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1、Designer School No Class ( ) Group ( ) Date:教材分析我教的是八年级下册(人教版)Go for it! Unit5. If you go to the party, you will have a great time! 的第二课(P.35),我把它定为听说操练课,即通过听和说的方式来操练语言。编者在这一课一共安排了三个活动。第一部分是 Listen and number the phrases in the order you hear them. 编者想通过学生对所听到的信息进行排序来抓听对话中可能出现的关键词。我不打算用这个活动,因为我觉得编者所

2、给出的词组和短语过于简单,都是一些常用的词组,学生几乎每天都能听到,在听的过程中,学生很容易识别出。因此,我对教材进行了整合。我觉得这一部分可以在做听前准备活动时,老师给出问题让学生猜对话的大概内容,这些词组大概都可以通过提醒暗示等方法获得。在听第一遍时,我们的习惯是给学生一个能体现对话主旨大意的问题,让学生从整体上了解对话的大意,如果学生能把握文章中心意思,对下面听细节信息也是很有帮助的。第二部分是 Listen again and answer the questions. 编者想通过回答问题来抓住对话中的细节信息。我打算用这个活动,是让学生在听第三遍的时候用。从我的学生的实际情况和语言学

3、习水平看,在听完一遍后让学生,就回答问题,学生很难采集到信息点,而且学生大多对听力反感,如果让他们一开始听一遍就写出句子,对他们来说,则是天大的挑战。所以听第二遍的时候,我打算准备一些正误判断题,相对就降低了难度,学生能抓住信息点,而且这些题是紧扣本单元的语法点来设计。一、可以帮助学生抓住细节信息,理解对话意思;二、学生可以通过做这些练习,注意到本单元的语法点“If 主语+ do(es) sth, Subject+ will/will not + V-原型 ”。同时,这些题与课本上给出的第二题有紧密的联系,学生做完这道题后,很容易做出课本上的第二题。第三部分是 Pair work to rol

4、e play the conversation. 编者想给学生提供机会,让学生用目标语操练对话。我觉得这一部分比较适合学生的学习需要,学生在语言输入后,就应该有机会语言输出,从而调动学生学习的积极性,培养学生英语学习的兴趣。我在设计这部分教学过程时,打算给了学生一个任务,即他们的讨论结果将是他们家庭作业的准备,而且认真完成任务的pair将会得到精美的书签,我想这对他们来说,可是一个诱饵,老师能抓住学生的心理特点,对教材进行适当的整合,并以书签做刺激物,老师很容易调动学生的积极性,我想这样的教学也会取得事半功倍的效果。鉴于以上几点,我认为一名认真对学生负责的老师应根据学生的实际情况可学生的心理特

5、点,对教材进行相应的整合,在适应学生实际情况的同时,极大的调动学生的学习积极性,培养学生兴趣。Teaching Plan for Lesson2, Unit5, J2B, Go for it! If you go to the party, youll have a great time!Name: Class: Group: The background of studentsFrom classroom observation, the students in Class14, Grade2 in Haikou No.14 Middle School (junior high) are d

6、escribed as follows: the basis of the class: The class is a large class with 58 lovely and energetic students (35girls and 23 boys). the attitudes: Students seem to actively respond to the teacher in chorus but they would not like to demonstrate their answers individually in public except some activ

7、e top students. the ability: Most students can respond to display questions in mechanical practice after reading and can acquire new words with the help of teacher and their classmates but difficult to answer the questions in their own words. the strategies: Students would like to talk while the tea

8、cher explains about language points but they have not formed the habit of taking notes also some of them can not concentrate their mind when they are out of the teachers sight. The teacher should :(1) Pay more attention to developing students interest and promoting their motivations as well as helpi

9、ng them form the good habit of listening;(2) Help students realize the importance and significance of listening skills and strategies, which will make contributions to effective listening and setting students confidence in listening;(3) Remind Ss of taking notes about some key words or sentences dur

10、ing the process of listening:(4) More language support should also be in the teachers consideration. Main Learning Objectives Review and learn some words and useful expressions E.g. organize/lets do sth./study for/Thats no problem/., and then use them to talk about what will happen or the result if

11、you do sth. Learn some language items and communicative functionsUse the sentence pattern: “If Subject + do(es) sth, Subject+ will/will not + V-原型 ” to give suggestions to their peers or people who are in need of some advice when they are going to do something. Learn to use different listening skill

12、s/strategies in terms of students interest and different listening materials. (1) Predicting and guessing the central meaning of the conversation (When will they have the class party and what are they going to do at the party?) by pictures presenting by the teacher. (2) Listening to the conversation

13、 for the gist and checking their prediction by multiple choices.(3) Listening to the dialogue for the specific information about Andrea and Marks decision for when the party will be held by marking the “T” of “F” statements and filling in the form in 2b on page35. Attitude and significance of listen

14、ing(1) Encourage Ss to give their peers or other people suggestions when they are in the trouble of handling something or when they are hesitant in making decisions.(2) Develop students interest and help them form a good habit of listening.Teaching ProceduresStage 1: Pre-Listening: (5-10 minutes)Ste

15、p1: warm up activity: The teacher presents 4 pictures of different situations (see appendix), and one for each group to discuss why they can/can not have the class party at those moment and what are they going to do at the party? based on their own experience.Step2: After Ss get several colorful ans

16、wers, the teacher asks Ss to report their answers and presents them under the related pictures presenting on Bb.Step3: The teacher declares they are going to listen to a conversation closely related to these pictures. It is a conversation between Andrea and Mark about when the class party will be he

17、ld and what they are going to do at the party and asks students to predict and guess the possible suggestions that Mark will give to Andrea based on the pictures and their discussion.Step4: The teacher indicates they will listen to the dialogue for the first time and check whether their prediction i

18、s right or wrong.Stage 2: while-listening (15-20 minutes) Listening for the gist of the conversation by circling the right answer of multiple choices.A. Andrea is going to have the class party. B. Andrea and Marks discussion about when will they have the class party and what they are going to do at

19、the party?C. Ss will leave school early to study for tomorrows test.D. Mark would like to help Andrea organize the party. The teacher checks Ss answer and indicates they are going to listen to the dialogue for the second time and do some more exercises. Listening for the specific information by mark

20、ing the “T” or “F” statements (see the appendix) during the second time playing the tape; if some statements are wrong, try to correct them based on their understanding of the conversation. The teacher asks Ss to have a discussion with their partners about their answers. Step5: The teacher plays the

21、 tape for the third time and helps Ss to make sure of their answers and asks them to fill in the blanks in 2b on page35 of their textbooks.Stage 3: post-Listening (10-15 minutes) Ss report their answers and teacher gives some explanation when necessary. The teacher plays the conversation again sente

22、nce by sentence and asks Ss to read them one by one after the tape during the short pauses given by the teacher.Step 3: The teacher guides Ss to summarize the key language items they learned through listening and presents them on Bb, and then asks Ss to practice them with their partners by asking qu

23、estions and answering based on their own experience in everyday life. The teacher walks around the classroom participating in Ss discussion and gives assistance if necessary.Step 4: The teacher gives the assignment: make up a dialogue between two people about their decisions making when and what the

24、y are going to do something, if they do not agree with each other, and gives the reasons. For example, you can make up a dialogue between Lily and Lucy about their decisions when they are going to visit and what they are going to do in Holiday Beach. Requirement: The dialogue must contain at least f

25、ive rounds. Teaching AidsBlackboard, chalks, pictures, textbooks, tapes, sheets for “T” or “F” statements.Verbtim Plan for Lesson2, Unit5, J2B, Go for it!If you go to the party, youll have a great time!Stage1: Pre-Listening activityT: Good morning, class!S: (Good morning, teacher!) Sit down, please.

26、 OK, class, do you still remember what we learnt yesterday? What did we learn? (If you, you will) If you, you will(The teacher says together with the Ss and then presents the sentence structure on Bb.) Now, class, please think it over, if you go to the party, you will. What will happen to you?(The t

27、eacher gives a short pause and looks at Ss encouragingly.) (You will have a great time.) Very good, now, class, the whole sentence, please. (If you go to the party, you will have a great time.) Good memory, Ok, class, today we are going to learn lesson2, a listening lesson, have you previewed? (Yes.

28、) Good, before we do the listening, first of all, lets see 4 pictures first. See, I have four pictures here, see? (The teacher shows the picture to the Ss.) Good, class, what are they about? (Ss say in chorus in low voice.) OK, lets see picture1. What are in the pictures? (The teacher shows Ss pictu

29、re1.) (A clock.) Good, class, whats the time, please. (The teacher points at the clock in the picture and looks at Ss smiley.) (Its then minutes to six.) Class, what do you usually do at 5:50? (Class is over, and its time to go home.) So, class, thats to say, you are leaving the school, am I right?

30、Good. Now, please look at this picture. (The teacher shows the picture to the Ss.) (Yea.) So, class, what is in the picture? (A boy, a clock and a classroom.) Good, what is the boy doing? (He is studying very hard.) Class, do you know what he is studying for?(He is for the examination.) Youre so smart. (The teacher thumbs up to Ss.)(The teacher deals the follow pictures in the same way.) OK, class, Ss in this clas

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