(推荐,建议);desirable; essential;If God give me another chance , I would say three words to the girl.God不需加任何贯词,既可做单数,也可做复数,但单数一般比较保险.If引导的非真实条件句,主将从现时态退后.一般:If I have 10 million dollars , I will buy house.时态退后:If I had 10 million dollars , Iwould buy house.三、如何下笔1 、中文找关键词(如果不知道该如何翻译,就先找出句子中的关键词,写出其英

9、语表达法.之后将各个词连接起来.)2 、补合3 、检查语法4 、是否很地道 关键词:老人(the eldly)、蜷缩(crouch)、穿着(wears)、破旧(wore)老人的四个儿女把他象球一样踢来踢去.关键词:老人的四个儿女(his for children)、踢(kick)、象球一样(like a ball)翻译:his 4 childrenis kicking him away like a ball.爱给我们带来和平,爱向我们展示一个真实的世界。 直译:love bring peace to us, love shows us a true world.英译:showing us a

10、 true world , love bring peace to us.句子中心提前论:中心内容往前放,重点部分英化。名词中心论:如果adi有n形式,尽量选择n形式,如果n有v的形式,尽量将n转为v使用;如果adi也有v属性,将adi转为v使用,仅需在前面加of即完成转化.四.小作文:1、形式:称呼:公函dear sirs or madams 私函 dear+人名(如:dear wang) 应用“,” 自我称呼: 名字:题目里面要求什么写什么,如果没要求就用“XXX”代替。2、内容:求职信:Apply for the position 申请信:Apply for the chance 辞职信

11、:resignation from the position 投诉信:Complain about sth 询问信:Ask for the information 致歉信:apologize for sth 感谢信:Show my hearty thanks for 建议信:show my suggestion第一段第一句话:WhatI am writing (this letter)to + 上面八种关键语第一段第二句话:There be _ I think (crucial、essencial、vital、significant)第二段第一句话:第一个理由:first of allwhat

12、 is more/more over/in additionmost important第二段第二句话:I think/believe that I support/hold the idea/opinion/view that从句第三段第一句话:(求、申、询、投、建、感)Thank you for your consideration of my e-mail/letter(道、辞)I am sorry for any inconvenience that caused.第三段第二句话:I am looking forward to your reply.非谓语(只有三种形式)=动词沦为非谓

13、语to do /doing /done非谓语作表语:s+ be + 非谓语=the task、 the aim、 the goal、 the function、 the power、 the objective 1)、be + to doeg:Our goal is to have no cavities.(蛀牙)2)、be + v-ing(adj)The movie Titanic is touching/moving(感动人的).3)、be + v-ed非谓语作状语:1)、to do当to do出现在句首或句中没有逗号的情况下是状语,表示目的或是一个结果:为了,结果是To pursue a

14、 happy ending without pain ,the old/eldly are fond of the countries which have established the system of euthanasia. 、only to do 转折关系:但,却,还You hurt me,only to laugh it off(一笑而过,一笑置之). =you bring pains tome, only to laugh it off.2)、doing + v-ing句首或句末可判定是一个作状语的成分,是一个主动关系识别: vt-ing +O(宾语)- be vi-ing -

15、O - e理解:a,当时候(伴随) b,由于(原因) c,结果是 (结果)Flowing in(不带宾语,可判定是状语,表伴随)thousands , only one scoop(瓢) of all the waters is taken to bear in my mind.弱水三千,只取一瓢Id listen to the radio,waiting for(表原因)my favourite songs.3)、done v-ed句首句末,表被动关系 识别:vt-ed - O - be (两无,无宾语无被动词) 理解:当的时候,(伴随,表示一种伴随的状态)Armed with modern

16、knowledge,college students(who recognize themselves as elite owning high ZQ、EQ、and AQ ,)leave campusto find a statisfying job.非谓语作定语后置:(n +非谓语) 1)、n + to do的 n一定要前置回来 * 表目的、意图、功能、企图、倾向、一个人的愿望时,后面一定跟to don = ability、 capacity、 purpose、 determination、 ambitionthe ability to climb the mountain .爬山的能力th

17、e purpose to keep fit.the determination to practice ones oralenglish.the determination to touch the limit.决心挑战极限For most people, limits are untouchable; for the sucessful, they are challenges.2)、n + v-ed识别:vt-ed - O -be被 vt了的 nan old saying(paraphrase.)Olympic Games(played)in BC776. eg:A person(accu

18、sed),(imprisoned)(trialed)and(acquited), ought not to bebrandedwith any degree ofinfanny.翻译:一个被指责、被投进监狱、被审判、被无罪释放的人不应当打上任何罪犯的烙印 =谓语2 and 的平行结构and = A and B. A、B and C. A、B、C、and D. 为定语后置3)、n + v-ingvt-ing + O - be vi-ing -O -理解:的 n. n能做the girl(selling matches.)卖火柴的小女孩who playing over a lute(琵琶) bre

19、aks into the eastwind.谁在用琵琶弹奏一曲非谓语作定语前置:(非谓 n)1)、doing + n的. 表功能.2)、done + n被A rising sun. 缓缓上升的太阳A pair of running shoes.一双跑鞋长难句分析:(解析句子) 1)、找连词句子 2)、非谓语 3)、名词限定词 adj、num、prep + n. 4)、句子主干语法一、名词限定词: oneanother 一个整体onethe other一个整体一个另一个eg:at my backyard there are two trees,one is achinese date(枣树),a

20、nd so is the other.二、形容词比较级:erthanas + adj + as more + adj +than三种例外:、-er than AotherthanB除了 与必须是所属关系rather thanB而不是与是并列关系、as + adj + a + n + as 像一样的人物I,m as unlucky a looser as you.同是天涯沦落人、more than v1more thanv2不仅仅v1v2They mayteach very well ,andearn their salaries. 他们可能很会教书,而且不仅仅是为了挣薪水 n1n2不只是n1n

21、2happiness is more than pleasure without pain. 幸福不只是没有痛苦的快乐 num1more than +num2多于;超过num1num2there more than a hundered student in the classroom. 知识扩展:there bethere arecountlesspeople who + v 有数不清的人在做there was a time when + 句子曾经有一段时间 adj1adj2非常adj1adj2I,mready to help you .我非常愿意帮助你willing to help you

22、. 辨析词:否定词+ more thanno more than= nothing more than 仅仅 = a little more thanno less than= nothing less than 不少于,简直是,完全是he isno less than a brute .no more A than Bnot A any more than B 不能A就如同B也不能一样.A fool canno moresee his follycan see his ears. 一个傻瓜不能看到自己的愚蠢就如同他不能看到自己的耳朵一样.But his primary task isnotto think about the moral code ,which governs his activity(A),any more thana businessm

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