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1、1b Listen.What does Mark say about TV shows ?根据听力内容完成对话. _ do you _ _ soap operas?B: I dont like _. What _ you think of _ _? I _ them. What do you think _ _? Sitcoms?Mmm,I _ _ them. What do you think of _ _? Talk shows?I _ _ them.根据听力内容完成短文.Mark and Jack are _ about what they _ _ some of the TV show

2、s.Mark s_ he _ _ soap operas, but he _ game shows.He _ _ sitcoms, _he likes sports shows.And he _ _ talk shows.1c Pairwork三巩固练习( )1 -_do you think of this film?-Its boring. A When B Where C What D Which( )2 -_can you _her? A How stand B What standed C How standing D What stands四,课堂小结总结本课所学重点知识点五,拓展提

3、高翻译下列句子(1)A:你觉得这件白色毛衣怎么样?非常漂亮._?_.(2)我无法忍受恐怖片。_你怎么能忍受得了他?_?句型转换1 I think he is funny.(一般疑问句)2 movie of what action you think do the (连词成句)_?Period 2 Section A( 2a-2c) P66king fact in fact How aboutWhat do you think of Dumpling King?I love it.What do you think of sports shows?I dont mind them.What do

4、es she think of Dumpling King?She doesnt like it.What do they think of Anna?BThey love her.I dont mind them.“mind”在此处作动词,意为“关心,在意”。常用于疑问句或否定句。mind后接名词或动名词。I dont mind the heat.我不在乎炎热。Do you mind my smoking?你介意我吸烟吗?mind 还可用作名词,意为“主意,思想”等。I have no mind,我不知道。构成短语: keep mind.记住某物make up ones min

5、d.下决心How about you?你怎么样? (2a)How about?相当于 What about? 可译为“怎么样”?是一个询问别人的意见,向别人提建议的交际用语,后接名词或动名词。How about nine oclock?九点钟怎么样?How about going swimming?去游泳怎么样?(3)In fact,I dont like sitcoms. (2a) In fact 是介词短语,在句中作状语。意为“实际上,事实上”。常用于强调或订正之前。 如:She often stays at home on weekends.In fact,she prefers qui

6、etness. 她周末常呆在家里,其实她更喜欢安静。(4)询问别人对.的看法时常用句型What do you think of?of的后面既可接物也可接人。除这个句型外,还有一个常见的询问看法的句型:How do you like?2a Listen and number the expressions as you hear them.2b Listen again.Fill in the blanks.2c Pairwork三,巩固练习( )1. -What _she_sitcoms?-She loves it. A does think B does like C does think

7、of D do think of( )2. -I like movies.How _you?-Me ,too. A are B about C do D with( )3. What about_swimming? A go B goes C to go D going( )4 -Would you mind _the windows?-Never mind. A opens mind B opening mind C to open minds D open minds学生总结本课重点知识去打篮球怎么样?我不介意。_?_.你觉得这部 电影怎么样?事实上,我不喜欢。_?_.选择适当的介词填空o

8、f to in about with for 1._fact,I dont like game shows.2 Cooking is _moms.3 The reporter interviewed us_our school.4 Marys article is _the school magazine,5 Everyone enjoys nice words_their appearance.6 Lets surprise Mom _a present.7 How _a cup of coffee?Period 3 Section A( 3a-4) P67culture host agre

9、e agree with What do you think of sunglasses?agree 的用法 agree with sb.同意某人的观点/意见/看法。如。 I agree with you.我同意你的观点。 He doesnt agree with me.他不同意我的看法。agree 为动词“同意,答应,允许”。I asked him to help me and he agreed.我请他帮忙,他答应了。(2)agree to do sth.同意做某事 We agreed to start early. 我们同意早动身。agree+that+ 句子。例如:We agreed

10、that we should start early. 我们同意早动身。agree on/about sth. 同意某物We agreed on an early start.我们同意早动身。1、复习前节课的单词,讨论学习新单词。king fact in fact How aboutculture host agree agree with 翻译下列短语事实上 _ 怎么样?_ 同意做某事_ 同意某物 _ 同意某人的看法/观点_我不介意_3a Pairwork3b Use the information in activity 3a.Fill in the blanks.三、巩固练习( )1-I

11、 like Sports World.How about you? -I agree _you. A to B about C on D with( )2 Would you like mooncakes?Welcome _my home. A to B / C back D at( )3 We agreed _early. A start B starts C starting D to start四 课堂总结根据内容补全下列对话。TV ShowsWhat Jack thinksSports WorldlovesRoad to HealthdoesntikeChinese Cookingca

12、nt standHost:Welcome to 9 oCLOCK Weekend Chart,Jack.Jack。_1 _Do you like watching TV?Jack:Yes,I do.What do you think of Sports World?_ 2_.Host。I do,too._3_ Road to Health?I _4_.And Chinese Cooking?Oh!_5_it.Cooking is for moms.OK!Thanks for joining us.Period 4 Section B( 1a-2c) P68Sunglasses, scarf,

13、wallet, belt, key ring, sand,mind.1.What does your father think of the watch? He doesnt mind it.2.Well, I have a watch, a scarf and sunglasses. 对句型的熟练掌握及应用.1、复习前节课的单词及句型,讨论学习新单词。 what do you think of the sunglass?I dont mind it. what does your father think of the watch?B:He loves it.2.写出下列短语1. 一副太阳镜

14、_ 2 两条围巾_3 三根黑皮带_ 4 五块手表_5八个钱包 _ 6 九个钥匙链_Task1:小组合作,找出1a的正确答案。Task2:小组合作,谈论1a中的物品。Task3:听磁带,完成2a,2b。 Hey,guys. Hello,Maria.C: Hi._ _? Im _ the Whats Cool?article for the school _,and I want to ask you some _.OK? _. Uh-huh.Well,look _ these things.What do you think of _? OK.Um,well.Humm.I love the _.

15、 Oh,I dont mind the watch.My sister _ one _ those. What do you _ _ the _? I like _. Hmm.I do,_.Yeath,I like them. And _ _ the scarf? Oh,I _ like the scarf.t, either.(我也不喜欢) I _ _ those scarfs. My mom _ scarfs _ that. _ do you think of the wallet? I like the wallet._ really cool. I love it.Task4:小组练习

16、展示。三、巩固练习(学生独立完成后讲解)单项选择( )1. I have _ aunt, and she works in _ hospital.(06年攀中考) A. an, / B. a, a C. an, a D. a, an ( )2. Listen! The teacher _an interesting story. (05年攀中考) A. is telling B. tells C. is speaking. (05年攀中考)( )3.There are sixty minutes in _ hour. A. a B. an C. the四、课堂小结1.本节课我们学习了哪些单词:

17、2.本节课我们学习的主要句子是什么:五拓展提高(一)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. The soap opera is boring. I cant s it.2. What do you t of Sports News?3. The sun is shining brightly. Most people in the street wear s4. Whose wis this? There is some money in it.5. I smy new picture to my classmates yesterday. (二)汉译英1.我有一副太阳镜。_.2.我弟弟有一块蓝色手

18、表。_.3.他妈有一条围巾和两个钱包。_.4.他喜欢这副太阳镜但不喜欢这个钥匙链。_.(三)用所给词的适当形式填空, 每空一词(05年攀中考)1. Look! There are some _(sheep).2. September is the _ month of the year. (nine)3. The children enjoyed _ at the party last night. (they)4. Kate did it _ than her classmates. (bad)5. Jims father and mother _ the same T-shirts yes

19、terday. (wear)6. The _ are talking about their trip. (visit)Period 5 Section B (3a-4) P69By,fashion,said,article,put,ask sb about sth,like and dislikeenjoy doing,put inThis week, I asked students about fashion.I showed each student six things and asked them about each one.Here are their likes and di

20、slikes.能用正确的时态及句型描述自己的喜好。1、回忆上节课学习的单词及句子并翻译两个句子。.我有一块手表,一个围巾和一副太阳眼镜。. 你认为情景剧怎么样?我不介。2、讨论学习单词。by,fashion,said,article,put,ask sb about sth,like and dislikeenjoy doing,put in,article.3a:小组合作,理解段落的汉语意义并完成p82的表格。小组合作,回答下列问题1. Who wrote the article? 2. How many things did the writer show to each student?

21、3 What does Judy think of the key ring? 4. How does William Jones like the wallet? 3b:依据68中1a的信息,四人一组商讨完成3b。4:小组编对话并展示对话。疑难点拨:1.ask的用法(1)ask sb. about sth.问某人某事 Yesterday I asked some students about pop music.昨天我就流行音乐这一话题问了几个学生. (2)ask for 请求If you are in trouble, you can ask for help. 如果你有困难,你可以请求帮

22、忙. (3)ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事Please ask him to turn on the lights.请让他开灯. 2. show sb sth=show sth to sb.把某物给某人看Show me your photos.= Show your photos to me. 把你的照片给我看。3.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事I enjoy reading English.我喜欢读英语.4. can you please do你能吗?Can you please lend me your notebook?你能借给我你的笔记本吗?5. put sth in 把某物放进Put these exercise books in your bag 把这些练习本放进书包里。巩固练习(学生独立完成后讲解)一 翻译下列短语 问某人关于某物 _ 给某人展示某物_ 他们答案中的一些_ 她最好的朋友_ 最酷的东西_ 享受阅读_ 在学校杂志上_ want to do sth. = would _ 告诉你我所想的_

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