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1、5、他每天都读英语, 难怪英语学得这么好。(it is no wonder)6、对我们来说,学好英语很重要。7、据报道,洪水让两千多人无家可归。宾语从句例句展示I dont understand what he means.Can you tell me when and how I can get to the city?I am not sure whether he would help me.He said that he had visited his former English teacher several times. 及物动词 + that + 主谓宾主语 + whethe

2、r + 主谓宾 不及物动词 +介词 what, who +谓语动词+宾语 what, whom, +主语+谓语动词 when, where, why, how +主谓宾1、他对自己在这篇文章中写的东西不满意。2、我能问你什么时候在哪里出生吗?3、作为他最好的朋友,我确信他会准时到达。4、 他告诉我,他已经辞去(quit)工作了。5、 我无法想象他是如何解释出这道难题的。(work out)6、 我真的不知道今天下午他是否会来看我。表语从句 be, seems, looks, smells, sounds, feels, appears (显得) + as if + 主谓宾主语+ be, see

3、ms,appears + that + 主谓宾例句展示: The problem seems that he didnt come at all.The factory is where his father works.Thats why so many people prefer to live in the south.仿写练习1、 一款新手机是我最想买的东西。2、 我所知道的是他已经从国外安全返回。3、 这就是今天上午你所做的事吗?4、我想问的问题是,你能否给我一点关于如何与人交流的建议。5、这所著名的大学就是他学习了四年的地方。6、我想了解的内容是,那个嫌疑犯昨天晚上这个时候在做什么

4、。(主语从句+表语从句,the suspect嫌疑犯)7、 他就是这么帮助我学习西班牙语的。同位语从句 the fact, idea, news, hope, belief, that, whether thought, truth, plan, warning, + when + 主谓宾+谓语动词 +宾语 suggestion, instruction, doubt, where question, possibility howthe fact, idea, news, hope, belief, that thought, truth, plan, warning, + whether

5、主语+谓语动词+ suggestion, instruction, doubt, when +主谓宾 question, possibility where howWhen she heard the news that the earthquake happened in her hometown, she lost consciousness(知觉).They have no idea whether they should go with the search.The question who can go to the meeting hasnt been decided.1、 我只好

6、放弃下周度假的计划了。2、没有任何可能他会来机场接我。3、你认为他关于明天去野餐的建议如何?4、我不相信老师已经出国的消息。5、我不知道那个计划是否可以实施。6、今天下午我们将讨论下周是否举行晚会的问题。7、他准备退学的想法让我惊讶。I、强化训练:语法填空1. (09江西)The fact has worried many scientists _ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years. 2. (09海南)Could I speak to _ is in charge of International Sales please?

7、3. (09湖南)We have been prepared to do _ it takes to save her life. 4. (09四川)News came from the school office _ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University. 5. (09上海)As a new diplomat, he often thinks of _ he can react more appropriately on such occasions. 6. (09山东)_ was most important to her, sh

8、e told me, was her family.7. (09湖南) When asked _ they loved most, 90% of the kids turned it to their parents.8. (09山东) The little girl who got lost decided to remain _ she was and wait for her mother.II、名词性从句的语篇运用:写作内容 请就Tom旷课并说谎一事,写一篇短文,内容包括:1. Tom今天上午没来上课的消息很快就传开了;2. 最使我们感到惊讶的是他说他没来的原因是他没做完家庭作业;3.

9、 班主任李老师觉得Tom这样说谎是不应该的,因为昨天老师根本就没有布置家庭作业;4. 李老师建议这个问题在班会上讨论;5. Tom很可能会为他所做的事而受到惩罚。写作要求1. 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;2. 尽可能多地使用名词性从句。名词性从句参考答案1. That air pollution is having a great effect on climate is obvious. It is obvious that air pollution is having a great effect on climate.2. Whether you will accept her in

10、vitation has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me whether you will accept her invitation.3. What she has been doing is a question to me.4. Whoever wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.5. He reads English every day, and it is no wonder that he learns it so well.6. Its very

11、 important that we should learn English well.7. Its reported that the flood left more than 2,000 people homeless.1. He himself is not satisfied with what he wrote in this article.2. May I ask you when and where you were born?3. As his best friend, I am sure that he will come on time.4. He told me th

12、at he had quitted his job.5. I cant imagine how he worked out this question.6. I really dont know whether he will come to see me or not this afternoon.1. A new mobile phone is what I most want to buy.2. What I know is that he has safely returned from abroad.3. Is this what you did this morning?4. My

13、 question is whether you can give me some advice on how to communicate with others.5. This famous university is where he studied for four years.6. What I want to know is what the suspect was doing at this time last night.7. This is how he helped me to learn Spanish.1. I have to give up the plan that

14、 I will have a holiday next week.2. There isnt any possibility that he could pick me up at the airport.3. What do you think of his suggestion that we have a picnic tomorrow?4. I dont believe the news that our teacher has gone abroad.5. I have no idea whether the plan will be carried out next year.6.

15、 This afternoon we will discuss the problem whether we will hold a party next week.7. His thought that he would drop out of the school surprised me.强化训练:I、语法填空1. that 2. whoever 3. whatever 4. that 6. what 7.whom 8.whereThe news that Tom didnt attend class this morning spread soon. What surpri

16、sed us most was that the reason why he gave for his absence from school was that he didnt finish his homework. Our head teacher Mr. Li believed that Tom shouldnt have told a lie, for teachers didnt give any assignment to the students. Accordingly, he made a suggestion that the problem should be disc

17、ussed at our class meeting. It is likely that Tom may be punished for what he has done.九、状语从句 when, while, as, after, as soon as, no soonerthan, the moment, since, once, hardlywhen. because, since, now that(既然), seeing that (鉴于),considering that if, unless, as long as, provided that(假如), on conditio

18、n that (如果)主谓宾+ where, wherever so that(以便于,结果),in order that, in case (of/ that.以防),for fear that (以防), so/ suchthat although/ though, even if/ though, whatever, whenever, however. whetheror not as if/ though, as, (not) asas注:1.、hardly, no sooner, not until等位于句首,从句要部分倒装。1、 sothat 中的so 位于句首,主句要部分倒装。

19、时间状语从句When I opened the window, I saw him come up.I have never been there again since I graduated from the university.Hardly had he arrived when she went away again. (一就)1、 昨天,她妈妈让她练钢琴时她刚做完作业。(when)2、 不久后我就把我们之间的误会全都忘了。(It was/ will not be long before)3、 自从我们到这已经有一周了。(It is/ has been . since.)4、 直到做

20、完所有作业他才离开教室。(notuntil)5、 地震一发生,政府就立即采取措施去帮助当地的人。(No sooner +助动词 +主语+ V. than.)6、 我还没来得及记下车牌号码,汽车就开走了。(before)原因状语从句Mr. Smith was very upset because he couldnt find his luggage.Since the coach didnt tell us what to do, we can relax.仿写句子1、 他说他没法工作了,因为电脑坏了。(because, be out of order)2、 既然大家都到了,我们可以出发了。(

21、since)3、 既然做完工作了,你应该好好休息一下了。(now that)4、 热带雨林有益于世界环境,因为它可以吸收太阳的热量,调节气候。(rainforests, have a great effect on, take in, adjust)条件状语从句If you dont hurry up, you will miss the plane.We cant get there on time unless we book the earliest flight.1、 除非改变主意,不然他不会加入我们的。2、 如果现在不努力,我们就一定会失去上大学的机会。3、 除非你10点前回来,否则

22、不能出去。(on condition that 在的条件下)4、 我父母并不介意我做什么工作,只要我开心就行。(as long as)地点状语从句Put the medicine where you can easily get it.1、 在那栋高楼的位置上以前曾经有一些矮矮的废弃的房子。(wherestands, deserted houses)2、 有志者事竟成。(where)目的状语从句Speak louder please so that the people at the back can hear you.He took the name down for fear that h

23、e should forget that, in order that引导的目的状语从句中多含有情态动词。1、 他一心一意地学习,为了以后能够考取北京大学。(in order that )2、 你应该带一本词典,以防到时要用。(in case)3、 老师把这个问题强调了三遍,生怕学生不够重视。(for fear that, emphasize on the issue)结果状语从句The foreign visitor was such a fast speaker that nobody could understand him.The flight was scheduled

24、so early that nobody wanted to look on it.1、 机会这么好,我们绝不能错过。(such that)2、 他还太小,对他来说,一个人出国是一个极大的挑战。(sothat)3、It is _ good a story that Ill never forget it.4、It is _ a good story that Ill never forget it.4、 雨下得很大,结果运动会被推迟了。(so that)让步状语从句Though he worked hard, he couldnt pass the exam.I will go, whethe

25、r you come with me or stay at home.Smart as he is, he doesnt study hard.(尽管她很聪明,但他不好好学习。)However late he is, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.1、 尽管他还只是个孩子,但他很明白家里的现状,并尽力减轻(release)父母的负担。(as sb. is)2、 即使所有人都误解我, 我也要按照自己的方式去做。(go my way)3、 如果我们意志坚强,不管困难有多大,我们都能克服。(however)4、 无论我们遇到什么困难

26、,我们都可以克服。(whatever)5、 尽管互联网对我们有益,但它也能给我们带来危害。(while)6、 尽管她很富有,但从来不帮助处于困境中的人。(as)方式状语从句You can do it as what I just did.He sounds as if hes got a sore throat.1、 你应该完全按照医生所说的去做。(as, be supposed to)2、 入乡随俗。(as, Roman)3、 老师把我们都当成自己的孩子对待。(as if)4、 那孩子跟我们谈起话来,像个成年人似的。比较状语从句He runs as fast as I do.That boo

27、k is more interesting than this one.The more I see him, the less I like him.1、 他没有你那么努力。(、 她这次的考试成绩比预期的差。(worse than)3、 你越担心,越难成功。(the more.the less)强化练习:I、用状语从句引导词填空,不限词数。1. It is known to all that _ you exercise regularly, you wont keep healthy.2. Leave your key with a neighbor _ you loc

28、k yourself out one day.3. Many of them turned a dear ear to his advice, _ they knew it to be valuable.4. It is five years _ we saw each other last time.5. She had just finished her homework _ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.6. It will be two or three years _ China sends a spaceship to the Mars.7. I dont mind where we go _ theres the sun, the sea and the beach.8. _ the Internet is of great help, I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.9. Pop music is suc

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