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1、.单词荟萃1. _ n. 饥饿 hungry adj. 饥饿的 2. _ n. 贫穷 poor adj. 穷的 3develop v. 发展;成长;开发;冲洗照片 _ n. 发展 _ adj. 发展中的 _ adj. 发达的 4educate v. 教育 _ n. 教育 5. _ adj. 无家可归的 home n. 家6similarity n. 类似 _ adj. 类似的 _ adv. 类似地7. _ adj. 拥挤的crowd v. & n. 拥挤;人群, 群众8. _ adj. 不幸的, 可惜的fortunate adj. 幸运的 _ adv. 不幸地;可惜地 _ n. 运气, 财富

2、9. _ n. 运输, 交通工具 v运输transportation n. 运输, 交通工具;运输业10. _ adj. 污染的pollute v. 污染 _ n. 污染 .短语检测1同意做 2在顶端 3在底部 4减至;减少到 5以幅度增加 6取得进步 7努力做某事 8靠近;接近 9大小和年龄相似 10鼓励某人做某事 agree to do at the top of at the bottom of reduce to increase by make progress make efforts to do be close to of similar size and age encour

3、age sb. to do sth.佳句再现1Norway is _the list, _ the US is at number 7.挪威高居榜首, 而美国位列第七。2The report shows that we are _ but that we need to _. 报告显示:我们正在进步, 但是我们必须做出更大的努力。3Town twinning is not a new idea, but it _ more popular in recent years because its now easier _ about and visit other countries and t

4、owns. 姊妹城并不是个新主意, 但是在最近的几年里它变得更受欢迎了, 因为现在要了解和参观其他的国家和城市更容易了。4This is _ with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language, and _ you improve fast. 这是因为和外国家庭成员生活一两周意味着你必须说他们的语言, 这样你会进步很快。.词汇学习1measurev. 测量;衡量,判定;(长、宽、高等)是n. 尺寸;措施 adopt/take measures to do 采取措施做某事 m

5、aketo ones own measure依照某人的尺寸做 【易错警示】measure表示“(长、宽、高等)是”时是系动词, 没有被动语态;measure作名词, 表示“措施”时, 是可数名词, 常用复数形式。【活学活用】(1)The government _ to bring down the prices of houses. 政府正在采取措施降低房价。(2)How can we _? 我们怎样才能衡量它的价值呢?(3)The lake _ 130 by 80 kilometers. 这条湖长一百三十公里宽八十公里。2positionn. 位置;姿势;职位;地位;处境 v. 安装;安置i

6、n ones position/place处在某人的处境/地位put sb. in a difficult position使某人陷入困难的处境in/out of position/place 在/不在适当的位置 hold a position 拥有一个职位【活学活用】(1)The chairs are all _. 椅子全都放得不是地方。(2)He _ in the government. 他在政府里担任着要职。(3)What would you do _? 你处在我的位置会怎样做呢? 3figuren数字;(someone who is important or famous in som

7、e way)(重要)人物;(the shape of a womans body)身材;肖像, 塑像;人影v. 计算;认为, 估计figure sth. in将某物算在内figure out 理解;弄明白;想出, 算出figure that 认为, 以为 【活学活用】(1)I cant _ why he is always late. 我不明白他为什么总是迟到。(2)Have you _ how much the trip will cost? 你有没有算出旅行要花掉多少钱? (3)_ if I take the night train, I can be in Scotland by mor

8、ning. 我想如果我坐晚上的火车, 早上就能到达苏格兰。4crowdedadj. 拥挤的(1)crowd n. 人群;群众 v. 挤满, 塞满;使拥挤(2)crowds of/a crowd of 许多be crowded with 挤满 crowd into 大批涌入follow the crowd 随大流【活学活用】(1)The hall _ people. 大厅里挤满了人。(2)Thousands of people _ the narrow streets. 成千上万的人把狭窄的街道挤得水泄不通。.短语学习1agree to do sth.同意做某事 agree to sth.同意(

9、计划、安排等) agree with 赞同某人的意见;和一致;适合 agree on 在方面达成一致【易错警示】agree只能用于表示“主语同意自己去做某事”, 而要表示“同意别人去做某事”要用allow/permit sb. to do/let sb. do(即“允许某人做某事”)。【活学活用】(1)We _ meet again the following Monday. 我们同意下周一再见。(2)I _ you. You should move back to the south for the climate here doesnt _ you. 我赞同你的意见。你应该搬回到南方去,

10、因为这儿的气候不适合你。(3)Not all _ the plan. But they _ the date for the meeting at last. 并非所有的人都赞同这个计划, 但最后他们就会议日期达成了一致。(4)Your story doesnt _ what the police have told us. 你讲的和警察告诉我们的不一致。2make progress取得进步 in progress在进展中【易错警示】progress 是不可数名词, 可以用much, great修饰。【活学活用】Im glad to see that youve _. 我很高兴看到你取得那么大

11、的进步。3make efforts (to do sth.)努力(做某事) make an effort做出努力 make every effort 尽一切努力spare no effort (to do) 不遗余力;全力以赴through ones efforts 通过某人的努力without effort 毫不费力地【活学活用】(1) I will _ to arrive on time. 我将尽一切努力准时到达。(2) I believe our country will become more powerful and more beautiful _. 我相信, 在我们的努力下, 我

12、们的国家会变得更加强大, 更加美丽。.【句式点拨】在本句中because引导的从句作表语。where, why, because, how 等引导的从句在This is/That is 的句型中作表语, 表示具体的地点、原因、方式等。如:This is why we didnt come to the meeting. 这就是我们没有到会的原因。【活学活用】用because, why, where或how填空(1)She didnt study hard. That was _ she failed in the exam. (2)He failed in the exam. That was _ he didnt study hard. (3)You are always making me nervous. That is _ I feel about you. (4)Look!This is _the accident happened. .单词拼写1The lake is seriously p_. As a r

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