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1、s parents,especially during the holidays when we often went over to each others homes.And regarding what his mother looks like,well interestingly enough,she actually looks pretty similar to my own mother,because they both have quite round faces and long wavy hair. Having said that though,Ive noticed

2、 that my friends mother often ties her hair up in a bun,whereas my mother usually always keeps it down. And another thing to mention would be that whenever I see her,she always seems to be wearing red clothes of some sort,which I guess is probably because red suits her quite well.But anyway,finally

3、then,with regard to why I think shes a good parent,well Id say there are quite a few reasons,one of which would be that shes always been fully supportive to her son. And just to give you an example,when he was deciding what major to study at university,he ended up choosing music. And his mother gave

4、 him her full support,which is probably not what many other parents would have done,as music doesnt really leave open a lot of career choices,if you know what I mean!And I think its fair to say that nowadays,a lot of parents persuade their children to do things which they think are best for them,but

5、 my friend has said that his parents have never been like this with him,especially his mother. So I kind of get the impression that shes never forced him to do anything against his will,and has always let him make his own decisions,which I think is really great.Notes:always going on about = always s

6、ayingend up doing sth. = 最后做某事interestingly enough = 说来有趣Having said that though = 但是话说回来of some sort = 某种just to give you an example = for examplebe fully supportive = gave sb. ones full support 全力支持leave open a lot of career choices = 好就业I think its fair to say that = I think its true to say that.

7、 = 我觉得可以说.So I kind of get the impression that = I get the feeling that. = 我有点感觉到.against ones will = 违背意愿,不得已Describe a polite person you know.Who the person isHow you know the personWhat the person looks likeAnd explain why you think the person is polite.Ok,right then,well the person Id like to ta

8、lk to you about is a very good friend of mine called Matthew,the reason being that he must be one of the nicest and most polite people I know,which Ill come to explain in a moment.But firstly,as for how I know him,well weve basically known each other since middle school,because we were in the same c

9、lass together,and we still touch base quite a lot with each other. You know,if I feel like going out and doing something,I normally give him a call and see if hes free to meet up.And moving on to why I think hes so polite,well its basically because hes just got really good manners. And just to give

10、you an example,he always says thank you to people,even for the slightest thing. For instance,Ive noticed that whenever were eating at a restaurant,he will thank the waiters and waitresses every time they bring a dish to the table. And another example would be that whenever he gets off a taxi,he will

11、 always say thank you to the driver,which a lot of people probably think isnt necessary,but Im sure the bus drivers really appreciate it,as do the waiters and waitresses,because its not all that often they hear people thanking them!So yeah,thats basically why Is such a polite person,and Im just tryi

12、ng to think if theres anything more to add,um oh yeah,and one other thing to mention would be that hes always very complimentary to people. So what I mean is that he tends to always say nice things to people,for example he might make a comment about how nice someones looking,or how good their cookin

13、g is,which I know might be seen as being a bit um whats the word um insincere,but I think he genuinely means what he says,at least most of the time anyway!And I mean,I cant remember a single time when hes ever been unpleasant or rude to anyone,and I also cant really imagine him being nasty to anyone

14、 either.the reason being that = because 由于which Ill come to explain in a moment = 我待一会儿就解释hes got really good manners = hes really polite 她很有礼貌touch base = keep in touch 保持联系feel like doing sth. = want to do sth. 想要做某事meet up = 见个面just to give you an example = for example 给你举个例子吧 (this is a set-phra

15、se which is used a lot in English,and is normally used for when the example is quite long)even for the slightest thing = 即便是最微局限性道事not all that often = 不是那么经常Is anything more to add = 我在想尚有无什么可以补充s always very complimentary to people = 她总是对人很恭维he tends to always = 她普通总might be seen (by some) as bein

16、g = 也许会被别人看作是means what he says = 言而由衷at least most of the time anyway = 反正大多数时候是这样 (this is a useful structure:at leastanyway)whats the word = 哪个单词怎么说?!(卡住时候,可以用这句自言自语话you can use this phrase when you are trying to think of what word to use. Its best to try and keep talking,even when you are thinki

17、ng!)Describe a person you know who has an important job.Where the person worksWhat the person does in the jobAnd explain why you think the persons job is important.Ok,well it was actually quite difficult choosing who to talk about,because I mean if you think about it,everyones job is important in so

18、me way or other. But in the end Ive decided to talk about an uncle of mine whos a doctor. And I apologise if youve already heard a lot of other examinees talking about doctors,but hopefully I can give you a few more insights into the job,based on what I know from my uncle.So first of all,as for what

19、 he actually does in his job,well Ive never really asked him the specifics of what he gets up to every day,but in a nutshell,he spends most of his time treating patients,which involves firstly finding out whats wrong with them,and then helping cure them of whatever pain or illness they have. So norm

20、ally,after examining a patient and listening to what they have to say,my uncle will then give them a prescription for suitable medicine to take,which he told me is extremely difficult to get right every time,even after having over 20 years of experience,due to the fact that the human body is just so

21、 complex. And even though my uncle specializes in skin disorders,there are still countless different kinds of various infections and conditions,so its not easy at all to give a one hundred percent accurate diagnosis every time,as Im sure you can understand!But anyway,regarding why his job is importa

22、nt,well I think it goes without saying that doctors are extremely important!I mean,if we didnt have them,most of us wouldnt have a clue how to make ourselves better,and so we wouldnt be able to get rid of a lot of illnesses we might have. Of course,for small ailments it wouldnt be too big a problem,

23、but if you were to come down with something serious,then you would be in quite a bit of trouble if there werent any doctors around to help you!So yeah,I think its pretty safe to say that theyre an essential part of our society,and Im really grateful to doctors like my uncle who have devoted so much

24、of their time and effort into helping people get rid of their pains and illnesses,and thereby helping them lead happier and comfier lives.what he gets up to every day = what he does every dayin a nutshell = in short 简言之countless different kinds of various = 各种各样it goes without saying that = 不言而喻come

25、 down with = 得病quite a bit of = a lot of 诸多its pretty safe to say that = 可以必定地说地点类:Describe a cafe that you know in your hometown.Where it isHow often you go thereWho you usually go there withWhat kind of food they serve there (or,what service they provide)And explain why you like to eat at this pla

26、ce.Ok right then,well the cafe that Id like to talk to you about is one called Maya Cafe,which is somewhere on the outskirts of the city,just a few minutes walk from where I live.And as for how often I go there,well I actually go there quite a lot,probably something like once or twice a week. Having

27、 said that though,it really kind of depends on how busy I am. I mean,there are times when I dont go for weeks on end because Im simply too busy with stuff,but normally thats not the case,and Im there pretty regularly,as I just mentioned.Anyway,regarding what kind of things they serve there,well its

28、great,because theyve got a really good selection of both Chinese and Western food,so theres a lot to choose from. And in terms of drinks,theres also quite a lot on the menu,especially coffee,which you can probably imagine,what with it being a cafe and all. And I tend to normally always go for the Ch

29、ai Latte,cos I think they do it really well,and so Ive never really felt the need to try any of the other drinks on the menu.But anyway,finally then,moving on to why I like this place so much,well Id say its a combination of reasons,one of which would be that its really big and spacious,at least compared to most of the other cafes Ive been to,so you never have to worry about not finding a place to sit. Although having said that,it can sometimes get pretty busy in the evenings,so I usually tend to go in the morni

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