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1、-Only one copy left. Would you like to have _, sir?A. it B. one C. this D. that11Mum, my teacher(老师), Mr. WangAshe is Bthis is Chere is12I think _ is necessary _ us to do something useful to protect the birds.A. this; for B. it; of C. this; of D. it; for13_ my two sisters. And _ my brother. A. This

2、is, this is B. These are, this is C. These are, these are D. This is, these are14The twins are so much alike that it is difficult to tell one from_.A) other B) the other C) others D) another15-Dad, _ is my friend , Xiao Hua. -Hello, Xiao Hua. A. he B. she C. this D. it16- What about yesterdays homew

3、ork, Amy?- I found _ hard to finish all the exercises. A. it B. its C. that D. thats17Are _ your friends?Yes, _ are. A. these, these B. these, they C. this, they D. those, these参考答案1A【解析】one泛指任何一个同名不同物的物品,it时人称代词,常常指代前文提到过的一个,some指代一些且泛指,that是指示代词,特指那个.句意:你有关于英语语法的书吗?我想借一本。是的,给你。但是周五之前,你必须还回来。结合语境可知

4、上文中泛指的是任何一本同名不同物的书,故选A。考点:代词辨析2B【解析】试题分析:that那个;those 那些。句意:比起非常周末中那些故事来,我更喜欢乡下凶杀案中的故事。我同意。演员比非常周末中的演的好。结合语境可知上文指示代词指代的是前文的story,抽象名词不可数,故用单数。下文指示代词,指代的是前文的复数名词actors,故用复数形式。选B。代词用法点评:代词的应用是初中英语考察的重点,熟记每个代词的用法,解题时结合语境具体分析,选择正确答案。3C this是指示代词,指代距离说话人较近的人或者事物;that是指示代词 指远处的事物,电话中的对方,为避免重复代替前面的可数名词单数和不

5、可数名词;it 是人称代词 代替物,动物,门外的人,也可作形式主语和宾语等;you are是主谓结构。我认为学好英语很重要。结合语境可知本句中it做形式宾语,指代下文不定式内容,故选C。4C试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是在夏天,武汉的天气比福州的要热。The weather表示天气是不可数名词,常用that来代替以避免重复。故选C。指示代词的用法。that常用来代替前文所提到的单数的人或物;而those常用来代替前文所提到的复数的人或物。此题的关键就是分清所代替的名词的数。是单数还是复数。5Bthis和that是指示代词,分别表示近处的事物和原处的事物。It是人称代词,指代前文提到的同名同

6、物的事物。结合语境可知本句中的代词指的是北京夏天的天气,不属于同名同物,故合适代词为that。代词辨析。辨析题的基本原则就是了解各个选项的基本用法,然后结合语境具体分析,并注意每个词的多种用法。6B根据语境可知此句的含义是在夏天,广州的天气比北京的要热。故选B。7B【解析】考察代词。这是我的哥哥和姐姐。根据后文的be 动词为are,可知前文代词为复数形式,故选复数形式,故选B,这些。8Athis表示这个,是单数做主语时谓语动词要用单数形式;those表示那些,是复数做主语时谓语动词要用复数形式,故选A。指示代词的用法表示“这个”,“那个”,“这些”,“那些”等意思的代词叫做指示代词。单数 th

7、is 这个 that 那个;复数 these 这些 those 。this和these一般指在空间和时间上较近的事物,that和those一般指在空间和时间上较远的事物。3在电话中,this表示打电话者,that表示接电话的对方。提示:指示代词所指的事物第二次提到时,通常要用it或they.9B【解析】根据前文的内容I dont want to buy this pair of black shoes.,可知答案为B10A句意为请给我一份最新的英语报纸!-只有一份了,你要吗?回答中的一份报纸表示特指,指代the only one copy,所以选择it11B【解析】介绍人的时候我们用的是thi

8、s is,选B。A答案明显错误,其后Mr. Wang是个男的。12D【解析】考查固定句型。It is+adj. for sb. to do sth.“做某事对某人来说怎么样。”当形容词指人时,用介词of;指物时,用介词for。think it+adj.“认为.”,其中的it是形式宾语,形容词是宾补。故选D。13B【解析】通过上下文表语可以知道前面应为复数,后为单数。14B【解析】本题的含义是双胞胎很像,把一个与另一个辨别起来很困难,表示两种当中的一个和另一个,应用onethe other,故选B。15C【解析】介绍某人通常用this is,故本题选C。16A【解析】考查find的用法。find

9、后可跟宾语从句,也可跟宾语+宾补结构。its是it is的缩写,而found是过去时,故排除B项;that只起引导从句的作用,没有实际意义;排除C;it作found的形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。故选A。17B【解析】本题的主语根据your friends判断应该使用复数单词,故不选C,一般疑问句的简短是人称代词加引导词,these是指示代词,故不选A和D,只选B。2019-2020年中考英语专项复习数词(I)一、单项选择1 Excuse me, sir. Heres a package for Lin Tao. Which room does he live in?.A.308 R

10、oom B. Room 308 C. The Room 308 D. The 308 Room2 doctors are against H7N9 in China.A. Thousands B. A thousand of C. Thousands of3On February 25, 2013, Li An, a Chinese director, won the best director again. It is his time to win an “Oscar”.A. first B. three C. twice D. second4Where is Class_ ?Its on

11、 the _ floor.A. Six: third B. Sixth; thirdC. Six; three D. Sixth; three5Today is my little sisters _ birthday. My family will get together to celebrate it.A. nine B. ninth C. the ninth6- How many people were invited to the meeting? -About six _. A. hundred B. hundredsC. hundred of D. hundreds of7 of

12、 the coats made of cotton. They feel comfortable.A. Two-thirds; is B. Two-thirds; are C. Two-third; is D. Two third; are8_ of that country is covered by snow.A. Second thirds B. Two thirdsC. Twos thirds D. Two third9There are floors in my house and my bedroom is on the_ floor.A. three; two B. three;

13、 second C. two; third D. second;10We planted trees last year.A. hundreds of B. hundred of C. five hundreds D. five hundred of11Everyone knows _ Olympic Games will be held in London in July, 2012.A. the 30th B. the 30 C. 30 D. a 3012Every year, _ people go to visit their factoryA. a thousand of B. th

14、ousands C. thousand of D. thousands of13There are about _ students in their school now.A. hundred of B. nine hundred C. nine hundreds D. nine hundreds of14Computers of today can work than the ones in the 1970s.A. hundred of times faster B. a hundred time fasterC. hundred times faster D. hundreds of

15、times faster15Which is the biggest number of the four? AOne-third BTwo-thirds CA half DA quarter16- Do you mind telling us something about this area?- Not at all. _ of the land in this area _ covered with trees and grass.A. Two fifth, is B. Two fifth, are C. Two fifths, is D. Two fifths, are17-_ is

16、the most difficult of all the lessons.- I agree. But its the most interesting.A. Lesson Three B. Lesson Third, C. The Three Lesson D. Third Lesson18Can I help you?- Yes, Id like _for my twin daughters.A. two pair of shoes B. two pair of shoeC. two pairs of shoes D. two pairs of shoe19We know that 80

17、 of the cases of blindness can .A. per cents; cure B. percent; cured C. per cent; be cured D. percent; are cured20_ people were found _ after that earthquake.A. A number of; died B. The number of; diedC. A number of; dead D. The number of; dead21It is said that the gravity on Mars is only about of t

18、he gravity on earth.A. three-eighths B. third-eighth C. third-eighths D. third-eight22 girls took part in the Super Girl competition, but only few of them succeeded.A. One million of B. Thousands and millions C. Millions of D. Two millions23How do you say 15,858 in English?A. Fifteen thousands, eigh

19、t hundred and fifty-eight B. Fifteen thousand, eight hundreds and fifty eight.C. Fifteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eightD. Fifteen thousand and eight hundred and fifty-eight.24When do you usually get up?_.A. At fifty past six B. At half to sevenC. At a quarter to seven D. On a quarter past s

20、ix25 How old is Steve?He is _ and he has an _ sister.A. 13-year-old; 10 years old B. 13 years old; 11-year-oldC. 13 years old; 10-years-old D. 13-years-old; 11-years-old26How much do you want?A. honey B. shoes C. tomatoes27There are months in a year. month is December.A. twelve; Twelfth B. twelve; T

21、welve C. twelfth; The twelve D. twelve; The twelfth28Hefei is a beautiful city, isnt it?Yes. There are about two _ visitors here week.A. thousands of B. thousands C. thousand D. thousand of29_ of the students in my class plan to go abroad for _ study in the future. farther B. One-thirds; fartherC. T

22、hree-fourths; further D. Three-fifth; further30We dont have enough nurses to look after the patients. At least _ are needed.A. ten another nurses B. more ten nurses C. other ten nurses D. another ten nurses31_ of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam _ easy.A. three fourths; is B.

23、 third four; are C. three fourths; are D. three fourth;32_ people went to the concert that was held in Reming Square _ the night of May 25. A. Two thousands, on B. Many thousand, inC. Thousands of, on D. Several thousands of, in33-What did you see on the large farm last Sunday?-Oh, I saw about three

24、 _ hens and _ of eggs.A. hundred; hundreds B. hundreds; thousandsC. thousands; thousand D. hundred; thousand34_ of the floor _ wet.A. Three quarter; is B. Three fourths;C. Three fourth; are D. Three quarters;35Tom lives on the _ floor.A. two B. twice C. second36How many birds can you see in the tree

25、s?I can see birds in them.A. hundreds of B. five hundreds C. hundred of D. five hundreds of37Well be back for our schools _ anniversary ceremony(周年庆典). -I see. That means youll have a get-together with your classmates in _ years.A. twelve, ten B. twelfth, ten C. twelve, tenth D. twelfth, tenth38How do you say 15,858 in English?A. Fifteen thousands, eight hundred and fifty-eightC. Fifteen thousand, eight hundre

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