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1、 C swim slower D skate better ) 7. A put on B put off C get on D get off ) 8. A a shopping centre B a history museum C a primary school D a train station ) 9. A turn on B turn off C turn left D turn right ) 10. A How many stops are there? B How far is it from here? B How many cows can you see? D How

2、 far can he jump?二、根据所听到的对话内容,选择正确的答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,每小题读两遍) ) 1. A Yes, she is. B No, she doesnt. C No, she is. ) 2. A Yes, they do. B Yes, they jump C Yes, they are. ) 3. A Its over there. B This way, please. C About three kilometres away.) 4. A Yes, you can. B You can take bus No.5. C No, I cant. )

3、5. A Yes, they are. B Yes, they can. C Yes, they do.三、听录音,根据听到的短文内容,填入所缺单词(听三遍 )(10)There are four in a year. comes in March, its usually warm and . The trees turn and the start to grow. Summer comes in . Some like this season ,because they can go .Autumn comes in September, its a harvest season. Al

4、l the farmers are .Winter starts in December. The gets colder ,so many people dont like winter.笔试部分(75分)一、语音。找出划线部分发音不同的单词,将序号写在题前的括号内。(5)( )1.A. shoutB. groundC. cousinD. mouse( )2.A. skirt B. birdC. girlD. mirror( )3.A. workerB. sportsC. shortD. horse( )4.A. blowB. growC. knowD. cow( )5.A. sweater

5、B. breadC. seasonD. weather二、将下列词组译成英语或汉语。(10)1去散步 6. run out of the shop_ 2比他强壮 7.get my toy tiger back_ 3乘3路车 8.want to be a goalkeeper_ 4在晴朗的天气 9.most of the time _ 5沿着这条街走 10.twenty minutes younger_ 三用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He is asking Yang Ling how _ ( get) to the bookshop. 2.I want _(buy) some present

6、s for my parents.3. I can jump _(far) than him.4. There _ (be) a lot of rain in spring. 5. Where _ (be) the children yesterday morning?四单项选择。( )1. Jim wants stronger but does not know how to it. get; do B. gets; does C. getting; doing D. to get; did( )2. Would you please the new words ? A .read

7、 B. to read C. reading D. like to reads( )3. Wang Bing can _ English _. A . speak; well B.speak; good C .speak; better D.tell ,good( )4. Shanghai is about 40 kilometres _ here. A .way from B .away from C. way for D. far away ( )5. This moring ,I _ a fat dog _in the sports field. A.see ; run B. saw ;

8、 running C. saw ;run D.see; running( )6. You can turn right _ Beijing Road. The shop is _ your left. A.on;on B. at ;on C.on ;in D. at ;in ( )7. I am good at English and _. A sing B singing C sing songs D. sings songs( )8. Liu Tao _well in PEA dons do B . isnt do C . doesnt do D. doesnt( )9. Do more

9、exercise, youll be . A.small B. thiner C. thinner D. thin ( )10. Whose school bag is heavier, _? A. she or your B. her or you C .hers or yours D. hers or your 五. 改错,把错误选项的序号写在括号内,并在横线上改正。( )1.Its often snows in winter in New York. _ A B C ( ) 2.Whos fater, Andy or Mary? _ ( ) 3.Does Jim as strong as

10、 the other boys? _ ( ) 4. He wants to do better, but do not know how._ ( ) 5. They talking about their birthday party now. _ 六. 从栏中选出 栏中相应的正确应答。(共10题,每小题1分,10)( )1. Are bears as big as rabbits ? A. There are seven.( )2. What time do you get up ? B. 4 metres.( )3. How far did David jump? C. Sorry, I

11、dont know.( )4. How many days are there in a week? D. Yes, he does. ( )5. How can I get to Jinling Primary school? E Hes Davids father.( )6. Is it far from here? F. Thank you. ( )7. Heres a chair for you. G .Yes, Id love to.( )8 Would you like to join us?. H .At half past six. ( )9.Does Mike swim fa

12、ster than Jack? I. No, it isnt. ( )10. Whos the man over there? J. Yes ,they are.八根据中文意思,完成句子。(15)1. 本跳得比吉姆远吗? _ Ben _ _ than Jim?2.沿着这条路走,然后在第三个十字路口向右拐弯。Go_ this street, and then _ right at the .3.Tom 比我擅长游泳。Tom in than me 4. 在那里冬季经常下雪吗?_ it often _ there in_? 5.车站离这儿有多远?How _is the station _here?九

13、阅读下列短文,完成题目:(一)判断对错。对的写“T”,错的写“F”。Last weekend we had a birthday for our classmate Zhang Xiaohui. She is younger than me, but I am shorter than her. And she looks stronger. Of course she is heavier than me. We went to a shop to buy a present for Xiaohui. What did we buy? We bought a doll for her. Be

14、cause she told me “ I havent got a lovely doll.” When she got our present she looked excited. She was very happy. We went to the zoo. We saw elephants. We wanted to row a boat in Jingming park, but it was later, we had to went home. We had a good time on that day.( ) 1. Xiaohui is taller than me.( )

15、 2. I bought a doll for Xiaohui.( ) 3. We went to a shop last month.( ) 4. They had a good time on Xiaohuis birthday.( ) 5. We rowed a boat in the park.My name is Jack . I am a pupil of Grade One . Im in No.1 Middle School . On weekdays I get up at six oclock . I have breakfast at seven and then I g

16、o to school by bike . We begin our class at eight oclock in the morning . We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon .At noon , I have lunch at home . Classes are over at four fifteen in the afternoon . After class , we often play football in the afternoon . I go home at about fi

17、ve . I have supper at about six thirty in the evening . I do my homework at seven thirty .At weekend , I watch TV . I often go to bed at ten . Im very happy .(二)根据短文的意思,选择正确的答案。( )1. Jack is a pupil in _ . A. Class One B. Grade One C. Class Two D. Grade Two ( )2. Jack gets up at _ in the morning . A

18、. five B. six C. seven D. eight( )3. After class they often play _ on the playground . A. volleyball B. basketball C. football D. ping-pong( )4. Jack often watches TV on _ . A. Monday B. Thursday C. Sunday D. Tuesday( )5. Which is true (真实的)? _ . A. jack is a good boy . B. Jack has his lunch at scho

19、ol . C. Jack watches TV every day . D. Jack is is not happy附送:2019-2020年六年级下学期英语期中试卷及答案一语音题:( 圈出句子中划线部分发音不同的单词。)例:The letter from France is for Helens mother, but not for her . 1. I shout , “Lets go outing and go to the countryside by car”. 2. In the morning, the visitor saw fourteen horses running

20、very fast.3. I washed clothes, cleaned the floor and cooked this evening, I was so busy.4. My friend, Tim likes eating sweets, cakes and eggs for his breakfast. 5. I think the party of my brothers birthday is so happy .二、词组互译。1.一次喝一点橙汁_ 2.只有几个西红柿_3.喝太多的可乐_ 4.在冰箱里的一些蔬菜_5.好好休息_ _ 6.安全地穿过街道_7.禁止在马路上快跑_

21、 8.他们的班规_9.have some steamed buns and sausage_10.cheer for them 三、词汇运用 (A) 选择方框中的短语填空,并将序号填在空格上。A. clean and tidy B. on the left C. laughs happily D. a few E. cross the road F. a healthy diet G. stay safe H. a little I. in order J. with other people 1. He is a happy boy. He always .2. Liu Tao also h

22、as good habits. He keeps his room .3. Do you have ? Yes, I eat some fruit every day. 4. The red man tells us, we mustnt now.5. If we cant find the zebra crossing near you, we can cross the road . 6. In Macau, people drive of the road.7. Mike eats _ _ eggs and drinks water every day. Is it healthy?8.

23、 You should put your books and toys .9. Please follow the rules and on the road.(B)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He brings some water (quick) and pours it into the hole.2. Can I have some_(mango) ? Sure, here you are.3.Here is some (meat) for you. Thank you.4. Helen _ (go) for a walk in the park last Sunday mornin

24、g.5. The boy _ _(fly)a kite in the park tomorrow afternoon.6.The film usually _(begin) at eight in the evening.7.He must not (run) or (play )on the road .四、单项选择( ) 1. In London, people drive on the _ side of the road. Oh, we drive on the _ side in Changzhou. A. left, right B. right, left C. right, r

25、ight ( ) 2. Would you like something to drink? _, Id like some coffee. A. Yes, please. B. Yes, I do. C. No, thanks.( ) 3. Its seven oclock. David has to _. A. go to school B. going to school C. went to school ( ) 4. Look _. Here _ the bus. A. for, come B for, comes C. out, comes ( ) 5. Chinese peopl

26、e often have some and steamed buns for breakfast. A. bread B. sausages C. porridge( ) 6.There_somewaterinthebottle. A.areB.isC.has( ) 7. -Oh, you have many good habits, you are so good. - . A. No, I am not. B. Thank you. C. Yes, you too. ( )8.You shouldnt drink cola. A. too much B. a few C. too many( )9. -Did you go to bed last night?-Yes, but why Im so sleepy?A. late B. later C. early ( )10. Donthurtlittleanimals.Theyvery . strongweaklarge五、按要求完成句子。1

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