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本文(高一英语教案 新人教版必修1 U5Nelson Mandela文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高一英语教案 新人教版必修1 U5Nelson Mandela文档格式.docx

1、培养小组合作学习的能力资源策略:指导学生通过各种渠道如报纸、杂志、图书馆和网络等资源查找有关素材,培养学生收集查找资料的能力。Teaching key points1. 本单元重点词汇、句型的用法。2. 定语从句的使用。1. 了解纳尔逊曼德拉的生平事迹。periodsPeriod 1Warming up, pre-readingPeriod 2Reading, ComprehendingPeriod 3Important language points, Learning about languagePeriod 4Discovering useful structuresPeriod 5Us

2、ing Language: listeningPeriod 6Using language reading and discussion Period 7speaking and writing Period 1 Text Warming up, pre-readingTeaching aims1. 学习表达人物品质的词汇2. 运用发散性思维归纳、总结、提炼自己的观点。1. 辨别伟人与名人的区别Teaching proceduresactivityObjectives(设计意图)interactiontimeStep1Lead-inShow a song named hero to lead

3、the Ss to the topicStep2 Warming UpGet Ss to discuss the question: what qualities does a hero or great person have? (What makes a hero or great person?)A great person is someone who to activate Ss to talk about the qualities of a hero and learn the words about the qualities of peoplePair work Step3

4、pre-readingGet Ss to answer some questions: Can you name some great people?Why do you admire them?Then give Ss some information about the six people listed on page 33 and discuss questions:What do they have in common?Are they all great persons?What are the differences between a great person and a fa

5、mous person?Related expressions: I think/ dont think Thats an excellent idea! Im afraid I agree/dont agree. Why do you think so?What do you think of? In my opinion Whats your opinion?tell the great persons from the famous persons Group work修改与备注:Step 4homeworkRemember the words learned todayMake 5 s

6、entences using 5 words we learned todaypreview the textRecord afterteachingPeriod 2 Text Reading and Comprehending Leading inShow the picture of Elias and Mandela and answer the question below: Whats the connection between them?To arouse Ss interest in learning about the textStep2 ReadingFast readin

7、gWhile reading through the text, preferably the first and last sentences of each paragraph and then get a general idea of the passage Paragraph1-Paragraph2-Paragraph3-Paragraph4-Paragraph5-Suggest answers:1. Self-introduction2. Eliass trouble-schooling and job3. Impression of Mandela and his influen

8、ce4. Realization of the situation with the help of Mandela5. True feeling and actionTo get a brief understanding of the text.提高归纳概括段落大意的能力Step3 SkimmingRead the text quickly and try to get some details from the text. Work in pairs and try to tell which of the following statements are true and which

9、are false and why.1. Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was in trouble.2. Elias left school because the school was too far from his home.3. Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job.4. Elias trusted Nelson Mandela and he joined the ANC Youth League.5. Elias was willing to blow up government build

10、ings.6. Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people.Suggested Answers: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. FTo get Ss to have some details in the text.Individual workStep4 ScanningRead the text carefully and try to find more details from the text then make a timeline of Eliass life,

11、according to the time below.1940 1942 1944 19461948 1950 1952 1954Suggested answers:1940: Elias was born.1942: Elias was a two years old baby.1944: Elias was four years old.1946: Elias began school.1948: Elias left school.1950: Nelson Mandela opened his law firm.1952: Elias was 12 and met Mandela.19

12、54: Elias was fourteen and encouraged by Mandela.Team work修改与备注:Step5Home work1.复述课文 2.熟读课文第三、四段,准备背诵3.exercise 1 ,2, 3 on page 36Period 3 Text Important language points, Learning about language (p36) 1. To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions.2. To train Ss speaking ability. Objective

13、s interactionRevision Get Ss to ask each other some questions about the Reading part.To train Ss speaking ability.Group workWord study1. quality n. 质量;品质;性质 qualified adj.有资格的,有经验的 quantity 数量 be of good / high / bad / poor quality 2.mean adj.卑鄙的;吝啬的,小气的 It was mean of him not to give the waiter a t

14、ip.v. mean to do sth.打算做某事 mean doing意味着3.devote vt. 致力于,专心从事 devoted a.深爱的,投入的 devote oneself/ ones energy (time, effort, money) to sth. 或 be devoted to sb/sth. He devoted himself entirely to music.4. die for 为而死 They died for the people; their death is weightier than Mount Taishan. die for 也意为“渴望,

15、切望”(只用于进行时态) I am dying for a cup of water.die of 死于疾病和内在的情绪,强调内因;die from 死于灾难,伤害,事故等,强调外因。5. fight for 为而战 fight against 与作斗争fight with 同并肩作战; 与 战斗6. believe in 信任,信仰believe sb. = believe what sb. says 相信某人的话believe in sb. 信任某人 He believe what he said because I believe in him.7. be in prison 在狱中,被

16、监禁 putin prison = sendto prison = throw into prison 把投入监狱8. advice 动词形式adviseadvise ab. on sth. 就给某人出主意advise sb. to do sth. advise that +(should) do I advise that you (should) not eat fruit that isnt ripe. 9. see 在此句意为“见证,目睹”;(在某段时期)发生(某情况),经历,经受; 为某事发生之时,主语为时间 The last few months has seen more and

17、 more traffic accidents.10. 当only修饰状语位于句首时,采用倒装的结构。 Only by practicing a few hours every day will you be able to master English. only 修饰主语时,句子不倒装。 Only he knew how to solve the problem11.Imagine n./doing sth./sb.+doing/thatI dont imagine becoming a writer in my childhood.I cant imagine her marrying

18、him.12. come to power = come into power 执政 in power 当权,执政Class workStep3 exercises(p36,ex1,ex2,ex3)一、 (Look at the reading passage again to find words that mean the same. 1 _ group of people organized for a special purpose2 _ help and advice given to someone3 _ not have a job4 _ showing great love f

19、or someone or something5 _ unkind; ungenerous6 _ a time or state that something reaches as it grows7 _ money paid for going to school8 _ basic general truth9 _ the human race10 _ period of being young 1 league, 2 guidance, 3 out of work, 4. devoted, 5. mean, 6. stage, 7. fee, 8. principle, 9. mankin

20、d, 10. youth二、AdjectiveNoun KindkindnesscalmcalmnessselfishselfishnessillillnesslonelylonelinessNounAdverb care carefulcarefullyhopehopefulhopefullypeacepeacefulpeacefullybeautybeautifulbeautifullysuccesssuccessfulsuccessfully 三. Complete the passage with some of the words above.My name is Robert So

21、bukwe. Like Nelson Mandela I was a _ who believed that all _ is created _. I hate _ and tried to use _ ways so that black people could _ for their government. As I live in South Africa, the _ of the South African _ did not agree with me. They _ me for encouraging the blacks to fight against the gove

22、rnment and put me in prison. Nobody was allowed to talk to me for five long years and I lost the ability to talk. Before I went to prison, I had been _ that things would change. After I was released I found the _ of life for black people had got worse. I was _ my future, and soon I fell ill. Althoug

23、h I was not as successful as Nelson Mandela, many people remember me as one of the first _ black fighters for human rights in South Africa.Answer keys:lawyer, mankind, equal, violence, legal, vote, officials, Republic, attacked, hopeful, quality, worried about, activeReview and master the wordsHomew

24、ork 1. Use the new words and expressions to make some sentences. 2. Finish the Ex2、3 (P70).Record After teachingPeriod 4 Text Discovering useful structures(p37) 1. To get Ss to have knowledge of the grammar point: the attributive clause. 2. Learn the difference between relative pronouns for the attr

25、ibutive clauses.revisionShow some sentences with attributive clauses.I like the story whichthat you told at the meeting.I like the story whichthat has a happy ending.She is the girl whose mother is my teacher.The room whose window faces south is mine.He is the man whothat called you just now.He is the man whowhomthat you called just now.You must tell me everything that

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