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1、note curiously:crowd curiously:焦急地塞满rough curiously:好奇地过简陋的生活try curiously:不寻常地审理mix curiously:严重地混淆mistake curiously:严重误解curiously mundane:出奇地平凡Curiously Framed:轻音乐Akira Nagata永田彬Nagata Akira:dormitory英 dmt()ri 美 drmtri附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 复数 dormitories n. 宿舍,学生宿舍adj. 住宅区的dormitory area:宿舍区School dormitory:学校宿舍;校学习型寝室Second dormitory:二号宿舍;三号宿舍Employee Dormitory:员工宿舍;职工单身宿舍;职工宿舍dormitory leader:寝室长Dormitory Audit:宿舍环保审核Dormitory Silsil:西尔西尔酒店dormitory warden:舍监dormitory cultures:宿舍文化例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT A dormitory is a building at a college or university where students live. 宿舍楼 美国英语例:She lived in a college dormitory.她住在一幢大学宿舍楼里。2.N-COUNT A dormitory is a large bedroom where several people sleep, for example, in a boarding sc

4、hool. 宿舍.the boys dormitory.男生宿舍。3.ADJ If you refer to a place as a dormitory community or suburb , you mean that most of the people who live there travel to work in a city or another, larger town a short distance away. (指通勤者居住的) 卧室社区 英国英语 ADJ nturn ones back to背对背弃turn ones back to:背对;转回的;背弃;第一个弯道的

5、回turn ones back to sb:不理睬某人misunderstanding英 ,msndstnd 美 ,msndstndn. 误解;误会;不和gross misunderstanding:重大误解Loving Misunderstanding:痴心误会Reduce misunderstanding:减少误解great misunderstanding:极大误解Misunderstanding someone:误解某人Misunderstanding Rate:误解率Clear misunderstanding:解除误会two misunderstanding:两处误解journal

6、ism misunderstanding:新闻误读1.N-VAR A misunderstanding is a failure to understand something properly, for example a situation or a persons remarks. 误解There has been some misunderstanding of our publishing aims.对于我们的出版目的存在一些误解。2.N-COUNT You can refer to a disagreement or slight quarrel as a misunderstan

7、ding . 分歧; 争执 正式There was a little misunderstanding with the police and he was arrested.由于与警方有些小争执,他被捕了。spoken英 spk()n 美 spoknadj. 口语的,口头的v. 说(speak的过去分词)spoken English:英语口语;口语;口头英语;英文口语Spoken Word:口语词;朗读类;语言艺术;诵读音乐Spoken Numbers:口述数字;听记数字记忆;听记数字Language Spoken:语言;讲的语言;语言发言;语言口语spoken text:口语书篇;发言的文

8、本;发言全文;口语的文本spoken corpus:口语语料库spoken drama:话剧spoken to:与之谈话的spoken art:口头艺术1.Spoken is the past participle of . (speak)的过去分词misunderstandnd 美 ,msndstnd 过去式 misunderstood 过去分词 misunderstood 现在分词 misunderstanding vt. 误解;误会misunderstand verb:误解;misunderstand normally:正常地误解v misunderstand:不理解misunderst

9、and illogically:不合逻辑地误解misunderstand misread:理解得不对you misunderstand:你误解;引起你的误解;让你产生误解;你理解错了misunderstand with:与误解;误解与misunderstand-:误会;误解misunderstand deliberately:故意误解1.V-T/V-I If you misunderstand someone or something, you do not understand them properly. 误解I misunderstood you.我误会你了。2.CONVENTION Y

10、ou can say dont misunderstand me when you want to correct a wrong impression that you think someone may have got about what you are saying. 别误会 (用以纠正别人对自己所说话的错误理解)3. see also misunderstooddefend英 dfend 美 dfndvt. 辩护;防护vi. 保卫;防守defend against:防卫;防卫以免;防卫以免于;抵御defend korea:万历抗倭战争Defend Love:机动战士高达To def

11、end:保卫;保护;防御defend tribe:部落大防御Defend Scratch:抗刮痕defend tier:抗裂防护层vigorously defend:竭力维护;详细翻译Defend Alone:独自防御1.V-T If you defend someone or something, you take action in order to protect them. 保护His courage in defending religious and civil rights inspired many outside the church.他捍卫宗教权和公民权的勇气鼓舞了许多非教

12、会人士。2.V-T If you defend someone or something when they have been criticized, you argue in support of them. 为争辩He defended his administrations response to the disaster against critics who charge the federal government is moving too slowly.他为他的行政部门对灾难的反应做了争辩,反驳批评人士指控联邦政府行动过于迟缓。3.V-T When a lawyer defe

13、nds a person who has been accused of something, the lawyer argues on their behalf in a court of law that the charges are not true. 为辩护.a lawyer who defended political prisoners during the military regime.一位在军权时期为政治犯进行辩护的律师。4.V-T When a sports player plays in the tournament which they won the previou

14、s time it was held, you can say that they are defending their title. 卫冕 journalismTorrence expects to defend her title successfully in the next Olympics.托伦斯希望下届奥运会能成功卫冕。curious英 kjrs 美 kjrs 比较级 more curious 最高级 most curious adj. 好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的Curious George:好奇的乔治;好奇猴乔治;好奇小猴乔治;好奇乔治Stay Curious:保持

15、好奇;德不罗毅;拒绝的魅力Curious Creature:好奇的精灵专辑;好奇的精灵Curious Owl:叫好奇猫头鹰Curious Camel:好奇的骆驼Curious Balls:好奇的小球Something curious:对某物好奇;对某事感到好奇;对什么事情好奇Curious Minds:好奇心;好奇的小脑袋;奇思妙想1.ADJ If you are curious about something, you are interested in it and want to know more about it. 好奇的Steve was intensely curious abo

16、ut the world I came from.史蒂夫对我是从哪里来的有强烈的好奇心。2.curiously ADV 好奇地 ADV after vThe woman in the shop had looked at them curiously.商店里的那个女人好奇地看着他们。3.ADJ If you describe something as curious , you mean that it is unusual or difficult to understand. 不寻常的; 难以理解的The pageant promises to be a curious mixture o

17、f the ancient and modern.这次旅行可望是一次古典与现代风格的不寻常的组合。4.curiously ADV 令人不解的地Harry was curiously silent through all this.哈利自始至终都令人不解地保持着沉默。canteen英 kntin 美 kntinn. 食堂,小卖部;水壶Hollywood Canteen:好莱坞餐厅;影城乐府water canteen:水瓶dry canteen:不卖酒的小卖部Canteen Cook:员工餐厅厨师;员餐厨师Canteen litter:还有人在食堂乱扔垃圾Canteen food:食堂的食物ink canteen:墨水瓶Canteen Photo:食堂实景1.N-COUNT A canteen is a place in a factory or military base where meals or snacks are served to the people who work there. 食堂Rennie had eaten his supper in the canteen.伦尼已在食堂吃过晚饭。2.N-COUNT A canteen is a small me

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